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Futbol kulüpleri için değerleme çerçevesi

Year 2012, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 77 - 88, 01.04.2012


Bu çalışmada, bir işletme olarak futbol kulüplerinin değerlemesinin nasıl yapılması gerektiğini anlamak üzere, işletme değerlemesi, futbol kulüplerinin varlık-kaynak yapısı, gelir ve harcama kalemleri ile futbol endüstrisinin uluslararası ve ulusal boyutta işleyiş mekanizmaları hakkında genel bilgilere yer verilmiştir. Bununla birlikte, futbol kulüplerinin halka arzı öncelikli olmak üzere kulüplerde değer yaratımı faktörleri, kulüplerin en önemli varlıkları ve faaliyet kaynağı olan futbolcular ve bunların değerlemesi hakkında detaylı bilgilere yer verilmiş ve kulüp değerlemesi hakkında teorik düzeyde kabul edilen farklı yaklaşımlar tartışılmıştır


  • Pawlak, Z. and Smolen, A., "Valuation Methods of Sports Companies", Physical Culture and Sports Studies and Research, Volume XLVI, pp.243-253, 2008.
  • Chambers, N., Firma Değerlemesi, Beta Yayınları, s.437, İstanbul, 2009.
  • Gürbüz, O. ve Ergincan, Y., Şirket Değerlemesi: Klasik ve Modern Yaklaşımlar, Literatür Yayıncılık, s.348, İstanbul, 2004.
  • İvgen, H., Şirket Değerleme, Finnet Yayınları, s.216, İstanbul, 2003.
  • Hernandez, P., A working paper for IESE Business School, University of Navarra "Company Valuation Methods. The Most Common Errors in Valuations", p.33, 2002.
  • Ataman, Ü. ve Kibar, H., Hisse Senetlerinin Gerçek Değerinin Hesaplanması, Türkmen Kitabevi, s.172, İstanbul, 1999.
  • Class_Projs/DavidPenzIMAudit.pdf
  • Gomez, S., Marti, C. and Opazo, M., A working paper for IESE Business School, University of Navarra "The Structural Characteristics of Sport Organizations: Differentiation within Elite Spanish Professional Football Clubs", p.16, 2008.
  • Brewer, R.M., Pedersen, P.M., Lim C.H. and Clerkin, T.A., "Examining the Value of Sport Clubs: A Cross-sectional Intrinsic Valuation of NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) Football Programs", International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, Vol.23, No:2, pp.351-370, 2011.
  • Kotab, J. and Scholleva, H., A paper for XIII IASE and III ESEA Conferences on Sports Economics "Evaluations in football player's contracts" being held in Prague, p.11, 17-18 May 2011.
  • Van Den Berg, E., Master Thesis. The Valuation of Human Capital in the Football Player Transfer Market, An Investigation of Transfer Fees Paid and Received in the English Premier League, Erasmus School of Economics, p.64, 2011.
  • Kocaoğlu, N.K., "Futbol Şirketlerinin Halka Açılması", Ankara Barosu Dergisi, 2011/4, s.69-108. 2011.
  • Garcia-del-Barro, P. and Szymanski, S., A working paper for International Association of Sports Economists "Goal Profit Maximization and Win Maximization in Football Leagues", p.29, 2006.
  • Crossan, W. and Jezdik, M., A paper for XIII IASE and III ESEA Conferences on Sports Economics "Import or buy local: Comparative analysis of the use of foreign import players versus developing homegrown players in the Czech basketball league" being held in Prague, p.14, 17-18 May 2011.
  • offootballfinance2011/index.htm
  • aRCRD.htm
  • McDermott, J., "Direct v. Indirect Discrimination in European Footballl: The Legal Differences Between UEFA s Homegrown Player Rule and FIFA s “6+5” Proposal", Texas Review of Entertainment & Sports Law, Vol:11, Issue:2, pp.267-295, 2010.
  • Dejonghe, T. and Van Opstal, W., A working paper for International Association of Sports Economists "The Consequences of an Open Labor Market in a Closed Product Market in the Economic Environment of European Professional Football", p.16, 2008.
