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Yüksek şiddetli interval antrenman

Year 2017, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 39 - 46, 01.08.2017


Son yıllarda kısa süre içerisinde fiziksel performansı ve sağlıkla ilişkili bazı parametreleri iyileştirdiği bilimsel olarak birçok çalışmada ispatlanan yüksek şiddetli antrenman programlarına olağanüstü düzeyde bir ilgi ve alaka doğmuştur. Bu antrenman yöntemi sporcuların aerobik ve anaerobik kapasitelerini kısa sürede geliştirmesinin yanında obezite, kardiyovasküler hastalıklar, Tip 2 diyabet gibi hastalıklar ile meydana gelen mortalite riskini azaltarak, yaşam kalitesinde artış sağlamaktadır. Ayrıca düzenli uygulanan yüksek şiddetli interval antrenman programlarının insulin duyarlılığını artırdığı, kan lipid profilinde iyileşmeye neden olduğu da bildirilmektedir. Son çalışmalar ise bu antrenman yönteminin ergenlerde zihinsel ve bilişsel sağlık üzerine etkilerini incelemektedir. Bu göstergeler ışığında Amerikan Spor Hekimliği Koleji (American College of Sports Medicine - ACSM) ve Hastalıkları Kontrol ve Önleme Merkezi (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention-CDC) gibi kuruluşlar egzersizlerin tipi, şiddeti, süresi ve sıklığı göz önüne alınarak bireye özel, aerobik kapasiteyi geliştiren, kas kuvveti ve esnekliği artıran egzersiz reçetelerinin hazırlanması ve bunların düzenli olarak yapılması gerektiğini belirtmektedir. ACSM sedanterler için yüksek şiddetli interval antrenman yöntemini, haftada 3-7 gün, 30 saniye - 2 dakika, ≥ %80 KAH şiddetinde egzersizi ve aralarda ≥ %40-50 kalp atım hızına düşene kadar dinlenmeyi ve bunu 3-5 tekrar olarak uygulamayı tavsiye etmektedir


