Year 2018,
Volume: 16 Issue: 4, 12 - 20, 26.12.2018
Yıldırım Kayacan
İzzet İslamoğlu
Ceyhun Birinci
Sunulan çalışmada, profesyonel boksörlerde akciğer kapasiteleri ile denge parametreleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmaya elit düzeyde mücadele eden, 16-20 yaş arası 26 erkek boksör gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Sporcuların solunum ve denge parametreleri pearson korelasyonu ile analiz edilerek, P<0.05 düzeyindeki değerler istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olarak kabul edilmiştir. Bulgularda, FEV1/FVC ile ortalama denge hatasında (A.T.E %); vücut kitle indeksi (VKI) ile ortalama denge hatasında; FEV1 ile kullanılan alanda (E. Area mm2); FVC ile kullanılan alan ve kullanılan çevrede (Per mm); VC ile Y ekseninde merkezi noktaya yapılan basınç (Av. C.o.P. Y mm) değerleri arasında pozitif yönde ilişki belirlendi. Boksörlerin dengede durmak için kullandıkları alan ve mesafe değerleri ile inspirasyon ve expirasyon parametreleri arasında anlamlı ilişkiler olduğu saptandı. Vücut dengesinin çok etkili olduğu ve aerobik kapasitenin yoğun olarak kullanıldığı spor dallarında, akciğer fonksiyonları ve denge düzeyi ile ilgili parametrelerin birlikte ele alınarak değerlendirilmesi önerilmektedir.
- Boulay C., Tardieu C., Hecquet J., Benaim C., Mouilleseaux B., Marty C, et al. (2006). Sagittal alignment of spine and pelvis regulated by pelvic incidence: standard values and prediction of lordosis. Eur Spine J., 15(4), 415-22.
- Butcher S.J., Meshke J.M., Sheppard M.S. (2004). Reductions in functional balance, coordination, and mobility measures among patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Cardiopulm Rehabil, 24(4), 274-80.
- Çakmakcı O., Çınar V., Çakmakcı E., Görücü A. (2005). Effects of 12-week training program on some physical and physiological parameters in the elite boxers. Physical education and sports sciences journal, 7, 1-6.
- Chaabe`ne H., Tabben M., Mkaouer B., Franchini E., Negra Y., Hammami M., Amara S., Chaabe`ne R.B., Hachana Y. (2015). Amateur boxing: physical and physiological attributes. Sports Med, 45, 337–352.
- Chang A.T., Seale H., Walsh J., Brauer S.G. (2008). Static balance is affected following an exercise task in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev., 28(2):142-56.
- Çınar V., Polat Y., Savucu Y., Şahin M. (2009). Investigation on some physical parameters of elite female boxing and handball players, Sport Sciences, 4, 162-170.
- Cotes J.E., Chinn D.J., Reed J.W. (2001). Body mass, fat percentage, and fat-free mass as reference variables for lung function: effects on terms for age and sex. Thorax, 56, 839-844.
- Era P., Sainio P., Koskinen S., Haavisto P., Vaara M., Aromaa A. (2006). Postural balance in a random sample of 7,979 subjects aged 30 years and over. Gerontology, 52(4), 204-13. 9. Kabitz H.J., Bremer H.C., Schwoerer A., Sonntag F., Walterspacher S., Walker, D.J. & Grünig E. (2014). The combination of exercise and respiratory training improves respiratory muscle function in pulmonary hypertension. Lung, 192(2), 321-328.
- Kartaloğlu Z, Okutan O. (2012). Current approach to respiratory problem in neuromuscular diseases. Tuberk Toraks, 60(3), 279-290.
- Kawanabe K., Kawashima A., Sashimoto I., Takeda T., Sato Y., & Iwamoto J. (2007). Effect of whole-body vibration exercise and muscle strengthening, balance, and walking exercises on walking ability in the elderly. The Keio journal of medicine, 56(1), 28-33.
- Kayacan, Y., & Makaraci, Y. (2017). Analysis of postural structure of handball players with computer based symmetry graph method. Journal of sport and performance researches, 8 (1), 27-33.
- Khani M., Farrokhi A., Kheslat S.D.N., Sadri K., Farrar A. (2012). Chronic attention impairments in amateur boxing: Effect of repeated blows to the head. Serb J Sports Sci., 6, 23-28.
