The research aims to examine the effect of physical activity on perceived stress, happiness and leisure satisfaction levels of working sedentary individuals who have participated the physical activity program regularly. The research is a quasi-experimental study done by using quantitative research method. Experimental group participants havepracticed regular physical activity program one hour a day, 3 days a week for 8 weeks. Except from the experimental study, in order to determine the emotional states of regular physical activity program participants and nonparticipants, we have used “Perceived Stress”, “Oxford Happiness” and “Leisure Time Satisfaction” scales. The research involves 90 people divided into two groups; “Experiment” (45 people) and “Control” (45 people). The age ranges from 25 to 45 years old. . The groups’ pretest and posttest results have been compared by using “t-Test” and “Two-way Analysis of Variance” tests in a way involving both subdimensions of scales and sub-problems of the research. Besides, the demographic information of the participants has been made available by frequency and percentage analysis. It has been identified that stress and insufficient self-efficacy perception of individuals in the experiment group and attending regular physical activity program has decreased significantly in comparison to the individuals in the control group and not attending the regular physical activity program. Also,happiness perception points of the experiment group have been detected much higher than of the control group. Leisure satisfaction levels of regular physical activity program participants have seemed to increase in all subdimensions compared to individuals in the control group and not attending the regular physical activity program. In conclusion, it can be argued that people with intensive work tempos, evaluating their free time by participating in a regular physical activity program, may cause positive changes in their social and psychological emotional states.
1. Agate J.R., Zabrikie R.B., Agate S.T., Poff R., (2009), Family Leisure Satisfaction and Satisfaction with Family Life, Journal of Leisure Research, 2: 205-223.
2. Ajzen I., &Driver B.L., (1992), Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to Leisure Choice, Journal of Leisure Research, 24: 207-224.
3. Andersen L.B., Schnohr P., Schroll M., Hein H.O., (2007), All-Case Mortality Associated with Physical Activity During Leisure Time, Work, Sports and Cycling to Work, Arch Intern Med. 160.
4. Ardahan F., (2013), Rekreasyonel Egzersiz Güdüleme Ölçeğinin Rekreatif Spor Türüne Göre İncelenmesi: Antalya Örneği, Iğdır Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4: 95-108.
5. Ardahan F.,& Lapa T.Y., (2010), Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Serbest Zaman Tatmin Düzeylerinin Cinsiyete ve Gelire Göre İncelenmesi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 21: 129-136.
6. Ardahan F., &Mert M., (2013), Impacts of Outdoor Activities, Demographic Variables and Emotional Intelligence on Life Satisfaction: An Econometric Application of a Case in Turkey, Social Indicators Research, 113-3.
7. Arnett J.J., (1995), Broad and Narrow Socialization: The Family in the Context of a Cultural Theory. Journal of Marriage and Family. 57: 617-628
8. Bakker A.B., Demerouti E., Oerlemans W., Sonnentag S. (2013), Workaholism and daily recovery: A day reconstruction study of leisure activities. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34: 87-107.
9. Bherer L., Erickson K.I., Liu-Ambrose T., (2013), A review of the effects of physical activity and exercise on cognitive and brain functions in older adults. Journal of aging research.
10. Boley J.B., (2001), Life Satisfaction, Leisure Satisfaction and Leisure Participation Among Publicly Housed Older Adults, PHD Thesis, Capella University.
11. Booth M.L., Owen N., Bauman A., Clavisi O., Leslie E., (2000), Social–Cognitive and Perceived Environment Influences Associated with Physical Activity in Older Australians, Preventive Medicine 31: 15–22.
12. Bryne B.M., (2010), Structural Equation Modeling With AMOS. Basic Concepts, Applications and Programming. (2th Edition). New York, Routledge Press.
13. B-Wolle S., &Godbey G., (2007), Refining research on older adults' leisure: Implications of selection, optimization, and compensation and socioemotional selectivity theories. Journal of Leisure Research, 39: 498.
14. Carro E., Trejo J.L., Busiguina S., Torres-Aleman I., (2001), Circulating insulin-like growth factor I mediates the protective effects of physical exercise against brain insults of different etiology and anatomy. The Journal of Neuroscience, 21: 5678-5684.
15. Caspi A., Sugden K., Moffitt T.E., Taylor A., Craig I.W., Honalee H., Mcclay J., Mill J., Martin J., Braithwaite A., Poulton R., (2003), Influence of life stress on depression: moderation by a polymorphism in the 5-HTT gene. Science,301: 386-389.
