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Yoğun egzersizle oluşan oksidatif stres ve DNA hasarı üzerine askorbik asidin etkisi

Year 2015, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 65 - 72, 01.04.2015


Bu çalışmanın amacı, yoğun egzersiz stresi oluşturulan ratlarda, askorbik asidin (AA) DNA hasarı ve oksidatif stres üzerine etkilerini belirlemektir. Çalışmada 18 adet 22 haftalık Sprague Dawley cinsi erkek sıçanlardan Sedanter, Egzersiz ve Egzersiz+AA grupları oluşturulmuştur. On gün yoğun treadmill egzersizi (15 dk/gün, eğimsiz 20m/dk hız) uygulandıktan sonra kan ve kas örnekleri alınd ve total oksidatif stres (TOS), total antioksidan durum (TAS) ve 8Hidroksi-2’-deoksiguanozin (8-OHdG) seviyeleri araştırılmıştır. İstatistiksel değerlendirmeler Kruskal Wallis-H ve Mann-Whitney-U testleri ile yapılmıştır. Uygulanan egzersiz programı sonucunda Egzersiz grubunun TOS değerinin Sedanter gruba göre yüksek olduğu (p<0.01), Egzersiz+AA grubunun değerinin anlamlı olmamakla birlikte egzersiz grubundan düşük olduğu (p>0.05) belirlenmiştir. Egzersiz grubunun TAS değerlerinin sedanterlere göre yüksek olmasına rağmen aradaki farkın istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olmadığı (p>0.05), AA grunbununda egzersiz grubundan daha yüksek TAS değerine sahip olduğu (p<0.05) tespit edilmiştir. Egzersiz grubunun 8-OHdG değerlerinin Sedanterlere göre yüksek olmasına rağmen anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmamıştır (p>0.05). Egzersiz+AA grubu ile egzersiz grubu arasında anlamlı fark olmamakla birlikte (p>0.05) Egzersiz+AA grubunun 8-OHdG değerlerinin Egzersiz grubundan düşük olduğu görülmüştür. Egzersiz TOS seviyesini ve buna paralel 8-OHdG değerini (DNA hasarını) artırırken, AA güçlü antioksidan etkisiyle bu olumsuz durumu tersine çevirme eğiliminde olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır


  • Akkuş İ. (1995): Serbest Radikaller ve Fizyopatolo- jik Etkileri, Konya, Mimoza Yayınları, 1-75.
  • Aksu İ, Topcu A, Çamsari UM, Acikgöz O. (2009): Effect of acute and chronic exercise on oxidant– antioxidant equilibrium in rat hippocampus, pref- rontal cortex and striatum. Neuroscience Letters, 452:281-285.
  • Alessio HM, Goldfarb AH. Cao G. (1997): Exerci- se-induced oxidative stress before and after vitamin C supplementation. International Journal of Sport Nutrition, 7:1-9.
  • Altan N, Dinçel AS, Koca C. (2006): Diabetes mellitus ve oksidatif stress. Türk Biyokimya Dergi- si, Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, 31: 51–56.
  • Antonio J, Kalman D,Stout JR, et al (2008): Essen- tials of Sports Nutrition and Supplements, Totowa, NJ, USA, Humana Press, 318.
  • Aruoma OI. (1998): Free radicals, oxidative stress, and antioxidants in human health and disease. Jour- nal of the American Oil Chemists' Society JAOCS, 75:199-212.
  • Asami S, Hirano T, Yamaguchi R, et al (1998): Reduction of 8-hydroxyguanine in human leukocyte DNA by physical exercise. Free Radical Research, 29:581-584.
  • Brennan LA, Morris GM, Wasson GR, et al (2000): Effect of vitamin C or Vitamin E supplementation on basal and H202-induced DNA damage in human lymphocytes. The British Journal of Nutrition, 84: 195-202.
  • Cai L, Koropatnick J, Cherian MG. (2001): Roles of vitamin C in radiation-induced DNA damage in presence and absence of copper. Chemico- Biological Interactions, 137:75–88.
  • Cheeseman KH, Slater TF. (1993): An introduction to free radical biochemistry. British Medical Bulle- tin, 49:481-93.
  • Cholewa J, Poprzecki S, Zajac A, et al (2008): The influence of vitamin C on blood oxidative stress pa- rameters in basketball players in response to maximal exercise. Science and Sports, 23:176-182.
  • Cooke MS, Evans MD, Dizdaroğlu M, Lunec J. (2003): Oxidative DNA damage: Mechanisms, mu- tation, and disease. The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 17:1195-1214.
  • Cooper CE, Vollaard NBJ, Choueiri T, et al (2002): Exercise, free radicals and oxidative stress. Bioc- hemical Society Transactions, 30:280-285.
  • Çolakoğlu S, Kırkalı G, Çolakoğlu M, Örmen M, Akan P. (1998): Egzersizde E vitamini desteğinin oksidan stres ve dayanıklılık üzerine etkileri. Klinik Gelişim, 11:412-415.
  • Demirbağ R, Yılmaz R, Güzel S, et al (2006): Effects of treadmill exercise test on oxidati- ve/antioxidative parameters and DNA damage. Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi, 6:135-140.
  • Demirsoy A. (2005): Kalıtım ve Evrim, 13. Baskı. Ankara, Meteksan A.Ş., 206-358.
  • Dizdaroglu M, Jaruga P, Birincioglu M, Rodriguez H. (2002): Free Radical-induced damage to DNA: mechanisms and measurement. Free Radical Biolog and Medicine, 32:1102-15.
  • Dizdaroglu M. (1992): Oxidative damage to DNA in mammalian chromatin, Mutation Research, 275:331-342.
  • Dündar Y, Aslan R. (1999): Oksidan-antioksidan denge ve korunmasında vitaminlerin rolü. Hayvan- cılık Araştırma Dergisi, 9:1-39.
  • Düzova H, Emre MH, Karakoç Y, et al (2006): Orta ve yüksek düzeyde treadmill egzersizinin sıçanların kas ve eritrosit oksidan/antioksidan sistemine etkisi, Journal of Inonu University Medical Faculty, 13:1- 5.
  • Fıçıcılar H, Zergeroğlu AM, Ersöz G, et al (2006): The effects of short-term training on platelet functi- ons and total antioxidant capacity in rats. Physiolo- gical Research / Academia Scientiarum Bohemos- lovaca, 55: 151-156.
  • Gille G, Sigler K. (1995): Oxidative stress and living cells. Folia Microbiologica, 40:31-152.
  • Gronowska-Senger A. Górnicka M. Kotodziejska K. (2009): Tocopherol acetate vs. oxidative stress induced by physical exercise in rats. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 59:263-269.
  • Güllü E. (2007): Sedanterlerde ve Dayanıklılık Sporcularında Maksimal ve Submaksimal Egzersiz Sonrası Oluşan Oksidan Stres ve Antioksidan Dü- zeylerinin Karşılaştırılması. Sağlık Bilimleri Ensti- tüsü, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Anabilim Dalı. Dokto- ra Tezi, Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi.
  • Günay M, Cicioğlu İ. (2001): Spor Fizyolojisi, 1. Baskı. Ankara, Gazi Kitapevi, 52,343.
  • Günay M, Tamer K, Cicioğlu İ. (2006): Spor Fizyo- lojisi ve Performans Ölçümü. Ankara, Gazi Kitabe- vi.
  • Huang HY, Helzlsouer KJ, Appel LJ. (2000): The effects of vitamin C and vitamin E on oxidative DNA damage: results from a randomized controlled trial. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Pre- vention, 9:647-652.
  • Kıyıcı F, Kishalı NF. (2010): Alp Disiplini kayakçı- larında sürat egzersizleri sonrası kan antioksidan düzeylerinin incelenmesi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Be- den Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi (ATA- BESBD), 12 :1-9.
  • Kürkçü R, Çakmak A, Zeyrek D. (2012): Taekwon- do antrenmanlarının çocuklarda oksidatif stres üze- rine etkisi, Erciyes Tıp Dergisi/Erciyes Medical Jo- urnal, 34:7-9.
