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Postural kontrol ve spor: Spor branşlarına yönelik postural sensör-motor stratejiler ve postural salınım

Year 2011, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 81 - 90, 01.08.2011


Günlük hayatta, herhangi biri ile konuşurken, sırada beklerken ya da iş yaşamımızda genellikle birkaç dakikadan daha uzun süre ayakta durmak zorunda kalırız. Bu gibi doğal duruşlar sırasında, vücut sürekli düşük genlikli, yavaş salınımlı ve tüm vücut hareketleri ile karakterize edilen postural değişimler göstermektedir. Bu değişimler özellikle sportif etkinliklerde önemlidir. Çünkü sportif etkinliklerde bir motor aktivitenin gerçekleştirilebilmesi, hem dışsal dengeyi (kaygan zemin üzerinde yürümek, ışık değişimi vb) hem de içsel dengeyi bozucu güçlere (kas stiffness’ı, kas iskelet yaralanmaları ve yorgunluk vb) karşı denge görevini sürdürmeyi gerektirmektedir. Bu görevin en az efor ile gerçekleştirilebilmesi için, devam eden duruş sırasında postural değişimler ve vücut salınımındaki artışa en etkili yanıtın verilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu yanıt ise sensör (somatosensör, görsel ve vestibular) ve motor sistemin oldukça kompleks bağlantısını gerektiren postural kontrol sisteminin devreye girmesi ile gerçekleşmektedir. Postural kontrol, dinamik sensör-motor sürecin etkileşimine dayanan kompleks motor bir beceridir ve denge fonksiyonu verilen görev doğrultusunda postural kontrol altındaki tüm sistemlerin etkili kullanımını gerektirmektedir. Bu nedenle postural stabilitenin sportif performans açısından rolünün belirlenmesine yönelik birçok araştırmanın yürütüldüğü görülmektedir. Bu araştırmalar sonucu dinamik ve statik koşullar altında postural stabilitenin değerlendirilebilmesi için çeşitli metotlar ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Bu metotlar kullanılarak her bir spor branşının gereklilikleri ile ilişkili farklı postural sensör-motor stratejiler geliştirilmiştir. Bu çalışma; farklı spor branşlarına özgü motor görevlerin gerçekleştirilmesi sırasında ortaya çıkan postural salınıma ilişkin araştırmaları incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda spor branşındaki uzmanlığın postural salınım üzerinde nasıl bir etkiye sahip olduğuna dair spor branşları ile ilgili araştırmalara yer verilecektir. Araştırma destekli bilgi sentezini içeren bu çalışmanın sportif performansın ön koşullarından biri olan postural kontrol sisteminin anlaşılmasına katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir


  • Herrington, L., & Davies, R. The influence of Pilates training on the ability to contract the Transversus Abdominis muscle in asymptomatic individuals. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 9(1), 52-57, 2005.
  • Okubo J, Watanabe I, Takeya T, Baron JB. Influence of foot position and visual field condition in the examination of equilibrium function and sway of centre of gravity in normal persons. Aggressologie 20:127–132, 1979.
  • Kendall, F. P., & McCreary, E. K. Posture and pain (3 ed.). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1993.
  • Ward, R. C. Foundations for osteopathic medicine (2 ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003.
  • Hrysomallix, C. & Goodman, C. A review of resistance exercise and posture realignment. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 15(3), 385-390, 2001.
  • Hughes, M.A.; Schenkman, M.L.; Chandler, J.M. & Studenski, S.A. Postural responses to platform perturbation: kinematics and electromyography. Clinical Biomechanics, 10 (6): 318-322, 1995.
  • Bloem, B.R.; Allum, J.H.; Carpenter, M.G.; Honegger, F. Is lower leg proprioception essential for triggering human automatic postural responses? Experimental Brain Research, 130 (3): 375-391, 2002 (From PubMed, Abstract No. 10706436).
  • Yaggie, J.A. & McGregor, S.J. Effects of isokinetic ankle fatigue on the maintenance of balance and postural limits. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 83(2):224-8, 2002 (From PubMed, Abstract No. 11833026).
  • Massion, J. Postural control system. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 4(6), 877-887, 1994.
  • Mergner T., Maurer, C. and Peterka, R.J. A multisensory posture control model of human upright stance. C. Prablanc, D. Pélisson and Y. Rossetti (Eds.) Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 142, 189-201, 2003.
  • Deliagina T.G, Zelenin P.V, Beloozerova I.N & Orlovsky GN . Physiol Behav 92, 148–154, 2007.
  • Winter, D. A. Human balance and posture control during standing and walking. Gait & Posture, 3(1), 193-214, 1995.
  • Alexander, K. M., & La Pier, T. L. Differences in static balance and weight distribution between normal subjects and subjects with chronic unilateral low back pain. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 28(6), 378-383, 1998
  • Kejonen, P. Body movements during postural stabilization. Unpublished master‟s thesis, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 2002.
  • Horak FB, Wrisley DM, Frank J. The Balance Evaluation Systems Test (BESTest) to differentiate balance deficits. Phys Ther. 89:484–498, 2009.
  • Emery CA, Cassidy JD, Klassen TP, et al. Development of a clinical static and dynamic standing balance measurement tool appropriate for use in adolescents. Phys Ther.85:502–514, 2005.
  • Harringe, M., Halvorsen, K., Renstrom, P., & Werner, S. Postural control measured as the center of pressure excursion in young female gymnasts with low back pain or lower extremity injury. Gait & Posture, 28(1), 38-45, 2008.
  • Radebold, A., Cholewicki, J., Polzhofer, G. K., & Greene, H. S. Impaired postural control of the lumbar spine is associated with delayed muscle response times in patients with chronic idiopathic low back pain. Spine Journal, 26(7), 724-730, 2001.
  • Sucan S, Aktif Futbol Oyuncularının Çeşitli Denge Parametrelerinin Değerlendirilmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Erciyes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kayseri, 2005.
  • Guskiewicz, K.M., & Perrin, D.H. Research and clinical applications of assessing balance. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 5:45-63, 1996.
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  • Hassan, B S, Mockett, S., Doherty M. Static postural sway, proprioception, and maximal voluntary quadriceps contraction in patients with knee osteoarthritis and normal control subjects. Ann Rheum Dis., 60:612–618, 2001.
  • Griffin, D.M. Primate Motor Cortex: Individual and Ensemble Neuron-Muscle Output Relationships, University of Kansas, 2000.
  • Latash ML. Postural Control. Vision. In Human Kinetics (eds.) Neurophysiological Basis of Movement. Champaign. Illinois. USA. pp.163-194, 1998.
  • Lephart, S.M., Freddie, H. Proprioception and Neuromuscular Control in Joint Stability, Copyright©Human Kinetics, p.23-28, 2000.
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  • Bronstein AM. Suppression of visually evoked postural responses. Exp Brain Res 63: 665–658, 1986.
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  • Van Asten,. WNJC, Giele,n CCAM., and Denier Van Der Gon JJ. Postural adjustments induced by simulated motion of differently structured environments. Exp Brain Res 73: 371–383, 1988.
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  • Era P, Schroll M, Ytting H, Gause-Nilsson I, Heikkinen E & Steen B. Postural balance and its sensory – motor correlates in 75-year- old men and women: A cross-national comparative study. J Gerontol: Medical Sciences 51A: M53-M63, 1996.
  • Johansson R & Magnusson M. Human postural dynamics. Biomed Eng 18: 413-437, 1991.
  • Nashner, L. Practical biomechanics and physiology of balance. In Handbook of BalanceFunction and Testing, G. Jacobson, C. Newman, and J. Kartush (Eds.). St. Louis, MO:Mosby Year Book, pp. 261-279, 1993.
  • Prochazka A & Wand P. Tendon organ discharge during voluntary movements in cats. J Physiol (Lond) 303: 385-390, 1980.
  • Rosenbaum, D. A. Human motor control, San Diego, CA: Academic Press, ch. 4, 1991.
  • Visser J.E. and Bloem, B.R. Role of the basal ganglia in balance control. Neural Plasticity. Volume 12, No.2-3, 2005.
  • Bem T, Go´rska T, Majczynski H, Zmyslowski W. Different patterns of fore-hindlimb coordination during overground locomotion in cats with ventral and lateral spinal lesions. Exp Brain Res 104: 70–80, 1995.
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Year 2011, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 81 - 90, 01.08.2011


We have to stand more than couple of minutes during a conversation or waiting for a bus in our daily life. During these natural stances, our body shows some changes characterized with global body movements, low, continuous and slow amplitude sways. These changes are important during sportive activities. Because accomplishment of sports activities needs to endure both intrinsic (muscle stiffness, muscle skeletal injuries and fatigue) and extrinsic (walking on slippery floor, light changes) perturbations. For realization of a given task with minimum effort, the most effective response should be given during continuous postural changes and the increase in body sway. This response is accomplished by utilization of postural control systems, which needs to combine the complex connection of both sensory (somatosensory, visual and vestibular) and motor systems. Postural control is complex motor skill, which needs interaction of sensory motor processes. Balance function needs effective usage of the whole system under postural control. Therefore, its role in performance and health has been a matter of interest among conditioning specialists and researchers for many years. There have been some studies concetrating on postural stability under dynamic and static conditions. These studies have created some measurement methods and these methods have been using to develop postural sensorimotor strategies for each individual sport branches. The purpose of the current review is to evaluate postural sway during accomplishment of sport specific motor tasks. So, a review will be conducted on current literature related with sport specific postural sway patterns. The current review is considered to provide a synthesis of the research-based knowledge on postural sway that has been one of the basics of sport performance


  • Herrington, L., & Davies, R. The influence of Pilates training on the ability to contract the Transversus Abdominis muscle in asymptomatic individuals. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 9(1), 52-57, 2005.
  • Okubo J, Watanabe I, Takeya T, Baron JB. Influence of foot position and visual field condition in the examination of equilibrium function and sway of centre of gravity in normal persons. Aggressologie 20:127–132, 1979.
  • Kendall, F. P., & McCreary, E. K. Posture and pain (3 ed.). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1993.
  • Ward, R. C. Foundations for osteopathic medicine (2 ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003.
  • Hrysomallix, C. & Goodman, C. A review of resistance exercise and posture realignment. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 15(3), 385-390, 2001.
  • Hughes, M.A.; Schenkman, M.L.; Chandler, J.M. & Studenski, S.A. Postural responses to platform perturbation: kinematics and electromyography. Clinical Biomechanics, 10 (6): 318-322, 1995.
  • Bloem, B.R.; Allum, J.H.; Carpenter, M.G.; Honegger, F. Is lower leg proprioception essential for triggering human automatic postural responses? Experimental Brain Research, 130 (3): 375-391, 2002 (From PubMed, Abstract No. 10706436).
  • Yaggie, J.A. & McGregor, S.J. Effects of isokinetic ankle fatigue on the maintenance of balance and postural limits. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 83(2):224-8, 2002 (From PubMed, Abstract No. 11833026).
  • Massion, J. Postural control system. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 4(6), 877-887, 1994.
  • Mergner T., Maurer, C. and Peterka, R.J. A multisensory posture control model of human upright stance. C. Prablanc, D. Pélisson and Y. Rossetti (Eds.) Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 142, 189-201, 2003.
  • Deliagina T.G, Zelenin P.V, Beloozerova I.N & Orlovsky GN . Physiol Behav 92, 148–154, 2007.
  • Winter, D. A. Human balance and posture control during standing and walking. Gait & Posture, 3(1), 193-214, 1995.
  • Alexander, K. M., & La Pier, T. L. Differences in static balance and weight distribution between normal subjects and subjects with chronic unilateral low back pain. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 28(6), 378-383, 1998
  • Kejonen, P. Body movements during postural stabilization. Unpublished master‟s thesis, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 2002.
  • Horak FB, Wrisley DM, Frank J. The Balance Evaluation Systems Test (BESTest) to differentiate balance deficits. Phys Ther. 89:484–498, 2009.
  • Emery CA, Cassidy JD, Klassen TP, et al. Development of a clinical static and dynamic standing balance measurement tool appropriate for use in adolescents. Phys Ther.85:502–514, 2005.
  • Harringe, M., Halvorsen, K., Renstrom, P., & Werner, S. Postural control measured as the center of pressure excursion in young female gymnasts with low back pain or lower extremity injury. Gait & Posture, 28(1), 38-45, 2008.
  • Radebold, A., Cholewicki, J., Polzhofer, G. K., & Greene, H. S. Impaired postural control of the lumbar spine is associated with delayed muscle response times in patients with chronic idiopathic low back pain. Spine Journal, 26(7), 724-730, 2001.
  • Sucan S, Aktif Futbol Oyuncularının Çeşitli Denge Parametrelerinin Değerlendirilmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Erciyes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kayseri, 2005.
  • Guskiewicz, K.M., & Perrin, D.H. Research and clinical applications of assessing balance. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 5:45-63, 1996.
  • Enbom H. Vestibular and somatosensory contribution to postural control. Thesis, University of Lund. Lund, 1990.
  • Hassan, B S, Mockett, S., Doherty M. Static postural sway, proprioception, and maximal voluntary quadriceps contraction in patients with knee osteoarthritis and normal control subjects. Ann Rheum Dis., 60:612–618, 2001.
  • Griffin, D.M. Primate Motor Cortex: Individual and Ensemble Neuron-Muscle Output Relationships, University of Kansas, 2000.
  • Latash ML. Postural Control. Vision. In Human Kinetics (eds.) Neurophysiological Basis of Movement. Champaign. Illinois. USA. pp.163-194, 1998.
  • Lephart, S.M., Freddie, H. Proprioception and Neuromuscular Control in Joint Stability, Copyright©Human Kinetics, p.23-28, 2000.
  • Klonoff, P., L. Costa, and W. Snow. Predictors and indicators of quality of life in patientswith closed-head injury. J. Clin. Exp. Neuropsychol. 8:469-485, 1986.
  • Armutlu K, Sade A. Denge ve koordinasyondan sorumlu yapılar. Fizyoterapi Rehabilitasyon Dergisi; 7(5): 104-109, 1994.
  • Füzün S, Tüzün Ç. Motor fonksiyonun nörofizyolojisi. Tıbbi Rehabilitasyon. (Ed. Oğuz H).Nobel Tıp Kitapları, İstanbul, s:43-66, 1995.
  • Bronstein AM. Suppression of visually evoked postural responses. Exp Brain Res 63: 665–658, 1986.
  • Dijkstra TMH, Sch¨Oner G, and Gıelen CCAM. Temporal stability of the action-perception cycle for postural control in a moving visual environment. Exp Brain Res 97: 477–486, 1994.
  • Van Asten,. WNJC, Giele,n CCAM., and Denier Van Der Gon JJ. Postural adjustments induced by simulated motion of differently structured environments. Exp Brain Res 73: 371–383, 1988.
  • Allum, JHJ. Organization of stabilizing reflex responses in tibialis anterior muscles following ankle flexion perturbations of standing man. Brain Res 264: 297–301, 1983.
  • Jeka JJ, Sch¨Oner G, Dijkstra T, Ribeiro P, and Lackner JR. Coupling of fingertip somatosensory information to head and body sway. Exp Brain Res 113: 475–483, 1997.
  • Johansson R, Magnusson M, and Akesson M. Identification of human postural dynamics. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 35: 858–869, 1988.
  • Kavounoudıas A, Gilhodes JC, Roll R, and Roll JP. From balance regulation to body orientation: two goals for muscle proprioceptive information processing? Exp Brain Res 124: 80–88, 1999.
  • Johansson R, Magnusson M, and Fransson PA. Galvanic vestibular stimulation for analysis of postural adaptation and stability. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 42: 282–292, 1995.
  • Era P, Schroll M, Ytting H, Gause-Nilsson I, Heikkinen E & Steen B. Postural balance and its sensory – motor correlates in 75-year- old men and women: A cross-national comparative study. J Gerontol: Medical Sciences 51A: M53-M63, 1996.
  • Johansson R & Magnusson M. Human postural dynamics. Biomed Eng 18: 413-437, 1991.
  • Nashner, L. Practical biomechanics and physiology of balance. In Handbook of BalanceFunction and Testing, G. Jacobson, C. Newman, and J. Kartush (Eds.). St. Louis, MO:Mosby Year Book, pp. 261-279, 1993.
  • Prochazka A & Wand P. Tendon organ discharge during voluntary movements in cats. J Physiol (Lond) 303: 385-390, 1980.
  • Rosenbaum, D. A. Human motor control, San Diego, CA: Academic Press, ch. 4, 1991.
  • Visser J.E. and Bloem, B.R. Role of the basal ganglia in balance control. Neural Plasticity. Volume 12, No.2-3, 2005.
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There are 88 citations in total.


Other ID JA23NK57FT
Journal Section Research Article

Deniz Şimşek This is me

Hayri Ertan This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 9 Issue: 3


APA Şimşek, D., & Ertan, H. (2011). Postural kontrol ve spor: Spor branşlarına yönelik postural sensör-motor stratejiler ve postural salınım. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(3), 81-90.

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