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Güncel bakış açısı ile fiziksel aktivite

Year 2014, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 01.04.2014


Teknolojik ilerlemeler, iş yaşamı ve kentleşme sonucu azalan fiziksel aktivite insan sağlığı üzerinde olumsuz rol oynamakta, düzenli olarak yapılan fiziksel aktivite (FA) ise; obezite, kardio-vasküler hastalıklar, Tip 2 diyabet ve kanser gibi hastalıklar ile meydana gelen mortalite riskini azaltarak, yaşam kalitesinde artış sağlamaktadır. 2012 yılı Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (World Health Organization-WHO) verilerine göre ülkemizde hastalıklara bağlı ölüm oranları kardiovasküler hastalıklarda %48, kanserde %21, Tip 2 diyabette %3.5 olarak belirlenmiş olup, düzenli FA ve hareketli yaşam ile önlenebilecek hastalık yüzdeleri koroner kalp hastalıklarında %9.3, meme kanserinde %16.3, kolon kanserinde %16.6, Tip 2 diyabette %11.5 olarak öngörülmektedir. Bununla birlikte uzun süreli yapılan çalışmalarda düzenli FA’nın kan basıncını düşürdüğü, insülin duyarlılığını artırdığı, kan lipid profilinde iyileşmeye neden olduğu, depresyon ve anksiyeteyi de azalttığı belirtilmektedir. Bu göstergeler ışığında Amerikan Spor Hekimliği Koleji (American College of Sports Medicine-ACSM) ve Hastalıkları Kontrol ve Önleme Merkezi (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention-CDC) gibi kuruluşlar egzersizlerin tipi, şiddeti, süresi ve sıklığı göz önüne alınarak bireye özel, aerobik kapasiteyi geliştiren, kas kuvveti ve esnekliği artıran egzersiz reçetelerinin hazırlanması ve bunların düzenli olarak yapılması gerektiğini belirtmektedir. Halk sağlığı programlarında aerobik egzersizlerin genellikle büyük kas gruplarına yönelik ritmik ve dinamik özellikte, maksimal kalp atım hızının %50-80 aralığında, haftada 3-7 gün, ortalama 20-60 dakika/gün süreli yapılması önerilirken; kuvvet egzersizlerinin ise 1 tekrarlı maksimalin %60-80’i ile haftada 2-3 gün, 8-10 hareket çeşidi, 2-3 set ve 8-12 tekrarlı olarak yapılması tavsiye edilmektedir


