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Kaya tırmanışı sporunda yaralanma risk ve çeşitleri üzerine bir derleme

Year 2015, , 41 - 55, 01.04.2015


Düzenli fiziksel aktivitenin sağlığa olumlu etkileri bilinmektedir. Ancak bu olumlu etkiler fiziksel aktivite bireyin ihtiyaçlarını karşılayacak şekilde, bireye özgü hedeflerle, kişinin yüklenmelere uyum sağlayabileceği şekilde planlandığında ortaya çıkmaktadır. Düzenli fiziksel aktivite spor olarak yapıldığında, kişinin performansını sürekli en üst düzeyde tutma isteği, birey üzerindeki kazanma baskısı gibi sebepler aşırı fiziksel ve psikolojik zorlanmaları ve hatta spora bağlı yaralanmaları beraberinde getirmektedir.Genel olarak spor yaralanması, egzersiz ve spor sırasında bir kazaya bağlı olarak ortaya çıkan fiziksel zarar olarak tanımlanmaktadır.Bununla birlikte spora bağlı yaralanmaların hayatın birçok alanında olumsuz etkileri olabilmekte, kişiye ve topluma psikolojik, sosyal, ekonomik ve eğitimle ilgili zararlar verebilmektedir. Bu makalenin amacı; sürekli gelişen bir spor olan kaya tırmanışına bağlı yaralanma risk, sıklık ve çeşitlerinin incelenmesi, yaralanmanın önlenebilmesi icin alınabilecek önlemlerin değerlendirilmesidir. Böylece tırmanıcılar, antrenörler ve bu alanda çalışan sağlık uzmanları karşılaşabilecekleri yaralanma riskleri hakkında bilgi sahibi olabilecek, bu risklerin önlenmesi veya azaltılmasi için gerekli tedbirleri alabilecektir


  • Adriaensens L, Hesselink A, Fabrie M, et al (2014): Effectiveness of an online tailored intervention on determinants and behaviour to prevent running rela- ted sports injuries: a randomized controlled trial. Schweiz Z Sportmed, 62, 3, 6-13.
  • Almeida PL, Olmedilla A, Rubio VJ, et al (2014): Psychology in the realm of sport injury: What it is all about. Rev Psicol Deporte, 23, 2, 395-400.
  • Backe S, Erıcson L, Janson S, et al (2009): Rock Climbing Injury Rates and Associated Risk Factors in a General Climbing Population. Scand J Med Sci Spor, 19, 850-856.
  • Backx FJG, Beijer HJM, Bol E, et al (1991): Injuries in high-risk persons and high-risk sports, A longitudinal study of 1818 school children. Am J Sport Med, 19, 2, 124-130.
  • Bollen SR (1988): Soft tissue injury in extreme rock climbers. Br J Sports Med, 22, 145-147.
  • Bollen SR, Gunson CK (1990): Hand Injuries in competition climbers. Br J Sport Med, 24, 16-18.
  • Breivik G (1996): Personality, sensation seeking and risk taking among Everest climbers. Int J Sport Psychol, 27, 308-320.
  • Brymer E, Schweitzer R (2013): The search for freedom in extreme sports: A phenomenological exploration. Psychol Sport Exerc, 14, 6, 865-873.
  • Carmeli E, Werthein M (2001): Hand injuries in young and old wall climbers. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Sportmedicine, 52, 10, 285-288.
  • Castanier C, Le Scanff C, Woodman T. (2010): Beyond sensation seeking: affect regulation as a framework for predicting risk-taking behaviors in high-risk sport. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 32, 731-738.
  • Clarsen B, Myklebüst G, Bahr R (2013): Develop- ment and validation of a new method for the regist- ration of overuse injuries in sports injury epidemio- logy: the oslo sports trauma research centre (ostrc) overuse injury questionnaire. Sports Med, 47, 495- 502.
  • DiFiori JP, Benjamin HJ, Brenner JS, et al (2014): Overuse injuries and burnout in youth sports: a po- sition statement from the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine. Br J Sports Med, 48, 287-288.
  • Donath L, Roesner K, Schöffl V, et al (2013): Work-relief ratios and imbalances of load applica- tion in sport climbing: Another link to overuse- induced injuries? Scand J Med Sci Sports, 23, 406- 414.