  • Leeuwenburgh C, Heinecke JW. (2001): Oxidative stress and antioxidants in exercise. Current Medici- nal Chemistry, 8:829-838.
  • Okamura K, Doi T, Hamada K, et al (1997): Effect of repeated exercise on urinary 8-hydroxy- deoxyguanosine excretion in humans. Free Radical Research, 26:507–514.
  • Orhan H. Holland BV. Krab B. et al (2004): Eva- luation of a multi-parameter biomarker set for oxi- dative damage in man: increased urinary excretion of lipid, protein and DNA oxidation products after one hour of exercise. Free Radical Research, 38:1269-1279.
  • Özçelik O, Karataş F. (2008): Şiddeti düzenli olarak artan işe karşı yapılan egzersizin obezlerde serum malondialdehid ve vitamin A, E, C düzeyleri üzeri- ne olan etkisi. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi (FUSABİL), 22:337-341.
  • Pingitore A, Pereira Lima G, Mastorci F, et al (2015): Exercise and Oxidative Stress: Potential Ef- fects of Antioxidant Dietary Strategies in Sports, Nutrition 13. (doi:10.1016/j.nut.2015.02.005)
  • Priem H. Loft S. Nyyssonen K. et al (1997): No effect of supplementation with vitamin E, ascorbic acid or coenzyme q10 on oxidative DNA damage estimated by 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2ı deoxyguanosine excretion in smokers. The American Journal of Cli- nical Nutrition, 65:503–507.
  • Radak Z, Asano K, Inoue M, et al (1995): Supe- roxide dismutase derivative reduces oxidative da- mage in skeletal muscle of rats during exhaustive exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology (Bethesta, Md), 79:129–135.
  • Radak Z, Kaneko T, Tahara S, et al (1999): The effect of exercise training on oxidative damage of lipids, proteins and DNA in rat skeletal muscle: evidence for beneficial outcomes. Free Radical Bio- logy and Medicine, 27:69-74.
  • Radak, Z, Taylor A, W, Ohno H, et al (2001): Adaptation to exercise induced oxidative stress: from muscle to brain. Exercise Immunology Re- view, 7:90-107.
  • Ramel A, Wagner KH, Elmadfa I. (2004): Plasma antioxidants and lipid oxidation after submaximal resistance exercise in men. European Journal of Nutrition, 43:2-6.
  • Sarıtaş N, Uyanık F, Hamucu Z, et al (2011): Ef- fects of acute twelve two minute run test on oxida- tive stress and antioxidant enzyme activities. Afri- can Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 5:1218-1222.
  • Schröder H, Navarro E, Tramullas A, et al (2000): Nutrition antioxidant status and oxidative stress in professional basketball players: effects of a three compound antioxidative supplement. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 21:146-150.
  • Siegenberg D, Baynes RD, Bothwell TH, et al (1991): Ascorbic acid prevents the dose-dependent inhibitory effects of polyphenols and phytates on nonheme-iron absorption. American Journal of Cli- nical Nutrition, 53, 537-541.
  • Tanimura Y, Shimizu K, Tanabe K, et al (2010): Effects of three consecutive güns exercise on lymp- hocyte DNA damage in young men. European Jo- urnal of Applied Physiology, 110:307–314.
  • Tauler P, Aguilo A, Gimeno I, et al (2003): Influen- ce of vitamin C diet supplementation on endoge- nous antioxidant defenses during exhaustive exerci- se. Pflugers Archiv: European Journal of Physio- logy, 446:658-664.
  • Tekcan M. (2009): Oksidatif stres-antioksidan sistemler ve testis. Androloji Bülteni,37:131-136.
  • Thirumalai T, Viviyan Therasa S, Elumalai EK, et al (2011): Intense and exhaustive exercise induce oxidative stress in skeletal muscle, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease, 63-66.
  • Umegaki K, Daohua P, Sugisawa A, et al (2000): Influence of one bout of vigorous exercise on as- corbic acid in plasma and oxidative damage to DNA in blood cells and muscle in untrained rats. The Journal of Nutrtional Biochemistry, 11:401– 407.
  • Urso ML, Clarkson PM. (2003): Oxidative stress, exercise andantioxidant supplementation. Toxico- logy, 189:41-54.
  • Van Remmen H, Hamilton ML, Richardson A. (2003): Oxidative damage to DNA and aging. Exer- cise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 31:149-153.
  • Wagner KH, Reichhold S, Neubauer O. (2011): Impact of endurance and ultraendurance exercise on DNA damage. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Issue: Nutrition and Physical Activity in Aging, Obesity, and Cancer, 1229:115–123.
  • Wu LL, Chiou CC, Chang PY, et al (2004): Urinary 8-OHdG: a marker of oxidative stress to DNA and a risk factor for cancer, atherosclerosis and diabetics. Clinica Chimica Acta: International Journal of Cli- nical Chemistry, 339:1-9.
  • Yüce S, Bilgen G, Demir İ. (2010): Genetik, 1. Baskı. Ankara, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım,15-81.
  • Zerin M, Karakılçık AZ, Bitiren M, et al (2010): Vitamin C modulates oxidative stress-induced coli- tis in rats. Turk Journal of Medical Science, 40:871- 879.


