Research Article
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Year 2019, , 188 - 198, 30.06.2019



  • Aagaard, P., Suetta, C., Caserotti, P., Magnusson, S. P., Kjær, M. (2010). Role of the nervous system in sarcopenia and muscle atrophy with aging: Strength training as a countermeasure. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20 (1), 49-64.
  • Budziareck, M. B., Duarte, R. R. P., & Barbosa-Silva, M. C. G. (2008). Reference values and determinants for handgrip strength in healthy subjects. Clinical Nutrition, 27 (3), 357-362.
  • Chang, H. Y., Chou, K. Y., Lin, J. J., Lin, C. F., Wang, C. H. (2010). Immediate effect of forearm kinesio taping on maximal grip strength and force sense in healthy collegiate athletes. Phys Ther Sport, 11 (4), 122-127.
  • Chen, L., Nelson, D. R., Zhao, Y., Cui, Z., & Johnston, J. A. (2013).Relationship between muscle mass and muscle strength, and the impact of comorbidities: A population-based, cross-sectional study of older adults in the united states. BMC Geriatrics, 13 (1), 74.
  • Choquette, S., Bouchard, D., Doyon, C., Sénéchal, M., Brochu, M., Dionne, I. (2010). Relative strength as a determinant of mobility in elders 67–84 years of age. A nuage study: Nutrition as a determinant of successful aging. J Nutr Health Aging, 14 (3), 190-195.
  • Estrada, M., Kleppinger, A., Judge, J. O., Walsh, S. J., Kuchel, G. A. (2007). Functional impact of relative versus absolute sarcopenia in healthy older women. J Am Geriatr Soc, 55 (11), 1712-1719.
  • Goodpaster, B. H., Park, S. W., Harris, T. B., Kritchevsky, S. B., Nevitt, M., Schwartz, A. V., Newman, A. B. (2006). The loss of skeletal muscle strength, mass, and quality in older adults: The health, aging and body composition study. J Gerontol A Biol, 61 (10), 1059-1064.
  • Günther, C. M., Bürger, A., Rickert, M., Crispin, A., Schulz, C. (2008). Grip strength in healthy caucasian adults: Reference values, J Hand Surg Am, 33 (4), 558-565.
  • Hairi, N. N., Cumming, R. G., Naganathan, V., Handelsman, D. J., Le Couteur, D. G., Creasey, H., Sambrook, P. N. (2010). Loss of muscle strength, mass (sarcopenia), and quality (specific force) and its relationship with functional limitation and physical disability: The concord health and ageing in men project. J Am Geriatr Soc., 58 (11), 2055-2062.
  • Heyward, V., McCreary, L. (1977). Analysis of the static strength and relative endurance of women athletes. Research Quarterly, 48 (4), 703-710.
  • Ivey, F. M., Roth, S. M., Ferrell, R. E., Tracy, B. L., Lemmer, J. T., Hurlbut, D. E., Metter, E. J. (2000). Effects of age, gender, and myostatin genotype on the hypertrophic response to heavy resistance strength training. J Gerontol Series, 55 (11), M641-M648.
  • Karan, A. (2006). Yaşlılıkta egzersiz ve spor. Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg. (52), 53-56.
  • Keller, K., Engelhardt, M. (2013). Strength and muscle mass loss with aging process. Age and strength loss. Muscles Ligaments Tendons, 3 (4), 346.
  • Kim, C. R., Jeon, Y.J., Kim, M. C., Jeong, T., Koo, W. R. (2018). Reference values for hand grip strength in the south korean population. PloS one. 13 (4), e0195485.
  • Koopman, R., Van Loon, L. J. (2009)Aging, exercise, and muscle protein metabolism. J Appl Physiol, 106 (6), 2040-2048.
  • Kyle, U. G., Bosaeus, I., De Lorenzo, A. D., Deurenberg, P., Elia, M., Gómez, J. M., Pirlich, M. (2004). Bioelectrical impedance analysis—part ii: Utilization in clinical practice. Clinical nutrition, 23 (6), 1430-1453.