  • Draper N, Jones GA, Fryer S, et al (2010): Physio- logical and psychological responses to lead and top- rope climbing for ıntermediate level rock clim- bers. Eur J Sport Sci, 10, 1, 13-20.
  • Draper N, Canalejo JC, Fryer S, et al (2011): Re- porting climbing grades and grouping categories for rock climbing. Isokinet Exerc Sci, 19, 4, 273-280.
  • Durand-Bechua M, Chaminadeb B, Belleudyc P, et al (2014): Rock-climbing injuries in france from 2004 until 2011. Science & Sports, 29, 125-130.
  • Fanchini M, Violette F, Impellizzeri FM, et al (2013): differences in climbing-specific strength between boulder and lead rock climbers. J Strength Cond Res, 27, 2, 310-314.
  • Fasulo DJ (2005): Kaya tırmanışında kurtarma teknikleri. Geven Doğa ve Yayıncılık, Istanbul.
  • Feskanich D, Willett W, Colditz G (2002): Walking and leisure-time activity and risk of hip fracture in postmenopausal women. JAMA, 288, 18, 2300- 2306.
  • Folkl AK (2013): Characterizing the consequences of chronic climbing-related injury in sport climbers and boulderers. Wilderness Environ Med, 24, 153- 158.
  • Fuller CW (2010): Injury definitions. 43-53. In: Verhagen W, Mechelen V (Ed), Sports injury rese- arch. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Gerdes EM, Hafner JW, Aldag JC (2006): Injury patterns and safety practices of rock climbers. J Trauma, 61, 1517-1525.
  • Giles LV, Rhodes EC, Taunton JE (2006): The physiology of rock climbing. Sports Med, 36, 6, 529-545.
  • Haskell WL, Lee IM, Pate RR, et al (2007): Physi- cal activity and public health: updated recommen- dation from the american college of sports medicine and the american heart association. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 39, 8, 1423-1434.
  • Hodgson CI, Draper N, Mcmorris T, et al (2008): Perceived anxiety and plasma cortisol concentrati- ons following rock climbing with differing safety rope protocols. Br J Sports Med, 43, 7, 531-535.
  • Holtzhausen LM, Noakes T (1996): Elbow, fore- arm, wrist, and hand injuries among sport rock climbers. Clin J Sport Med, 6, 3, 196-203.
  • Humphries D (1993): Injury rates in rock climbers. J Wilderness Med, 4, 281-285.
  • IFSC, International Federation of Sport Climbing (2014a): ifsc/president-s-message. (18 October 2014).
  • IFSC. International Federation of Sport Climbing. (2014b): ifsc/key-figures. (02.01.2014). http://wwwifsc
  • Jones G, Asghar A, Llewellyn DJ (2008): The epidemiology of rock-climbing injuries. Br J Sports Med, 42, 773-778
  • Joseph AM, Collins CL, Henke NM, et al (2013): A multisport epidemiologic comparison of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in high school athletics. J Athl Train, 48, 6, 810-817.
  • Kajtna T, Tusak M (2004): Some psychological studies of high risk sports. Kinesiol Slovenica, 10, 1, 96-105.
  • Kesaniemi YK, Danforth E, Jr Jensen MD, et al (2001): Dose-response issues concerning physical activity and health: an evidence-based symposium. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 33, 6, 351-358.
  • Kidd TW, Hazelrigs J (2009): Rock climbing- outdoor adventures. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL.
  • Kubiak EN, Klugman JA, Bosco JA. (2006): Hand Injuries in Rock Climbers. Bull NYU Hosp Jt Dis, 64, 3-4, 172-177.
  • Lack DA, Sheets AL, Entin JM, et al (2012): Rock climbing rescues: causes, injuries, and trends in bo- ulder county, colorado. Wilderness Environ Med, 23, 223-230.
  • Largiader U, Oelz O (1993): An analysis of overst- rain injuries in rock climbing. Schweiz Z Sport- med, 41, 3, 107-114.
  • Lehr ME, Plisky PJ, Butler RJ, et al (2013): Un- derwood FB. Field-expedient screening and injury risk algorithm categories as predictors of noncon- tact lower extremity injury. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 23, 225-232.
