Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 17 Issue: 4, 134 - 142, 30.12.2019


The aim of this study was to
investigate  the effects of eight weeks
static stretching traning on jumping. 18 male amateur soccer players
(age:21,78±4,25 year; height: 180,11±6,38 cm; weight: 76,19±7,73) were
voluntarily participated to study. Subjects were randomly diverted into two
groups as stretching (n=10) and control (n=8). Flexibility, horizontal jump
distance and vertical jump length were determined using Sit and Reach Test,
Standing Long Jump Test and Countermovement Jump technique respectively. Following
pre test, stretching group performed static stretching programme three days a
week for eight weeks which consisting of ten static stretches that were
designed to improve subjects flexibility and include jumping muscles. Following
eight weeks static stretching programme, similar measurements were completed.
In order to analyze gathering datas, Paired t test was used for determination
of intragroups differences and İndependent t test was used for determination of
intergroups differences.(p<0.05) There were statistically significant
differences between pre and post test flexibiliy measurements (30,60±4,78; 33,90±3,14 cm) and
horizontal jump distance (206,38±19,93; 210,25±19,47 cm ) for
stretching groups (p<0,05). Yet, there were no statistical differences between
groups comparison (p>0,05) To conclude, performed long-term stretching programmes
could effect positively on jumping in amateur soccer players. However this
study couldnt explore the underlying mechanism of how this effect occured. Future
researches about long-term static stretching effects on maximal muscular
performances will warranted to illustrate exact physiologicals and metabolics
mechanism for those effects.