  • Goddard, J. and Wilson J.O.S., A paper for Social Science Research Network "Free Agency and Employment Transitions in Professional Football", p.33, 2008.
  • Verbon, H.A.A., A paper for Social Science Research Network "Migrating Football Players, Transfer Fees and Migration Controls", p.33, 2007.
  • Gürel, S.P. and Ekmekçi, Y.A., A paper for XIII IASE and III ESEA Conferences on Sports Economics "Measuring Intellectual Capital for Football Clubs: Evidence from Turkish First Division Football League" being held in Prague, p.10, 17-18 May 2011.
  • Savucu, Y., Devecioğlu S. and Coşkuner, Z., A paper for XIII IASE and III ESEA Conferences on Sports Economics "Economic Dimension of Football in Turkey" being held in Prague, p.4, 17-18 May 2011.
  • Ekmekçi, R., A paper for XIII IASE and III ESEA Conferences on Sports Economics "New Era Sport Sponsorship in Turkey" being held in Prague, p.6, 17-18 May 2011.
  • Baş, M., "Spor Sponsorluğu ve Spor Federasyonlarının Sponsorluğa Bakışı Üzerine Bir Araştırma", Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Sayı:10-3, s.111-124, 2008.
  • Bauer, H.H., Sauer, N.E. and Schmitt, P., "Customerbased brand equity in the team sport industry: Operationalization and impact on the economic success of sport teams", European Journal of Marketing, Vol:39, Issue:5-6, pp.496-515, 2005.
  • Kayalı, C.A. ve Yereli, A., İTÜ İşletme Fakültesi ve Finans Bilim Platformu tarafından düzenlenen, VII. Ulusal Finans Sempozyumu'nda sunulan bildiri "Marka Değerinin Firmaların Piyasa Değeri ve Finansal Performansları Üzerindeki Etkileri", 2004.
  • Villarejo-Ramos, A.F. and Martin-Velicia F.A., "A Proposed Model for Measuring the Brand Equity in Sports Organizations", Esic Business and Marketing School Review, No:123, pp.63-83, 2007.
  • Birgili, E. ve Sakarya, Ş., "Kaynak Sağlamada Bir Zorunluluk: Halka Açılma ve 1986-2000 Eğilimleri", Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar Dergisi, Sayı:38, s.61-83, 2001.
  • Dikmen, B., "Satılan, Birleşen, Halka Açılan veya Özelleştirilen Firmanın Değeri Nasıl Tespit Edilir?", Vergi Dünyası Dergisi, Sayı:267, s.50-61, 2003.
  • Frick, B., "The Football Players’ Labor Market: Empirical Evidence from the Major European Leagues", Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Vol:54, Issue:3, pp.422-446, 2007.
  • Brewer, R. and Reynolds, C., A paper for The University of North Caroline College Sport Research Institute Scholarly Conference on Sport "Analyzing College Football Coaches’ Contracts: Content and Value ", 2009.
  • Anonymous, Video Game, Football Manager 2011, SEGA Games.
  • Tunaru, R., Clark, E. and Viney, H., "An option pricing framework for valuation of football players", Review of Financial Economics, Vol:14, Issue:3-4, pp.281-295, 2005.
  • Brewer, R., A paper for The University of North Caroline College Sport Research Institute Scholarly Conference on Sport "Determining the Value of Sport Franchises",
  • Sonntag, A., "Evaluation of Sports Organization Worth", Sport Science Review, Volume XX, No:3-4, pp.173-182, 2011.
  • Ercan, M., Öztürk, M.B. ve Demirgüneş, K., Değere Dayalı Yönetim ve Entelektüel Sermaye, Gazi Kitabevi, s.202, Ankara, 2005.
  • Taner, B., Küçükbay, F. ve Demirhan D., İTÜ İşletme Fakültesi ve Finans Bilim Platformu tarafından düzenlenen, VII. Ulusal Finans Sempozyumu'nda sunulan bildiri "Entelektüel Sermaye Kavramı ve Firma Piyasa Değeri Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi: İMKB'de İşlem Gören Firmalar Üzerine Bir Uygulama", 2004. 41.