  • Leitzmann MF, Rimm EB, Willett WC, et al (1999): Recreational physical activity and the risk of cholecystectomy in women. N Engl J Me, 341, 11, 777-784.
  • Llwellyn DJ, Sanchez X, Asghar A, et al (2008): Self-efficacy, risk taking and performance in rock climbing. Pers Indiv Differ, 45, 1, 75-81.
  • Logan AJ, Makwana N, Mason G, et al (2004): Acute hand and wrist injuries in experienced rock climbers. Br J Sports Med, 38, 545-548.
  • Maitland M (1992): Injuries associated with rock climbing. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 16, 68-72.
  • Martha C, Sanchez X, Freixanet G (2009): Risk perception as a function of risk exposure amongst rock climbers. Psychol Sport Exerc, 10, 193-200.
  • Martha C, Laurendeau J (2010): Are perceived comparative risks realistic among high-rlsk sports participants? USEP, 8, 129-146.
  • Morrison AB, Schoffl VR (2007): Physiological responses to rock climbing in young climbers. Br J Sports Med, 41, 852-861.
  • Nelson NG, McKenzie LB (2009): Rock climbing injuries treated in emergency departments in the u.s., 1990–2007. Am J Prev Med, 37, 3, 195-200.
  • Neuhof A, Hennig FF, Schoffl I, et al (2011): Injury risk evaluation in sport climbing. Int J Sports Med, 32, 794-800.
  • Paige TE, Fiore DC, Houston JD (1998): Injury in traditional and sport rock climbing. Wild Environ Med, 9, 2-7.
  • Pedersen DM (1997): Perceptions of high risk sports. Percept Mot Skills, 85, 756-758.
  • Peters P (2001): Orthopedic problems in sport climbing. Wild Environ Med, 12, 100-110.
  • Pfeifer C, Messner K, Scherer R, et al (2000): Injury pattern and overuse stress syn- drome in yo- ung sport climbers. Wien Klin Wochenschr, 112, 22, 965-972.
  • Pieber K, Angelmaier L, Csapo R, et al (2012): Acute injuries and overuse syndromes in sport climbing and bouldering in Aüstria: a descriptive epidemiological study. Wien Klin Wochenschr, 124, 357-362.
  • Roberti JW (2004): A review of behavioral and biological correlates of sensation seeking. J Res Pers 38, 256-279.
  • Rohrbourgh JT, Mudge MK, Schilling KC (2000): Overuse injuries in the elite rock climber. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 32, 1369-1372.
  • Roos KG, Marshall SW (2014): definition and usage of the term ‘‘overuse injury’’ in the us high school and collegiate sport epidemiology literature: a systematic review. Sports Med, 44, 405-421.
  • Schafer J, Gaulrapp H, Pforringer W (1998): Acute and chronic overuse injuries in extreme sport- clim- bing. Sportverletz Sportschaden, 12, 1, 21-25.
  • Schoffl I, Schoffl V, Dotsch J, et al (2011): Correla- tions between high level sport-climbing and the de- velopmentof adolescents. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 23, 4, 477-486.
  • Schoffl V, Morrıson A, Schwarz U, et al (2010a): Evaluation of ınjury and fatality risk in rock and ıce climbing. Sports Med, 40, 8, 657-679.
  • Schoffl V, Hochholzer T, Schoffl I (2010b): Exten- sor hood syndrome-osteophytic irritation of digital extensor tendons in rock climbers. Wild Environ Med, 21, 253-256.
  • Schoffl V, Morrison A, Hefti U, et al (2011): The uıaa medical commission ınjury classification for mountaineering and climbing sports. Wild Environ Med, 22, 1, 46-51.
  • Schoffl VR, Hoffmann G, Kupper T (2013): Acute injury risk and severity in indoor climbing - A prospective analysis of 515.337 indoor climbing wall visits in 5 years. Wild Environ Med, 24, 187- 194.
  • Shahram A, Farzad A, Reza R (2007): A study on the prevalence of muscular-skeleton injuries of rock climbers. Facta Universitatis Physical Education and Sport, 5, 1, 1-7.
  • Shaw WD, Jakus P (1996): Travel cost models of the demand for rock climbing. Agr Resource Eco Rev, 25, 2.