  • Landers, K. A., Hunter, G. R., Wetzstein, C. J., Bamman, M. M., Weinsier, R. L. (2001). The interrelationship among muscle mass, strength, and the ability to perform physical tasks of daily living in younger and older women. J Gerontol A Biol, 56 (10), B443-B448.
  • Lawman, H. G., Troiano, R. P., Perna, F. M., Wang, C.-Y., Fryar, C. D., Ogden, C. L. (2016). Associations of relative handgrip strength and cardiovascular disease biomarkers in us adults, 2011–2012. Am J Prevent Med, 50 (6): 677-683.
  • Liu, C. J., Latham, N. K. (2009). Progressive resistance strength training for improving physical function in older adults. Cochrane, (3), CD002759.
  • Massy-Westropp, N. M., Gill, T. K., Taylor, A. W., Bohannon, R. W., Hill, C. L. (2011). Hand grip strength: Age and gender stratified normative data in a population-based study. BMC Res Notes, 4, 127.
  • Mayer, F., Scharhag-Rosenberger, F., Carlsohn, A., Cassel, M., Müller, S., Scharhag, J. (2011). The intensity and effects of strength training in the elderly. Deutsches Ärzt Int., 108 (21), 359.
  • Mcdermott, A. Y., Mernitz, H. (2006). Exercise and older patients: Prescribing guidelines. Am Fam Physician, 74 (3).
  • Metter, E. J., Talbot, L. A., Schrager, M., Conwit, R. (2002). Skeletal muscle strength as a predictor of all-cause mortality in healthy men. J Gerontol A Biol. 57 (10), B359-B365.
  • Musalek, C., Kirchengast, S. (2017). Grip strength as an indicator of health-related quality of life in old age-A pilot study. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 14 (12), 1447.
  • Newman, A. B., Kupelian, V., Visser, M., Simonsick, E. M., Goodpaster, B. H., Kritchevsky, S. B., Harris, T. B. (2006). Strength, but not muscle mass, is associated with mortality in the health, aging and body composition study cohort. J Gerontol A Biol, 61 (1), 72-77.
  • Ng, G. Y., Fan, A. C. (2001). Does elbow position affect strength and reproducibility of power grip measurements? Physiotherapy, 87 (2), 68-72.
  • Rantanen, T., Era, P., Heikkinen, E. (1997). Physical activity and the changes in maximal isometric strength in men and women from the age of 75 to 80 years. J Am Geriatr Soc., 45 (12), 1439-1445.
  • Rantanen, T., Guralnik, J. M., Foley, D., Masaki, K., Leveille, S., Curb, J. D., White, L. (1999). Midlife hand grip strength as a predictor of old age disability. JAMA, 281 (6), 558-560.
  • Raue, U., Slivka, D., Minchev, K., Trappe, S. (2009). Improvements in whole muscle and myocellular function are limited with high-intensity resistance training in octogenarian women. J Appl Physiol, 106 (5), 1611-1617.
  • Rodríguez-García, W. D., García-Castañeda, L., Orea-Tejeda, A., Mendoza-Núñez, V., González-Islas, D. G., Santillán-Díaz, C., Castillo-Martínez, L. (2017). Handgrip strength: Reference values and its relationship with bioimpedance and anthropometric variables. Clin Nutr ESPEN, 19, 54-58.
  • Rothenberg, E., Dahlin-Ivanoff, S., Lindblad, A., Bosaeus, I. Body composition and hand grip strength in healthy community-dwelling older adults in sweden. J Aging Res Clin Prac, 4 (1), 54-58.
  • Sartorio, A., Lafortuna, C. L., Pogliaghi, S., Trecate, L. (2002). The impact of gender, body dimension and body composition on hand-grip strength in healthy children. J Endocrinol Invest, 25 (5), 431-435.
  • Shapiro, S. S., Wilk, M. B. (1965). An analysis of variance test for normality (complete samples). Biometrika, 52 (3/4), 591-611.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., Fidell, L. S. (2007). Using multivariate statistics: Allyn & Bacon/Pearson Education.
  • Tracy, B., Ivey, F., Hurlbut, D., Martel, G., Lemmer, J., Siegel, E., Hurley, B. (1999). Muscle quality. Ii. Effects of strength training in 65-to 75-yr-old men and women. J Appl Physiol, 86 (1), 195-201.
  • WHO. (2015). World report on ageing and health: World Health Organization.
  • Yıldırım, B., Özkahraman, Ş., Ersoy, S. (2012). Yaşlılıkta görülen fizyolojik değişiklikler ve hemşirelik bakımı. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2 (2): 19-23.


Year 2019, , 188 - 198, 30.06.2019


El kavrama kuvveti genel
kuvvetin, sağlığın ve yaşam kalitesinin göstergesi olan önemli bir bileşen
olarak gösterilmektedir. Her ne kadar kas kütlesi ile kuvvet arasındaki ilişki iyi
bilinse de, özellikle yaşlanma süreçlerinde el kavrama kuvvetini etkileyen kas
kütlesi veya cinsiyet gibi faktörleri incelemek ve el kavrama kuvvetine dair referans
değerleri belirlemek önemlidir. Bu nedenle bu araştırmanın amacı cinsiyet, yaş ve
yağsız vücut kütlesinin yaşlılarda el kavrama kuvvetini nasıl etkilediğini
incelemektir. Bu amaçla araştırmaya,
Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından yaşlı olarak sınıflandırılan 60- 80 yaş
aralığındaki, elli kadın (67.34 ±3.99 yıl, 157.4 ± 5.6 cm, 65.7 ± 8.6 kg)  ve yaşa göre eşleştirilmiş elli erkek (67.2 ±
3.93 yıl, 170.4 ± 6.8 cm, 75.0 ± 11.0 kg) dahil edilmiştir Araştırmaya katılan
gönüllülerin vücut yağ yüzdesi ve yağsız vücut kütlesine yönelik ölçümler
biyoelektrik empedans ölçüm cihazı ile, el kavrama kuvvetleri portatif el
dinamometresi ile ölçülmüştür. Bu araştırma sonucunda erkeklerin rölatif ve
salt el kavrama kuvvet değerleri kadınlara oranla anlamlı olarak daha yüksek
tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma
sonucunda yaş ile el kavrama kuvveti değerleri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki
tespit edilmemiştir. Bununla birlikte kas kütlesi ile el kavrama kuvveti
değerleri arasında pozitif yönde yüksek düzeyde anlamlı ilişki tespit
edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarımız
doğrultusunda kas kütlesinin mümkün olduğunca korunmasıyla birlikte yaşlılarda
kuvvet kayıplarının daha az olacağı öngörülmektedir. Yaşlılarda yaşam
kalitesinin arttırılması veya korunması için kas kütlesinin ve dolayısıyla
kuvvetin korunması önerilmektedir. Ayrıca özellikle kadınlarda kas kütlesi
kaybı dışında kas kuvvetini olumsuz etkileyen diğer fonksiyonel etkenlerin
araştırılması önemlidir.


  • Aagaard, P., Suetta, C., Caserotti, P., Magnusson, S. P., Kjær, M. (2010). Role of the nervous system in sarcopenia and muscle atrophy with aging: Strength training as a countermeasure. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20 (1), 49-64.
  • Budziareck, M. B., Duarte, R. R. P., & Barbosa-Silva, M. C. G. (2008). Reference values and determinants for handgrip strength in healthy subjects. Clinical Nutrition, 27 (3), 357-362.
  • Chang, H. Y., Chou, K. Y., Lin, J. J., Lin, C. F., Wang, C. H. (2010). Immediate effect of forearm kinesio taping on maximal grip strength and force sense in healthy collegiate athletes. Phys Ther Sport, 11 (4), 122-127.
  • Chen, L., Nelson, D. R., Zhao, Y., Cui, Z., & Johnston, J. A. (2013).Relationship between muscle mass and muscle strength, and the impact of comorbidities: A population-based, cross-sectional study of older adults in the united states. BMC Geriatrics, 13 (1), 74.
  • Choquette, S., Bouchard, D., Doyon, C., Sénéchal, M., Brochu, M., Dionne, I. (2010). Relative strength as a determinant of mobility in elders 67–84 years of age. A nuage study: Nutrition as a determinant of successful aging. J Nutr Health Aging, 14 (3), 190-195.
  • Estrada, M., Kleppinger, A., Judge, J. O., Walsh, S. J., Kuchel, G. A. (2007). Functional impact of relative versus absolute sarcopenia in healthy older women. J Am Geriatr Soc, 55 (11), 1712-1719.
  • Goodpaster, B. H., Park, S. W., Harris, T. B., Kritchevsky, S. B., Nevitt, M., Schwartz, A. V., Newman, A. B. (2006). The loss of skeletal muscle strength, mass, and quality in older adults: The health, aging and body composition study. J Gerontol A Biol, 61 (10), 1059-1064.
  • Günther, C. M., Bürger, A., Rickert, M., Crispin, A., Schulz, C. (2008). Grip strength in healthy caucasian adults: Reference values, J Hand Surg Am, 33 (4), 558-565.
  • Hairi, N. N., Cumming, R. G., Naganathan, V., Handelsman, D. J., Le Couteur, D. G., Creasey, H., Sambrook, P. N. (2010). Loss of muscle strength, mass (sarcopenia), and quality (specific force) and its relationship with functional limitation and physical disability: The concord health and ageing in men project. J Am Geriatr Soc., 58 (11), 2055-2062.
  • Heyward, V., McCreary, L. (1977). Analysis of the static strength and relative endurance of women athletes. Research Quarterly, 48 (4), 703-710.
  • Ivey, F. M., Roth, S. M., Ferrell, R. E., Tracy, B. L., Lemmer, J. T., Hurlbut, D. E., Metter, E. J. (2000). Effects of age, gender, and myostatin genotype on the hypertrophic response to heavy resistance strength training. J Gerontol Series, 55 (11), M641-M648.
  • Karan, A. (2006). Yaşlılıkta egzersiz ve spor. Türk Fiz Tıp Rehab Derg. (52), 53-56.
  • Keller, K., Engelhardt, M. (2013). Strength and muscle mass loss with aging process. Age and strength loss. Muscles Ligaments Tendons, 3 (4), 346.
  • Kim, C. R., Jeon, Y.J., Kim, M. C., Jeong, T., Koo, W. R. (2018). Reference values for hand grip strength in the south korean population. PloS one. 13 (4), e0195485.
  • Koopman, R., Van Loon, L. J. (2009)Aging, exercise, and muscle protein metabolism. J Appl Physiol, 106 (6), 2040-2048.
  • Kyle, U. G., Bosaeus, I., De Lorenzo, A. D., Deurenberg, P., Elia, M., Gómez, J. M., Pirlich, M. (2004). Bioelectrical impedance analysis—part ii: Utilization in clinical practice. Clinical nutrition, 23 (6), 1430-1453.
  • Landers, K. A., Hunter, G. R., Wetzstein, C. J., Bamman, M. M., Weinsier, R. L. (2001). The interrelationship among muscle mass, strength, and the ability to perform physical tasks of daily living in younger and older women. J Gerontol A Biol, 56 (10), B443-B448.
  • Lawman, H. G., Troiano, R. P., Perna, F. M., Wang, C.-Y., Fryar, C. D., Ogden, C. L. (2016). Associations of relative handgrip strength and cardiovascular disease biomarkers in us adults, 2011–2012. Am J Prevent Med, 50 (6): 677-683.
  • Liu, C. J., Latham, N. K. (2009). Progressive resistance strength training for improving physical function in older adults. Cochrane, (3), CD002759.
  • Massy-Westropp, N. M., Gill, T. K., Taylor, A. W., Bohannon, R. W., Hill, C. L. (2011). Hand grip strength: Age and gender stratified normative data in a population-based study. BMC Res Notes, 4, 127.
  • Mayer, F., Scharhag-Rosenberger, F., Carlsohn, A., Cassel, M., Müller, S., Scharhag, J. (2011). The intensity and effects of strength training in the elderly. Deutsches Ärzt Int., 108 (21), 359.
  • Mcdermott, A. Y., Mernitz, H. (2006). Exercise and older patients: Prescribing guidelines. Am Fam Physician, 74 (3).
  • Metter, E. J., Talbot, L. A., Schrager, M., Conwit, R. (2002). Skeletal muscle strength as a predictor of all-cause mortality in healthy men. J Gerontol A Biol. 57 (10), B359-B365.
  • Musalek, C., Kirchengast, S. (2017). Grip strength as an indicator of health-related quality of life in old age-A pilot study. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 14 (12), 1447.
  • Newman, A. B., Kupelian, V., Visser, M., Simonsick, E. M., Goodpaster, B. H., Kritchevsky, S. B., Harris, T. B. (2006). Strength, but not muscle mass, is associated with mortality in the health, aging and body composition study cohort. J Gerontol A Biol, 61 (1), 72-77.
  • Ng, G. Y., Fan, A. C. (2001). Does elbow position affect strength and reproducibility of power grip measurements? Physiotherapy, 87 (2), 68-72.
  • Rantanen, T., Era, P., Heikkinen, E. (1997). Physical activity and the changes in maximal isometric strength in men and women from the age of 75 to 80 years. J Am Geriatr Soc., 45 (12), 1439-1445.
  • Rantanen, T., Guralnik, J. M., Foley, D., Masaki, K., Leveille, S., Curb, J. D., White, L. (1999). Midlife hand grip strength as a predictor of old age disability. JAMA, 281 (6), 558-560.
  • Raue, U., Slivka, D., Minchev, K., Trappe, S. (2009). Improvements in whole muscle and myocellular function are limited with high-intensity resistance training in octogenarian women. J Appl Physiol, 106 (5), 1611-1617.
  • Rodríguez-García, W. D., García-Castañeda, L., Orea-Tejeda, A., Mendoza-Núñez, V., González-Islas, D. G., Santillán-Díaz, C., Castillo-Martínez, L. (2017). Handgrip strength: Reference values and its relationship with bioimpedance and anthropometric variables. Clin Nutr ESPEN, 19, 54-58.
  • Rothenberg, E., Dahlin-Ivanoff, S., Lindblad, A., Bosaeus, I. Body composition and hand grip strength in healthy community-dwelling older adults in sweden. J Aging Res Clin Prac, 4 (1), 54-58.
  • Sartorio, A., Lafortuna, C. L., Pogliaghi, S., Trecate, L. (2002). The impact of gender, body dimension and body composition on hand-grip strength in healthy children. J Endocrinol Invest, 25 (5), 431-435.
  • Shapiro, S. S., Wilk, M. B. (1965). An analysis of variance test for normality (complete samples). Biometrika, 52 (3/4), 591-611.
  • Tabachnick, B. G., Fidell, L. S. (2007). Using multivariate statistics: Allyn & Bacon/Pearson Education.
  • Tracy, B., Ivey, F., Hurlbut, D., Martel, G., Lemmer, J., Siegel, E., Hurley, B. (1999). Muscle quality. Ii. Effects of strength training in 65-to 75-yr-old men and women. J Appl Physiol, 86 (1), 195-201.
  • WHO. (2015). World report on ageing and health: World Health Organization.
  • Yıldırım, B., Özkahraman, Ş., Ersoy, S. (2012). Yaşlılıkta görülen fizyolojik değişiklikler ve hemşirelik bakımı. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2 (2): 19-23.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Research Article

Tuba Melekoğlu 0000-0001-9223-8849

Birgül Arslan This is me 0000-0002-4331-6123

Publication Date June 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Melekoğlu, T., & Arslan, B. (2019). YAŞLILARDA YAĞSIZ VÜCUT KÜTLESİ VE EL KAVRAMA KUVVETİ İLİŞKİSİ. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(2), 188-198.

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