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İzokinetik kuvvet antrenmanı

Year 2013, , 1 - 11, 01.04.2013


İzokinetik kas kasılması, konsentrik kas kasılmasının özel bir tipidir ve kas tüm hareket boyunca aynı hızda kasılır ve gevşer. Bu tip kas kasılmasının uygulanması için yükün ve kas kasılmasının artmasını sağlayan özel ve pahalı antrenman ekipmanına ihtiyaç vardır. Bu direnç antrenmanı metodunun faydası, hareketin tüm açısında kasta kuvvet kazanımı sağlaması ve kuvvet kazanımının en hızlı yollarından biri olmasıdır. Bu derlemede, izokinetik cihazının; test prosedürleri, kullanım şekilleri, avantaj ve dezavantajları, farklı eklemlerdeki uygulamaları, yaşlılarda, özel gruplarda uygulamaları ve kuvvet antrenmanına etkisi hakkında bilgiler verilmektedir


  • Bompa, T.O., Antrenman kuramı ve yöntemi, Spor Yayınevi ve Kitabevi, s.325-327, Ankara, 2007. Perrin, D. H., Isokinetic Exercise and Assesment, Human Kinetics, s.6, USA, 1993.
  • Baltzopoulos, V., Brodie, D.A., “Isokinetic Dynamometry Applications and Limitations”, Sports Medicine, 8(2), pp.101-116, 1989.
  • Dvir, Z., Isokinetics muscle testing interpretation and cinical applications, Churchill Livingstone, s.8-26, USA, 2004.
  • Maud, P.J., Foster, C., Physiological assessment of human fitness, Human Kinetics, s.109, USA, 1995.
  • Dick, F., Johnson, C, Paish, W., Strength training for athletic, British Amateur Athletic Board, s.16, London, 1978.
  • Chan K.M., Maffulli, N., Principles and Practice of Isokinetics in Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, Williams and Wilkins, Hong Kong, s.2-54-58, 1996.
  • Brown, L.E., Isokinetics in human performance. Human Kinetics, USA, s.3-4-7-8-9-10, 2000.
  • Şahin, Ö., “Rehabilitasyonda izokinetik değerlendirmeler”, Cumhuriyet Tıp Dergisi, 32, pp.386-396, 2010.
  • Lesmes, G.R., Costill, D.L., Coyle, E.F., Fink, W.J., “Muscle strength and power changes during maximal isokinetic training”, Medicine and Science in Sports, 10(4), pp.266-269, 1978.
  • Brown, L.E., Whitehurst, M., “The effect of short-term isokinetic training on force and rate of velocity development”, Journal of
  • Strength and Conditioning Research, 17(1), pp.88-94, 2003.
  • Morriss, C.J., Tolfrey, K., Coppack, R.J., “Effects of Short-Term Isokinetic Training on Standing Long-Jump Performance in
  • Untrained Men”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 15(4), pp.498-502, 2001. Evetovich, T.K., Housh, T.J., Housh, D.J., Johnson, G.O., Smith, D.B., Ebersole, K.T., “The Effect of Concentric Isokinetic Strength Training of the Quadriceps Femoris on Electromyography and Muscle Strength in the Trained and Untrained Limb”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 15(4), pp.439–445, 2001.
  • Prevost, M.C., Nelson, A.G., Maraj, B.K. ., “The Effect of Two Days of elocity-Specific Isokinetic Training on Torque Production”,
  • Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 13(1), pp.35
  • Abernethy, P.J., “Influence of acute endurance activity on isokinetic strength”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 7(3), –39, 1999. pp.141-146, 1993.
  • Abernethy, P.J., Howard, A., Quigley, B.M., “Isokinetic torque and instantaneous power-independent entities?”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 10(4), pp.220-223, 1996.
  • Tang, W.T., Shung, H.M., “Relationship between isokinetic strength and shooting accuracy at different shooting ranges in Taiwanese elite high school basketball players”, Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 13(3), pp.169-174, 2005.
  • Saliba, L., Hrysomallis, C., “Isokinetic strength related to jumping but not kicking performance of Australian footballers”, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 4(3), pp.336-347, 2001.
  • Gioftsidou, A., Ispirlidis, I., Pafis, G., Malliou, P., Bikos, C., Godolias, G., “Isokinetic strength training program for muscular
  • imbalances in professional soccer players
  • Coburn, J.W., Housh, T.J., Malek, M.H., Weir, J.P., Cramer, J.T., Beck, T.W.Johnson, G.O., “Neuromuscular Responses to Three
  • Days of Velocity-Specific Isokinetic Training
  • Beck, T.W., Housh, T.J., Johnson, G.O., Weir, J.P., Cramer, J.T., Coburn, J.W., Malek, M.H., Mielke, M., “Effects of two days of
  • ”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20(4), pp.892-898 2006.
