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6-9 Yaş Çocuklarda Motor Koordinasyonun Değerlendirilmesi: Cinsiyet, Yaş ve Fiziksel Aktiviteye Katılım Açısından Farklılıklar

Year 2023, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 13 - 28, 17.10.2023


Araştırmada 6-9 yaş arası çocukların motor koordinasyon düzeyleri belirlenerek, cinsiyet, yaş, fiziksel aktiviteye katılım durumu açısından nasıl farklılaştığının ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma grubu, resmi ilkokullarda öğrenim gören 6-9 yaş aralığındaki 412 erkek, 436 kız öğrenci olmak üzere toplam 848 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Katılımcıların demografik bilgileri ve fiziksel aktivite düzeyleri ya da spor organizasyonlarına katılımları ile ilgili bilgileri belirlemek için araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan kişisel bilgi formu kullanılmıştır. Antropometrik özelliklerden boy uzunluğu ve vücut ağırlığı ölçülmüştür. Beden Kitle İndeksi (BKİ) değeri hesaplanmıştır. Öğrencilerin motor koordinasyon performansları ve seviyeleri, hareket yetkinlikleri Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder (KTK+3) test bataryası kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Çocukların ve ergenlerin motor koordinasyonunu değerlendirmek için, KTK3, el-göz koordinasyonunu değerlendiren bir yakalama ve fırlatma görevi ile desteklenmiştir. Katılımcıların KTK taşıma ve KTK yakalama alt testi skorlarının cinsiyet açısından karşılaştırmasında gruplar arasında anlamlı bir fark belirlenmiştir (p<0,05). Farkın erkek öğrencilerin lehine olduğu tespit edilmiştir. KTK3+ test bataryasını oluşturana KTK denge ve KTK sıçrama puanlarının cinsiyet açısından karşılaştırmasında gruplar arası anlamlı bir fark tespit edilmemiştir (p>0,05). Katılımcıların KTK3+ test bataryasına ait alt testlerin tamamında yaş düzeyi açısından yapılan karşılaştırmasında gruplar arasında anlamlı fark tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). KTK3+ test bataryasına ait testlerin gerçek puanlarının öğrencilerin fiziksel aktiviteye katılım durumu açısından karşılaştırmasında tüm alt testlerde fiziksel aktiviteye katılanlar lehine anlamlı farklılık tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05). Sonuç olarak, 6-9 yaş aralığında bulunan erkek öğrencilerin taşıma ve yakalama görevlerinde kız öğrencilere göre daha yüksek puanlara sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca yaş düzeyinin artması ve fiziksel aktiviteye katılma durumu tüm alt testlerde daha yüksek puanlara sahip olunmasını etkilemiştir.


  • Aadland, K. N., Moe, V. F., Aadland, E., Anderssen, S. A., Resaland, G. K., & Ommundsen, Y. (2017). Relationships between physical activity, sedentary time, aerobic fitness, motor skills and executive function and academic performance in children. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 12, 10-18.
  • Ahnert, J., Schneider, W., & Bös, K. (2010). “Developmental changes and individual stability of motor abilities from the preschool period to young adulthood,” in Human Development from Early Childhood to Early Adulthood (Erlbaum Mahwah, NJ: Psychology Press), 45–72.
  • Antunes, A. M., Maia, J. A., Stasinopoulos, M. D., Gouveia, É. R., Thomis, M. A., Lefevre, J. A., ... & Freitas, D. L. (2015). Gross motor coordination and weight status of P ortuguese children aged 6–14 years. American Journal of Human Biology, 27(5), 681-689.
  • Barnett, L. M., Lai, S. K., Veldman, S. L., Hardy, L. L., Cliff, D. P., Morgan, P. J., ... & Okely, A. D. (2016). Correlates of gross motor competence in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports medicine, 46, 1663-1688.