  • Issurin VB (2010): New horizons for the methodo- logy and physiology of training periodization Sport Med, 40(3), 189-206.
  • Mcmillan K, Helgerud J, Macdonald R, Hoff J (2005): Physiological adaptations to soccer specific endurance training in professional youth soccer players. Br J Sports Med,39:273–277.
  • American Collage of Sports Medicine (2011): Quantity and quality of exercise for devoloping and maintaining cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal and neuromotor adults.Med. Sci. Sports, 22-265. apparently healthy
  • Buchheit M, Laursen PB (2013): High-intensity interval training solutions to the programming puzzle: Part I, Med, 43(5), 313-338.
  • Barker AR, Day J, Smith A, Bond B, Williams CA (2014): The influence of 2 weeks of low-volume high intensity interval training on healtj outcomes in adolescent boys.Journal of Sport Scien- ces,32:8,757-765.
  • Babraj JA, Vollaard NBJ, Keast C, Guppy FM, Cottrell G, Timmons JA (2009): BMC Endocrine Disorders, 9(3),1472-6823.
  • Bayati M, Farzad B, Gharakhnlou R, Alınejad HA (2011): A practical model of low-volume high- intensity interval training induces performance and metabolic adaptations that resemble ‘all-out’ sprint interval training. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 10:571-576.
  • Samuel GJ, Martınez N, Campbell BI (2013): The impact of high-intensity interval training on meta- bolic syndrome. Strength and Conditioning Jour- nal, 63-65.
  • Gibala MJ, Little PJ, MacDonald MJ, Hawley A (2012): Physiological adaptations to low-volume, high-intensity interval training in health and disea- se. J Physiol, 59:1077-1084.
  • Little JP (2010): A practical model of low- wolume high- intensity interval training induces mitochond- rial biogenesis in human skeletal muscle:potential mechanisms. J Physiol, 588, 1011-1022.
  • Vanderburg H, Bracko M (2013): YŞİA and cardio research to practice:more than tabata-the YŞİA protokol work-out experiences. ACSM's 17. He- alth&Fitness gas(NV),March 12-15. Las Vegas(NV),March 12-15.
  • Joann M. Shemek E, Keiper MC (2014): High intensity exercise and the legal liability risks. Ame- rican Collage of Sports Medicine,18(5),30-37.
  • Bergeron MF, Nindl BC, Deuster PA (2011). Con- sortium for health and military performance and American College and Sports Medicine concensus paper on extreme conditioning programs in mili- tary personel. Curr Sports Med. Rep, 10(6),383- 389.
  • ACSM's Guidelenes for Exercise Testing and Prescription (2014):Ninth edition.
  • Abbott AA (2009): Fitness professionals: Certified, qualified and justifie. Exerc. Stand Malprac Rep,23(2),98-101.
  • Bartlett JD, Close GL, MacLaren DPM, Gregson W, Drust B, Morton JP (2011): High intensity in- terval running is perceived to be more enjoyable than moderate intensity continuous exercise: impli- cations for exercise adherence. J.Sport.Sci, 29(6), 547-53.
  • Boutcher SH (2011): High intensity intermittent exercise anf fat loss. J.Obes, 6, 298-305.
  • Jacobs RA, Fluck, D, Bonne TC, Christensen BS, Toigo PM, Lundby MC (2013): Improvements in exercise performance with high-intensity interval training coincide with an increase in skeletal muscle mitochondrial content and function. J Appl Physiol,785-793.
  • Garzon RC, Christopher M (2014): Meeting the nutritional demands of high intensity interval trai- ning. ACSM's Health &Fitness Journal,18(5),25- 29.
  • Balsom PD, Gaitanos GC, Soderlund K, Ekblom B (1999): High intensity exercise and muscle glyco- gen Scand,165(4),337-345. Acta.Physiol
  • Hargreaves M, Finn JP, Withers RT (1997): Effect of muscle glycogen availability on maximal exerci- se perfomance. Eur. J. Appl Physial,75(29),188- 192.
  • Kerksick C. Harvey T. Stout J (2008): International Society and of Sports Nutrition position stand: nut- rient timing. J.Int. Soc. Sports Nutr.5:18;55-65
  • Jentjens R, Jeukendrup AE (2003): Determinants of post exercise glycogen synthesis during short term recovery. Sports Med, 33(2),117-144.
  • Tonk TK, Chung PK, Leung RW, Nıe J, Lın H, Zheng J (2011): Effects of non-wıngate-based hıgh-ıntensıty ınterval traınıng on cardıorespıratory fıtness and aerobıc-based exercıse capacıty ın se- dentary subjects: a prelımınary study, J Exerc Sci Fit, 9(2),75-81.
  • Esfarjanı F, Laursen PB (2007): Manipulating high-intensity interval training: Effects on ˙VO2 max, the lactate threshold and3000m running per- formance in moderately trained males. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 10:27-35.
