Research Article
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Year 2018, , 266 - 274, 26.12.2018



  • Banich MT & Compton R (2010): Cognitive Neuroscience. Nelson Education.
  • Bard C & Fleury M (1978): Influence of imposed metabolic fatigue on visual capacity components. Percept. Mot. Skills 47, 1283–1287.
  • BARKLEY RA (1997): Behavioral inhibition, sustained attention, and executive functions: Constructing a unifying theory of ADHD. Psychological Bulletin, 121, 65–94.
  • Bruce RA, Blackmon JR, Jones JW & Strait G (1963): Exercising testing in adult normal subjects and cardiac patients. Pediatrics, 32(4), 742-756.
  • Chang YK, Chu CH, Wang CC, Wang YC, Song TF, Tsai CL & Etnier JL (2015): Dose–response relation between exercise duration and cognition. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 47(1), 159-165.
  • Chang YK, Labban JD, Gapin JI & Etnier JL (2012): The effects of acute exercise on cognitive performance: a meta-analysis. Brain research, 1453, 87-101
  • Chmura J, Krysztofiak H, Ziemba AW, Nazar K. Kaciuba-Uscilko H (1997): Psychomotor performance during prolonged exercise above and below the blood lactate threshold. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. Occup. Physiol. 77, 77–80.
  • Etnier JL, Nowell PM, Landers DM, Sibley BA (2006): A meta-regression to examine the relationship between aerobic fitness and cognitive performance. Brain Res. Rev. 52, 119–130.
  • Etnier JL, Salazar W, Landers DM, Petruzzello SJ, Han M & Nowel P (1997): The influence of physical fitness and exercise upon cognitive functioning: a meta-analysis. J. Sport Exerc. Psychol. 19, 249–277.
  • Fery YA, Ferry A, Vom Hofe A, Rieu M (1997): Effect of physical exhaustion on cognitive functioning. Percept. Mot. Skills 84, 291–298.
  • Hillman CH, Erickson KI, Kramer AF (2008): Be smart, exercise your heart: exercise effects on brain and cognition. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 9, 58–65.
  • Hogervorst E, Riedel W, Jeukendrup A, Jolles J (1996): Cognitive performance after strenuous physical exercise. Percept. Mot. Skills 83, 479–488.
  • Hughes C & Graham A (2002). Measuring executive functions in childhood: Problems and solutions?. Child and adolescent mental health, 7(3), 131-142.
  • Kipp K (2005): A developmental perspective on the measurement of cognitive deficits in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 57, 1256–1260.
  • Lambourne K, Tomporowski P (2010): The effect of exercise-induced arousal on cognitive task performance: a meta-regression analysis. Brain Res. 1341, 12–24.
  • Macleod CM & Macdonald PA (2000): Interdimensional interference in the Stroop effect: Uncovering the cognitive and neural anatomy of attention. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 4, 383–391.
  • Mcmorris T, Graydon J (1997): The effect of exercise on cognitive performance in soccerspecific tests. J. Sports Sci. 15, 459–468.
  • Mcmorris T, Graydon J (2000): The effect of incremental exercise on cognitive performance. Int. J. Sports Physiol. 31, 66–81.
  • O’leary KC, Pontifex MB, Scudder MR, Brown ML & Hillman CH (2011): The effects of single bouts of aerobic exercise, exergaming, and videogame play on cognitive control. Clinical Neurophysiology, 122(8), 1518-1525.
  • Pachana NA, Thompson LW, Marcopulos BA & Yoash-Gantz R (2004): California older adult Stroop test (COAST) development of a Stroop test adapted for geriatric populations. Clinical gerontologist, 27(3), 3-22.
  • Parker A (2016): Effects of an Acute Bout of Exercise on Cognitive Function in Adolescent Athletes.
  • Penedo FJ, Dahn JR (2005): Exercise and well-being: a review of mental and physical health benefits associated with physical activity. Curr. Opin. Psychiatry 18, 189–193.
  • Peterson BS, Kane MJ, Alexander GM, Lacadie C, Skudlarski P, Leung HC, Et Al. (2002): An event-related functional MRI study comparing interference effects in the Simon and Stroop tasks. Cognitive Brain Research, 13, 427–440.
  • Pollock ML, Gaesser GA, Butcher JD, Despres JP, Dishman RK., Franklin BA, Garber CE (1998): ACSM position stand: the recommended quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, and flexibility in healthy adults. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 30, 975–991.
  • Vivian HH (2014): Advance Fitness Assessment & Exercise Prescription, 7th Edition, P81.
  • Tomporowski PD (2003): Effects of acute bouts of exercise on cognition. Acta Psychol.(Amst.) 112, 297–324.
  • Ward J (2015): The student's guide to cognitive neuroscience. Psychology Press.
  • Whyte EF, Gibbons N, Kerr G & Moran KA (2015): Effect of a High-Intensity Intermittent-Exercise Protocol on Neurocognitive Function in Healthy Adults: Implications for Return-to-Play Management After Sport-Related Concussion. Journal of sport rehabilitation, 24(4).
  • Zach S & Shalom E (2016): The influence of acute physical activity on working memory. Perceptual and motor skills, 122(2), 365-374.