  • Shea KG, Shea OF, Meals RA (1992): Manual demands and consequences of rock climbing. J Hand Surg Am, 17, 2, 200-205.
  • Shell AV (2004): Physiology of sport rock clim- bing. Br J Sports Med, 38, 3, 355-359.
  • Sibella F, Frosio I, Schena F, et al (2007): 3D analysis of the body center of mass in rock clim- bing. Hum Mov Sci, 26, 6, 841-852.
  • Siwek M, Dudek D, Drozdowicz K, et al (2014): Temperamental dimensions of the temps-a in male and female subjects engaging in extreme or/and high risk sports. J Affect Disord, 170, 66-70.
  • Stankovic D, Joksimovic A, Aleksandrovic M (2011): Relation and ınfluences of sport climbers’ specific strength on success ın sport climbing. SA ePublications, 33, 1, 121-131.
  • Sturm G, Zintl F (1979): Felsklettern, alpin-lehrplan 2, deutscher alpenverein. BlV Verlagsgesellschaft, München.
  • Thompson RN, Hanratty B, Corry IS (2011): ‘‘Heel hook’’ rock-climbing maneuver: a specific pattern of knee injury. Clin J Sport Med, 21, 365-368.
  • Timpka T, Jacobsson J, Bickenbach J, et al (2014): What is a sports injury? Sports Med, 44, 423-428.
  • Vigouroux L, Quaine F (2006): Fingertip force and electromyography of finger flexor muscles during a prolonged ıntermittend exercise in elite climbers and sedantary ındividuals. J Sport Sci, 24, 2, 181- 186.
  • Watts PB (2004): Physiology of difficult rock clim- bing. Eur J Appl Physiol, 91, 4, 361-372.
  • Wenger NK, Froelicher ES, Smith LK, et al (1995): Cardiac rehabilitation as secondary prevention. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Clin Pract Guidel Quick Ref Guide Clin, 17, 1-23
  • Wright DM, Royle TJ, Marshall T (2001): Indoor rock climbing: who gets injured? Br J Sports Med, 35, 181-185.
  • Yen YW (2001): Ice in her veins. Sports Illus, 95, 19, 22-24.
  • Young CC (2002): Extreme sports: injuries and medical coverage. Curr Sports Med Rep, 1, 5, 306- 311.
  • Young CC, Raasch WG (1994): A stress fracture of the phalanx from rock climbing: a case report. J Wilderness Med, 5, 413-416.


Year 2015, , 41 - 55, 01.04.2015


Positive effects of regular physical activity have been known. However, these positive effects arise when physical activity planned to meet individual’s needs, according to each individual’s own goals, and when individual adapt to the load. Some reasons such as the pressure to win on person and the want to keep the performance on the higest level can cause excessive physical and psychological stresses and also sport-related injuries when regular physical activity is made as a sport. In generally, sport injury has been defined as a physical damage occurring due to an accident during exercise and sport. However, sport-related injuries have other negative effects on many areas of life, and can damage to person and society psychological, social, economic and educational. The purposes of the review article were to examine the risk, frequency and type of injury, and evaluate precautions to prevent from injuries on rock climbing as a constantly growing sport branch. Thus, climbers, coaches and helath professionals working in this area may face about the risks of injury, and may take necessary precautions to prevent or reduce the risks


  • Adriaensens L, Hesselink A, Fabrie M, et al (2014): Effectiveness of an online tailored intervention on determinants and behaviour to prevent running rela- ted sports injuries: a randomized controlled trial. Schweiz Z Sportmed, 62, 3, 6-13.
  • Almeida PL, Olmedilla A, Rubio VJ, et al (2014): Psychology in the realm of sport injury: What it is all about. Rev Psicol Deporte, 23, 2, 395-400.
  • Backe S, Erıcson L, Janson S, et al (2009): Rock Climbing Injury Rates and Associated Risk Factors in a General Climbing Population. Scand J Med Sci Spor, 19, 850-856.
  • Backx FJG, Beijer HJM, Bol E, et al (1991): Injuries in high-risk persons and high-risk sports, A longitudinal study of 1818 school children. Am J Sport Med, 19, 2, 124-130.