  • Paffenbarger, Jr., Blair, N.S, Lee, M.L., A history of physical activity, cardiovascular healt and longe- vity: the scientific contributions of Jeremy N Mor- ris, DSc, DPH, FRCP. İnternational Journal of Epi- demiology 30: pp. 1184-1192, 2001.
  • WHO Europe. The determinants of obesity. In: Branca, F., Nikogosian, H., Lobstein, T., eds. The Challenge of Obesity in the WHO European Region and The Strategies For Response. 1st ed. Copenha- gen: WHO, pp.13-23, 2007.
  • Donnelly, J.E., Blair, S.N., Jakicic, J.M., Manore, M.M., Rankin, J.W., Smith, B.K., American Colle- ge of Sports Medicine. American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand. Appropriate physical acti- vity intervention strategies for weight loss and pre- vention of weight regain for adults, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 41(2): pp. 459-71, 2009.
  • American College of Sports Medicine. In: Thomp- son, W.R., Gordon, N.F., Pescatello, L.S., eds. ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Presc- ription. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Wil- liams&Wilkins, pp.232-250, 2009.
  • Baltacı, G., Obezite ve Egzersiz, T.C. Sağlık Ba- kanlığı Temel Sağlık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü. Yayın No:730, Klasmat Matbaacılık, s.3, Ankara, 2008.
  • Coopoo, Y., Constantinou, D., Rothberg, A.D., Energy expenditure in office workers with identi- fied health risks, SAJSM, 20(2): pp. 40-44, 2008.
  • Vanhees, L., Lefevre, J., Philippaerts, R., Martens, M., Huygens, W., Troosters, T., Beunen, G.. How to assess physical activity? How to assess physical fitness? European Journal of Cardiovascular Pre- vention and Rehabilitation, 12: pp. 102-114, 2005.
  • World Health Organization. Global Recommenda- tıons on Physical Activity for Health. Chapter 4: Recommended population levels of physical acti- vity for health, pp.15-33, 2010.
  • Akandere, M., Arslan, F., Taşkın, H., Kick Boks Antrenörlerinin Fiziksel Aktivite Düzeylerinin De- ğerlendirilmesi. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, VI (4): s.167-173, 2008.
  • Morris, J.N., Heady, J.A., Raffle, P.A.B., Roberts, C.G., Parks, J.W., Coronary heart disease and phy- sical activity of work, Lancet, 262(6796):pp. 1111- 1120, 1953.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (HHS&CDC). Historical Background, Termino- logy, Evolution of Recommendations, and Measu- rement, Physical activity and health: A report of the Surgeon General, Atlanta, GA. pp.11-37. 1996.
  • Karaca, A., Ergen, E., Koruç, Z., Fiziksel Aktivite Değerlendirme Anketi (FADA) Geçerlik ve Güve- nirlik Çalışması, Hacettepe Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1-4): s. 17-28, 2000.
  • Bauman, A., Phongsavan, P., Schoeppe, S., Owen, N., Physical activity measurement - a primer for he- alth promotion, Iuhpe – Promotıon & Educatıon, XIII(2): 92-103, 2006.
  • Tudor-Locke, C., Ham, S.A., Macera, C.A., Ainsworth, B.E., Kirtland, K.A., Reis, J.P., Kimsey, C.D., Descriptive epidemiology of pedometer- determined physical activity, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 36(9): pp.1567-1573, 2004.
  • Paul, D.R., Kramer, M., Moshfegh, A.J., Baer, D.J., Rumpler, W.V., Comporison of two different phy- sical activity monitors, BMC Medical Research Methodolog, 7(26): pp. 1-6, 2007.
  • Pinheiro Volp, A.C., Esteves de Oliveira, F.C., Duarte Moreira Alves, R., Esteves, E.A., Bressan, J., Energy expenditure: components and evaluation methods, Nutr Hosp, 26(3): pp. 430-440, 2011.
  • Stel, V.S., Smit, J.H., Pluijm, S.M., Visser, M., Deeg, D.J., Lips, P., Comparison of the LASA phy- sical activity questionnaire with a 7-day diary and pedometer, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 57: 252-258, 2004
  • Karaca, A., Turnagöl, H.H., Çalışan bireylerde üç farklı fiziksel aktivite anketinin güvenirliği ve ge- çerliliği., Hacettepe Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 18(2): s. 68-84, 2007.
  • Mestek, M.L., Plaisance, E., Grandjean, P., The relationship between pedometer-determined and self-reported physical activity and body composi- tion variables in college-aged men and women, J Am Coll Health, 57(1): pp. 39-44, 2008.
