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Year 2012, , 89 - 94, 01.04.2012


The purpose of this study was to determine the secondary school students’ problems solving skills and class climate in physical education course, and also to examine effect of problem solving skills on physical education class climate. The participants of this study are 548 students who are 295 girls (Mage± Sd =12.90 ± 0.81) and 253 boys (Mage± Sd = 12.89 ± 0.81) with a mean of age 12.89 ± 0.81 years. Problem Solving Inventory for Children and the Physical Education Class Climate Scale were used to determine students’ problem solving and physical education class climate levels, respectively. Independent sample t test, Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis with stepwise were used to analyze data. Results were showed that learning/mastery subscale was the best significant predictor of confidence to problem solving skill subscale


  • Fidan, N., Erden, M. “Eğitime Giriş”, Alkım Yayıncılık, Ankara, 1997.
  • D'Zurilla, T.J., Nezu, A.M., “Development and Preliminary Evaluation of the Social Problem-Solving Inventory. Psychological Assessment”, A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2, pp.156-163, 1990.
  • Barut, Y., Yılmaz, M., “Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bölümüne ve Eğitim Fakültesine Devam Eden Öğrencilerin Problem Çözme Becerilerinin Çeşitli Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi”. Uluslararası 1. Spor Bilimleri Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, pp. 26-27, 2000.
  • Miller, M., Nunn, G.D., “Using Group Discussions to Improve Social Problem-Solving and Learning”, Education (Chula Vista, Calif), 121, pp. 470-475, 2001.
  • Şahin, N., Şahin, N.H., Heppner, P.P., “Psychometric Properties of The Problem Solving Inventory in a Group of Turkish University Students”, Cognitive Therapy and Research, 17 (4), pp. 379-396, 1993.
  • Dow, G.T., Mayer, R.E., “Teaching Students to Solve Insight Problems: Evidence for Domain Specificity in Creativity Training”, Creativity Research Journal, 16, (4); pp. 389-13, 2004.
  • Savaşır, I., Şahin, N.H., “Bilişsel-Davranışçı Terapilerde Değerlendirme: Sık Kullanılan Ölçekler”, Ankara: Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları, 1997.
  • Yıldız L., Zırhlıoğlu G., Yalçınkaya M., Güven Ş., “Beden Eğitimi Öğretmen Adaylarının Yaratıcılık ve Problem Çözme Becerileri”, 7. Ulusal Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretmenlik Kongresi, Van/YYÜ Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Özel Sayısı, pp. 18-36, 2011.
  • Artistico, D., Orom H., Cervone D., Krauss S., Houston E., “Everyday Challenges in Context: The Influence of Contextual Factors on Everyday Problem Solving Among Young, Middle-Aged, and Older Adults”, Experimental Aging Research, 36, pp. 230–247, 2010.
  • Ames, C., “Achievement Goals and The Classroom Climate”. In J. Meece & D. Schunk (Eds.), Student Perceptions in The Classroom, s. 327-348, Hillsdale, NJ: Eribaum, 1992.
  • Walling, M.D., Duda, J.L., Chi, L., “The Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire: Construct and Predictive Validity”, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, Champaign, 15, pp. 172-183, 1993.
  • Morgan, K., Kingston, K., “Development of a Self-Observation Mastery Intervention Programme for Teacher Education”, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 13, pp. 109-129, 2008.
  • Ames, C., “Achievement Goals, Motivational Climate, and Motivational Processes”. In G.C. Roberts (Ed.), Motivation in sport and exercise, s. 161-176, Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1992.
  • Newman, R.S., “Students’ Help Seeking During Problem Solving: Influences of Personal and Contextual Achievement Goals”, Journal of Educational Psychology, 90(4), pp. 644-658, 1998.