  • Alter M.J. (2004). Science of Flexibility. 3rd ed. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics
  • Amırı-Khorasanı M., Abu Osman N.A., Yusof A. (2011). Biomechanical Responses of Thigh and Lower Leg during 10 Consecutive Soccer Instep
  • Amiri-Khorasani M., Kellis E. (2013). Static vs. Dynamic Acute Stretching Effect on Quadriceps Muscle Activity during Soccer Instep Kicking. J Hum Kinet., 39: 37-47.
  • Armiger P., Martyn M. (2010). Stretching for Functional Flexibility , 1Har/Psc Edition. Philidelphia : LWW.
  • Alemdaroğlu U., Koz M., Köklü Y. (2012). Germe Egzersizlerinin Performans Üzerine Akut Etkileri. Hacettepe J. of Sport Sciences, 23 (2), 68–76
  • Nakamura M., Ikezoe T., Umegaki H. (2016). Changes in Passive Properties of the Gastrocnemius Muscle-Tendon Unit During a 4-Week Routine Static Stretching Program. J Sport Rehabil., 1-17.
  • Rodriguez-Rosell D., Mora-Custodio R., Franco-Márquez F. (2016). Traditional vs. sport-specific vertical jump tests: reliability, validity and relationship with the legs strength and sprint performance in adult and teen soccer and basketball players. J Strength Cond Res
  • Yeşil A. (2011). Farklı Sürelerde Uygulanan Skuatın Sıçrama Performansına Akut Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Sakarya
  • Bastos C., Miranda H., Vale R. (2013). Chronic effect of static stretching on strength performance and basal serum IGF-1 levels. J Strength Cond Res., 27(9), 2465-2472.
  • Behm D.G., Kibele A. (2007). Effects of differing intensities of static stretching on jump performance. Eur J Appl Physiol., 101(5), 587-594.
  • Bradley P., Olsen P., Portas M. (2007). The effect of static, ballistic, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching on vertical jump performance. J Strength Cond Res., 21(1), 223-226.
  • Bryne C., Eston R. (2002).The effect of exercise-induced muscle damage on isometric and dynamic knee extenso strength and vertical jump performance. J Sports Sci., 20(5), 417-425. Church J., Wiggins M., Moode F. (2001). Effect of warm-up and flexibility treatments on vertical jump performance. J Strength Cond Res., 15, 332–336
  • Cipriani D., Abel B., Pirrwitz D. (2003). A comparison of two stretching protocols on hip range of motion: implications for total daily stretch duration. J Strength Cond Res., 17(2), 274-278.
  • Coutinho E., Gomes A., França C., (2004). Effect of passive stretching on the immobilized soleus muscle fiber morphology. Braz J Med Biol Res,, 37(12), 1853-61.
  • Day C., Moreland M., Floyd S. (1997). Limb lengthening promotes muscle growth. J Orthop Res., 15(2), 227-234.
  • De Hoyo M., Pozzo M., Sañudo B.N. (2015). Effects of a 10-week in-season eccentric-overload training program on muscle-injury prevention and performance in junior elite soccer players. Int J Sports Physiol Perform, 10(1), 46-52.
  • Ferreira G., Teixeira-Salmela L., Guimaraes C. (2007). Gains in flexibility related to measures of muscular performance: impact of flexibility on muscular performance. Clin J Sport Med., 17(4), 276-281.
  • Frantz T., Ruiz M. (2011). Effects of dynamic warm-up on lower body explosiveness among collegiate baseball players. J Strength Cond Res, 25(11), 2985-2990.
  • Garcia-Pinillos F., Ruiz-Ariza A., Moreno Del Castillo R. (2015). Impact of limited hamstring flexibility on vertical jump, kicking speed, sprint, and agility in young football players. J Sports Sci., 33(12), 1293-1297.
  • Heyward V., Gibson A. (2014). Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription. 7th ed. Human Kinetics
  • Haugen T., Tonnessen E., Seiler S. (2012). Speed and countermovement-jump characteristics of elite female soccer players, 1995-2010. Int J Sports Physiol Perform., 7(4), 340-9.
  • Hough P., Ross E., Howatson G. (2009). Effects of dynamic and static stretching on vertical jump performance and electromyographic activity. J Strength Cond Res., 23(2), 507-512.
  • Hunter J., Marshall R. (2002). Effects of power and flexibility training on vertical jump technique. Med Sci Sports Exerc., 34(3), 478-486.
  • Kay A.D, Blazevich A.J. (2012). Effect of acute static stretch on maximal muscle performance: a systematic review. Med Sci Sports Exerc., 44(1), 154-64.
  • Koch A., O'bryant H., Stone M.E. (2003). Effect of warm-up on the standing broad jump in trained and untrained men and women. J Strength Cond Res., 17(4), 710-714.
  • Kokkonen J., Nelson A., Eldredge C. (2007). Chronic static stretching improves exercise performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc., 39(10), 1825-1831.
  • Rancour J., Holmes C., Cipriani D. (2009). The effects of intermittent stretching following a 4-week static stretching protocol: a randomized trial. J Strength Cond Res., 23(8), 2217-2222.
  • Siatras T.A, Mittas V.P, Mameletzi DN, Vamvakoudis EA. (2008) The duration of the inhibitory effects with static stretching on quadriceps peak torque production. J Strength Cond Res., 22, 40–6.
  • Stauber W.T, Miller G.R, Grimmett J.G. (1994). Adaptation of rat soleus muscles to 4 wk of intermittent strain. J Appl Physiol (1985)., 77(1), 58-62.
  • Wilson G.J., Elliott B.C., Wood G.A. (1992). Stretch shorten cycle performance enhancement through flexibility training. Med Sci Sports Exerc., 24(1), 116-123.
  • Worrell T.W., Smith T.L., Winegardner J. (1994). Effect of hamstring stretching on hamstring muscle performance. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther., 20(3), 154-9.
  • Woolstenhulme M.T., Grıffıths C.M., Woolstenhulme E.M. (2006). Ballistic stretching increases flexibility and acute vertical jump height when combined with basketball activity. J Strength Cond Res., 20(4), 799-803.