  • Bolger, L. E., Bolger, L. A., O’Neill, C., Coughlan, E., O’Brien, W., Lacey, S., & Burns, C. (2018). Age and gender differences in fundamental movement skills among a cohort of Irish school children. Journal of motor learning and development, 6(1), 81-100.
  • Burns, R. D., Fu, Y., Fang, Y., Hannon, J. C., & Brusseau, T. A. (2017). Effect of a 12-week physical activity program on gross motor skills in children. Perceptual and motor skills, 124(6), 1121-1133.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö.E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2014). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. 16. Baskı. Ankara: Pegem Akademi
  • Can, A. (2017). Quantitative data analysis in the scientific research process with SPSS (5th Edition). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
  • Cattuzzo, M. T., dos Santos Henrique, R., Ré, A. H. N., de Oliveira, I. S., Melo, B. M., de Sousa Moura, M., ... & Stodden, D. (2016). Motor competence and health related physical fitness in youth: A systematic review. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 19(2), 123-129. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2014. 12.004
  • Çıngı, H. (1994). Örnekleme kuramı (İkinci baskı). Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Clark, C. C., Moran, J., Drury, B., Venetsanou, F., & Fernandes, J. F. (2018). Actual vs. perceived motor competence in children (8–10 years): An issue of non-veridicality. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 3(2), 20.
  • Coppens, E., Laureys, F., Mostaert, M., D’Hondt, E., Deconinck, F.J.A., & Lenoir, M. (2021). Validation of a motor competence assessment tool for children and adolescents (ktk3+) with normative values for 6- to 19-year-olds. Front. Physiol. 12:652952. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.652952
  • Erwin, H. E. & Castelli, D. M. (2008). National physical education standards: a summary of student performance and its correlates. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79(4), 495-505.
  • Faber, I. R., Oosterveld, F. G., & Nijhuis-Van der Sanden, M. W. (2014). Does an eye-hand coordination test have added value as part of talent identification in table tennis? A validity and reproducibility study. PLoS ONE 9:e85657. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.008 5657
  • Hardman, C. M., Wanderley, R. D. S., Oliveira, E. S. A. D., & Barros, M. V. G. D. (2017). Relationship between physical activity and BMI with level of motor coordination performance in schoolchildren. Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano, 19, 50-61.
  • Hopkins, W.G., Marshall, S.W., Batterham, A.M., & Hanin, J. (2009). Progressive statistics for studies in sports medicine and exercise science. Med Sci Sport Exer, 41(1), 3-13.
  • Houwen, S., Hartman, E., & Visscher, C. (2010). The relationship among motor proficiency, physical fitness, and body composition in children with and without visual impairments. Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 81(3), 290-299.
  • Hox, J. J. & Bechger, T. M. (1995). Comparing and combining different approaches to the multitrait-multimethod matrix.
  • İri, R., & Aktuğ, Z. B. (2017). Investigating the effect of sports on motor skills in children Çocuklarda sporun motor beceri üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(4), 4300-4307.
  • Kalaja, S. P., Jaakkola, T. T., Liukkonen, J. O., & Digelidis, N. (2012). Development of junior high school students' fundamental movement skills and physical activity in a naturalistic physical education setting. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 17(4), 411-428.
  • Kim, C. I., & Lee, K. Y. (2016). The relationship between fundamental movement skills and body mass index in Korean preschool children. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 24(6), 928-935.
  • Kiphard, E. J., & Schilling, F. (1974). Körperkoordinations Test für Kinder. Weinheim: Beltz Test GmbH.Weinheim.
  • Kiphard, E. J., & Schilling, F. (2007). Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder: KTK. Göttingen: Beltz-Test.
  • Lee, D. K., Kang, M. H., Lee, T. S., & Oh, J. S. (2015). Relationships among the Y balance test, Berg Balance Scale, and lower limb strength in middle-aged and older females. Brazilian journal of physical therapy, 19, 227-234.
  • Lopes, L., Santos, R., Pereira, B., & Lopes, V. P. (2012). Associations between sedentary behavior and motor coordination in children. American Journal of Human Biology, 24(6), 746-752.
  • Mores, G., Nunes, A. D. S., Batista, R. J. D. M., Corona, L. F. P., & Habitante, C. A. (2019). Relationships between motor performance and body composition of school adolescents. Journal of Human Growth and Development, 29(1), 75-82.
  • Niemistö, D., Finni, T., Cantell, M., Korhonen, E., & Sääkslahti, A. (2020). Individual, family, and environmental correlates of motor competence in young children: Regression model analysis of data obtained from two motor tests. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(7), 2548.
  • Novak, A. R., Bennett, K. J., Beavan, A., Pion, J., Spiteri, T., Fransen, J., & et al. (2017). The applicability of a short form of the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder for measuring motor competence in children aged 6 to 11 years. J. Motor Learn. Dev. 5, 227–239. doi: 10.1123/jmld.2016- 0028
  • Pate, R. R., O'neill, J. R., & Lobelo, F. (2008). The evolving definition of" sedentary". Exercise and sport sciences reviews, 36(4), 173-178.
  • Pion, J. (2015). The Flemish Sports Compass: From Sports Orientation to Elite Performance Prediction. Ghent: Ghent University.
  • Platvoet, S., Faber, I., De Niet, M., Pion, J., Kannekens, R., Elferink- Gemser, M., & et al. (2018). Development of a tool to assess fundamental movement skills in applied settings. Front. Educ. 3:75. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2018. 00075
  • Robinson, L. E., Stodden, D. F., Barnett, L. M., Lopes, V. P., Logan, S. W., Rodrigues, L. P., & D'Hondt, E. (2015). Motor Competence and its effect on positive developmental trajectories of health. Sports Medicine, 45(9), 1273-1284. 015-0351-6
  • Rodrigues, L. P., Luz, C., Cordovil, R., Bezerra, P., Silva, B., Camões, M., & et al. (2019). Normative values of the motor competence assessment (MCA) from 3 to 23 years of age. J. Sci. Med. Sport, 22, 1038–1043. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2019.05.009
  • Rommers, N., Mostaert, M., Goossens, L., Vaeyens, R., Witvrouw, E., Lenoir, M., & D’Hondt, E. (2019). Age and maturity related differences in motor coordination among male elite youth soccer players. Journal of sports sciences, 37(2), 196-203.
  • Şenol, Ş. (2012). Araştırma ve örnekleme yöntemleri. Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık
  • Söğüt, M. (2016). Gross motor coordination in junior tennis players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 34(22), 2149-2152.
  • Söğüt, M. (2017). A comparison of serve speed and motor coordination between elite and club level tennis players. Journal of Human Kinetics, 55(1), 171-176.
  • Sönmez, V., & Alacapınar F.G. (2013). Örneklendirilmiş Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. 2.Baskı. Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık
  • Stodden, D., Goodway, J., Langendorfer, S., Roberton, M. A., Rudisill, M., Garcia, C., & Garcia, L. (2008). A Developmental Perspective on the Role of Motor Skill Competence in Physical Activity: An Emergent Relationship. Quest, 60(2), 290-306.
  • Tabachnick, B.G., & Fidell, L.S. (2013). Using Multivariate Statistics. 6.ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Tekdemir, I., Akın, G., Bektaş, Y., Gültekin, T., & Emre Erol, A.E. (2013). Anthropometry and sport. Ankara: Alter Publications
  • Vandorpe, B., Vandendriessche, J., Lefèvre, J., Pion, J., Vaeyens, R., Matthys, S. A., & et al. (2011). The KörperkoordinationsTest für Kinder: reference values and suitability for 6–12-year-old children in Flanders. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports, 21, 378–388. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.01067.x
  • Wahi, G., LeBlanc, P. J., Hay, J. A., Faught, B. E., O’Leary, D., & Cairney, J. (2011). Metabolic syndrome in children with and without developmental coordination disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(6), 2785-2789.

Assessment of Motor Coordination in Children Aged 6-9: Differences in Terms of Gender, Age, and Participation in Physical Activity

Year 2023, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 13 - 28, 17.10.2023


The aim of this study was to determine the motor coordination levels of children aged 6-9 and to reveal how they differ in terms of gender, age, and participation in physical activity. The study group consisted of a total of 848 students, 412 boys and 436 girls. A personal information form was used to determine the demographic information of the participants and their level of physical activity or participation in sports organizations. Height and weight were measured and body mass index (BMI) was calculated. The students' motor coordination performance and levels were determined by administering the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder (KTK+3) test battery, which assesses movement skills. When comparing the KTK move sideways (MS) and KTK hand-eye coordination (EHC) sub-test scores of the participants by gender, a significant difference was found between the groups (p<0.05), favoring male students. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of KTK balancing backwards and KTK jumping sideways scores (p>0.05). When comparing the groups in terms of age for all sub-tests of the KTK3+ test battery, a significant difference was found between the groups (p<0.05). When comparing the cores of the tests in the KTK3+ test battery by the participants' level of physical activity, a significant difference was found in favor of those who participated in physical activity in all sub-tests (p<0.05). In conclusion, it was found that male students aged 6-9 had higher scores than female students in MS and EHC. In addition, increasing age and participation in physical activity affected higher scores in all sub-tests.


  • Aadland, K. N., Moe, V. F., Aadland, E., Anderssen, S. A., Resaland, G. K., & Ommundsen, Y. (2017). Relationships between physical activity, sedentary time, aerobic fitness, motor skills and executive function and academic performance in children. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 12, 10-18.
  • Ahnert, J., Schneider, W., & Bös, K. (2010). “Developmental changes and individual stability of motor abilities from the preschool period to young adulthood,” in Human Development from Early Childhood to Early Adulthood (Erlbaum Mahwah, NJ: Psychology Press), 45–72.
  • Antunes, A. M., Maia, J. A., Stasinopoulos, M. D., Gouveia, É. R., Thomis, M. A., Lefevre, J. A., ... & Freitas, D. L. (2015). Gross motor coordination and weight status of P ortuguese children aged 6–14 years. American Journal of Human Biology, 27(5), 681-689.
  • Barnett, L. M., Lai, S. K., Veldman, S. L., Hardy, L. L., Cliff, D. P., Morgan, P. J., ... & Okely, A. D. (2016). Correlates of gross motor competence in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports medicine, 46, 1663-1688.
  • Bolger, L. E., Bolger, L. A., O’Neill, C., Coughlan, E., O’Brien, W., Lacey, S., & Burns, C. (2018). Age and gender differences in fundamental movement skills among a cohort of Irish school children. Journal of motor learning and development, 6(1), 81-100.
  • Burns, R. D., Fu, Y., Fang, Y., Hannon, J. C., & Brusseau, T. A. (2017). Effect of a 12-week physical activity program on gross motor skills in children. Perceptual and motor skills, 124(6), 1121-1133.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö.E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2014). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. 16. Baskı. Ankara: Pegem Akademi
  • Can, A. (2017). Quantitative data analysis in the scientific research process with SPSS (5th Edition). Ankara: Pegem Academy.
  • Cattuzzo, M. T., dos Santos Henrique, R., Ré, A. H. N., de Oliveira, I. S., Melo, B. M., de Sousa Moura, M., ... & Stodden, D. (2016). Motor competence and health related physical fitness in youth: A systematic review. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 19(2), 123-129. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2014. 12.004
  • Çıngı, H. (1994). Örnekleme kuramı (İkinci baskı). Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Basımevi.
  • Clark, C. C., Moran, J., Drury, B., Venetsanou, F., & Fernandes, J. F. (2018). Actual vs. perceived motor competence in children (8–10 years): An issue of non-veridicality. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 3(2), 20.
  • Coppens, E., Laureys, F., Mostaert, M., D’Hondt, E., Deconinck, F.J.A., & Lenoir, M. (2021). Validation of a motor competence assessment tool for children and adolescents (ktk3+) with normative values for 6- to 19-year-olds. Front. Physiol. 12:652952. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.652952
  • Erwin, H. E. & Castelli, D. M. (2008). National physical education standards: a summary of student performance and its correlates. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 79(4), 495-505.
  • Faber, I. R., Oosterveld, F. G., & Nijhuis-Van der Sanden, M. W. (2014). Does an eye-hand coordination test have added value as part of talent identification in table tennis? A validity and reproducibility study. PLoS ONE 9:e85657. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.008 5657
  • Hardman, C. M., Wanderley, R. D. S., Oliveira, E. S. A. D., & Barros, M. V. G. D. (2017). Relationship between physical activity and BMI with level of motor coordination performance in schoolchildren. Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano, 19, 50-61.
  • Hopkins, W.G., Marshall, S.W., Batterham, A.M., & Hanin, J. (2009). Progressive statistics for studies in sports medicine and exercise science. Med Sci Sport Exer, 41(1), 3-13.
  • Houwen, S., Hartman, E., & Visscher, C. (2010). The relationship among motor proficiency, physical fitness, and body composition in children with and without visual impairments. Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 81(3), 290-299.
  • Hox, J. J. & Bechger, T. M. (1995). Comparing and combining different approaches to the multitrait-multimethod matrix.
  • İri, R., & Aktuğ, Z. B. (2017). Investigating the effect of sports on motor skills in children Çocuklarda sporun motor beceri üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(4), 4300-4307.
  • Kalaja, S. P., Jaakkola, T. T., Liukkonen, J. O., & Digelidis, N. (2012). Development of junior high school students' fundamental movement skills and physical activity in a naturalistic physical education setting. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 17(4), 411-428.
  • Kim, C. I., & Lee, K. Y. (2016). The relationship between fundamental movement skills and body mass index in Korean preschool children. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 24(6), 928-935.
  • Kiphard, E. J., & Schilling, F. (1974). Körperkoordinations Test für Kinder. Weinheim: Beltz Test GmbH.Weinheim.
  • Kiphard, E. J., & Schilling, F. (2007). Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder: KTK. Göttingen: Beltz-Test.
  • Lee, D. K., Kang, M. H., Lee, T. S., & Oh, J. S. (2015). Relationships among the Y balance test, Berg Balance Scale, and lower limb strength in middle-aged and older females. Brazilian journal of physical therapy, 19, 227-234.
  • Lopes, L., Santos, R., Pereira, B., & Lopes, V. P. (2012). Associations between sedentary behavior and motor coordination in children. American Journal of Human Biology, 24(6), 746-752.
  • Mores, G., Nunes, A. D. S., Batista, R. J. D. M., Corona, L. F. P., & Habitante, C. A. (2019). Relationships between motor performance and body composition of school adolescents. Journal of Human Growth and Development, 29(1), 75-82.
  • Niemistö, D., Finni, T., Cantell, M., Korhonen, E., & Sääkslahti, A. (2020). Individual, family, and environmental correlates of motor competence in young children: Regression model analysis of data obtained from two motor tests. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(7), 2548.
  • Novak, A. R., Bennett, K. J., Beavan, A., Pion, J., Spiteri, T., Fransen, J., & et al. (2017). The applicability of a short form of the Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder for measuring motor competence in children aged 6 to 11 years. J. Motor Learn. Dev. 5, 227–239. doi: 10.1123/jmld.2016- 0028
  • Pate, R. R., O'neill, J. R., & Lobelo, F. (2008). The evolving definition of" sedentary". Exercise and sport sciences reviews, 36(4), 173-178.
  • Pion, J. (2015). The Flemish Sports Compass: From Sports Orientation to Elite Performance Prediction. Ghent: Ghent University.
  • Platvoet, S., Faber, I., De Niet, M., Pion, J., