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Year 2010, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 81 - 92, 01.08.2010


Dehidrasyon, sporcularda sadece atletik performansı düşürmekle kalmaz bununla birlikte ciddi derecede sağlık sorunlarına hatta ölümlere bile yol açabilmektedir. Özellikle uzun süreli dayanıklılık gerektiren yarışma ve antrenman ortamlarında sporcuların hidrasyon düzeyinin takip edilmesi ve uygun hidrasyon düzeyinin sağlanması performansın maksimum düzeye çıkarılmasında önem oluşturmaktadır. Bu derleme çalışmasında, yapılan araştırmalar doğrultusunda, sıvı kaybının performans üzerindeki olumsuz etkileri ve hidrasyon düzeyinin tespit edilmesine yönelik olarak kullanımı kolay, pratik ve aynı zamanda güvenilir yöntemler hakkında bilgi verilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Vücut hidrasyon düzeyinin belirlenmesine yönelik çok sayıda yöntem kullanılmaktadır. Hidrasyon düzeyinin belirlenmesinde kullanılan mükemmel bir yöntem olmamasına rağmen vücut ağırlık değişimleri, bazı kan değerleri, idrar parametreleri sıklıkla kullanılan yöntemler arasındadır. Vücut ağırlığı değişimi ve idrar testleri, kullanımı kolay ve girişimsel olmayan (nonivasive) yöntemler olması sebebiyle spor ortamlarında akut ve kronik hidrasyon düzeyinin belirlenmesinde daha yaygın olarak kullanılabilecek yöntemler olarak önerilmektedir


  • Hawley, J., Burke L. “Peak Performance Training And Nutritional Strategies For Sport”, Part 3, P 283- 291,1998.
  • Oppliger, R.A., Bartok, C. “Hydration Testing of Athletes”, Sports Med, 32 ( 15 ) 952- 971, 2002.
  • Sawka, M.N., Montaın, S.J., Latzka, W.A. “ Hydration Effects on Thermoregulation And Performance in The Heat”, Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol, Apr;128(4):679–90, 2001.
  • Shirreffs, S.M, Armstrong, L.E, Cheuvront, S.N. “Fluid And Electrolyte Needs for Preparation and Recovery from Training And Competition”, Journal of Sports Sciences, 22, 57–63, 2004.
  • Sawka, M.N, Cheuvront, S.N, Carter, R. “Human Water Needs”, Nutrition Reviews, 63 ( 6 ) 30–39, 2005.
  • Kavouras, S.A. “Assessing Hydration Status”, Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care, Sep;5(5):519–24, 2002.
  • Duvillard, V.S.P. Braun, W.A , Melissa, M, Beneke, R, and Leithäuser, R. “Fluids And Hydration in Prolonged Endurance Performance”, Nutrition, 20 ( 7 ) 651–656, 2004.
  • Valentine, V. “The Importance of Salt in The Athlete's Diet”, Curr Sports Med Rep, 6:237-240,2007.
  • Baysal, A. “Beslenme”, 7. Baskı, Hatipoğlu Yayınevi, Ankara, S:103–107, 1997.
  • Born, S. “Electrolyte Replenishment”, Cli Sport Med, 18 ( 3 ):513- 24, 1999.
  • Shirreffs, S.M, Sawka, M.N, Stone, M. “Water And Electrolyte Needs for Football Training And Match-Play”. J Sports Sci. Jul;24(7):699-707, 2006.
  • Armstrong, E.L. “Hydration Assessment Techniques”, Nutrition Reviews, 63 ( 6 ) 40–54, 2005.
  • Shirreffs, S.M. “Markers of Hydration Status”, J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2000 Mar;40(1):80–4, 2000.
  • Maughan, R.J. “Impact of Mild Dehydration on Wellness and on Exercise Performance”, Euro. J. Clin Nutr, Supply 2, S19-S23, 2003.
  • Latzka, W.A., Montain, S.J. “Water And Electrolyte Requirements For Exercise”, Clin Sports Med, 18(3): P. 513–24,1999.
