Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 17 Issue: 4, 201 - 210, 30.12.2019


The pole vault and high jump are events named
vertical jumps within track and fields. The aim of the vertical jump events is
that the athlete runs on the approach way with proper speed, then jumps upwards
and passes over the bar where height is previously determined by the athlete,
without dropping the bar to the ground. In the vertical jump events, the
competition variables which the starting height, the final height, the
difference between the starting and final height, the total number of
attempting, the amount of valid and invalid jumps were examined measured within
the scope of competition tactics. The aim of this study is to show coaches and
athletes how to plan the competition variables in order to achieve the aimed
performance by putting forth their competition strategy features. In addition,
the study is going to determine the similarities and differences between podium
athletes and other finalist athletes through the example of European
championship finals where elite athletes compete. The research group consisted
of 223 high jumpers (male: 105, female: 118) and 216 pole vaulters (male: 109,
female: 107) competing in the European Championships (6 indoor and 5 outdoor)
between 2009 and 2019. Statistical comparison of the podium athletes and
remaining finalist athletes’ groups was carried out using Independent Samples
t-Test. Pearson correlation coefficients (r) were used to express the
relationships between parameters. Linear regression analysis was used to find
coefficients of determination (r2) for the relationships. Significant
differences were found in podium athletes in terms of initial height, final
height, difference between them, total number of trials and number of
successful trials in both events and both genders. Male and female athletes who
have won medals in both high jump and pole vaults have performed a total of 4-8
trials. The difference between the initial height and the final height was 12 ±
4 cm in male high jump podium athletes and 14 ± 3 cm in female high jump
athletes; It was found that the male pole vaulters were 34 ± 12 cm and the mean
29 ± 8 cm in females. It is clear that the average of the total number of
trials in both events and genders has declined significantly in the last 10
years. The total number of trials was found to be higher in high performing
athletes. As a result, it was seen that the medallist athletes had higher
initial heights than the other finalists, they reached the final heights with
more differences after the initial heights, and the total number of trials and
successful trials were higher. In the light of these data, it is recommended
that the performance components that are examined and found to be important in
this study for vertical jumps be examined in detail by the coaches, and that a
strategy for competition management is developed according to the current
situation of the athletes.


  • Böheim, R., Lackner, M. (2013). Gender and Competition: Evidence from Jumping Competitions (IZA Discussion Papers No. 7243). Bonn. Retrieved from
  • European Athletics. (2019a). EA-Athletes. Retrieved 12 July 2019, from
  • European Athletics. (2019b). European Athletics Championships. Retrieved 12 July 2019, from
  • IAAF. (2017). Competition Rules 2018-2019. Monaco: International Association of Athletics Federations. Retrieved from
  • IAAF. (2019). IAAF-Athletes. Retrieved 12 July 2019, from Ladany, S. P. (1975). Optimal Starting Height for Pole-Vaulting. Operations Research, 23(5), 968–978. Retrieved from
  • Portney, L. G.,Watkins, M. P. (2015). Foundations of clinical research. Applications to practice (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company.
  • Theodorou, A., Skordilis, E. (2009). Consequences of the new competition rules for the high jump at the European. New Studies in Athletics (NSA), 24(3), 23–30.
  • Theodorou, A., Skordilis, E., Paradisis, G. (2009a). Possible effects of new regulation implementation on high jump event. In 14th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (p. 600). Oslo: ECSS.
  • Theodorou, A., Skordilis, E., Paradisis, G. (2009b). Possible effects of new regulation implementation on pole vault event. In 14th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (p. 600). Oslo.
  • Theodorou, A., Skordilis, E., Paradisis, G. (2010). Effects Of New Rules Implementation On The Pole Vault Event. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 42(5). Retrieved from
  • Tilastopaja. (2019). Athletics Database. Retrieved 12 July 2019, from