Year 2019, Volume: 17 Issue: 4, 134 - 142, 30.12.2019


Bu araştırmanın amacı, sekiz
haftalık statik germe antrenmanlarının sıçrama performansına etkilerinin
incelenmesidir. Araştırmaya 18 erkek amatör futbolcu (yaş: 21,78±4,25yıl; boy:
180,11±6,38cm; vücut ağırlığı: 76,19±7,73kg) gönüllü olarak katılmıştır. Katılımcıların
esneklik, dikey sıçrama yükseklikleri ve yatay sıçrama mesafeleri sırası ile; Otur
Eriş Testi (OET), Countermovement Jump (CMJ) protokolü ve Durarak Uzun Atlama
Testleri (DUAT) kullanılarak ölçülmüştür. İlk ölçümlerin ardından, katılımcılar
rastgele, germe (n=10) ve kontrol (n=8) grupları olmak üzere iki gruba ayrılmıştır.
Germe grubuna (GG), sekiz hafta boyunca haftanın üç günü, statik germe
antrenmanları uygulatılmıştır. Sekiz haftalık germe antrenmanlarının
tamamlanmasından sonra, aynı ölçümler benzer sıra ile tekrarlanmış ve ön
testler ile aradaki farklar değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin
analizinde, grup içi farklılıkların belirlenmesinde bağımlı örneklem t testi,
gruplar arası farklılıkların belirlenmesinde bağımsız örneklem t testi
kullanılmıştır (p<0.05). Araştırma bulgularında, (GG) ön ve son test esneklik
değerleri (30,60±4,78cm; 33,90±3,14cm) ve yatay sıçrama mesafelerinde (206,38±19,93 cm; 210,25±19,47 cm) istatiksel
olarak anlamlı farklılıklar tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). Gruplar arası
yapılan istatiksel analizlerde ise anlamlı fark bulunamamıştır (p>0,05). Sonuç
olarak, amatör futbolcularda kronik germe egzersizleri sıçrama kuvvetini olumlu
etkilemektedir. Gelecekte yapılacak araştırmalarda, bu etkilerin fizyolojik ve metabolik
temelini oluşturan mekanizmalar araştırılabilir. 