Year 2012, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 77 - 88, 01.04.2012


This study contains general information about company valuation, asset and liability structure of football companies, their receipts and expences, national and international rules for football industry. Those information give a notion and lay a base helping to answer the question: how to value football clubs? Additionally, factors of value creation in football clubs especially public offerings of them, football players as the most valuable assets of clubs and their financial evaluation are also examined and different theoric approaches for club valuaiton are criticised


  • Pawlak, Z. and Smolen, A., "Valuation Methods of Sports Companies", Physical Culture and Sports Studies and Research, Volume XLVI, pp.243-253, 2008.
  • Chambers, N., Firma Değerlemesi, Beta Yayınları, s.437, İstanbul, 2009.
  • Gürbüz, O. ve Ergincan, Y., Şirket Değerlemesi: Klasik ve Modern Yaklaşımlar, Literatür Yayıncılık, s.348, İstanbul, 2004.
  • İvgen, H., Şirket Değerleme, Finnet Yayınları, s.216, İstanbul, 2003.
  • Hernandez, P., A working paper for IESE Business School, University of Navarra "Company Valuation Methods. The Most Common Errors in Valuations", p.33, 2002.
  • Ataman, Ü. ve Kibar, H., Hisse Senetlerinin Gerçek Değerinin Hesaplanması, Türkmen Kitabevi, s.172, İstanbul, 1999.
  • Class_Projs/DavidPenzIMAudit.pdf
  • Gomez, S., Marti, C. and Opazo, M., A working paper for IESE Business School, University of Navarra "The Structural Characteristics of Sport Organizations: Differentiation within Elite Spanish Professional Football Clubs", p.16, 2008.
  • Brewer, R.M., Pedersen, P.M., Lim C.H. and Clerkin, T.A., "Examining the Value of Sport Clubs: A Cross-sectional Intrinsic Valuation of NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) Football Programs", International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, Vol.23, No:2, pp.351-370, 2011.
  • Kotab, J. and Scholleva, H., A paper for XIII IASE and III ESEA Conferences on Sports Economics "Evaluations in football player's contracts" being held in Prague, p.11, 17-18 May 2011.
  • Van Den Berg, E., Master Thesis. The Valuation of Human Capital in the Football Player Transfer Market, An Investigation of Transfer Fees Paid and Received in the English Premier League, Erasmus School of Economics, p.64, 2011.
  • Kocaoğlu, N.K., "Futbol Şirketlerinin Halka Açılması", Ankara Barosu Dergisi, 2011/4, s.69-108. 2011.
  • Garcia-del-Barro, P. and Szymanski, S., A working paper for International Association of Sports Economists "Goal Profit Maximization and Win Maximization in Football Leagues", p.29, 2006.
  • Crossan, W. and Jezdik, M., A paper for XIII IASE and III ESEA Conferences on Sports Economics "Import or buy local: Comparative analysis of the use of foreign import players versus developing homegrown players in the Czech basketball league" being held in Prague, p.14, 17-18 May 2011.
  • offootballfinance2011/index.htm
  • aRCRD.htm
  • McDermott, J., "Direct v. Indirect Discrimination in European Footballl: The Legal Differences Between UEFA s Homegrown Player Rule and FIFA s “6+5” Proposal", Texas Review of Entertainment & Sports Law, Vol:11, Issue:2, pp.267-295, 2010.
  • Dejonghe, T. and Van Opstal, W., A working paper for International Association of Sports Economists "The Consequences of an Open Labor Market in a Closed Product Market in the Economic Environment of European Professional Football", p.16, 2008.
  • Goddard, J. and Wilson J.O.S., A paper for Social Science Research Network "Free Agency and Employment Transitions in Professional Football", p.33, 2008.