- Mailo C., Mohamed E.I., Carbonelli M.C. (2003). Body composition and respiratory function. Acta Diabetol., 40, 32-38.
- Mainenti M.R.M., Rodrigues E.C., Oliveira J.F., Ferreira A.S., Dias C.M., Silva A.L.S. (2011). Adiposity and postural balance control: Correlations between bioelectrical impedance and stabilometric signals in elderly Brazilian women. Clinics, 66(9), 1513-18.
- Mazic S., Lazovic B., Djelica M., Suzic-Lazicd J., Djordjevic-Saranovic S., Durmicb T., Soldatovic I., Zikic D., Gluvic Z., Zugicg V. (2015). Respiratory parameters in elite athletes - does sport have an influence? Rev Port Pneumol, 21, 192-197.
- McArdle W.D., Katch F.I., Katch V.L. (2010). Exercise Physiology; energy, nutrition, and human performance. (7th ed), Lippincot Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp 478- 1032.
- Mitchell J.H., Willams W.L., Raveb P.B. (1994). Clasification of sports, J.Am. Coll. Cardiol, 24, 864-866.
- Oke Kayode I., Agwubike Elias O. (2015). Body composition and pulmonary functional correlates in Nigerian male amateur boxers. Medicina Sportiva, XI, 2563-2568.
- Park H., Kim K.J., Komatsu T., Park S.K., & Mutoh Y. (2008). Effect of combined exercise training on bone, body balance, and gait ability: a randomized controlled study in community-dwelling elderly women. Journal of bone and mineral metabolism, 26(3), 254-259.21. Park, E., Son, Y., Johnson, J., Yi, K., & Oh, J. I. (2018). The Effects Of Multi-directional Exercise Training On Body Composition, Physical Fitness, And Mobility In Stroke Patients: 1992 Board# 253 May 31 2. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 50(5S), 483.
- Ringhof, S., & Stein, T. (2018). Biomechanical assessment of dynamic balance: Specificity of different balance tests. Human movement science, 58, 140-147.
- Soyuer F., Mirza M. (2006). Relationship between lower extremity muscle strength and balance in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish), 23(4).
- Yeldan I. (2014). Pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with neuromuscular diseases: Uzun M. Editor. Cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. 1st Edition. Istanbul Medical Bookstore. 445-452.
- Zemkova E. (2014). Sport-specific balance, Sports Med., 44, 579–590
Year 2018,
Volume: 16 Issue: 4, 12 - 20, 26.12.2018
Yıldırım Kayacan
İzzet İslamoğlu
Ceyhun Birinci
The present study aimed to examine the relationship between lung capacity and balance parameters in professional boxers. Twenty-six professional-level male boxers aged 16-20 years volunteered to participate in the study. The respiratory and balance parameters of the athletes were analyzed via Pearson’s correlation with values of P<0.05 accepted as statistically significant. A positive relationship was determined for the values of volume taken in the first second/forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) with the average tracking error (ATE) (%), body mass index (BMI) with ATE (%), FEV1 with area used (E area) (mm2), FVC with E area (mm2) and environment used (per mm), and for vital capacity (VC) with the Y-axis pressure to the central point (Av CoPY, mm). A significant relationship was found between values of the distance and the area used by boxers to stand inbalance and the inspiration and expiration parameters. This suggests that the body balance is very effective and that the parameters related to the lung function and balance level should be evaluated together in sports areas where the aerobic capacity is used extensively.
- Boulay C., Tardieu C., Hecquet J., Benaim C., Mouilleseaux B., Marty C, et al. (2006). Sagittal alignment of spine and pelvis regulated by pelvic incidence: standard values and prediction of lordosis. Eur Spine J., 15(4), 415-22.
- Butcher S.J., Meshke J.M., Sheppard M.S. (2004). Reductions in functional balance, coordination, and mobility measures among patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Cardiopulm Rehabil, 24(4), 274-80.
- Çakmakcı O., Çınar V., Çakmakcı E., Görücü A. (2005). Effects of 12-week training program on some physical and physiological parameters in the elite boxers. Physical education and sports sciences journal, 7, 1-6.
- Chaabe`ne H., Tabben M., Mkaouer B., Franchini E., Negra Y., Hammami M., Amara S., Chaabe`ne R.B., Hachana Y. (2015). Amateur boxing: physical and physiological attributes. Sports Med, 45, 337–352.