Year 2015, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 65 - 72, 01.04.2015


The aim of this study is to determine effects of ascorbic acid on DNA damage and oxidative stress in rats on which intensive exercise stress was created. In the present study, eighteen Sprague Dawley types of male rats which were 22 weeks old were classified as Sedentary, Exercise, Exercise+AA. After a ten day intensive treadmill exercise (15 m/day, straight 20 meters per minute velocity), blood and muscle samples were taken, and total oxidative stress status (TOS), total antioxidant status (TAS) and 8- Hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) levels were tested. Kruskal Wallis-H and Mann-Whitney-U tests were administered for statistical analysis. It was found that TOS value was higher in Exercise group compared with that of Sedentary group (p<0.01), and although it did not reach the statistical significance (p>0.05), TOS value was lower in Exercise+AA group than that of exercise group. Although TAS value in Exercise group was higher than the sedentary group, the difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05). AA group had higher TAS value compared with exercise group (p<0.05). Although 8-OHdG value of the exercise group was higher compared with the sedentary group, the difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Although there was no difference between 8-OHdG values of Exercise+AA and Exercise groups (p>0.05). 8-OHdG values of Exercise+AA group was lower compared with Exercise group. It was found that exercise increases TOS and 8-OHdG values (DNA damage), AA reverses this negative trend by its strong antioxidant effect