  • Kirtland, K.A., Porter, D.E., Addy, C.L., Neet, M.J., Williams, J.E., Sharpe, P.A., Neff, L.J., Kimsey, C.D., Jr, Ainsworth, B.E., Enviromental measures of physical activity supports: perception versus rea- lity, Am J Prev Med, 24(4): pp. 323-331, 2003.
  • Eyler, A.A., Personal, social, and environmental correlates of physical activity in rural Midwestern white women, Am J Prev Med, 25(3 Suppl 1): pp. 86-92, 2003.
  • Macera, C.A., Ham, S.A., Yore, M.M., Jones, D.A., Ainsworth, B.E., Kimsey, C.D., Kohl, H.W., Preve- lance of Physical Activity in the United States: Be- havirol Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2001, Prev Chronic Dis, 2(2) A17. pp. 1-10. 2005.
  • Tudor-Locke, C., Burkett, L., Reis, J.P., Ainsworth, B.E., Macera, C.A., Wilson, D.K., How many days of pedometer monitoring predict weekly physical activity in adults, Prev Med, 40(3): pp. 293-298, 2005.
  • Guthold, R., Ono, T., Strong, K.L., Chatterji, S., Morabia, A., Worldwide Variability in Physical Inactivity A 51-Country Survey, Am J Prev Med, 34(6): pp. 486-494, 2008.
  • Cerin, C., Leslie, E., How socio-economic status contributes to participation in leisure-time physical activity, Soc Sci Med, 66(12): pp. 2596-2609, 2008.
  • Karaca, A., Yetişkin bireylerde orta ve yüksek şiddetli fiziksel aktivitenin cinsiyete göre incelen- mesi, Hacettepe J of Sports Sciences, 19(1): s. 54- 62, 2008.
  • Photiou, A., Anning, J.H., Mészáros, J., Vajda, I., Mészáros, Z., Sziva, A., Prókai, A., Ng, N., Lifesty- le, body composition, and physical fitness changes in Hungarian school boys (1975-2005), Res Q Exerc Sport 2008;79(2):pp.166-173
  • Hallal, P.C., Bauman, A.E., Heath, G.W., Kohl, H.W., Lee, M., Pratt, M., Physical activity: more of the same is not enough, Lancet, 380(9838): pp.190- 191, 2012.
  • Nahas, M.V., Goldfine, B., Collins, M.A., Determi- nants of physical activity in adolecents and young adults: the basis for high school and college physi- cal education to promote active lifestyles, Physical Educator, 60(1): pp. 42-56, 2003.
  • World Health Organization. Noncommunicable diseases: A majör health challenge of the 21st cen- tury, pp.35-36, 2012.
  • American College of Sports Medicine. In: Durstine, J.L., Moore, G.E., Painter, P.L., Roberts, S.O., eds. ACSM’s Exercise management for persons with chronic diseases and disabilities. 3rd ed. Illinois: Human Kinetics, pp. 21-379, 2009.
  • Lee, M., Shiroma, E.J., Lobelo, F., Puska, P., Blair, S., Katzmarzyk, P.T.. For The Lancet Physical Ac- tivity Series Working Group. Effect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy, The Lancet, pp. 219-229, 2012.
  • Zorba, E., Fiziksel Uygunluk. Gazi Kitabevi Tic. Ltd. Şti., s. 105, Ankara, 2001.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, İstatistiklerle Türkiye 2012. Yayın No:3942. Ankara: Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Matbaası; s.18-23.
  • Haskell, W.L., Lee, I.M., Pate, R.R., Powell, K.E., Blair, S.N., Franklin, B.A., Macera, C.A., Heath, G.W., Thompson, P.D., Bauman, A., Physical acti- vity and public health: updated recommendation for adults from the American College of Sports Medi- cine and the American Heart Association, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 39(8): pp. 1423–1434, 2007.
  • Jakicic, J.M., Davis, K.K., Garcia, D.O., Verba, S., Pellegrini, C., Objective monitoring of physical ac- tivity in overweight and obese populations, Physical Therapy Reviews,15(3): pp. 163-169, 2010.
  • Lakka, T.A., Laaksonen, D.E.. Physical activity in prevention and treatment of the metabolic syndro- me, Appl Physiol Nutr Metab, 32: pp. 76-88, 2007.
  • Can, S., Ersöz, G., Tip 2 Diabetes Mellitus Tedavi- sinde Egzersizin Yeri ve Önemi, Türkiye Klinikleri J Sports Sci, 5(1): s. 29-38, 2013.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Temel Sağlık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Türkiye Diyabeti Önleme Kont- rol Programı Eylem Planı (2011-2014), Yayın No: 816, Anıl Matbaa, s.1-24, Ankara, 2011.