  • Verbon, H.A.A., A paper for Social Science Research Network "Migrating Football Players, Transfer Fees and Migration Controls", p.33, 2007.
  • Gürel, S.P. and Ekmekçi, Y.A., A paper for XIII IASE and III ESEA Conferences on Sports Economics "Measuring Intellectual Capital for Football Clubs: Evidence from Turkish First Division Football League" being held in Prague, p.10, 17-18 May 2011.
  • Savucu, Y., Devecioğlu S. and Coşkuner, Z., A paper for XIII IASE and III ESEA Conferences on Sports Economics "Economic Dimension of Football in Turkey" being held in Prague, p.4, 17-18 May 2011.
  • Ekmekçi, R., A paper for XIII IASE and III ESEA Conferences on Sports Economics "New Era Sport Sponsorship in Turkey" being held in Prague, p.6, 17-18 May 2011.
  • Baş, M., "Spor Sponsorluğu ve Spor Federasyonlarının Sponsorluğa Bakışı Üzerine Bir Araştırma", Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, Sayı:10-3, s.111-124, 2008.
  • Bauer, H.H., Sauer, N.E. and Schmitt, P., "Customerbased brand equity in the team sport industry: Operationalization and impact on the economic success of sport teams", European Journal of Marketing, Vol:39, Issue:5-6, pp.496-515, 2005.
  • Kayalı, C.A. ve Yereli, A., İTÜ İşletme Fakültesi ve Finans Bilim Platformu tarafından düzenlenen, VII. Ulusal Finans Sempozyumu'nda sunulan bildiri "Marka Değerinin Firmaların Piyasa Değeri ve Finansal Performansları Üzerindeki Etkileri", 2004.
  • Villarejo-Ramos, A.F. and Martin-Velicia F.A., "A Proposed Model for Measuring the Brand Equity in Sports Organizations", Esic Business and Marketing School Review, No:123, pp.63-83, 2007.
  • Birgili, E. ve Sakarya, Ş., "Kaynak Sağlamada Bir Zorunluluk: Halka Açılma ve 1986-2000 Eğilimleri", Finans Politik ve Ekonomik Yorumlar Dergisi, Sayı:38, s.61-83, 2001.
  • Dikmen, B., "Satılan, Birleşen, Halka Açılan veya Özelleştirilen Firmanın Değeri Nasıl Tespit Edilir?", Vergi Dünyası Dergisi, Sayı:267, s.50-61, 2003.
  • Frick, B., "The Football Players’ Labor Market: Empirical Evidence from the Major European Leagues", Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Vol:54, Issue:3, pp.422-446, 2007.
  • Brewer, R. and Reynolds, C., A paper for The University of North Caroline College Sport Research Institute Scholarly Conference on Sport "Analyzing College Football Coaches’ Contracts: Content and Value ", 2009.
  • Anonymous, Video Game, Football Manager 2011, SEGA Games.
  • Tunaru, R., Clark, E. and Viney, H., "An option pricing framework for valuation of football players", Review of Financial Economics, Vol:14, Issue:3-4, pp.281-295, 2005.
  • Brewer, R., A paper for The University of North Caroline College Sport Research Institute Scholarly Conference on Sport "Determining the Value of Sport Franchises",
  • Sonntag, A., "Evaluation of Sports Organization Worth", Sport Science Review, Volume XX, No:3-4, pp.173-182, 2011.
  • Ercan, M., Öztürk, M.B. ve Demirgüneş, K., Değere Dayalı Yönetim ve Entelektüel Sermaye, Gazi Kitabevi, s.202, Ankara, 2005.
  • Taner, B., Küçükbay, F. ve Demirhan D., İTÜ İşletme Fakültesi ve Finans Bilim Platformu tarafından düzenlenen, VII. Ulusal Finans Sempozyumu'nda sunulan bildiri "Entelektüel Sermaye Kavramı ve Firma Piyasa Değeri Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi: İMKB'de İşlem Gören Firmalar Üzerine Bir Uygulama", 2004. 41.
There are 40 citations in total.


Other ID JA69ZT26PN
Journal Section Research Article

Musa Kızıltepe

Publication Date April 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


APA Kızıltepe, M. (2012). Futbol kulüpleri için değerleme çerçevesi. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(3), 77-88.

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