  • isokinetic training on strength and electromyographic amplitude in the agonist and antogonist muscles”, Journal of Strength and
  • Conditioning Research, 21(3), pp.757-762, 2003.
  • Impellizzeri, F.M., Bizzini, M., Rampinini, E., Cereda, F., Maffiuletti, N.A., “Reliability of İsokinetic strength imbalance ratios measured using the Cybex Norm dynamometer”, Clin Physiol Funct Imaging, 28(2), pp.113-119, 2007.
  • Humac Norm Testing, Rehabilitation System User’s Guide, Model 770, Computer Sports Medicine, Inc. (CSMI), pp.(1)16-(1)17, USA, 2003.
  • Brown, L.E., Whitehurst, M., Findley, B.W., Gilbert, R., Groo, D.R., Jimenez, J.A., “Effect of repetitions and gender on acceleration range of motion during knee extension on an isokinetic device”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 12(4), pp.222-225, 1998.
  • Foran, B., “Advantages and disadvantages of isokinetics, variable resistance and free weights”, National Strength & Conditioning Association Journal, 7(1), pp.24-25, 1985.
  • Handel, M., Dickhuth, H.H., Mayer, F., Gülch, R.W., “Prerequisites and limitations to isokinetic meauserementes in humans”, European Journal of Applied Physiology, 73, pp.225-230, 1996.
  • Kale, M., Açıkada, C., Yılmaz, İ., “Sprinterlerin müsabaka döneminde izokinetik kriterleri ve sprint hız değişkenleri ilişkisi”, Spor
  • Bilimleri Dergisi
 Hacettepe Journal of Sport Sciences, , 19(3), pp.125-138, 2008.
  • Shu, W.P., Zhou, J.H.,”Study on knee joint isokinetic strength of male volleyball players”, Portuguese Journal of Sport Sciences, , Biomechanics in Sports 29, 11(2), pp.117-120, 2011.
  • Parrilla, I., Martínez- alencia, A., González-Ravé, J.M., “Comparison between plyometric and isokinetic training during three weeks
  • on isokinetic strength in sport sciences students
  • ”, Portuguese Journal of Sport Sciences, Biomechanics in Sports 29, 11(2), pp.713- 716, 2011.
  • Remaud, A., Cornu, C., Guével, A., “Neuromuscular adaptations to 8-week strength training: isotonic versus isokinetic mode”,
  • European Journal of Applied Physiology, 108, pp.59 –69, 2010. Özkan, A., Kin İşler, A., “Amerikan futbolcularında bacak hacmi,, bacak kütlesi, anaerobik performans ve izokinetik kuvvet arasındaki ilişki”, Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, , VIII (1), pp.35-41, 2010.
  • Şirin, E.F., Yalçın, S., “Kreatin yüklemesinin sporcuların izokinetik performansına etkisi”, Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor
  • Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(3), pp.169-177, 2009.
  • Siqueira, C.M. , Pelegrini, F.R.M.M., Fontana, M.F., Greve, J.M.D., “Isokinetic dynamometry of knee flexors and extensors: comparative study among non-athletes, jumper athletes and runner athletes”, RevHosp. Clin. Fac. Med. S Paulo, 57(1), pp.19-24, 2002. Şirin, E.F., İnce, A., Lök, S., Çağlayan, H.S., “Spor yapanlar ile yapmayanların izokinetik kas kuvvetleri ile kemik yoğunluğu arasındaki ilişkinin değerlendirilmesi”, Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, (3)1, pp.30-37, 2009.
  • Bradic, A, Bradic, J, Pasalic, E, and Markovic, G. “Isokinetic leg strength profile of elite male basketball players”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23(4), pp.1332–1337, 2009.
  • Theoharopoulos, A., Tsitskaris, G., Nikopoulou, M., Tsaklis, P., “Knee strength of professional basketball players”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 14(4), pp.457-463, 2000.
  • Amiridis, I.G., Cometti, G., Morlon, B., Martin, L., Martin, A., “Effects of the type of recovery training on the concentric strength of the knee extensors”, Journal of Sports Science, 15, pp.175-180, 1997.