  • Akkuş İ. (1995): Serbest Radikaller ve Fizyopatolo- jik Etkileri, Konya, Mimoza Yayınları, 1-75.
  • Aksu İ, Topcu A, Çamsari UM, Acikgöz O. (2009): Effect of acute and chronic exercise on oxidant– antioxidant equilibrium in rat hippocampus, pref- rontal cortex and striatum. Neuroscience Letters, 452:281-285.
  • Alessio HM, Goldfarb AH. Cao G. (1997): Exerci- se-induced oxidative stress before and after vitamin C supplementation. International Journal of Sport Nutrition, 7:1-9.
  • Altan N, Dinçel AS, Koca C. (2006): Diabetes mellitus ve oksidatif stress. Türk Biyokimya Dergi- si, Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, 31: 51–56.
  • Antonio J, Kalman D,Stout JR, et al (2008): Essen- tials of Sports Nutrition and Supplements, Totowa, NJ, USA, Humana Press, 318.
  • Aruoma OI. (1998): Free radicals, oxidative stress, and antioxidants in human health and disease. Jour- nal of the American Oil Chemists' Society JAOCS, 75:199-212.
  • Asami S, Hirano T, Yamaguchi R, et al (1998): Reduction of 8-hydroxyguanine in human leukocyte DNA by physical exercise. Free Radical Research, 29:581-584.
  • Brennan LA, Morris GM, Wasson GR, et al (2000): Effect of vitamin C or Vitamin E supplementation on basal and H202-induced DNA damage in human lymphocytes. The British Journal of Nutrition, 84: 195-202.
  • Cai L, Koropatnick J, Cherian MG. (2001): Roles of vitamin C in radiation-induced DNA damage in presence and absence of copper. Chemico- Biological Interactions, 137:75–88.
  • Cheeseman KH, Slater TF. (1993): An introduction to free radical biochemistry. British Medical Bulle- tin, 49:481-93.
  • Cholewa J, Poprzecki S, Zajac A, et al (2008): The influence of vitamin C on blood oxidative stress pa- rameters in basketball players in response to maximal exercise. Science and Sports, 23:176-182.
  • Cooke MS, Evans MD, Dizdaroğlu M, Lunec J. (2003): Oxidative DNA damage: Mechanisms, mu- tation, and disease. The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 17:1195-1214.
  • Cooper CE, Vollaard NBJ, Choueiri T, et al (2002): Exercise, free radicals and oxidative stress. Bioc- hemical Society Transactions, 30:280-285.
  • Çolakoğlu S, Kırkalı G, Çolakoğlu M, Örmen M, Akan P. (1998): Egzersizde E vitamini desteğinin oksidan stres ve dayanıklılık üzerine etkileri. Klinik Gelişim, 11:412-415.
  • Demirbağ R, Yılmaz R, Güzel S, et al (2006): Effects of treadmill exercise test on oxidati- ve/antioxidative parameters and DNA damage. Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi, 6:135-140.
  • Demirsoy A. (2005): Kalıtım ve Evrim, 13. Baskı. Ankara, Meteksan A.Ş., 206-358.
  • Dizdaroglu M, Jaruga P, Birincioglu M, Rodriguez H. (2002): Free Radical-induced damage to DNA: mechanisms and measurement. Free Radical Biolog and Medicine, 32:1102-15.
  • Dizdaroglu M. (1992): Oxidative damage to DNA in mammalian chromatin, Mutation Research, 275:331-342.
  • Dündar Y, Aslan R. (1999): Oksidan-antioksidan denge ve korunmasında vitaminlerin rolü. Hayvan- cılık Araştırma Dergisi, 9:1-39.
  • Düzova H, Emre MH, Karakoç Y, et al (2006): Orta ve yüksek düzeyde treadmill egzersizinin sıçanların kas ve eritrosit oksidan/antioksidan sistemine etkisi, Journal of Inonu University Medical Faculty, 13:1- 5.
  • Fıçıcılar H, Zergeroğlu AM, Ersöz G, et al (2006): The effects of short-term training on platelet functi- ons and total antioxidant capacity in rats. Physiolo- gical Research / Academia Scientiarum Bohemos- lovaca, 55: 151-156.
  • Gille G, Sigler K. (1995): Oxidative stress and living cells. Folia Microbiologica, 40:31-152.
  • Gronowska-Senger A. Górnicka M. Kotodziejska K. (2009): Tocopherol acetate vs. oxidative stress induced by physical exercise in rats. Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 59:263-269.
  • Güllü E. (2007): Sedanterlerde ve Dayanıklılık Sporcularında Maksimal ve Submaksimal Egzersiz Sonrası Oluşan Oksidan Stres ve Antioksidan Dü- zeylerinin Karşılaştırılması. Sağlık Bilimleri Ensti- tüsü, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Anabilim Dalı. Dokto- ra Tezi, Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi.
  • Günay M, Cicioğlu İ. (2001): Spor Fizyolojisi, 1. Baskı. Ankara, Gazi Kitapevi, 52,343.
  • Günay M, Tamer K, Cicioğlu İ. (2006): Spor Fizyo- lojisi ve Performans Ölçümü. Ankara, Gazi Kitabe- vi.
  • Huang HY, Helzlsouer KJ, Appel LJ. (2000): The effects of vitamin C and vitamin E on oxidative DNA damage: results from a randomized controlled trial. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Pre- vention, 9:647-652.
  • Kıyıcı F, Kishalı NF. (2010): Alp Disiplini kayakçı- larında sürat egzersizleri sonrası kan antioksidan düzeylerinin incelenmesi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Be- den Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi (ATA- BESBD), 12 :1-9.
  • Kürkçü R, Çakmak A, Zeyrek D. (2012): Taekwon- do antrenmanlarının çocuklarda oksidatif stres üze- rine etkisi, Erciyes Tıp Dergisi/Erciyes Medical Jo- urnal, 34:7-9.
  • Leeuwenburgh C, Heinecke JW. (2001): Oxidative stress and antioxidants in exercise. Current Medici- nal Chemistry, 8:829-838.