  • Jacobs RA, Fluck D, Bonne TC, Burgi S, Christensen PM, Toigo M, Lundby C (2013): Improvements in exercise performance with high- intensity interval training coincide with an increase in skeletal muscle mitochondrial content and function. J Appl Physiol, 8:785-793.
  • Talanian JL, Stuart DRG, George JF, Bonen HA, Spriet LL (2007): Two weeks of high-intensity ae- robic interval training increases the capacity for fat oxidation during exercise in women. J Appl Phy- siol, 102: 1439–1447.
  • Babraj JA, Vollaard NB, Keast C, Guppy FM, Cottrell G, Tımmons JA (2009): Extremely short duration high intensity interval training substanti- ally improves insulin action in young healthy ma- les. BMC Endocrine Disorders, 9(3),18-22.
  • Shıng CM, Webb JJ, Drıller MW, Wıllıams AD, Fell JW (2013): Cırculatıng adıponectın concentra- tıon and body composıtıon are altered ın response tohıgh-ıntensıty ınterval traınıng. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,27(8),2213- 2218.
  • Heydari M, Freund J, Boutcher SH (2012): The effect of high-ıntensity ıntermittent exercise on body composition of overweight young males. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Obe- sity, 480-467.
  • Laursen PB, Jenkıns DG (2002): The scientific basis for high intensity interval training: optimising training programmers and maximising performance in highly trained endurance athletes. Sports Med,32,53-73.
  • Bayatı M, Farzad B, Gharakhnlou R, Alınejad HA (2011): A practical model of low-volume high- intensity interval training induces performance and metabolic adaptations that resemble ‘all-out’ sprint interval training. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine,10,571-576.
  • Dunham C, Harms CA (2012): Effects of high- intensity interval training on pulmonary function. Eur J Appl Physiol, 112,3061–3068.
  • Ghorbani P, Kordi MR, Gaeeni AA, Arbab G, Nafar MH (2013): Changes in inflammatory fac- tors in elite soccer players following single bout high intensity interval training. Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity,7(1),53-59.
  • Racil G, Ounis BO, Hammouda O, Kallel A, Zouhal H, Chamari K, Amri M (2013): Effects of high vs. moderate exercise intensity during interval training on lipids and adiponectin levels in obese young females. Eur J Appl Physiol, 113:2531– 2540.
  • Akgül MŞ, Gürses VV, Karabıyık H, Koz M (2016). The Influence of 2 weeks of low- volume high - ıntensity ınterval training on aerobic ındices in women. International Journal of Science Culture and Sport,4(1),298-305.
  • Karabıyık H, Gürses VV, Akgül MŞ, Koz M (2016): Effects of high-ıntensity ınterval training on aerobic fitness. 21st Annual Congress of The Europen College of Sport Science. 488-489.
  • Akgül MŞ, Karabıyık H,Gürses VV, Koz M (2016): The ınfluence of 2 weeks of low volume high ıntensity ınterval training on anaerobic capa- city on women. International Sport Science Tou- rism and Recreation Student Congress
  • Wadley AJ, Chen YW, Gregory YH. James L, Fisher P, Aldred S (2016): Low volume–high in- tensity interval exercise elicits antioxidant and anti- inflammatory effects in humans. Journal of Sports Sciences,34(1), 1–9.
  • Fisher G, Schwartz D, Quindry J, Barberio MD, Foster EB. Jones KW, Pascoe DD (2011): Lymp- hocyte enzymatic antioxidant responses to oxidati- ve stress following high-intensity interval exercise. Lymphocyte enzymatic antioxidant responses to oxidative stress following high-intensity interval exercise. J Appl Physiol,110: 730–737.
  • Bartlett JD, Joo CH, Jeong TS, Louhelainen J, Cochran AJ, Gibala MJ, Gregson W, Close GL, Drust B, Morton JP (2012): Matched work high- intensity interval and continuous running induce similar increases in PGC-1, mRNA, AMPK, p38, and p53 phosphorylation in human skeletal muscle. J Appl Physiol, 112, 1135–1143.
  • Parfitt G, Eston RG (2005): The relationship between children_s habitual activity level and psychological 94(12),1791–7. Acta Paediatr,
  • Hillman CH, Erickson KI, Kramer AF (2008): Be smart, exercise your heart: exercise effects on brain and cognition. Nat Rev Neurosci,9(1),58–65.
  • Singh NA, Stavrinos TM, Scarbek Y, Galambos G, Liber C, Fiatarone Singh MA (2005): A randomi- zed controlled trial of high versus low intensity we- ight training versus general practitioner care for clinical depression in older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 60(6),768–76.
  • Sarah A. Eather CA, Ronald C, Charles HP. Hıll- man H, Lubans DR (2016): High-ıntensity ınterval training for cognitive and mental health in adoles- cents. Medıcıne & Scıence In Sports & Exercıse, 16,1985-1993.
  • American Collage of Sports Medicine (2014): Information on high intensity interval training. ACSM’s Consumer Information Committee.