  • Coombs, R., Garbutt, G., “Developments in the use of the hamstring/quadriceps ratio for the assessment of muscle balance”, Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 1, pp.56-62, 2002.
  • Luna, N.M.S., Alonso, A.C., Brech, G.C., Mochizuki, L., Nakano, E.Y., Greve, J.M.D., “Isokinetic analysis of ankle and ground reaction forces in runners and triathletes”, Clinics, 67(9), pp.1023-1028, 2012.
  • Arvas, B., Elhan, A., Baltacı, G., Özberk, N., Öner Coşkun, Ö., “Sıçrama aktivitesini kullanan ve kullanmayan sporcularda ayak
  • bileği kas kuvvetlerinin karşılaştırılması”, Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon, 17(2), pp.78-83, 2006.
  • Forthomme, B., Dvir, Z., Crielaard, J. M., Croisier, J. L., “Isokinetic assessment of the shoulder rotators: a study of optimal test position”, Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 31, pp.227–232, 2011. Yılmaz, H., Uğurlu, H., Sallı, A., “Fibromiyalji Sendromlu Hastalarda Kas Performansı”, Romatizma, 22, pp.43-47, 2007.
  • Wilkin, L.D., and B.L. Haddock, “Isokinetic strength of collegiate baseball pitchers during a season” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20(4), pp.829–832, 2006.
  • Malliou, P.C., Giannakopoulos, K., Beneka, A.G., Gioftsidou, A., Godolias, G., “Effective ways of restoring muscular imbalances of the rotator cuff muscle group: a comparative study of various training methods”, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 38, pp.766-772, 2004.
  • Laudner, K.G., Wilson, J.T., Meister, K., “Elbow isokinetic strength characteristics among collegiate baseball players”, Physical Therapy in Sport,13, pp.97-100, 2012.
  • Pousson, M., Lepers, R., Hoecke, J.V., “Changes in isokinetic torque and muscular activity of elbow flexors muscles with age”, Experimental Gerontology, 36, pp.1687-1698, 2001.
  • Colson, S., Pousson, M., Martin, A., Hoecke, J.V., “Isokinetic elbow flexion and coactivation following eccentric training”, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 9, pp.13-20, 1999.
  • Akın, S., Öner, Ö., Özberk, N., “Bel kaslarının izokinetik konsantrik kas gücü ölçümünde biodex dinamometrenin güvenilirliği”,
  • Romatizma, 19(1), pp.15-19, 2004.
  • Bozan, Ö., Koçyiğit, F., Cankurtaran, F., El, Ö., Gülbahar, S., Peker, Ö., “Postmenopozal osteoporozda egzersiz eğitiminin kas
  • kuvveti ve dengeye etkisi
  • Findley, B.W., Brown, L.E., Whitehurst, M., Gilbert, R., Groo, D.R., O’neal, J., “Sitting vs. Standing Isokinetic Trunk Extension and
  • ”, Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 13(2), pp.92-98, 2010.
  • Flexion Performance Differences”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 14(3), pp.310-315, 2000.
  • Emery, C.A., Maitland, M.E., Meeuwisse, W.H., “Test –retest reliability of isokinetic hip adductor and flexor muscle strength”, Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 9, pp.79-85, 1999.
  • Ellenbecker, T.S., Roetert, E. P., Riewald, S., “Isokinetic profile of wrist and forearm strength in elite female junior tennis players”, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 40, pp.411–414, 2006.
  • Lategan, L., “Isokinetic norms for ankle, knee, shoulder and forearm muscles in young South African men”, Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 19, pp.23–32, 2011.
  • Bottaro, M., Russo, A., de Oliveira, R.J., “The effects of rest interval on quadriceps torque during an isokinetic testing protocol in elderly”, Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 4, pp.285-290, 2005.
  • Phillips, W., Hazeldene, R., “Strength and Muscle Mass Changes in Elderly Men following Maximal Isokinetic Training”,
  • Gerontology, 42, pp.114-120, 1996.
  • Connelly, D.M., Vandervoort, A.A., “Effects of Isokinetic Strength Training on Concentric and Eccentric Torque Development in the Ankle Dorsiflexors of Older Adults”, Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences, 55A(10), pp.B465–B472, 2000.
  • Symons, T.B., Vandervoort, A.A., Rice, C.L., Overend, T.J., Marsh, G.D., “Effects of Maximal Isometric and Isokinetic Resistance Training on Strength and Functional
 Mobility in Older Adults”, Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 60A(6), pp.777–781, 2005.