  • Bollen SR (1988): Soft tissue injury in extreme rock climbers. Br J Sports Med, 22, 145-147.
  • Bollen SR, Gunson CK (1990): Hand Injuries in competition climbers. Br J Sport Med, 24, 16-18.
  • Breivik G (1996): Personality, sensation seeking and risk taking among Everest climbers. Int J Sport Psychol, 27, 308-320.
  • Brymer E, Schweitzer R (2013): The search for freedom in extreme sports: A phenomenological exploration. Psychol Sport Exerc, 14, 6, 865-873.
  • Carmeli E, Werthein M (2001): Hand injuries in young and old wall climbers. Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Sportmedicine, 52, 10, 285-288.
  • Castanier C, Le Scanff C, Woodman T. (2010): Beyond sensation seeking: affect regulation as a framework for predicting risk-taking behaviors in high-risk sport. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 32, 731-738.
  • Clarsen B, Myklebüst G, Bahr R (2013): Develop- ment and validation of a new method for the regist- ration of overuse injuries in sports injury epidemio- logy: the oslo sports trauma research centre (ostrc) overuse injury questionnaire. Sports Med, 47, 495- 502.
  • DiFiori JP, Benjamin HJ, Brenner JS, et al (2014): Overuse injuries and burnout in youth sports: a po- sition statement from the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine. Br J Sports Med, 48, 287-288.
  • Donath L, Roesner K, Schöffl V, et al (2013): Work-relief ratios and imbalances of load applica- tion in sport climbing: Another link to overuse- induced injuries? Scand J Med Sci Sports, 23, 406- 414.
  • Draper N, Jones GA, Fryer S, et al (2010): Physio- logical and psychological responses to lead and top- rope climbing for ıntermediate level rock clim- bers. Eur J Sport Sci, 10, 1, 13-20.
  • Draper N, Canalejo JC, Fryer S, et al (2011): Re- porting climbing grades and grouping categories for rock climbing. Isokinet Exerc Sci, 19, 4, 273-280.
  • Durand-Bechua M, Chaminadeb B, Belleudyc P, et al (2014): Rock-climbing injuries in france from 2004 until 2011. Science & Sports, 29, 125-130.
  • Fanchini M, Violette F, Impellizzeri FM, et al (2013): differences in climbing-specific strength between boulder and lead rock climbers. J Strength Cond Res, 27, 2, 310-314.
  • Fasulo DJ (2005): Kaya tırmanışında kurtarma teknikleri. Geven Doğa ve Yayıncılık, Istanbul.
  • Feskanich D, Willett W, Colditz G (2002): Walking and leisure-time activity and risk of hip fracture in postmenopausal women. JAMA, 288, 18, 2300- 2306.
  • Folkl AK (2013): Characterizing the consequences of chronic climbing-related injury in sport climbers and boulderers. Wilderness Environ Med, 24, 153- 158.
  • Fuller CW (2010): Injury definitions. 43-53. In: Verhagen W, Mechelen V (Ed), Sports injury rese- arch. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Gerdes EM, Hafner JW, Aldag JC (2006): Injury patterns and safety practices of rock climbers. J Trauma, 61, 1517-1525.
  • Giles LV, Rhodes EC, Taunton JE (2006): The physiology of rock climbing. Sports Med, 36, 6, 529-545.
  • Haskell WL, Lee IM, Pate RR, et al (2007): Physi- cal activity and public health: updated recommen- dation from the american college of sports medicine and the american heart association. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 39, 8, 1423-1434.
  • Hodgson CI, Draper N, Mcmorris T, et al (2008): Perceived anxiety and plasma cortisol concentrati- ons following rock climbing with differing safety rope protocols. Br J Sports Med, 43, 7, 531-535.
  • Holtzhausen LM, Noakes T (1996): Elbow, fore- arm, wrist, and hand injuries among sport rock climbers. Clin J Sport Med, 6, 3, 196-203.
  • Humphries D (1993): Injury rates in rock climbers. J Wilderness Med, 4, 281-285.
  • IFSC, International Federation of Sport Climbing (2014a): ifsc/president-s-message. (18 October 2014).