  • Yıldız, S.A., “Ebeveynin Problem Çözme Becerisini Geliştirmeye Yönelik Deneysel Bir Çalışma”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 2003.
  • Çam, S., “İletişim Becerileri Eğitimi Programının Öğretmen Adaylarının Ego Durumlarına ve Problem Çözme Becerisi Algılarına Etkisi”. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara, 1997.
  • Dyson B.P., “Students’ Voices in Two Alternative Elementary Physical Education Programs”, Journal of Teaching in Physical, 14(4), pp. 394-407, 1995.
  • Karabulut E.O., Ulucan H., “Yetiştirme Yurdunda Kalan Öğrencilerin Problem Çözme Becerilerinin Çeşitli Değişkenler Bakımından İncelenmesi (Kırşehir İli Örneği)”, Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 12 ( 1), pp. 227-238, 2011.
  • Serin, O., Bulut Serin, N., Saygılı, G., “İlköğretim Düzeyindeki Çocuklar İçin Problem Çözme Envanteri’nin (ÇPÇE) Geliştirilmesi”, İlköğretim Online, 9 (2), pp. 446-458, 2010.
  • Goudas M., Biddle S., “Perceived Motivational Climate and Intrinsic Motivation in School Physical Education Classes”, European Journal of Psychology of Education, 9, pp. 241-250, 1994.
  • Canpolat A.M., Kazak Çetinkalp Z., “Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Translation of The Physical Education Class Climate Scale”, International Journal of Academic Research, 4 (1), pp. 89-95, 2012.
  • Haeffel, G.J., “Motion as Motivation: Using Repetitive Flexion Movements to Stimulate the Approach System”, Behavior Therapy, 42(4), pp. 667-675, 2011.
  • Bell A.C, D'Zurilla TJ., “Problem Solving Therapy for Depression: A Meta‐Analysis”, Clinical Psychology Review, 29, pp. 348–353, 2009.
  • D’Zurilla T.J., Maydeu-Olivares A., Kant G.L., “Age and Gender Differences in Social Problem-Solving Ability”, Personality and Individual Differences, 25 (2), pp. 241–252, 1998.
  • Güçray, S.S., “A Study of the Decision-Making Behaviors of Turkish Adolescents”. Pastoral Care in Education, 23 (1), pp.34-44, 2005.
  • Moreno-Murcia, J.A., Hernández E.H., Vaillo R.R., Camacho, A.S., “Motivation and Physical Self-Concept in Physical Education: Differences by Gender”, the Open Education Journal, 5, pp. 9-17, 2012.
  • Bakirtzoglou, P., Ioannou P., “Goal Orientations, Motivational Climate and Dispositional Flow in Greek Secondary Education Students Participating in Physical Education Lesson: Differences Based on Gender”, Physical Education and Sport, 9, (3), pp. 295 – 306, 2011.
  • Moreno-Murcia, J.A., Gimeno, E.C., González-Cutre Coll, D., “Relationships among Goal Orientations, Motivational Climate and Flow in Adolescent Athletes: Differences by Gender”, The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 11(1), pp. 181-191, 2008.
  • Ntoumanis, N., Biddle, S.J.H., Haddock, G., “The Mediating Role of Coping Strategies on the Relationship between Achievement Motivation and Affect in Sport. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping”, An International Journal, 12, pp. 299-327, 1999.
  • Liukkonen, J., Barkoukis, V., Watt, A., Jaakkola, T., “Motivational Climate and Students’, Emotional Experiences and Effort in Physical Education”. The Journal of Educational Research, 103, pp. 295–308, 2010.
  • Standage, M., Duda, J. L., Ntoumanıs, N., “A Model of Contextual Motivation in Physical Education: Using Constructs from Self- Determination and Achievement Goal Theories to Predict Physical Activity Intentions”, Journal of Educational Psychology, 95, pp. 97-110, 2003.
  • Quested, E., Duda J.L., “Perceptions of the Motivational Climate Need Satisfaction, and Indices of Well- And Ill-Being among Hip Hop Dancers”, J. Dance Med. Sci., 13, pp. 10-19, 2009.
  • Nicholls, J. G. “The Competitive Ethos and Democratic Education”. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Pres, 1989.