Year 2018, , 266 - 274, 26.12.2018


insan sağlığına çok yönlü faydaları konusunda günümüzde en dikkat çeken
konulardan birisi bilişsel sağlığa olan yararlarıdır.
işlevler, bir amaca ulaşmak için planlama, bilgiyi kullanma, soyut düşünme ve
çıkarımlar yapma gibi birçok özelliği içine alan bir kavram olmakla birlikte
aerobik egzersiz ile ilişkisi sık sık çalışılmaktadır.  Bu çalışmanın amacı sporcu popülasyonunda,
orta ve yüksek şiddetli aerobik egzersizin yönetici işlevlerin ana
fonksiyonlarından biri olan bozucu etkiye direnç üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir.
Bu çalışmaya herhangi bir kronik hastalığı
bulunmayan ve en az 3 yıldır aktif olarak spor yapan 16 sağlıklı erkek
katılımcı (
yıl) dahil edilmiştir. Araştırma deseni olarak randomize karşılıklı dengeli
çalışma dizaynı uygulanmıştır. Katılımcılar test süresince toplamda 4 ayrı gün
laboratuvara gelmişler ve deneysel koşullar (orta ve yüksek şiddetli aerobik
egzersiz ve dinlenme) için laboratuvara geliş sıraları karşıt dengelenmiştir.
Katılımcılar orta şiddetli aerobik egzersiz için %60, yüksek şiddetli aerobik
egzersiz için %80 kalp atım rezervinde 30 dakikalık egzersiz yapmışlardır.
Dinlenme koşulunda ise egzersiz koşullarında geçen süre kadar dergi ve
kitapların olduğu sessiz bir odada oturmaları sağlanmıştır.  Test koşullarının öncesinde ve 15 dakika
sonrasında bozucu etkiye direnç ölçümleri için Stroop testine alınmışlardır.
Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde SPSS 22.0 paket programı kullanılmıştır.
Katılımcıların farklı koşullardaki Stroop testi performansları arasındaki
farkın belirlenmesi Two-Way Anova analizi ile gerçekleştirilmiştir.
İstatistiksel analiz sonuçlarına göre; Stroop testi doğru sayılarına ilişkin
koşullar arası anlamlı bir farklılığa rastlanmamıştır (p>0,05).
Katılımcıların Stroop testi reaksiyon zamanları orta ve yüksek şiddetli aerobik
egzersiz koşullarında, dinlenme koşuluna göre anlamlı düzeyde azalmıştır
(p<0,05). Sonuç olarak bu çalışmada orta ve yüksek şiddetli aerobik
egzersizin bozucu etkiye direnç üzerinde olumlu bir etkisinin olduğu ortaya


  • Banich MT & Compton R (2010): Cognitive Neuroscience. Nelson Education.
  • Bard C & Fleury M (1978): Influence of imposed metabolic fatigue on visual capacity components. Percept. Mot. Skills 47, 1283–1287.
  • BARKLEY RA (1997): Behavioral inhibition, sustained attention, and executive functions: Constructing a unifying theory of ADHD. Psychological Bulletin, 121, 65–94.
  • Bruce RA, Blackmon JR, Jones JW & Strait G (1963): Exercising testing in adult normal subjects and cardiac patients. Pediatrics, 32(4), 742-756.
  • Chang YK, Chu CH, Wang CC, Wang YC, Song TF, Tsai CL & Etnier JL (2015): Dose–response relation between exercise duration and cognition. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 47(1), 159-165.
  • Chang YK, Labban JD, Gapin JI & Etnier JL (2012): The effects of acute exercise on cognitive performance: a meta-analysis. Brain research, 1453, 87-101
  • Chmura J, Krysztofiak H, Ziemba AW, Nazar K. Kaciuba-Uscilko H (1997): Psychomotor performance during prolonged exercise above and below the blood lactate threshold. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. Occup. Physiol. 77, 77–80.
  • Etnier JL, Nowell PM, Landers DM, Sibley BA (2006): A meta-regression to examine the relationship between aerobic fitness and cognitive performance. Brain Res. Rev. 52, 119–130.
  • Etnier JL, Salazar W, Landers DM, Petruzzello SJ, Han M & Nowel P (1997): The influence of physical fitness and exercise upon cognitive functioning: a meta-analysis. J. Sport Exerc. Psychol. 19, 249–277.
  • Fery YA, Ferry A, Vom Hofe A, Rieu M (1997): Effect of physical exhaustion on cognitive functioning. Percept. Mot. Skills 84, 291–298.
  • Hillman CH, Erickson KI, Kramer AF (2008): Be smart, exercise your heart: exercise effects on brain and cognition. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 9, 58–65.
  • Hogervorst E, Riedel W, Jeukendrup A, Jolles J (1996): Cognitive performance after strenuous physical exercise. Percept. Mot. Skills 83, 479–488.
  • Hughes C & Graham A (2002). Measuring executive functions in childhood: Problems and solutions?. Child and adolescent mental health, 7(3), 131-142.
  • Kipp K (2005): A developmental perspective on the measurement of cognitive deficits in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 57, 1256–1260.
  • Lambourne K, Tomporowski P (2010): The effect of exercise-induced arousal on cognitive task performance: a meta-regression analysis. Brain Res. 1341, 12–24.
  • Macleod CM & Macdonald PA (2000): Interdimensional interference in the Stroop effect: Uncovering the cognitive and neural anatomy of attention. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 4, 383–391.
  • Mcmorris T, Graydon J (1997): The effect of exercise on cognitive performance in soccerspecific tests. J. Sports Sci. 15, 459–468.
  • Mcmorris T, Graydon J (2000): The effect of incremental exercise on cognitive performance. Int. J. Sports Physiol. 31, 66–81.
  • O’leary KC, Pontifex MB, Scudder MR, Brown ML & Hillman CH (2011): The effects of single bouts of aerobic exercise, exergaming, and videogame play on cognitive control. Clinical Neurophysiology, 122(8), 1518-1525.
  • Pachana NA, Thompson LW, Marcopulos BA & Yoash-Gantz R (2004): California older adult Stroop test (COAST) development of a Stroop test adapted for geriatric populations. Clinical gerontologist, 27(3), 3-22.
  • Parker A (2016): Effects of an Acute Bout of Exercise on Cognitive Function in Adolescent Athletes.
  • Penedo FJ, Dahn JR (2005): Exercise and well-being: a review of mental and physical health benefits associated with physical activity. Curr. Opin. Psychiatry 18, 189–193.
  • Peterson BS, Kane MJ, Alexander GM, Lacadie C, Skudlarski P, Leung HC, Et Al. (2002): An event-related functional MRI study comparing interference effects in the Simon and Stroop tasks. Cognitive Brain Research, 13, 427–440.
  • Pollock ML, Gaesser GA, Butcher JD, Despres JP, Dishman RK., Franklin BA, Garber CE (1998): ACSM position stand: the recommended quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, and flexibility in healthy adults. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 30, 975–991.
  • Vivian HH (2014): Advance Fitness Assessment & Exercise Prescription, 7th Edition, P81.
  • Tomporowski PD (2003): Effects of acute bouts of exercise on cognition. Acta Psychol.(Amst.) 112, 297–324.
  • Ward J (2015): The student's guide to cognitive neuroscience. Psychology Press.
  • Whyte EF, Gibbons N, Kerr G & Moran KA (2015): Effect of a High-Intensity Intermittent-Exercise Protocol on Neurocognitive Function in Healthy Adults: Implications for Return-to-Play Management After Sport-Related Concussion. Journal of sport rehabilitation, 24(4).
  • Zach S & Shalom E (2016): The influence of acute physical activity on working memory. Perceptual and motor skills, 122(2), 365-374.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Articles

Erdem Çakaloğlu

Perican Bayar

Publication Date December 26, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018



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