  • Sharp, R.L.” Role Of Sodium in Fluid Homeostasis With Exercise”, J Am Coll Nutr, Vol. 25, No. 3, 231s–239s, 2006.
  • Sawka, M.N, Burke, L.M, Eichner, E.R, Maughan, R .J, Montain, S. J, Stachenfeld, N .S. “Exercise and fluid replacement.” American College of Sports Medicine, Med Sci Sports Exerc, Volume 39 - Issue 2 - pp 377-390,2007
  • Rehrer, N.J. “Fluid and Electrolyte Balance in Ultra- Endurance Sport, Sports Med, 31(10 ) 701–715, 2001.
  • Casa, J.D, Clarkson, M.P, Roberts, O.W. “American College of Sports Medicine Roundtable on Hydration and Physical Activity: Consensus Statements”, Curr Sports Med Rep, 4:115–127,2005.
  • Reimers, K, Ruud, J. “Essentials of Strength Training And Conditioning, 2 Rd, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, Chapter 12, P:246–249, 2000.
  • Burke, M.L. “Nutritional Needs For Exercise in The Heat”, Comp Biochem Physiol Part A 128, 735–748, 2001.
  • Maughan, R.J, Leiper, J.B, Shirreffs, S.M. “Rehydration And Recovery After Exercise”, Sports Science Exchange, 9 (3 ),1996.
  • Bilzon, J.L, Murphy, J.L, Allsopp, A.J, Wootton, S.A, Williams, C. “Influence of Glucose Ingestion by Humans During Recovery From Exercise On Substrate Utilisation During Subsequent Exercise in A Warm Environment”, Eur J Appl Physiol, Aug;87(4– 5):318–26, 2002.
  • Ozgünen KT, Kurdak SS, Maughan RJ, Zeren C, Korkmaz S, Yazici Z, Ersöz G, Shirreffs SM, Binnet MS, Dvorak J. “Effect of hot environmental conditions on physical activity patterns and temperature response of football players” Scand J Med Sci Sports, Oct;20 Suppl 3:140-7. 2010.
  • Maughan, RJ, Merson, SJ., Broad, NP, & Shirreffs, SM.(2004). “Fluid and Electrolyte intake And Loss in Elite Soccer Players During Training”. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab, 14, 333 – 346, 2004.
  • Maughan, R.J, Shirreffs, S.M, Merson, S.J, & Horswill, C .A. “Fluid And Electrolyte Balance in Elite Male Football (Soccer) Players Training in A Cool Environment”. J Sports Scien, 23, 63 – 79, 2005.
  • Shirreffs, S.M, Maughan, R.J. “Urine Osmolality and Conductivity As Indices of Hydration Status in Athletes in The Heat”, Med Sci Sports Exerc, Nov;30(11):1598–602, 1998.
  • Maughan, R.J, Watson, P, Evans, G.H, Broad, N, Shirreffs, S. “Water Balance And Salt Losses in Competitive Football, Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab, 17, 583-594, 2007.
  • Shirreffs, S.M. ”The Importance of Good Hydration for Work And Exercise Performance”. Nutr Rev. Jun;63(6 Pt 2):S14-21, 2005.
  • Zetou, G.E. Giatsis, F. Mountaki, A.K. “Body Weight Changes And Voluntary Fluid İntakes Of Beach Volleyball Players During An Official Tournament”, J Sci Med Sport. 11, 139—145, 2008.
  • Demirkan, E, Koz, M, Arslan, C, Ersöz, G. “Vücut Hidrasyon Durumunun Belirlenmesinde Farklı İki İdrar Ölçüm Yönteminin Karşılaştırılması”.Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3 Sayfa: 111-114 ,2009
  • Judelson, D.A, Maresh, C.M, Anderson, J.M, Armstrong, L.E, Casa, D.J, Kraemer, W.J, Volek, J.S. “Hydration And Muscular Performance: Does Fluid Balance Affect Strength, Power And High-İntensity Endurance? Sports Med.;37(10):907-21, 2007.
  • Wilmore, J.H, Costill, D.L. “Physiology of Sport And Exercise”, Third Edition, Chapter 4. P:118-148, Chapter 13 P:425- 432, 2004.
  • Montain, S.J. ” Hydration Recommendations for Sport 2008”. Curr Sports Med Rep. Jul-Aug;7(4):187-92, 2008.
  • Maughan, R.J, Shirreffs, S.M. “Development Of İndividual Hydration Strategies For Athletes”. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. Oct;18(5):457-72, 2008.
  • Ferguson, M.A, Mccoy, S, Mosher, P.E. “Exercise İn Hot Environment: Comparision of Two Different Fluid intake Patterns”, J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 45 ( 4 ),P 501- 506, 2005.
  • Casa, D.J. “Exercise in The Heat. Iı. Critical Concepts İn Rehydration, Exertional Heat Illnesses, and Maximizing Athletic Performance”, J Athl Train, Jul;34(3):253–262, 1999.
  • Noakes, T.D, Adams, B.A, Myburgh, K.H, Greff, C, Lotz, T, Nathan, M. “The Danger of Inadequate Water Intake During Prolonged Exercise”, Eur. J. Appl. Physiol, 57, 210 – 219, 1, 1988.
  • Broad, E.M, Burke, L.M, Gox, G.R, Heeley, P, Riley, M. “Body Weight Changes And Voluntary Fluid İntages During Training And Competition Sessions İn Team Sports”, Int. J. Sport Nutr, 6, P:307-20,1996.
  • Convertıno, V.A, Armstrong, L.E, Coyle, E.F, Mack, G.W, Sawka, M.N, Senay, L.C, Sherman, W.M. “American College Of Sports Medicine Position Stand. Exercise And Fluid Replacement”, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 28 ( 1 )1–11,1996.
  • Shirreffs, S.M, Taylor, A.J, Leiper, J.B, Maughan, R.J. “Post-Exercise Rehydration in Man: Effects Of Volume Consumed And Drink Sodium Content”, Med Sci Sports Exerc, Oct;28(10):1260–71,1996.
  • Armstrong, L.E, Soto, J.A, Hacker, F.T J.R, Casa, D.J, Kavouras, S.A, Maresh, C.M. “Urinary Indices During Dehydration, Exercise, And Rehydration”, Int J Sport Nutr, Dec;8(4):345–55,1998.
  • Armstrong, L.E. “Assessing Hydration Status: The Elusive Gold Standard”, J Am Coll Nutr., Vol. 26, No. 5, 575s–584s, 2007.
  • Walsh, N.P, Laing, S.J, Oliver, S.J, Montague, J.C, Walters, R, Bilzon, J.L.“Saliva Parameters As Potential İndices Of Hydration Status During Acute Dehydration”, Med Sci Sports Exerc. Sep;36(9):1535-42, 2004.
  • Cheuvront, S.N. Sawka, M.N. “Hydration Assessment Of Athletes”, Sports Science Exchange 97, 18 ( 2 ) 1–10,2005.
  • Shirreffs, S.M. “Markers of Hydration Status”, Eur J Clin Nutr, 57, Suppl 2, S,6-S9,2003.
  • Demirkan, E, Koz, M, Arslan, C, Ersöz, G. “Determination of Body Composition and Hydration Status in Cadet Super Leage Wrestlers”, European Sports Medicine Congress, P:105, 2009.
  • Grandjean, A.C, Reimers, K.J, Buycks, M.E. “Hydration: Issues Fort He 21st Century”, Nutrition Reviews, 61 ( 8 ) 261-271,2003.
  • Popowski, L.A, Oppliger, R.A, Patrick, L.G, Johnson, R.F, Kim Johnson, A, Gisolf, C,V. “Blood and Urinary Measures of Hydration Status During Progressive Acute Dehydration”, Med Sci Sports Exerc, May;33(5):747–53
  • Armstrong, L.E, Maresh, C.M, Castellan,i J.W, Bergeron, M.F, Kenefick, R.W, Lagasse, K.E, Riebe, D. “Urinary İndices of Hydration Status”, Int J Sport Nutr, Sep;4(3):265–79, 1994.