  • Murray, P., Gardner, G.M., Mollinger, L.A., “Sepic, S.B., Strength of Isometric and Isokinetic Contractions : Knee Muscles of Men Aged 20 to 86”, Physical Therapy, 60, pp.412-419. 1980.
  • Frontera, R., Hughes, V.A., Lut, K.J., “A cross-sectional study of muscle strength and mass in 45- to 78-yr-old men and women”, Journal of Applied Physiology, 71, pp.644-650,1991.
  • Valour, D., Rouji, M., Pousson, M., “Effects of eccentric training on torque-angular velocity-power characteristics of elbow flexor muscles in older women”, Experimental Gerontology, 39, pp.359-368, 2004. Umay, E., Tezelli, M.K., Dinç, A., Rükşen, S., “Kaplıca Tedavisi Birlikteliği ile Diz Osteoartritli Hastalarda İzotonik ve İzokinetik Egzersiz Yöntemlerinin Karşılaştırılması”, Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Science, 15, pp.31-38, 2012.
  • Osteras, H., Augestad, L.B., Tondel, S., “Isokinetic muscle strength after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction”, Scandinavian Journal of Medicine Scince in Sports, 8, pp.279-282, 1998.
  • Holcomb, W.R., M.D. Rubley, H.J. Lee, and M.A. Guadagnoli, “Effect of hamstring-emphasized resistance training on hamstring:quadriceps strength ratios”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 21(1), pp.41–47, 2007.
  • Martens, D.W., Axtell, R.S., Stofan, J.R., “Case study: Isokinetic rehabilitation of a ruptured biceps tendon”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 9(1), pp.47-51, 1995.
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Year 2013, , 1 - 11, 01.04.2013


An isokinetic contraction is a specific type of concentric muscle contraction, which occurs when the muscle contracts and shortens at the same speed throughout the entire range of motion. This type of muscle contraction usually requires special, expensive training equipment that increases the load as it senses that the muscle contraction is speeding up. The benefit of this type of resistance training is that the muscle gains strength evenly all through the entire range of movement and it is one of the fastest ways to increase muscle strength. In this review, informations are given about testing procedures, using styles, advantages and disadvantages, different joints practices, older and special groups applications and impact of strength training


  • Bompa, T.O., Antrenman kuramı ve yöntemi, Spor Yayınevi ve Kitabevi, s.325-327, Ankara, 2007. Perrin, D. H., Isokinetic Exercise and Assesment, Human Kinetics, s.6, USA, 1993.
  • Baltzopoulos, V., Brodie, D.A., “Isokinetic Dynamometry Applications and Limitations”, Sports Medicine, 8(2), pp.101-116, 1989.
  • Dvir, Z., Isokinetics muscle testing interpretation and cinical applications, Churchill Livingstone, s.8-26, USA, 2004.
  • Maud, P.J., Foster, C., Physiological assessment of human fitness, Human Kinetics, s.109, USA, 1995.
  • Dick, F., Johnson, C, Paish, W., Strength training for athletic, British Amateur Athletic Board, s.16, London, 1978.
  • Chan K.M., Maffulli, N., Principles and Practice of Isokinetics in Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, Williams and Wilkins, Hong Kong, s.2-54-58, 1996.
  • Brown, L.E., Isokinetics in human performance. Human Kinetics, USA, s.3-4-7-8-9-10, 2000.
  • Şahin, Ö., “Rehabilitasyonda izokinetik değerlendirmeler”, Cumhuriyet Tıp Dergisi, 32, pp.386-396, 2010.
  • Lesmes, G.R., Costill, D.L., Coyle, E.F., Fink, W.J., “Muscle strength and power changes during maximal isokinetic training”, Medicine and Science in Sports, 10(4), pp.266-269, 1978.
  • Brown, L.E., Whitehurst, M., “The effect of short-term isokinetic training on force and rate of velocity development”, Journal of
  • Strength and Conditioning Research, 17(1), pp.88-94, 2003.
  • Morriss, C.J., Tolfrey, K., Coppack, R.J., “Effects of Short-Term Isokinetic Training on Standing Long-Jump Performance in
  • Untrained Men”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 15(4), pp.498-502, 2001. Evetovich, T.K., Housh, T.J., Housh, D.J., Johnson, G.O., Smith, D.B., Ebersole, K.T., “The Effect of Concentric Isokinetic Strength Training of the Quadriceps Femoris on Electromyography and Muscle Strength in the Trained and Untrained Limb”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 15(4), pp.439–445, 2001.