Beden eğitimi dersinde problem çözme becerisi ve sınıf iklimi: ikinci kademe ilköğretim öğrencileri üzerine bir çalışma

Year 2012, , 89 - 94, 01.04.2012


Bu çalışmanın amacı, ikinci kademe ilköğretim çağındaki öğrencilerin beden eğitimi dersinde problem çözme becerilerini ve sınıf iklimi düzeylerini belirlemek ve beden eğitimi ve sınıf ikliminin problem çözme becerisi üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Çalışmada, 295’ı kız (Xyaş± Ss =12.90 ± 0.81) ve 253’ü erkek (Xyaş± Ss = 12.89 ± 0.81) olmak üzere toplam 548 öğrenci yer almaktadır. Öğrencilerin problem çözme becerilerini ve beden eğitimi sınıf iklimi düzeylerini belirlemek için Çocuklar için Problem Çözme Envanteri ve Beden Eğitimi Sınıf İklimi Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde bağımsız gruplar için t testi, Pearson korelasyon analizi ve adımsal çoklu regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar, Öğrenme/ustalık alt boyutunun problem çözme becerisi güven boyutuna öngörü sağladığını göstermektedir


  • Fidan, N., Erden, M. “Eğitime Giriş”, Alkım Yayıncılık, Ankara, 1997.
  • D'Zurilla, T.J., Nezu, A.M., “Development and Preliminary Evaluation of the Social Problem-Solving Inventory. Psychological Assessment”, A Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2, pp.156-163, 1990.
  • Barut, Y., Yılmaz, M., “Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bölümüne ve Eğitim Fakültesine Devam Eden Öğrencilerin Problem Çözme Becerilerinin Çeşitli Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi”. Uluslararası 1. Spor Bilimleri Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, pp. 26-27, 2000.
  • Miller, M., Nunn, G.D., “Using Group Discussions to Improve Social Problem-Solving and Learning”, Education (Chula Vista, Calif), 121, pp. 470-475, 2001.
  • Şahin, N., Şahin, N.H., Heppner, P.P., “Psychometric Properties of The Problem Solving Inventory in a Group of Turkish University Students”, Cognitive Therapy and Research, 17 (4), pp. 379-396, 1993.
  • Dow, G.T., Mayer, R.E., “Teaching Students to Solve Insight Problems: Evidence for Domain Specificity in Creativity Training”, Creativity Research Journal, 16, (4); pp. 389-13, 2004.
  • Savaşır, I., Şahin, N.H., “Bilişsel-Davranışçı Terapilerde Değerlendirme: Sık Kullanılan Ölçekler”, Ankara: Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları, 1997.
  • Yıldız L., Zırhlıoğlu G., Yalçınkaya M., Güven Ş., “Beden Eğitimi Öğretmen Adaylarının Yaratıcılık ve Problem Çözme Becerileri”, 7. Ulusal Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Öğretmenlik Kongresi, Van/YYÜ Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Özel Sayısı, pp. 18-36, 2011.
  • Artistico, D., Orom H., Cervone D., Krauss S., Houston E., “Everyday Challenges in Context: The Influence of Contextual Factors on Everyday Problem Solving Among Young, Middle-Aged, and Older Adults”, Experimental Aging Research, 36, pp. 230–247, 2010.
  • Ames, C., “Achievement Goals and The Classroom Climate”. In J. Meece & D. Schunk (Eds.), Student Perceptions in The Classroom, s. 327-348, Hillsdale, NJ: Eribaum, 1992.
  • Walling, M.D., Duda, J.L., Chi, L., “The Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Questionnaire: Construct and Predictive Validity”, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, Champaign, 15, pp. 172-183, 1993.
  • Morgan, K., Kingston, K., “Development of a Self-Observation Mastery Intervention Programme for Teacher Education”, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 13, pp. 109-129, 2008.
  • Ames, C., “Achievement Goals, Motivational Climate, and Motivational Processes”. In G.C. Roberts (Ed.), Motivation in sport and exercise, s. 161-176, Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 1992.
  • Newman, R.S., “Students’ Help Seeking During Problem Solving: Influences of Personal and Contextual Achievement Goals”, Journal of Educational Psychology, 90(4), pp. 644-658, 1998.
  • Yıldız, S.A., “Ebeveynin Problem Çözme Becerisini Geliştirmeye Yönelik Deneysel Bir Çalışma”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 2003.