  • IFSC. International Federation of Sport Climbing. (2014b): ifsc/key-figures. (02.01.2014). http://wwwifsc
  • Jones G, Asghar A, Llewellyn DJ (2008): The epidemiology of rock-climbing injuries. Br J Sports Med, 42, 773-778
  • Joseph AM, Collins CL, Henke NM, et al (2013): A multisport epidemiologic comparison of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in high school athletics. J Athl Train, 48, 6, 810-817.
  • Kajtna T, Tusak M (2004): Some psychological studies of high risk sports. Kinesiol Slovenica, 10, 1, 96-105.
  • Kesaniemi YK, Danforth E, Jr Jensen MD, et al (2001): Dose-response issues concerning physical activity and health: an evidence-based symposium. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 33, 6, 351-358.
  • Kidd TW, Hazelrigs J (2009): Rock climbing- outdoor adventures. Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL.
  • Kubiak EN, Klugman JA, Bosco JA. (2006): Hand Injuries in Rock Climbers. Bull NYU Hosp Jt Dis, 64, 3-4, 172-177.
  • Lack DA, Sheets AL, Entin JM, et al (2012): Rock climbing rescues: causes, injuries, and trends in bo- ulder county, colorado. Wilderness Environ Med, 23, 223-230.
  • Largiader U, Oelz O (1993): An analysis of overst- rain injuries in rock climbing. Schweiz Z Sport- med, 41, 3, 107-114.
  • Lehr ME, Plisky PJ, Butler RJ, et al (2013): Un- derwood FB. Field-expedient screening and injury risk algorithm categories as predictors of noncon- tact lower extremity injury. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 23, 225-232.
  • Leitzmann MF, Rimm EB, Willett WC, et al (1999): Recreational physical activity and the risk of cholecystectomy in women. N Engl J Me, 341, 11, 777-784.
  • Llwellyn DJ, Sanchez X, Asghar A, et al (2008): Self-efficacy, risk taking and performance in rock climbing. Pers Indiv Differ, 45, 1, 75-81.
  • Logan AJ, Makwana N, Mason G, et al (2004): Acute hand and wrist injuries in experienced rock climbers. Br J Sports Med, 38, 545-548.
  • Maitland M (1992): Injuries associated with rock climbing. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 16, 68-72.
  • Martha C, Sanchez X, Freixanet G (2009): Risk perception as a function of risk exposure amongst rock climbers. Psychol Sport Exerc, 10, 193-200.
  • Martha C, Laurendeau J (2010): Are perceived comparative risks realistic among high-rlsk sports participants? USEP, 8, 129-146.
  • Morrison AB, Schoffl VR (2007): Physiological responses to rock climbing in young climbers. Br J Sports Med, 41, 852-861.
  • Nelson NG, McKenzie LB (2009): Rock climbing injuries treated in emergency departments in the u.s., 1990–2007. Am J Prev Med, 37, 3, 195-200.
  • Neuhof A, Hennig FF, Schoffl I, et al (2011): Injury risk evaluation in sport climbing. Int J Sports Med, 32, 794-800.
  • Paige TE, Fiore DC, Houston JD (1998): Injury in traditional and sport rock climbing. Wild Environ Med, 9, 2-7.
  • Pedersen DM (1997): Perceptions of high risk sports. Percept Mot Skills, 85, 756-758.
  • Peters P (2001): Orthopedic problems in sport climbing. Wild Environ Med, 12, 100-110.
  • Pfeifer C, Messner K, Scherer R, et al (2000): Injury pattern and overuse stress syn- drome in yo- ung sport climbers. Wien Klin Wochenschr, 112, 22, 965-972.
  • Pieber K, Angelmaier L, Csapo R, et al (2012): Acute injuries and overuse syndromes in sport climbing and bouldering in Aüstria: a descriptive epidemiological study. Wien Klin Wochenschr, 124, 357-362.
  • Roberti JW (2004): A review of behavioral and biological correlates of sensation seeking. J Res Pers 38, 256-279.
  • Rohrbourgh JT, Mudge MK, Schilling KC (2000): Overuse injuries in the elite rock climber. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 32, 1369-1372.
  • Roos KG, Marshall SW (2014): definition and usage of the term ‘‘overuse injury’’ in the us high school and collegiate sport epidemiology literature: a systematic review. Sports Med, 44, 405-421.