16. Chatzisarantis N.L., &Hagger M.S., (2009), Effects of an intervention based on self-determination theory on self-reported leisure-time physical activity participation. Psychology and Health, 24: 29-48.
17. Colcombe S.J., Erickson K.I., Scalf P.E., Kim J.S., Prakash R., Mcauley E., Elavsky S., Marquez D.X., Hu L., Kramer A.F., (2006), Aerobic exercise training increases brain volume in aging humans. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 61: 1166-1170.
18. Cornelisse-Vermaat JR., Antonides G., Van Ophem J., Van Den Brink HM., (2006), Body mass index, perceived health, and happiness: Their determinants and structural relationships. Social Indicators Research, 79: 143-158.
19. Craig C.L., Marshall A.L., Sjöström M., Bauman A.E., Booth M.L., Ainswoth B.E., Pratt M., Ekelund U., Yngve A., Sallis J.F., Oja P., (2003), International Physical Activity Questionnaire: 12-Country Reliability and Validity, Medicine and Science In Sports and Exercise,195: 3508-1381.
20. Demir M., &Demir S.S., (2014), İşgörenlerin Serbest Zaman Gereksinimi ve Serbest Zaman Doyumunu Etkileyen Faktörler. İşletme ve İktisat Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2: 74-84.
21. Dergeance J.M., Calmbach W.L., Dhanda R., Miles T.P., Hazuda H.P., Mouton C.P., (2003), Barriers to and benefits of leisure time physical activity in the elderly: differences across cultures. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 51: 863-868.
22. De-vries N.M., Van Ravensberg C.D., Hobbelen J.S.M., Rikkert M.O., Staal J.B., Nijhuis-Van Der Sanden M.W.G., (2012), Effects of physical exercise therapy on mobility, physical functioning, physical activity and quality of life in community-dwelling older adults with impaired mobility, physical disability and/or multi-morbidity: a meta-analysis, Ageing research reviews, 11: 136-149.
23. Dovey S.M., Reeder A.I., Chalmers D.J., (1998), Continuity and change in sporting and leisure time physical activities during adolescence, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 32: 53-57.
24. Easterlin R.A., (1995), Will raising the incomes of all increase the happiness of all? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 27: 35-47.
25. Eide A.R., (2016), Life Happiness of Women through Exercise Intervention, Undergraduate Honors Th eses. Paper 1065.
26. Eriksen H.R., Ihlebaek C., Mikkelsen A., Grønningsæter H., Sandal G.M., Ursin H., (2002), Improving subjective health at the worksite: a randomized controlled trial of stress management training, physical exercise and an integrated health programme. Occupational Medicine, 52: 383-391.
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Year 2018,
Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 132 - 148, 30.09.2018
1. Agate J.R., Zabrikie R.B., Agate S.T., Poff R., (2009), Family Leisure Satisfaction and Satisfaction with Family Life, Journal of Leisure Research, 2: 205-223.
2. Ajzen I., &Driver B.L., (1992), Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior to Leisure Choice, Journal of Leisure Research, 24: 207-224.
3. Andersen L.B., Schnohr P., Schroll M., Hein H.O., (2007), All-Case Mortality Associated with Physical Activity During Leisure Time, Work, Sports and Cycling to Work, Arch Intern Med. 160.
4. Ardahan F., (2013), Rekreasyonel Egzersiz Güdüleme Ölçeğinin Rekreatif Spor Türüne Göre İncelenmesi: Antalya Örneği, Iğdır Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4: 95-108.
5. Ardahan F.,& Lapa T.Y., (2010), Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Serbest Zaman Tatmin Düzeylerinin Cinsiyete ve Gelire Göre İncelenmesi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 21: 129-136.
6. Ardahan F., &Mert M., (2013), Impacts of Outdoor Activities, Demographic Variables and Emotional Intelligence on Life Satisfaction: An Econometric Application of a Case in Turkey, Social Indicators Research, 113-3.
7. Arnett J.J., (1995), Broad and Narrow Socialization: The Family in the Context of a Cultural Theory. Journal of Marriage and Family. 57: 617-628
8. Bakker A.B., Demerouti E., Oerlemans W., Sonnentag S. (2013), Workaholism and daily recovery: A day reconstruction study of leisure activities. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34: 87-107.
9. Bherer L., Erickson K.I., Liu-Ambrose T., (2013), A review of the effects of physical activity and exercise on cognitive and brain functions in older adults. Journal of aging research.
10. Boley J.B., (2001), Life Satisfaction, Leisure Satisfaction and Leisure Participation Among Publicly Housed Older Adults, PHD Thesis, Capella University.