Year 2017, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 39 - 46, 01.08.2017


In last years, high intensity interval training programs got a lot of interest and attention by many, which are proven to increase physical performance and some parameters which are related to heatlh through scientific studies. This training menthod not only helps athletes to increase their aerobic and anaerobic capacities in a short time, they also decrease mortality risks that are caused by illnesess such as obesity, cardiac vascular illnesses, Type – 2 diabetes and increase life quality. Moreover, routinely applied HIIT is known to increase insuline sensivity and cures blood lipid profile. Final studies are inspecting effects of this method on teenagers’ mental and cognitive healths.Taking account of these indicators, institutions like American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that personaltraining prescriptions should be prepared which develop aerobic capacity, muscle force and increase flexiblity by taking into consideration the causes such as type, intensity, duration and frequency of training and these should be done regularly. ACSM suggests high intensity interval training as 3-7 days in a week, 30 second – 2 minutes, training with instensity of ≥80% heart rate and resting during pauses until dropping heart rate to ≥ 40-50% and repeating this 3-5 times


  • Issurin VB (2010): New horizons for the methodo- logy and physiology of training periodization Sport Med, 40(3), 189-206.
  • Mcmillan K, Helgerud J, Macdonald R, Hoff J (2005): Physiological adaptations to soccer specific endurance training in professional youth soccer players. Br J Sports Med,39:273–277.
  • American Collage of Sports Medicine (2011): Quantity and quality of exercise for devoloping and maintaining cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal and neuromotor adults.Med. Sci. Sports, 22-265. apparently healthy
  • Buchheit M, Laursen PB (2013): High-intensity interval training solutions to the programming puzzle: Part I, Med, 43(5), 313-338.
  • Barker AR, Day J, Smith A, Bond B, Williams CA (2014): The influence of 2 weeks of low-volume high intensity interval training on healtj outcomes in adolescent boys.Journal of Sport Scien- ces,32:8,757-765.
  • Babraj JA, Vollaard NBJ, Keast C, Guppy FM, Cottrell G, Timmons JA (2009): BMC Endocrine Disorders, 9(3),1472-6823.
  • Bayati M, Farzad B, Gharakhnlou R, Alınejad HA (2011): A practical model of low-volume high- intensity interval training induces performance and metabolic adaptations that resemble ‘all-out’ sprint interval training. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 10:571-576.
  • Samuel GJ, Martınez N, Campbell BI (2013): The impact of high-intensity interval training on meta- bolic syndrome. Strength and Conditioning Jour- nal, 63-65.
  • Gibala MJ, Little PJ, MacDonald MJ, Hawley A (2012): Physiological adaptations to low-volume, high-intensity interval training in health and disea- se. J Physiol, 59:1077-1084.
  • Little JP (2010): A practical model of low- wolume high- intensity interval training induces mitochond- rial biogenesis in human skeletal muscle:potential mechanisms. J Physiol, 588, 1011-1022.
  • Vanderburg H, Bracko M (2013): YŞİA and cardio research to practice:more than tabata-the YŞİA protokol work-out experiences. ACSM's 17. He- alth&Fitness gas(NV),March 12-15. Las Vegas(NV),March 12-15.
  • Joann M. Shemek E, Keiper MC (2014): High intensity exercise and the legal liability risks. Ame- rican Collage of Sports Medicine,18(5),30-37.
  • Bergeron MF, Nindl BC, Deuster PA (2011). Con- sortium for health and military performance and American College and Sports Medicine concensus paper on extreme conditioning programs in mili- tary personel. Curr Sports Med. Rep, 10(6),383- 389.