  • Schafer J, Gaulrapp H, Pforringer W (1998): Acute and chronic overuse injuries in extreme sport- clim- bing. Sportverletz Sportschaden, 12, 1, 21-25.
  • Schoffl I, Schoffl V, Dotsch J, et al (2011): Correla- tions between high level sport-climbing and the de- velopmentof adolescents. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 23, 4, 477-486.
  • Schoffl V, Morrıson A, Schwarz U, et al (2010a): Evaluation of ınjury and fatality risk in rock and ıce climbing. Sports Med, 40, 8, 657-679.
  • Schoffl V, Hochholzer T, Schoffl I (2010b): Exten- sor hood syndrome-osteophytic irritation of digital extensor tendons in rock climbers. Wild Environ Med, 21, 253-256.
  • Schoffl V, Morrison A, Hefti U, et al (2011): The uıaa medical commission ınjury classification for mountaineering and climbing sports. Wild Environ Med, 22, 1, 46-51.
  • Schoffl VR, Hoffmann G, Kupper T (2013): Acute injury risk and severity in indoor climbing - A prospective analysis of 515.337 indoor climbing wall visits in 5 years. Wild Environ Med, 24, 187- 194.
  • Shahram A, Farzad A, Reza R (2007): A study on the prevalence of muscular-skeleton injuries of rock climbers. Facta Universitatis Physical Education and Sport, 5, 1, 1-7.
  • Shaw WD, Jakus P (1996): Travel cost models of the demand for rock climbing. Agr Resource Eco Rev, 25, 2.
  • Shea KG, Shea OF, Meals RA (1992): Manual demands and consequences of rock climbing. J Hand Surg Am, 17, 2, 200-205.
  • Shell AV (2004): Physiology of sport rock clim- bing. Br J Sports Med, 38, 3, 355-359.
  • Sibella F, Frosio I, Schena F, et al (2007): 3D analysis of the body center of mass in rock clim- bing. Hum Mov Sci, 26, 6, 841-852.
  • Siwek M, Dudek D, Drozdowicz K, et al (2014): Temperamental dimensions of the temps-a in male and female subjects engaging in extreme or/and high risk sports. J Affect Disord, 170, 66-70.
  • Stankovic D, Joksimovic A, Aleksandrovic M (2011): Relation and ınfluences of sport climbers’ specific strength on success ın sport climbing. SA ePublications, 33, 1, 121-131.
  • Sturm G, Zintl F (1979): Felsklettern, alpin-lehrplan 2, deutscher alpenverein. BlV Verlagsgesellschaft, München.
  • Thompson RN, Hanratty B, Corry IS (2011): ‘‘Heel hook’’ rock-climbing maneuver: a specific pattern of knee injury. Clin J Sport Med, 21, 365-368.
  • Timpka T, Jacobsson J, Bickenbach J, et al (2014): What is a sports injury? Sports Med, 44, 423-428.
  • Vigouroux L, Quaine F (2006): Fingertip force and electromyography of finger flexor muscles during a prolonged ıntermittend exercise in elite climbers and sedantary ındividuals. J Sport Sci, 24, 2, 181- 186.
  • Watts PB (2004): Physiology of difficult rock clim- bing. Eur J Appl Physiol, 91, 4, 361-372.
  • Wenger NK, Froelicher ES, Smith LK, et al (1995): Cardiac rehabilitation as secondary prevention. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Clin Pract Guidel Quick Ref Guide Clin, 17, 1-23
  • Wright DM, Royle TJ, Marshall T (2001): Indoor rock climbing: who gets injured? Br J Sports Med, 35, 181-185.
  • Yen YW (2001): Ice in her veins. Sports Illus, 95, 19, 22-24.
  • Young CC (2002): Extreme sports: injuries and medical coverage. Curr Sports Med Rep, 1, 5, 306- 311.
  • Young CC, Raasch WG (1994): A stress fracture of the phalanx from rock climbing: a case report. J Wilderness Med, 5, 413-416.
There are 78 citations in total.


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Journal Section Research Article

Dicle Aras This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Aras, D. (2015). Kaya tırmanışı sporunda yaralanma risk ve çeşitleri üzerine bir derleme. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(1), 41-55.

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