Year 2019, Volume: 17 Issue: 4, 201 - 210, 30.12.2019


Yüksek atlama ve
sırıkla atlama branşları atletizm içinde dikey atlamalar olarak adlandırılır. Dikey
atlama branşlarında amaç, sporcunun yaklaşma koşu yolunda uygun hızda koşması,
daha sonra yukarı doğru sıçraması ve yüksekliği sporcu tarafından önceden belirlenen
çıtayı yere düşürmeden geçmesidir. Dikey atlamalarda yarışma başlangıç
yüksekliği, final yüksekliği, başlama ve final yüksekliği arasındaki fark,
toplam deneme sayısı, başarılı ve hatalı deneme sayısı yarışma değişkenleri
yarışma taktik anlayışları kapsamında incelenir. Bu araştırmanın da amacı,
dikey atlama branşlarında elit sporcuların yarışma yönetim özelliklerini ortaya
koyarak hedeflenen performansa ulaşmak için yarışma değişkenlerinin
planlanmasında antrenör ve sporculara yol göstermektir. Ayrıca elit sporcuların
yarıştığı Avrupa şampiyonaları finalleri örneği üzerinden podyum sporcuları ile
diğer finalist sporcular arasındaki benzerlik ve farklılıkları belirlemektir.
Araştırma grubunu 2009 ve 2019 yılları arasında Avrupa Şampiyonaları’nda (6 indoor
and 5 outdoor) final yarışan 223 yüksek atlama sporcusu (male:105, female:118)
ile 216 sırıkla atlama sporcusu (male:109, female:107) oluşturmuştur. Podyum
sporcularının ve diğer finalist sporcu gruplarının istatistiksel
karşılaştırması Independent Samples t-Test kullanılarak yapıldı. Parametreler
arasındaki ilişkileri ifade etmek için Pearson korelasyon (r) testi yapılmıştır.
Tespit edilen ilişkileri açıklamak için de lineer regresyon analizi (r2)
kullanılmıştır. Her iki branşta ve her iki cinsiyette de başlangıç yüksekliği,
final yüksekliği, bunlar arasındaki fark, toplam deneme sayısı ve başarılı
deneme sayıları yönünden podyum sporcuları yönünde anlamlı farklar tespit
edilmiştir. Hem yüksek atlama hem de sırıkla atlama branşlarında madalya alan
erkek ve kadın sporcuların 4-8 arasında toplam deneme gerçekleştirdikleri
görülmüştür. Başlangıç yüksekliği ile final yüksekliği arasındaki farkın, erkek
yüksek atlama podyum sporcularında 12±4 cm, kadın yüksek atlama sporcularında ise ortalama 14±3 cm; erkek
sırıkçılarda 34±12 cm, kadınlarda ise ortalama 29±8 cm olduğu görülmüştür. Her
iki branşta ve cinsiyette toplam deneme sayıları ortalamalarının son 10 yılda
belirgin bir şekilde düşmüş olduğu açıkça görülmektedir. Toplam deneme
sayısının, yüksek performans sergileyen sporcularda daha fazla değerlerde
olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, madalya alan sporcuların diğer
finalistlerden daha yüksek başlangıç yükseklikleri olduğu, başlangıç
yüksekliklerinden sonra daha fazla fark ile final yüksekliklerine eriştikleri,
toplam deneme ve başarılı deneme sayılarının daha fazla olduğu görülmüştür. Bu
veriler ışığında dikey atlamalar için bu çalışmada incelenen ve önemli olduğu
tespit edilen performans bileşenlerinin antrenörler tarafından detaylı
incelenmesi, sporcularının mevcut durumuna göre müsabaka yönetiminde strateji
geliştirilmesi önerilir.


  • Böheim, R., Lackner, M. (2013). Gender and Competition: Evidence from Jumping Competitions (IZA Discussion Papers No. 7243). Bonn. Retrieved from
  • European Athletics. (2019a). EA-Athletes. Retrieved 12 July 2019, from
  • European Athletics. (2019b). European Athletics Championships. Retrieved 12 July 2019, from
  • IAAF. (2017). Competition Rules 2018-2019. Monaco: International Association of Athletics Federations. Retrieved from
  • IAAF. (2019). IAAF-Athletes. Retrieved 12 July 2019, from Ladany, S. P. (1975). Optimal Starting Height for Pole-Vaulting. Operations Research, 23(5), 968–978. Retrieved from
  • Portney, L. G.,Watkins, M. P. (2015). Foundations of clinical research. Applications to practice (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company.
  • Theodorou, A., Skordilis, E. (2009). Consequences of the new competition rules for the high jump at the European. New Studies in Athletics (NSA), 24(3), 23–30.
  • Theodorou, A., Skordilis, E., Paradisis, G. (2009a). Possible effects of new regulation implementation on high jump event. In 14th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (p. 600). Oslo: ECSS.
  • Theodorou, A., Skordilis, E., Paradisis, G. (2009b). Possible effects of new regulation implementation on pole vault event. In 14th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (p. 600). Oslo.
  • Theodorou, A., Skordilis, E., Paradisis, G. (2010). Effects Of New Rules Implementation On The Pole Vault Event. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 42(5). Retrieved from
  • Tilastopaja. (2019). Athletics Database. Retrieved 12 July 2019, from
There are 11 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sports Medicine
Journal Section Research Article

İşık Bayraktar 0000-0003-1001-5348

Publication Date December 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 17 Issue: 4


APA Bayraktar, İ. (2019). THE COMPETITION STRATEGY IN HIGH JUMP AND POLE VAULT: HOW MANY TRIALS?. SPORMETRE Beden Eğitimi Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 17(4), 201-210.

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