  • Shirreffs, S.M, Maughan, R.J. “Urine Osmolality And Conductivity As indices of Hydration Status in Athletes in The Heat”, Med Sci Sports Exerc, Nov;30(11):1598–602,1998.
  • Manz, F, Wentz, A. “24-h hydration status: parameters, epidemiology and recommendations”, Eur J Clin Nutr, 57, Suppl 2, S10- S18, 2003.
  • Utter, A.C. “The new National Collegiate Athletic Association wrestling weight certification program and sport-seasonal changes in body composition of college wrestlers”, J Strength Cond Res, Aug;15(3):296–301,2001.
  • Stuempfle, K.J, Lehmann, D.R, Case, H.S, Hughes, S.L, Evans, D. “Change in serum sodium concentration during a cold weather ultradistance race”, Clin J Sport Med, May;13(3):171–5, 2003.
  • Demirkan, E, Kutlu, M, Keskil, Z, Koz M. “Vücut Hidrasyon Durumunun Belirlenmesinde Farklı Dört İdrar Ölçüm Yönteminin Karşılaştırılması”, Türkiye Klinikleri Spor Bilimleri Dergisi cilt 2, sayı 2, 2010.
  • Kutlu M, Guler G. “Assessment of Hydration Status By Urinary Analysis of Elite Junior Taekwon-Do Athletes in Preparing For Competition”, J Sports Sci, Aug;24(8):869–73, 2006.
  • Ship, J.A, Fischer, D.J. “Metabolic Indicators of Hydration Status in The Prediction of Parotid Salivary Gland Function”, Arch OralBiol,44:343-350,1999.
  • Walsh, N.P, Montague, J.C, Callow, N, Rowlands, A.V. “Saliva Flow Rate, Total Protein Concentration and Osmolality As Potential Markers of Whole Body Hydration Status During Progressive Acute Dehydration İn Humans”. Arch Oral Biol. Feb;49(2):149- 54,2004.
  • Oliver, S.J, Laing, S.J, Wilson, S, Bilzon, J.L, Walsh N.P. “Saliva indices Track Hypohydration During 48h of Fluid Restriction Or Combined Fluid And Energy Restriction”. Arch Oral Biol, Oct;53(10):975-80, 2008.


Year 2010, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 81 - 92, 01.08.2010


Dehydration not only reduced athletic performance, but also may lead to severe health problems and death. Especially, for athletes, monitoring hydration and ensuring proper hydration levels have significant effect in maximizing performance requiring long term durability training and competition environments. The purpose of this review is to provide information about negative effects of water loss on performance, and to determine the level of hydration with an easy to use, practical and reliable methods also had been known by athletes and coaches by previous studies. A lot of methods are used to determine the level of body hydration. Although there is no gold standard for determining the level of body hydration changes, body weight changes, some blood values and urine parameters are the commonly used methods. Because using body weight change and urine test methods are easy and noninvasive, they are recommended for determining the level of acute and chronic hydration as the more commonly used methods in the sport settings


  • Hawley, J., Burke L. “Peak Performance Training And Nutritional Strategies For Sport”, Part 3, P 283- 291,1998.
  • Oppliger, R.A., Bartok, C. “Hydration Testing of Athletes”, Sports Med, 32 ( 15 ) 952- 971, 2002.
  • Sawka, M.N., Montaın, S.J., Latzka, W.A. “ Hydration Effects on Thermoregulation And Performance in The Heat”, Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol, Apr;128(4):679–90, 2001.
  • Shirreffs, S.M, Armstrong, L.E, Cheuvront, S.N. “Fluid And Electrolyte Needs for Preparation and Recovery from Training And Competition”, Journal of Sports Sciences, 22, 57–63, 2004.
  • Sawka, M.N, Cheuvront, S.N, Carter, R. “Human Water Needs”, Nutrition Reviews, 63 ( 6 ) 30–39, 2005.
  • Kavouras, S.A. “Assessing Hydration Status”, Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care, Sep;5(5):519–24, 2002.
  • Duvillard, V.S.P. Braun, W.A , Melissa, M, Beneke, R, and Leithäuser, R. “Fluids And Hydration in Prolonged Endurance Performance”, Nutrition, 20 ( 7 ) 651–656, 2004.
  • Valentine, V. “The Importance of Salt in The Athlete's Diet”, Curr Sports Med Rep, 6:237-240,2007.
  • Baysal, A. “Beslenme”, 7. Baskı, Hatipoğlu Yayınevi, Ankara, S:103–107, 1997.
  • Born, S. “Electrolyte Replenishment”, Cli Sport Med, 18 ( 3 ):513- 24, 1999.
  • Shirreffs, S.M, Sawka, M.N, Stone, M. “Water And Electrolyte Needs for Football Training And Match-Play”. J Sports Sci. Jul;24(7):699-707, 2006.
  • Armstrong, E.L. “Hydration Assessment Techniques”, Nutrition Reviews, 63 ( 6 ) 40–54, 2005.
  • Shirreffs, S.M. “Markers of Hydration Status”, J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2000 Mar;40(1):80–4, 2000.
  • Maughan, R.J. “Impact of Mild Dehydration on Wellness and on Exercise Performance”, Euro. J. Clin Nutr, Supply 2, S19-S23, 2003.
  • Latzka, W.A., Montain, S.J. “Water And Electrolyte Requirements For Exercise”, Clin Sports Med, 18(3): P. 513–24,1999.
  • Sharp, R.L.” Role Of Sodium in Fluid Homeostasis With Exercise”, J Am Coll Nutr, Vol. 25, No. 3, 231s–239s, 2006.
  • Sawka, M.N, Burke, L.M, Eichner, E.R, Maughan, R .J, Montain, S. J, Stachenfeld, N .S. “Exercise and fluid replacement.” American College of Sports Medicine, Med Sci Sports Exerc, Volume 39 - Issue 2 - pp 377-390,2007
  • Rehrer, N.J. “Fluid and Electrolyte Balance in Ultra- Endurance Sport, Sports Med, 31(10 ) 701–715, 2001.
  • Casa, J.D, Clarkson, M.P, Roberts, O.W. “American College of Sports Medicine Roundtable on Hydration and Physical Activity: Consensus Statements”, Curr Sports Med Rep, 4:115–127,2005.
  • Reimers, K, Ruud, J. “Essentials of Strength Training And Conditioning, 2 Rd, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, Chapter 12, P:246–249, 2000.
  • Burke, M.L. “Nutritional Needs For Exercise in The Heat”, Comp Biochem Physiol Part A 128, 735–748, 2001.
  • Maughan, R.J, Leiper, J.B, Shirreffs, S.M. “Rehydration And Recovery After Exercise”, Sports Science Exchange, 9 (3 ),1996.
  • Bilzon, J.L, Murphy, J.L, Allsopp, A.J, Wootton, S.A, Williams, C. “Influence of Glucose Ingestion by Humans During Recovery From Exercise On Substrate Utilisation During Subsequent Exercise in A Warm Environment”, Eur J Appl Physiol, Aug;87(4– 5):318–26, 2002.
  • Ozgünen KT, Kurdak SS, Maughan RJ, Zeren C, Korkmaz S, Yazici Z, Ersöz G, Shirreffs SM, Binnet MS, Dvorak J. “Effect of hot environmental conditions on physical activity patterns and temperature response of football players” Scand J Med Sci Sports, Oct;20 Suppl 3:140-7. 2010.
  • Maughan, RJ, Merson, SJ., Broad, NP, & Shirreffs, SM.(2004). “Fluid and Electrolyte intake And Loss in Elite Soccer Players During Training”. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab, 14, 333 – 346, 2004.
  • Maughan, R.J, Shirreffs, S.M, Merson, S.J, & Horswill, C .A. “Fluid And Electrolyte Balance in Elite Male Football (Soccer) Players Training in A Cool Environment”. J Sports Scien, 23, 63 – 79, 2005.