  • ACSM's Guidelenes for Exercise Testing and Prescription (2014):Ninth edition.
  • Abbott AA (2009): Fitness professionals: Certified, qualified and justifie. Exerc. Stand Malprac Rep,23(2),98-101.
  • Bartlett JD, Close GL, MacLaren DPM, Gregson W, Drust B, Morton JP (2011): High intensity in- terval running is perceived to be more enjoyable than moderate intensity continuous exercise: impli- cations for exercise adherence. J.Sport.Sci, 29(6), 547-53.
  • Boutcher SH (2011): High intensity intermittent exercise anf fat loss. J.Obes, 6, 298-305.
  • Jacobs RA, Fluck, D, Bonne TC, Christensen BS, Toigo PM, Lundby MC (2013): Improvements in exercise performance with high-intensity interval training coincide with an increase in skeletal muscle mitochondrial content and function. J Appl Physiol,785-793.
  • Garzon RC, Christopher M (2014): Meeting the nutritional demands of high intensity interval trai- ning. ACSM's Health &Fitness Journal,18(5),25- 29.
  • Balsom PD, Gaitanos GC, Soderlund K, Ekblom B (1999): High intensity exercise and muscle glyco- gen Scand,165(4),337-345. Acta.Physiol
  • Hargreaves M, Finn JP, Withers RT (1997): Effect of muscle glycogen availability on maximal exerci- se perfomance. Eur. J. Appl Physial,75(29),188- 192.
  • Kerksick C. Harvey T. Stout J (2008): International Society and of Sports Nutrition position stand: nut- rient timing. J.Int. Soc. Sports Nutr.5:18;55-65
  • Jentjens R, Jeukendrup AE (2003): Determinants of post exercise glycogen synthesis during short term recovery. Sports Med, 33(2),117-144.
  • Tonk TK, Chung PK, Leung RW, Nıe J, Lın H, Zheng J (2011): Effects of non-wıngate-based hıgh-ıntensıty ınterval traınıng on cardıorespıratory fıtness and aerobıc-based exercıse capacıty ın se- dentary subjects: a prelımınary study, J Exerc Sci Fit, 9(2),75-81.
  • Esfarjanı F, Laursen PB (2007): Manipulating high-intensity interval training: Effects on ˙VO2 max, the lactate threshold and3000m running per- formance in moderately trained males. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 10:27-35.
  • Jacobs RA, Fluck D, Bonne TC, Burgi S, Christensen PM, Toigo M, Lundby C (2013): Improvements in exercise performance with high- intensity interval training coincide with an increase in skeletal muscle mitochondrial content and function. J Appl Physiol, 8:785-793.
  • Talanian JL, Stuart DRG, George JF, Bonen HA, Spriet LL (2007): Two weeks of high-intensity ae- robic interval training increases the capacity for fat oxidation during exercise in women. J Appl Phy- siol, 102: 1439–1447.
  • Babraj JA, Vollaard NB, Keast C, Guppy FM, Cottrell G, Tımmons JA (2009): Extremely short duration high intensity interval training substanti- ally improves insulin action in young healthy ma- les. BMC Endocrine Disorders, 9(3),18-22.
  • Shıng CM, Webb JJ, Drıller MW, Wıllıams AD, Fell JW (2013): Cırculatıng adıponectın concentra- tıon and body composıtıon are altered ın response tohıgh-ıntensıty ınterval traınıng. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research,27(8),2213- 2218.
  • Heydari M, Freund J, Boutcher SH (2012): The effect of high-ıntensity ıntermittent exercise on body composition of overweight young males. Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Obe- sity, 480-467.
  • Laursen PB, Jenkıns DG (2002): The scientific basis for high intensity interval training: optimising training programmers and maximising performance in highly trained endurance athletes. Sports Med,32,53-73.