  • Çam, S., “İletişim Becerileri Eğitimi Programının Öğretmen Adaylarının Ego Durumlarına ve Problem Çözme Becerisi Algılarına Etkisi”. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara, 1997.
  • Dyson B.P., “Students’ Voices in Two Alternative Elementary Physical Education Programs”, Journal of Teaching in Physical, 14(4), pp. 394-407, 1995.
  • Karabulut E.O., Ulucan H., “Yetiştirme Yurdunda Kalan Öğrencilerin Problem Çözme Becerilerinin Çeşitli Değişkenler Bakımından İncelenmesi (Kırşehir İli Örneği)”, Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 12 ( 1), pp. 227-238, 2011.
  • Serin, O., Bulut Serin, N., Saygılı, G., “İlköğretim Düzeyindeki Çocuklar İçin Problem Çözme Envanteri’nin (ÇPÇE) Geliştirilmesi”, İlköğretim Online, 9 (2), pp. 446-458, 2010.
  • Goudas M., Biddle S., “Perceived Motivational Climate and Intrinsic Motivation in School Physical Education Classes”, European Journal of Psychology of Education, 9, pp. 241-250, 1994.
  • Canpolat A.M., Kazak Çetinkalp Z., “Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Translation of The Physical Education Class Climate Scale”, International Journal of Academic Research, 4 (1), pp. 89-95, 2012.
  • Haeffel, G.J., “Motion as Motivation: Using Repetitive Flexion Movements to Stimulate the Approach System”, Behavior Therapy, 42(4), pp. 667-675, 2011.
  • Bell A.C, D'Zurilla TJ., “Problem Solving Therapy for Depression: A Meta‐Analysis”, Clinical Psychology Review, 29, pp. 348–353, 2009.
  • D’Zurilla T.J., Maydeu-Olivares A., Kant G.L., “Age and Gender Differences in Social Problem-Solving Ability”, Personality and Individual Differences, 25 (2), pp. 241–252, 1998.
  • Güçray, S.S., “A Study of the Decision-Making Behaviors of Turkish Adolescents”. Pastoral Care in Education, 23 (1), pp.34-44, 2005.
  • Moreno-Murcia, J.A., Hernández E.H., Vaillo R.R., Camacho, A.S., “Motivation and Physical Self-Concept in Physical Education: Differences by Gender”, the Open Education Journal, 5, pp. 9-17, 2012.
  • Bakirtzoglou, P., Ioannou P., “Goal Orientations, Motivational Climate and Dispositional Flow in Greek Secondary Education Students Participating in Physical Education Lesson: Differences Based on Gender”, Physical Education and Sport, 9, (3), pp. 295 – 306, 2011.
  • Moreno-Murcia, J.A., Gimeno, E.C., González-Cutre Coll, D., “Relationships among Goal Orientations, Motivational Climate and Flow in Adolescent Athletes: Differences by Gender”, The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 11(1), pp. 181-191, 2008.
  • Ntoumanis, N., Biddle, S.J.H., Haddock, G., “The Mediating Role of Coping Strategies on the Relationship between Achievement Motivation and Affect in Sport. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping”, An International Journal, 12, pp. 299-327, 1999.
  • Liukkonen, J., Barkoukis, V., Watt, A., Jaakkola, T., “Motivational Climate and Students’, Emotional Experiences and Effort in Physical Education”. The Journal of Educational Research, 103, pp. 295–308, 2010.
  • Standage, M., Duda, J. L., Ntoumanıs, N., “A Model of Contextual Motivation in Physical Education: Using Constructs from Self- Determination and Achievement Goal Theories to Predict Physical Activity Intentions”, Journal of Educational Psychology, 95, pp. 97-110, 2003.
  • Quested, E., Duda J.L., “Perceptions of the Motivational Climate Need Satisfaction, and Indices of Well- And Ill-Being among Hip Hop Dancers”, J. Dance Med. Sci., 13, pp. 10-19, 2009.
  • Nicholls, J. G. “The Competitive Ethos and Democratic Education”. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Pres, 1989.
There are 33 citations in total.


Other ID JA43TN85MP
Journal Section Research Article

A.meliha Canpolat This is me

Çetinkalp Zişan Kazak This is me

Murat Özşaker This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012


APA Canpolat, A., Kazak, Ç. Z., & Özşaker, M. (2012). Beden eğitimi dersinde problem çözme becerisi ve sınıf iklimi: ikinci kademe ilköğretim öğrencileri üzerine bir çalışma. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(3), 89-94. https://doi.org/10.1501/Sporm_0000000224

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