  • Prevost, M.C., Nelson, A.G., Maraj, B.K. ., “The Effect of Two Days of elocity-Specific Isokinetic Training on Torque Production”,
  • Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 13(1), pp.35
  • Abernethy, P.J., “Influence of acute endurance activity on isokinetic strength”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 7(3), –39, 1999. pp.141-146, 1993.
  • Abernethy, P.J., Howard, A., Quigley, B.M., “Isokinetic torque and instantaneous power-independent entities?”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 10(4), pp.220-223, 1996.
  • Tang, W.T., Shung, H.M., “Relationship between isokinetic strength and shooting accuracy at different shooting ranges in Taiwanese elite high school basketball players”, Isokinetics and Exercise Science, 13(3), pp.169-174, 2005.
  • Saliba, L., Hrysomallis, C., “Isokinetic strength related to jumping but not kicking performance of Australian footballers”, Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 4(3), pp.336-347, 2001.
  • Gioftsidou, A., Ispirlidis, I., Pafis, G., Malliou, P., Bikos, C., Godolias, G., “Isokinetic strength training program for muscular
  • imbalances in professional soccer players
  • Coburn, J.W., Housh, T.J., Malek, M.H., Weir, J.P., Cramer, J.T., Beck, T.W.Johnson, G.O., “Neuromuscular Responses to Three
  • Days of Velocity-Specific Isokinetic Training
  • Beck, T.W., Housh, T.J., Johnson, G.O., Weir, J.P., Cramer, J.T., Coburn, J.W., Malek, M.H., Mielke, M., “Effects of two days of
  • ”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20(4), pp.892-898 2006.
  • isokinetic training on strength and electromyographic amplitude in the agonist and antogonist muscles”, Journal of Strength and
  • Conditioning Research, 21(3), pp.757-762, 2003.
  • Impellizzeri, F.M., Bizzini, M., Rampinini, E., Cereda, F., Maffiuletti, N.A., “Reliability of İsokinetic strength imbalance ratios measured using the Cybex Norm dynamometer”, Clin Physiol Funct Imaging, 28(2), pp.113-119, 2007.
  • Humac Norm Testing, Rehabilitation System User’s Guide, Model 770, Computer Sports Medicine, Inc. (CSMI), pp.(1)16-(1)17, USA, 2003.
  • Brown, L.E., Whitehurst, M., Findley, B.W., Gilbert, R., Groo, D.R., Jimenez, J.A., “Effect of repetitions and gender on acceleration range of motion during knee extension on an isokinetic device”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 12(4), pp.222-225, 1998.
  • Foran, B., “Advantages and disadvantages of isokinetics, variable resistance and free weights”, National Strength & Conditioning Association Journal, 7(1), pp.24-25, 1985.
  • Handel, M., Dickhuth, H.H., Mayer, F., Gülch, R.W., “Prerequisites and limitations to isokinetic meauserementes in humans”, European Journal of Applied Physiology, 73, pp.225-230, 1996.
  • Kale, M., Açıkada, C., Yılmaz, İ., “Sprinterlerin müsabaka döneminde izokinetik kriterleri ve sprint hız değişkenleri ilişkisi”, Spor
  • Bilimleri Dergisi
 Hacettepe Journal of Sport Sciences, , 19(3), pp.125-138, 2008.
  • Shu, W.P., Zhou, J.H.,”Study on knee joint isokinetic strength of male volleyball players”, Portuguese Journal of Sport Sciences, , Biomechanics in Sports 29, 11(2), pp.117-120, 2011.
  • Parrilla, I., Martínez- alencia, A., González-Ravé, J.M., “Comparison between plyometric and isokinetic training during three weeks
  • on isokinetic strength in sport sciences students
  • ”, Portuguese Journal of Sport Sciences, Biomechanics in Sports 29, 11(2), pp.713- 716, 2011.
  • Remaud, A., Cornu, C., Guével, A., “Neuromuscular adaptations to 8-week strength training: isotonic versus isokinetic mode”,
  • European Journal of Applied Physiology, 108, pp.59 –69, 2010. Özkan, A., Kin İşler, A., “Amerikan futbolcularında bacak hacmi,, bacak kütlesi, anaerobik performans ve izokinetik kuvvet arasındaki ilişki”, Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, , VIII (1), pp.35-41, 2010.
  • Şirin, E.F., Yalçın, S., “Kreatin yüklemesinin sporcuların izokinetik performansına etkisi”, Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor
  • Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(3), pp.169-177, 2009.