  • Alter M.J. (2004). Science of Flexibility. 3rd ed. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics
  • Amırı-Khorasanı M., Abu Osman N.A., Yusof A. (2011). Biomechanical Responses of Thigh and Lower Leg during 10 Consecutive Soccer Instep
  • Amiri-Khorasani M., Kellis E. (2013). Static vs. Dynamic Acute Stretching Effect on Quadriceps Muscle Activity during Soccer Instep Kicking. J Hum Kinet., 39: 37-47.
  • Armiger P., Martyn M. (2010). Stretching for Functional Flexibility , 1Har/Psc Edition. Philidelphia : LWW.
  • Alemdaroğlu U., Koz M., Köklü Y. (2012). Germe Egzersizlerinin Performans Üzerine Akut Etkileri. Hacettepe J. of Sport Sciences, 23 (2), 68–76
  • Nakamura M., Ikezoe T., Umegaki H. (2016). Changes in Passive Properties of the Gastrocnemius Muscle-Tendon Unit During a 4-Week Routine Static Stretching Program. J Sport Rehabil., 1-17.
  • Rodriguez-Rosell D., Mora-Custodio R., Franco-Márquez F. (2016). Traditional vs. sport-specific vertical jump tests: reliability, validity and relationship with the legs strength and sprint performance in adult and teen soccer and basketball players. J Strength Cond Res
  • Yeşil A. (2011). Farklı Sürelerde Uygulanan Skuatın Sıçrama Performansına Akut Etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Sakarya
  • Bastos C., Miranda H., Vale R. (2013). Chronic effect of static stretching on strength performance and basal serum IGF-1 levels. J Strength Cond Res., 27(9), 2465-2472.
  • Behm D.G., Kibele A. (2007). Effects of differing intensities of static stretching on jump performance. Eur J Appl Physiol., 101(5), 587-594.
  • Bradley P., Olsen P., Portas M. (2007). The effect of static, ballistic, and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching on vertical jump performance. J Strength Cond Res., 21(1), 223-226.
  • Bryne C., Eston R. (2002).The effect of exercise-induced muscle damage on isometric and dynamic knee extenso strength and vertical jump performance. J Sports Sci., 20(5), 417-425. Church J., Wiggins M., Moode F. (2001). Effect of warm-up and flexibility treatments on vertical jump performance. J Strength Cond Res., 15, 332–336
  • Cipriani D., Abel B., Pirrwitz D. (2003). A comparison of two stretching protocols on hip range of motion: implications for total daily stretch duration. J Strength Cond Res., 17(2), 274-278.
  • Coutinho E., Gomes A., França C., (2004). Effect of passive stretching on the immobilized soleus muscle fiber morphology. Braz J Med Biol Res,, 37(12), 1853-61.
  • Day C., Moreland M., Floyd S. (1997). Limb lengthening promotes muscle growth. J Orthop Res., 15(2), 227-234.
  • De Hoyo M., Pozzo M., Sañudo B.N. (2015). Effects of a 10-week in-season eccentric-overload training program on muscle-injury prevention and performance in junior elite soccer players. Int J Sports Physiol Perform, 10(1), 46-52.
  • Ferreira G., Teixeira-Salmela L., Guimaraes C. (2007). Gains in flexibility related to measures of muscular performance: impact of flexibility on muscular performance. Clin J Sport Med., 17(4), 276-281.
  • Frantz T., Ruiz M. (2011). Effects of dynamic warm-up on lower body explosiveness among collegiate baseball players. J Strength Cond Res, 25(11), 2985-2990.
  • Garcia-Pinillos F., Ruiz-Ariza A., Moreno Del Castillo R. (2015). Impact of limited hamstring flexibility on vertical jump, kicking speed, sprint, and agility in young football players. J Sports Sci., 33(12), 1293-1297.
  • Heyward V., Gibson A. (2014). Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription. 7th ed. Human Kinetics
  • Haugen T., Tonnessen E., Seiler S. (2012). Speed and countermovement-jump characteristics of elite female soccer players, 1995-2010. Int J Sports Physiol Perform., 7(4), 340-9.
  • Hough P., Ross E., Howatson G. (2009). Effects of dynamic and static stretching on vertical jump performance and electromyographic activity. J Strength Cond Res., 23(2), 507-512.
  • Hunter J., Marshall R. (2002). Effects of power and flexibility training on vertical jump technique. Med Sci Sports Exerc., 34(3), 478-486.
  • Kay A.D, Blazevich A.J. (2012). Effect of acute static stretch on maximal muscle performance: a systematic review. Med Sci Sports Exerc., 44(1), 154-64.
  • Koch A., O'bryant H., Stone M.E. (2003). Effect of warm-up on the standing broad jump in trained and untrained men and women. J Strength Cond Res., 17(4), 710-714.
  • Kokkonen J., Nelson A., Eldredge C. (2007). Chronic static stretching improves exercise performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc., 39(10), 1825-1831.
  • Rancour J., Holmes C., Cipriani D. (2009). The effects of intermittent stretching following a 4-week static stretching protocol: a randomized trial. J Strength Cond Res., 23(8), 2217-2222.
  • Siatras T.A, Mittas V.P, Mameletzi DN, Vamvakoudis EA. (2008) The duration of the inhibitory effects with static stretching on quadriceps peak torque production. J Strength Cond Res., 22, 40–6.
  • Stauber W.T, Miller G.R, Grimmett J.G. (1994). Adaptation of rat soleus muscles to 4 wk of intermittent strain. J Appl Physiol (1985)., 77(1), 58-62.
  • Wilson G.J., Elliott B.C., Wood G.A. (1992). Stretch shorten cycle performance enhancement through flexibility training. Med Sci Sports Exerc., 24(1), 116-123.
  • Worrell T.W., Smith T.L., Winegardner J. (1994). Effect of hamstring stretching on hamstring muscle performance. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther., 20(3), 154-9.
  • Woolstenhulme M.T., Grıffıths C.M., Woolstenhulme E.M. (2006). Ballistic stretching increases flexibility and acute vertical jump height when combined with basketball activity. J Strength Cond Res., 20(4), 799-803.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Research Article

Burak Çağlar Yaşlı 0000-0002-1477-6016

Recep Sürhat Müniroğlu This is me 0000-0003-1250-5420

Publication Date December 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 17 Issue: 4



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