  • ACSM/ADA., Exercise and type 2 diabetes: Ameri- can College of Sports Medicine and the American Diabetes Association: joint position statement. Exercise and type 2 diabetes. Med Sci Sports Exerc, pp. 2282-2303, 2010.
  • Warburton, D.E., Nicol, C.W., Bredin, S.S., Health benefits of physical activity; the evidence, CMAJ, 174(6):pp. 801-809, 2006.
  • Hu, G., Qiao, Q., Silventoinen, K., Eriksson, J.G., Jousilahti, P., Lindstrom, J., Valle, T.T., Nissinen, A., Tuomilehto, J., Occupational, commuting, and leisure- time physical activity in relation to risk for type 2 diabetes in middle-aged Finnish men and women. Diabetiologia, 46(3): pp. 322–329, 2003.
  • Healy, G.N., Wijndaele, K., Dunstan, D.W., Shaw, J.E., Salmon, J., Zimmet, P.Z., Owen, N., Objecti- vely measured sedentary time, physical activity, and metabolic risk: The Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (AusDiab), Diabetes Care, 31(2): pp.369–371, 2007.
  • Jeon, C.Y., Lokken, R.P., Hu, F.B., Van Dam, R.M., Physical activity of moderate intensity and risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review, Diabe- tes Care, 30(3): pp. 744-752, 2007.
  • Holloszy, J.O., Exercise-induced increase in muscle insulin sensitivity, J Appl Physiol, 99(1): pp. 338– 343, 2005.
  • Friedenreich, C.M., Neilson, H.K., Lynch, B.M., State of the epidemiological evidence on physical activity and cancer prevention, Eur J Cancer, 46(14): pp. 2593-2604, 2010.
  • Thune, I., Furberg, A.S., Physical activity and cancer risk: dose-response and cancer, all sites and site-specific, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 33(6): S530- 550, 2001.
  • Nelson, M.E., Rejeski, W.J., Blair, S.N., Duncan, P.W., Judge, J.O., King, A.C., Macera, C.A., Casta- neda-Sceppa, C., Physical activity and public health in older adults, Recommendation from the Ameri- can College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association, Circulation, 116:pp. 1094-1105, 2007.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Türkiye Hastalık Yükü Ça- lışması, Yayın No: 701, 1. Baskı, Aydoğdu Ofset Matbaacılık, s.4-8, Ankara, 2006.
  • Health at a Glance 2011 OECD Indıcators, pp. 28- 47.
  • Onat, A., Hergenç, G., Küçükdurmaz, Z., Bulur, S., Kaya, Z., Can, G., Fizik aktivitenin Türk yetişkinle- rini metabolik bozukluklardan koruduğuna ilişkin ileriye dönük kanıt, Türk Kardiyol Dern Arş - Arch Turk Soc Cardiol, 35(8):s. 467-474, 2007.
  • Çengel, A., TKD kadın ve kalp sağlığı proje ekibi makaleleri, Kadınlarda kardiyovasküler risk faktör- leri Türk Kardiyoloji Dern Arş-Arch Turk Soc Car- diol, 38(Supp 1): s. 17-24, 2010.
  • Thompson, P.D., Crouse, S.F., Goodpaster, B., Kelley, D., Moyna, N., Pescatello, L., The acute versus the chronic response to exercise, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 33(Suppl 6): S438-445, 2001.
  • World Health Organization. Global Health Risks. Mortality and burden of disease attributable to se- lected major risks, pp. 5, 2009.
  • Başara, B.B., Güler, C., Eryılmaz, Z., Yentür, G.K., Pulgat, E., T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık Araştırma- ları Genel Müdürlüğü Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllığı 2011. Yayın No: 885, s. 25-36, Semih Ofset Matba- acılık, Ankara 2012.
  • Pescatello, L.S., Franklin, B.A., Fagard, R., Farqu- har, W.B., Kelley, G.A., Ray, C.A., American Col- lege of Sports Medicine position stand. Exercise and hypertension, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 36(3): pp. 533-553, 2004.
  • Ströhle, A., Physical activity, exercise, depression and anxiety disorders, J Neural Transm, 116(6): pp. 777-784, 2009.
  • Oja, P., Titze, S., Physical activity recommendati- ons for public health: development and policy con- text. EPMA J. Review Article, 2(3): pp. 253-259, 2011.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Strate- gies to Prevent Obesity and Other Chronic Disea- ses: The CDC Guide to Strategies to Increase Phy- sical Activity in the Community. Atlanta: U.S. De- partment of Health and Human Services, pp.3-4, 2011.