  • Bayatı M, Farzad B, Gharakhnlou R, Alınejad HA (2011): A practical model of low-volume high- intensity interval training induces performance and metabolic adaptations that resemble ‘all-out’ sprint interval training. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine,10,571-576.
  • Dunham C, Harms CA (2012): Effects of high- intensity interval training on pulmonary function. Eur J Appl Physiol, 112,3061–3068.
  • Ghorbani P, Kordi MR, Gaeeni AA, Arbab G, Nafar MH (2013): Changes in inflammatory fac- tors in elite soccer players following single bout high intensity interval training. Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity,7(1),53-59.
  • Racil G, Ounis BO, Hammouda O, Kallel A, Zouhal H, Chamari K, Amri M (2013): Effects of high vs. moderate exercise intensity during interval training on lipids and adiponectin levels in obese young females. Eur J Appl Physiol, 113:2531– 2540.
  • Akgül MŞ, Gürses VV, Karabıyık H, Koz M (2016). The Influence of 2 weeks of low- volume high - ıntensity ınterval training on aerobic ındices in women. International Journal of Science Culture and Sport,4(1),298-305.
  • Karabıyık H, Gürses VV, Akgül MŞ, Koz M (2016): Effects of high-ıntensity ınterval training on aerobic fitness. 21st Annual Congress of The Europen College of Sport Science. 488-489.
  • Akgül MŞ, Karabıyık H,Gürses VV, Koz M (2016): The ınfluence of 2 weeks of low volume high ıntensity ınterval training on anaerobic capa- city on women. International Sport Science Tou- rism and Recreation Student Congress
  • Wadley AJ, Chen YW, Gregory YH. James L, Fisher P, Aldred S (2016): Low volume–high in- tensity interval exercise elicits antioxidant and anti- inflammatory effects in humans. Journal of Sports Sciences,34(1), 1–9.
  • Fisher G, Schwartz D, Quindry J, Barberio MD, Foster EB. Jones KW, Pascoe DD (2011): Lymp- hocyte enzymatic antioxidant responses to oxidati- ve stress following high-intensity interval exercise. Lymphocyte enzymatic antioxidant responses to oxidative stress following high-intensity interval exercise. J Appl Physiol,110: 730–737.
  • Bartlett JD, Joo CH, Jeong TS, Louhelainen J, Cochran AJ, Gibala MJ, Gregson W, Close GL, Drust B, Morton JP (2012): Matched work high- intensity interval and continuous running induce similar increases in PGC-1, mRNA, AMPK, p38, and p53 phosphorylation in human skeletal muscle. J Appl Physiol, 112, 1135–1143.
  • Parfitt G, Eston RG (2005): The relationship between children_s habitual activity level and psychological 94(12),1791–7. Acta Paediatr,
  • Hillman CH, Erickson KI, Kramer AF (2008): Be smart, exercise your heart: exercise effects on brain and cognition. Nat Rev Neurosci,9(1),58–65.
  • Singh NA, Stavrinos TM, Scarbek Y, Galambos G, Liber C, Fiatarone Singh MA (2005): A randomi- zed controlled trial of high versus low intensity we- ight training versus general practitioner care for clinical depression in older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 60(6),768–76.
  • Sarah A. Eather CA, Ronald C, Charles HP. Hıll- man H, Lubans DR (2016): High-ıntensity ınterval training for cognitive and mental health in adoles- cents. Medıcıne & Scıence In Sports & Exercıse, 16,1985-1993.
  • American Collage of Sports Medicine (2014): Information on high intensity interval training. ACSM’s Consumer Information Committee.
There are 46 citations in total.


Other ID JA69AH77HA
Journal Section Collection

Mustafa Şakir Akgül This is me

Mitat Koz This is me

Veli Volkan Gürses This is me

Recep Kürkçü This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 15 Issue: 2


APA Akgül, M. Ş., Koz, M., Gürses, V. V., Kürkçü, R. (2017). Yüksek şiddetli interval antrenman. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(2), 39-46.

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