  • Siqueira, C.M. , Pelegrini, F.R.M.M., Fontana, M.F., Greve, J.M.D., “Isokinetic dynamometry of knee flexors and extensors: comparative study among non-athletes, jumper athletes and runner athletes”, RevHosp. Clin. Fac. Med. S Paulo, 57(1), pp.19-24, 2002. Şirin, E.F., İnce, A., Lök, S., Çağlayan, H.S., “Spor yapanlar ile yapmayanların izokinetik kas kuvvetleri ile kemik yoğunluğu arasındaki ilişkinin değerlendirilmesi”, Niğde Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, (3)1, pp.30-37, 2009.
  • Bradic, A, Bradic, J, Pasalic, E, and Markovic, G. “Isokinetic leg strength profile of elite male basketball players”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23(4), pp.1332–1337, 2009.
  • Theoharopoulos, A., Tsitskaris, G., Nikopoulou, M., Tsaklis, P., “Knee strength of professional basketball players”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 14(4), pp.457-463, 2000.
  • Amiridis, I.G., Cometti, G., Morlon, B., Martin, L., Martin, A., “Effects of the type of recovery training on the concentric strength of the knee extensors”, Journal of Sports Science, 15, pp.175-180, 1997.
  • Coombs, R., Garbutt, G., “Developments in the use of the hamstring/quadriceps ratio for the assessment of muscle balance”, Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 1, pp.56-62, 2002.
  • Luna, N.M.S., Alonso, A.C., Brech, G.C., Mochizuki, L., Nakano, E.Y., Greve, J.M.D., “Isokinetic analysis of ankle and ground reaction forces in runners and triathletes”, Clinics, 67(9), pp.1023-1028, 2012.
  • Arvas, B., Elhan, A., Baltacı, G., Özberk, N., Öner Coşkun, Ö., “Sıçrama aktivitesini kullanan ve kullanmayan sporcularda ayak
  • bileği kas kuvvetlerinin karşılaştırılması”, Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon, 17(2), pp.78-83, 2006.
  • Forthomme, B., Dvir, Z., Crielaard, J. M., Croisier, J. L., “Isokinetic assessment of the shoulder rotators: a study of optimal test position”, Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 31, pp.227–232, 2011. Yılmaz, H., Uğurlu, H., Sallı, A., “Fibromiyalji Sendromlu Hastalarda Kas Performansı”, Romatizma, 22, pp.43-47, 2007.
  • Wilkin, L.D., and B.L. Haddock, “Isokinetic strength of collegiate baseball pitchers during a season” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20(4), pp.829–832, 2006.
  • Malliou, P.C., Giannakopoulos, K., Beneka, A.G., Gioftsidou, A., Godolias, G., “Effective ways of restoring muscular imbalances of the rotator cuff muscle group: a comparative study of various training methods”, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 38, pp.766-772, 2004.
  • Laudner, K.G., Wilson, J.T., Meister, K., “Elbow isokinetic strength characteristics among collegiate baseball players”, Physical Therapy in Sport,13, pp.97-100, 2012.
  • Pousson, M., Lepers, R., Hoecke, J.V., “Changes in isokinetic torque and muscular activity of elbow flexors muscles with age”, Experimental Gerontology, 36, pp.1687-1698, 2001.
  • Colson, S., Pousson, M., Martin, A., Hoecke, J.V., “Isokinetic elbow flexion and coactivation following eccentric training”, Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 9, pp.13-20, 1999.
  • Akın, S., Öner, Ö., Özberk, N., “Bel kaslarının izokinetik konsantrik kas gücü ölçümünde biodex dinamometrenin güvenilirliği”,
  • Romatizma, 19(1), pp.15-19, 2004.
  • Bozan, Ö., Koçyiğit, F., Cankurtaran, F., El, Ö., Gülbahar, S., Peker, Ö., “Postmenopozal osteoporozda egzersiz eğitiminin kas
  • kuvveti ve dengeye etkisi
  • Findley, B.W., Brown, L.E., Whitehurst, M., Gilbert, R., Groo, D.R., O’neal, J., “Sitting vs. Standing Isokinetic Trunk Extension and
  • ”, Turkish Journal of Geriatrics, 13(2), pp.92-98, 2010.
  • Flexion Performance Differences”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 14(3), pp.310-315, 2000.
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There are 78 citations in total.


Other ID JA96MR68GC
Journal Section Research Article

Barış Gürol This is me

İlker Yılmaz This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013


APA Gürol, B., & Yılmaz, İ. (2013). İzokinetik kuvvet antrenmanı. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1), 1-11.

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