- Chang A.T., Seale H., Walsh J., Brauer S.G. (2008). Static balance is affected following an exercise task in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev., 28(2):142-56.
- Çınar V., Polat Y., Savucu Y., Şahin M. (2009). Investigation on some physical parameters of elite female boxing and handball players, Sport Sciences, 4, 162-170.
- Cotes J.E., Chinn D.J., Reed J.W. (2001). Body mass, fat percentage, and fat-free mass as reference variables for lung function: effects on terms for age and sex. Thorax, 56, 839-844.
- Era P., Sainio P., Koskinen S., Haavisto P., Vaara M., Aromaa A. (2006). Postural balance in a random sample of 7,979 subjects aged 30 years and over. Gerontology, 52(4), 204-13. 9. Kabitz H.J., Bremer H.C., Schwoerer A., Sonntag F., Walterspacher S., Walker, D.J. & Grünig E. (2014). The combination of exercise and respiratory training improves respiratory muscle function in pulmonary hypertension. Lung, 192(2), 321-328.
- Kartaloğlu Z, Okutan O. (2012). Current approach to respiratory problem in neuromuscular diseases. Tuberk Toraks, 60(3), 279-290.
- Kawanabe K., Kawashima A., Sashimoto I., Takeda T., Sato Y., & Iwamoto J. (2007). Effect of whole-body vibration exercise and muscle strengthening, balance, and walking exercises on walking ability in the elderly. The Keio journal of medicine, 56(1), 28-33.
- Kayacan, Y., & Makaraci, Y. (2017). Analysis of postural structure of handball players with computer based symmetry graph method. Journal of sport and performance researches, 8 (1), 27-33.
- Khani M., Farrokhi A., Kheslat S.D.N., Sadri K., Farrar A. (2012). Chronic attention impairments in amateur boxing: Effect of repeated blows to the head. Serb J Sports Sci., 6, 23-28.
- Mailo C., Mohamed E.I., Carbonelli M.C. (2003). Body composition and respiratory function. Acta Diabetol., 40, 32-38.
- Mainenti M.R.M., Rodrigues E.C., Oliveira J.F., Ferreira A.S., Dias C.M., Silva A.L.S. (2011). Adiposity and postural balance control: Correlations between bioelectrical impedance and stabilometric signals in elderly Brazilian women. Clinics, 66(9), 1513-18.
- Mazic S., Lazovic B., Djelica M., Suzic-Lazicd J., Djordjevic-Saranovic S., Durmicb T., Soldatovic I., Zikic D., Gluvic Z., Zugicg V. (2015). Respiratory parameters in elite athletes - does sport have an influence? Rev Port Pneumol, 21, 192-197.
- McArdle W.D., Katch F.I., Katch V.L. (2010). Exercise Physiology; energy, nutrition, and human performance. (7th ed), Lippincot Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp 478- 1032.
- Mitchell J.H., Willams W.L., Raveb P.B. (1994). Clasification of sports, J.Am. Coll. Cardiol, 24, 864-866.
- Oke Kayode I., Agwubike Elias O. (2015). Body composition and pulmonary functional correlates in Nigerian male amateur boxers. Medicina Sportiva, XI, 2563-2568.
- Park H., Kim K.J., Komatsu T., Park S.K., & Mutoh Y. (2008). Effect of combined exercise training on bone, body balance, and gait ability: a randomized controlled study in community-dwelling elderly women. Journal of bone and mineral metabolism, 26(3), 254-259.21. Park, E., Son, Y., Johnson, J., Yi, K., & Oh, J. I. (2018). The Effects Of Multi-directional Exercise Training On Body Composition, Physical Fitness, And Mobility In Stroke Patients: 1992 Board# 253 May 31 2. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 50(5S), 483.
- Ringhof, S., & Stein, T. (2018). Biomechanical assessment of dynamic balance: Specificity of different balance tests. Human movement science, 58, 140-147.
- Soyuer F., Mirza M. (2006). Relationship between lower extremity muscle strength and balance in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish), 23(4).
- Yeldan I. (2014). Pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with neuromuscular diseases: Uzun M. Editor. Cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. 1st Edition. Istanbul Medical Bookstore. 445-452.
- Zemkova E. (2014). Sport-specific balance, Sports Med., 44, 579–590