Year 2014, Volume: 12 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 01.04.2014


A decline in physical activity level associated with technological advancements, work and urbanization plays a negative role on human health; however, regular physical activity can provide crucial health benefits such as a decrease in the risk of mortality due to obesity, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus and some types of cancers and improves quality of life. According to the World Health Organization’s data in 2012, while the mortality rates due to cardiovascular diseases account for 48%, cancers 21%, type 2 diabetes mellitus 3,5% in Turkey, it is estimated that these percentages will be 9,3%, 16,3-16.6%, 11,5%, respectively through regular physical activity and active life style. In addition, longitudinal physical activity studies have documented that regular physical activity lowers blood pressure, increases insulin sensitivity, improves blood lipid profile and decreases depression and anxiety. On the basis of such observations, public health authorities such as American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are now advocating regular physical activity for public health. Although the type, duration, intensity and frequency of exercise are important, exercise programmes should be designed specifically to each individual, and enhance aerobic capacity, muscle strength and flexibility. It is recommended that aerobic exercises should take 20-60 minutes with 50-80% of the heart rate reserve, have rhythmic and dynamic drills and be repeated in 3-7 days a week. Strength exercises should be repeated 2-3 days a week with 60-80% of 1 maximum repeat, involve 810 different drills with 2-3 sets and be repeated 8-12 times