11. Booth M.L., Owen N., Bauman A., Clavisi O., Leslie E., (2000), Social–Cognitive and Perceived Environment Influences Associated with Physical Activity in Older Australians, Preventive Medicine 31: 15–22.
12. Bryne B.M., (2010), Structural Equation Modeling With AMOS. Basic Concepts, Applications and Programming. (2th Edition). New York, Routledge Press.
13. B-Wolle S., &Godbey G., (2007), Refining research on older adults' leisure: Implications of selection, optimization, and compensation and socioemotional selectivity theories. Journal of Leisure Research, 39: 498.
14. Carro E., Trejo J.L., Busiguina S., Torres-Aleman I., (2001), Circulating insulin-like growth factor I mediates the protective effects of physical exercise against brain insults of different etiology and anatomy. The Journal of Neuroscience, 21: 5678-5684.
15. Caspi A., Sugden K., Moffitt T.E., Taylor A., Craig I.W., Honalee H., Mcclay J., Mill J., Martin J., Braithwaite A., Poulton R., (2003), Influence of life stress on depression: moderation by a polymorphism in the 5-HTT gene. Science,301: 386-389.
16. Chatzisarantis N.L., &Hagger M.S., (2009), Effects of an intervention based on self-determination theory on self-reported leisure-time physical activity participation. Psychology and Health, 24: 29-48.
17. Colcombe S.J., Erickson K.I., Scalf P.E., Kim J.S., Prakash R., Mcauley E., Elavsky S., Marquez D.X., Hu L., Kramer A.F., (2006), Aerobic exercise training increases brain volume in aging humans. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 61: 1166-1170.
18. Cornelisse-Vermaat JR., Antonides G., Van Ophem J., Van Den Brink HM., (2006), Body mass index, perceived health, and happiness: Their determinants and structural relationships. Social Indicators Research, 79: 143-158.
19. Craig C.L., Marshall A.L., Sjöström M., Bauman A.E., Booth M.L., Ainswoth B.E., Pratt M., Ekelund U., Yngve A., Sallis J.F., Oja P., (2003), International Physical Activity Questionnaire: 12-Country Reliability and Validity, Medicine and Science In Sports and Exercise,195: 3508-1381.
20. Demir M., &Demir S.S., (2014), İşgörenlerin Serbest Zaman Gereksinimi ve Serbest Zaman Doyumunu Etkileyen Faktörler. İşletme ve İktisat Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2: 74-84.
21. Dergeance J.M., Calmbach W.L., Dhanda R., Miles T.P., Hazuda H.P., Mouton C.P., (2003), Barriers to and benefits of leisure time physical activity in the elderly: differences across cultures. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 51: 863-868.
22. De-vries N.M., Van Ravensberg C.D., Hobbelen J.S.M., Rikkert M.O., Staal J.B., Nijhuis-Van Der Sanden M.W.G., (2012), Effects of physical exercise therapy on mobility, physical functioning, physical activity and quality of life in community-dwelling older adults with impaired mobility, physical disability and/or multi-morbidity: a meta-analysis, Ageing research reviews, 11: 136-149.
23. Dovey S.M., Reeder A.I., Chalmers D.J., (1998), Continuity and change in sporting and leisure time physical activities during adolescence, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 32: 53-57.
24. Easterlin R.A., (1995), Will raising the incomes of all increase the happiness of all? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 27: 35-47.
25. Eide A.R., (2016), Life Happiness of Women through Exercise Intervention, Undergraduate Honors Th eses. Paper 1065.
26. Eriksen H.R., Ihlebaek C., Mikkelsen A., Grønningsæter H., Sandal G.M., Ursin H., (2002), Improving subjective health at the worksite: a randomized controlled trial of stress management training, physical exercise and an integrated health programme. Occupational Medicine, 52: 383-391.
27. Eyre H., &Baune B.T., (2012), Neuroimmunological effects of physical exercise in depression. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 26: 251-266.
28. Fave A.D., &Massimini F., (2003), Optimal Experience in Work and Leisure among teachers and physicians: Individual and Bio-Cultural Implications, Leisure Studies 22: 323–342.
29. Fox K.R., (1999), The influence of physical activity on mental well-being, Public Health Nutrition: 2: 411–418.
30. French D.P., Darker C.D., Eves F.F., Sniehotta F.F., (2013), The systematic development of a brief intervention to increase walking in the general public using an “extended” theory of planned behavior. J Phys Act Health, 10: 94.
31. Galper D.I., Trivedi M.H., Barlow C.E., Dunn A.L., Kampert J.B., (2006), Inverse association between physical inactivity and mental health in men and women. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38: 173.
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