  • Shirreffs, S.M, Maughan, R.J. “Urine Osmolality and Conductivity As Indices of Hydration Status in Athletes in The Heat”, Med Sci Sports Exerc, Nov;30(11):1598–602, 1998.
  • Maughan, R.J, Watson, P, Evans, G.H, Broad, N, Shirreffs, S. “Water Balance And Salt Losses in Competitive Football, Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab, 17, 583-594, 2007.
  • Shirreffs, S.M. ”The Importance of Good Hydration for Work And Exercise Performance”. Nutr Rev. Jun;63(6 Pt 2):S14-21, 2005.
  • Zetou, G.E. Giatsis, F. Mountaki, A.K. “Body Weight Changes And Voluntary Fluid İntakes Of Beach Volleyball Players During An Official Tournament”, J Sci Med Sport. 11, 139—145, 2008.
  • Demirkan, E, Koz, M, Arslan, C, Ersöz, G. “Vücut Hidrasyon Durumunun Belirlenmesinde Farklı İki İdrar Ölçüm Yönteminin Karşılaştırılması”.Cilt: 7 Sayı: 3 Sayfa: 111-114 ,2009
  • Judelson, D.A, Maresh, C.M, Anderson, J.M, Armstrong, L.E, Casa, D.J, Kraemer, W.J, Volek, J.S. “Hydration And Muscular Performance: Does Fluid Balance Affect Strength, Power And High-İntensity Endurance? Sports Med.;37(10):907-21, 2007.
  • Wilmore, J.H, Costill, D.L. “Physiology of Sport And Exercise”, Third Edition, Chapter 4. P:118-148, Chapter 13 P:425- 432, 2004.
  • Montain, S.J. ” Hydration Recommendations for Sport 2008”. Curr Sports Med Rep. Jul-Aug;7(4):187-92, 2008.
  • Maughan, R.J, Shirreffs, S.M. “Development Of İndividual Hydration Strategies For Athletes”. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. Oct;18(5):457-72, 2008.
  • Ferguson, M.A, Mccoy, S, Mosher, P.E. “Exercise İn Hot Environment: Comparision of Two Different Fluid intake Patterns”, J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 45 ( 4 ),P 501- 506, 2005.
  • Casa, D.J. “Exercise in The Heat. Iı. Critical Concepts İn Rehydration, Exertional Heat Illnesses, and Maximizing Athletic Performance”, J Athl Train, Jul;34(3):253–262, 1999.
  • Noakes, T.D, Adams, B.A, Myburgh, K.H, Greff, C, Lotz, T, Nathan, M. “The Danger of Inadequate Water Intake During Prolonged Exercise”, Eur. J. Appl. Physiol, 57, 210 – 219, 1, 1988.
  • Broad, E.M, Burke, L.M, Gox, G.R, Heeley, P, Riley, M. “Body Weight Changes And Voluntary Fluid İntages During Training And Competition Sessions İn Team Sports”, Int. J. Sport Nutr, 6, P:307-20,1996.
  • Convertıno, V.A, Armstrong, L.E, Coyle, E.F, Mack, G.W, Sawka, M.N, Senay, L.C, Sherman, W.M. “American College Of Sports Medicine Position Stand. Exercise And Fluid Replacement”, Med Sci Sports Exerc, 28 ( 1 )1–11,1996.
  • Shirreffs, S.M, Taylor, A.J, Leiper, J.B, Maughan, R.J. “Post-Exercise Rehydration in Man: Effects Of Volume Consumed And Drink Sodium Content”, Med Sci Sports Exerc, Oct;28(10):1260–71,1996.
  • Armstrong, L.E, Soto, J.A, Hacker, F.T J.R, Casa, D.J, Kavouras, S.A, Maresh, C.M. “Urinary Indices During Dehydration, Exercise, And Rehydration”, Int J Sport Nutr, Dec;8(4):345–55,1998.
  • Armstrong, L.E. “Assessing Hydration Status: The Elusive Gold Standard”, J Am Coll Nutr., Vol. 26, No. 5, 575s–584s, 2007.
  • Walsh, N.P, Laing, S.J, Oliver, S.J, Montague, J.C, Walters, R, Bilzon, J.L.“Saliva Parameters As Potential İndices Of Hydration Status During Acute Dehydration”, Med Sci Sports Exerc. Sep;36(9):1535-42, 2004.
  • Cheuvront, S.N. Sawka, M.N. “Hydration Assessment Of Athletes”, Sports Science Exchange 97, 18 ( 2 ) 1–10,2005.
  • Shirreffs, S.M. “Markers of Hydration Status”, Eur J Clin Nutr, 57, Suppl 2, S,6-S9,2003.
  • Demirkan, E, Koz, M, Arslan, C, Ersöz, G. “Determination of Body Composition and Hydration Status in Cadet Super Leage Wrestlers”, European Sports Medicine Congress, P:105, 2009.
  • Grandjean, A.C, Reimers, K.J, Buycks, M.E. “Hydration: Issues Fort He 21st Century”, Nutrition Reviews, 61 ( 8 ) 261-271,2003.
  • Popowski, L.A, Oppliger, R.A, Patrick, L.G, Johnson, R.F, Kim Johnson, A, Gisolf, C,V. “Blood and Urinary Measures of Hydration Status During Progressive Acute Dehydration”, Med Sci Sports Exerc, May;33(5):747–53
  • Armstrong, L.E, Maresh, C.M, Castellan,i J.W, Bergeron, M.F, Kenefick, R.W, Lagasse, K.E, Riebe, D. “Urinary İndices of Hydration Status”, Int J Sport Nutr, Sep;4(3):265–79, 1994.
  • Shirreffs, S.M, Maughan, R.J. “Urine Osmolality And Conductivity As indices of Hydration Status in Athletes in The Heat”, Med Sci Sports Exerc, Nov;30(11):1598–602,1998.
  • Manz, F, Wentz, A. “24-h hydration status: parameters, epidemiology and recommendations”, Eur J Clin Nutr, 57, Suppl 2, S10- S18, 2003.
  • Utter, A.C. “The new National Collegiate Athletic Association wrestling weight certification program and sport-seasonal changes in body composition of college wrestlers”, J Strength Cond Res, Aug;15(3):296–301,2001.
  • Stuempfle, K.J, Lehmann, D.R, Case, H.S, Hughes, S.L, Evans, D. “Change in serum sodium concentration during a cold weather ultradistance race”, Clin J Sport Med, May;13(3):171–5, 2003.
  • Demirkan, E, Kutlu, M, Keskil, Z, Koz M. “Vücut Hidrasyon Durumunun Belirlenmesinde Farklı Dört İdrar Ölçüm Yönteminin Karşılaştırılması”, Türkiye Klinikleri Spor Bilimleri Dergisi cilt 2, sayı 2, 2010.
  • Kutlu M, Guler G. “Assessment of Hydration Status By Urinary Analysis of Elite Junior Taekwon-Do Athletes in Preparing For Competition”, J Sports Sci, Aug;24(8):869–73, 2006.
  • Ship, J.A, Fischer, D.J. “Metabolic Indicators of Hydration Status in The Prediction of Parotid Salivary Gland Function”, Arch OralBiol,44:343-350,1999.
  • Walsh, N.P, Montague, J.C, Callow, N, Rowlands, A.V. “Saliva Flow Rate, Total Protein Concentration and Osmolality As Potential Markers of Whole Body Hydration Status During Progressive Acute Dehydration İn Humans”. Arch Oral Biol. Feb;49(2):149- 54,2004.
  • Oliver, S.J, Laing, S.J, Wilson, S, Bilzon, J.L, Walsh N.P. “Saliva indices Track Hypohydration During 48h of Fluid Restriction Or Combined Fluid And Energy Restriction”. Arch Oral Biol, Oct;53(10):975-80, 2008.
There are 59 citations in total.


Other ID JA23YZ24DP
Journal Section Research Article

Erkan Demirkan This is me

Mitat Koz This is me

Mehmet Kutlu This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 8 Issue: 3



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