  • Okamura K, Doi T, Hamada K, et al (1997): Effect of repeated exercise on urinary 8-hydroxy- deoxyguanosine excretion in humans. Free Radical Research, 26:507–514.
  • Orhan H. Holland BV. Krab B. et al (2004): Eva- luation of a multi-parameter biomarker set for oxi- dative damage in man: increased urinary excretion of lipid, protein and DNA oxidation products after one hour of exercise. Free Radical Research, 38:1269-1279.
  • Özçelik O, Karataş F. (2008): Şiddeti düzenli olarak artan işe karşı yapılan egzersizin obezlerde serum malondialdehid ve vitamin A, E, C düzeyleri üzeri- ne olan etkisi. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi (FUSABİL), 22:337-341.
  • Pingitore A, Pereira Lima G, Mastorci F, et al (2015): Exercise and Oxidative Stress: Potential Ef- fects of Antioxidant Dietary Strategies in Sports, Nutrition 13. (doi:10.1016/j.nut.2015.02.005)
  • Priem H. Loft S. Nyyssonen K. et al (1997): No effect of supplementation with vitamin E, ascorbic acid or coenzyme q10 on oxidative DNA damage estimated by 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2ı deoxyguanosine excretion in smokers. The American Journal of Cli- nical Nutrition, 65:503–507.
  • Radak Z, Asano K, Inoue M, et al (1995): Supe- roxide dismutase derivative reduces oxidative da- mage in skeletal muscle of rats during exhaustive exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology (Bethesta, Md), 79:129–135.
  • Radak Z, Kaneko T, Tahara S, et al (1999): The effect of exercise training on oxidative damage of lipids, proteins and DNA in rat skeletal muscle: evidence for beneficial outcomes. Free Radical Bio- logy and Medicine, 27:69-74.
  • Radak, Z, Taylor A, W, Ohno H, et al (2001): Adaptation to exercise induced oxidative stress: from muscle to brain. Exercise Immunology Re- view, 7:90-107.
  • Ramel A, Wagner KH, Elmadfa I. (2004): Plasma antioxidants and lipid oxidation after submaximal resistance exercise in men. European Journal of Nutrition, 43:2-6.
  • Sarıtaş N, Uyanık F, Hamucu Z, et al (2011): Ef- fects of acute twelve two minute run test on oxida- tive stress and antioxidant enzyme activities. Afri- can Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 5:1218-1222.
  • Schröder H, Navarro E, Tramullas A, et al (2000): Nutrition antioxidant status and oxidative stress in professional basketball players: effects of a three compound antioxidative supplement. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 21:146-150.
  • Siegenberg D, Baynes RD, Bothwell TH, et al (1991): Ascorbic acid prevents the dose-dependent inhibitory effects of polyphenols and phytates on nonheme-iron absorption. American Journal of Cli- nical Nutrition, 53, 537-541.
  • Tanimura Y, Shimizu K, Tanabe K, et al (2010): Effects of three consecutive güns exercise on lymp- hocyte DNA damage in young men. European Jo- urnal of Applied Physiology, 110:307–314.
  • Tauler P, Aguilo A, Gimeno I, et al (2003): Influen- ce of vitamin C diet supplementation on endoge- nous antioxidant defenses during exhaustive exerci- se. Pflugers Archiv: European Journal of Physio- logy, 446:658-664.
  • Tekcan M. (2009): Oksidatif stres-antioksidan sistemler ve testis. Androloji Bülteni,37:131-136.
  • Thirumalai T, Viviyan Therasa S, Elumalai EK, et al (2011): Intense and exhaustive exercise induce oxidative stress in skeletal muscle, Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease, 63-66.
  • Umegaki K, Daohua P, Sugisawa A, et al (2000): Influence of one bout of vigorous exercise on as- corbic acid in plasma and oxidative damage to DNA in blood cells and muscle in untrained rats. The Journal of Nutrtional Biochemistry, 11:401– 407.
  • Urso ML, Clarkson PM. (2003): Oxidative stress, exercise andantioxidant supplementation. Toxico- logy, 189:41-54.
  • Van Remmen H, Hamilton ML, Richardson A. (2003): Oxidative damage to DNA and aging. Exer- cise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 31:149-153.
  • Wagner KH, Reichhold S, Neubauer O. (2011): Impact of endurance and ultraendurance exercise on DNA damage. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Issue: Nutrition and Physical Activity in Aging, Obesity, and Cancer, 1229:115–123.
  • Wu LL, Chiou CC, Chang PY, et al (2004): Urinary 8-OHdG: a marker of oxidative stress to DNA and a risk factor for cancer, atherosclerosis and diabetics. Clinica Chimica Acta: International Journal of Cli- nical Chemistry, 339:1-9.
  • Yüce S, Bilgen G, Demir İ. (2010): Genetik, 1. Baskı. Ankara, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım,15-81.
  • Zerin M, Karakılçık AZ, Bitiren M, et al (2010): Vitamin C modulates oxidative stress-induced coli- tis in rats. Turk Journal of Medical Science, 40:871- 879.
There are 53 citations in total.


Other ID JA49HU46NA
Journal Section Research Article

Öztürk Ağırbaş This is me

Necip Fazıl Kishalı This is me

Fatih Kıyıcı This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


APA Ağırbaş, Ö., Kishalı, N. F., & Kıyıcı, F. (2015). Yoğun egzersizle oluşan oksidatif stres ve DNA hasarı üzerine askorbik asidin etkisi. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 13(1), 65-72.

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