  • Paffenbarger, Jr., Blair, N.S, Lee, M.L., A history of physical activity, cardiovascular healt and longe- vity: the scientific contributions of Jeremy N Mor- ris, DSc, DPH, FRCP. İnternational Journal of Epi- demiology 30: pp. 1184-1192, 2001.
  • WHO Europe. The determinants of obesity. In: Branca, F., Nikogosian, H., Lobstein, T., eds. The Challenge of Obesity in the WHO European Region and The Strategies For Response. 1st ed. Copenha- gen: WHO, pp.13-23, 2007.
  • Donnelly, J.E., Blair, S.N., Jakicic, J.M., Manore, M.M., Rankin, J.W., Smith, B.K., American Colle- ge of Sports Medicine. American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand. Appropriate physical acti- vity intervention strategies for weight loss and pre- vention of weight regain for adults, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 41(2): pp. 459-71, 2009.
  • American College of Sports Medicine. In: Thomp- son, W.R., Gordon, N.F., Pescatello, L.S., eds. ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Presc- ription. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Wil- liams&Wilkins, pp.232-250, 2009.
  • Baltacı, G., Obezite ve Egzersiz, T.C. Sağlık Ba- kanlığı Temel Sağlık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü. Yayın No:730, Klasmat Matbaacılık, s.3, Ankara, 2008.
  • Coopoo, Y., Constantinou, D., Rothberg, A.D., Energy expenditure in office workers with identi- fied health risks, SAJSM, 20(2): pp. 40-44, 2008.
  • Vanhees, L., Lefevre, J., Philippaerts, R., Martens, M., Huygens, W., Troosters, T., Beunen, G.. How to assess physical activity? How to assess physical fitness? European Journal of Cardiovascular Pre- vention and Rehabilitation, 12: pp. 102-114, 2005.
  • World Health Organization. Global Recommenda- tıons on Physical Activity for Health. Chapter 4: Recommended population levels of physical acti- vity for health, pp.15-33, 2010.
  • Akandere, M., Arslan, F., Taşkın, H., Kick Boks Antrenörlerinin Fiziksel Aktivite Düzeylerinin De- ğerlendirilmesi. Spormetre Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, VI (4): s.167-173, 2008.
  • Morris, J.N., Heady, J.A., Raffle, P.A.B., Roberts, C.G., Parks, J.W., Coronary heart disease and phy- sical activity of work, Lancet, 262(6796):pp. 1111- 1120, 1953.
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (HHS&CDC). Historical Background, Termino- logy, Evolution of Recommendations, and Measu- rement, Physical activity and health: A report of the Surgeon General, Atlanta, GA. pp.11-37. 1996.
  • Karaca, A., Ergen, E., Koruç, Z., Fiziksel Aktivite Değerlendirme Anketi (FADA) Geçerlik ve Güve- nirlik Çalışması, Hacettepe Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1-4): s. 17-28, 2000.
  • Bauman, A., Phongsavan, P., Schoeppe, S., Owen, N., Physical activity measurement - a primer for he- alth promotion, Iuhpe – Promotıon & Educatıon, XIII(2): 92-103, 2006.
  • Tudor-Locke, C., Ham, S.A., Macera, C.A., Ainsworth, B.E., Kirtland, K.A., Reis, J.P., Kimsey, C.D., Descriptive epidemiology of pedometer- determined physical activity, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 36(9): pp.1567-1573, 2004.
  • Paul, D.R., Kramer, M., Moshfegh, A.J., Baer, D.J., Rumpler, W.V., Comporison of two different phy- sical activity monitors, BMC Medical Research Methodolog, 7(26): pp. 1-6, 2007.
  • Pinheiro Volp, A.C., Esteves de Oliveira, F.C., Duarte Moreira Alves, R., Esteves, E.A., Bressan, J., Energy expenditure: components and evaluation methods, Nutr Hosp, 26(3): pp. 430-440, 2011.
  • Stel, V.S., Smit, J.H., Pluijm, S.M., Visser, M., Deeg, D.J., Lips, P., Comparison of the LASA phy- sical activity questionnaire with a 7-day diary and pedometer, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 57: 252-258, 2004
  • Karaca, A., Turnagöl, H.H., Çalışan bireylerde üç farklı fiziksel aktivite anketinin güvenirliği ve ge- çerliliği., Hacettepe Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 18(2): s. 68-84, 2007.
  • Mestek, M.L., Plaisance, E., Grandjean, P., The relationship between pedometer-determined and self-reported physical activity and body composi- tion variables in college-aged men and women, J Am Coll Health, 57(1): pp. 39-44, 2008.
  • Kirtland, K.A., Porter, D.E., Addy, C.L., Neet, M.J., Williams, J.E., Sharpe, P.A., Neff, L.J., Kimsey, C.D., Jr, Ainsworth, B.E., Enviromental measures of physical activity supports: perception versus rea- lity, Am J Prev Med, 24(4): pp. 323-331, 2003.
  • Eyler, A.A., Personal, social, and environmental correlates of physical activity in rural Midwestern white women, Am J Prev Med, 25(3 Suppl 1): pp. 86-92, 2003.
  • Macera, C.A., Ham, S.A., Yore, M.M., Jones, D.A., Ainsworth, B.E., Kimsey, C.D., Kohl, H.W., Preve- lance of Physical Activity in the United States: Be- havirol Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2001, Prev Chronic Dis, 2(2) A17. pp. 1-10. 2005.
  • Tudor-Locke, C., Burkett, L., Reis, J.P., Ainsworth, B.E., Macera, C.A., Wilson, D.K., How many days of pedometer monitoring predict weekly physical activity in adults, Prev Med, 40(3): pp. 293-298, 2005.
  • Guthold, R., Ono, T., Strong, K.L., Chatterji, S., Morabia, A., Worldwide Variability in Physical Inactivity A 51-Country Survey, Am J Prev Med, 34(6): pp. 486-494, 2008.
  • Cerin, C., Leslie, E., How socio-economic status contributes to participation in leisure-time physical activity, Soc Sci Med, 66(12): pp. 2596-2609, 2008.
  • Karaca, A., Yetişkin bireylerde orta ve yüksek şiddetli fiziksel aktivitenin cinsiyete göre incelen- mesi, Hacettepe J of Sports Sciences, 19(1): s. 54- 62, 2008.
  • Photiou, A., Anning, J.H., Mészáros, J., Vajda, I., Mészáros, Z., Sziva, A., Prókai, A., Ng, N., Lifesty- le, body composition, and physical fitness changes in Hungarian school boys (1975-2005), Res Q Exerc Sport 2008;79(2):pp.166-173
  • Hallal, P.C., Bauman, A.E., Heath, G.W., Kohl, H.W., Lee, M., Pratt, M., Physical activity: more of the same is not enough, Lancet, 380(9838): pp.190- 191, 2012.
  • Nahas, M.V., Goldfine, B., Collins, M.A., Determi- nants of physical activity in adolecents and young adults: the basis for high school and college physi- cal education to promote active lifestyles, Physical Educator, 60(1): pp. 42-56, 2003.
  • World Health Organization. Noncommunicable diseases: A majör health challenge of the 21st cen- tury, pp.35-36, 2012.
  • American College of Sports Medicine. In: Durstine, J.L., Moore, G.E., Painter, P.L., Roberts, S.O., eds. ACSM’s Exercise management for persons with chronic diseases and disabilities. 3rd ed. Illinois: Human Kinetics, pp. 21-379, 2009.
  • Lee, M., Shiroma, E.J., Lobelo, F., Puska, P., Blair, S., Katzmarzyk, P.T.. For The Lancet Physical Ac- tivity Series Working Group. Effect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: an analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy, The Lancet, pp. 219-229, 2012.
  • Zorba, E., Fiziksel Uygunluk. Gazi Kitabevi Tic. Ltd. Şti., s. 105, Ankara, 2001.
  • Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, İstatistiklerle Türkiye 2012. Yayın No:3942. Ankara: Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Matbaası; s.18-23.
  • Haskell, W.L., Lee, I.M., Pate, R.R., Powell, K.E., Blair, S.N., Franklin, B.A., Macera, C.A., Heath, G.W., Thompson, P.D., Bauman, A., Physical acti- vity and public health: updated recommendation for adults from the American College of Sports Medi- cine and the American Heart Association, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 39(8): pp. 1423–1434, 2007.
  • Jakicic, J.M., Davis, K.K., Garcia, D.O., Verba, S., Pellegrini, C., Objective monitoring of physical ac- tivity in overweight and obese populations, Physical Therapy Reviews,15(3): pp. 163-169, 2010.
  • Lakka, T.A., Laaksonen, D.E.. Physical activity in prevention and treatment of the metabolic syndro- me, Appl Physiol Nutr Metab, 32: pp. 76-88, 2007.
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There are 59 citations in total.


Other ID JA86NF52UR
Journal Section Research Article

Sema Can This is me

Erşan Arslan This is me

Gülfem Ersöz This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 12 Issue: 1


APA Can, S., Arslan, E., & Ersöz, G. (2014). Güncel bakış açısı ile fiziksel aktivite. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 12(1), 1-10.

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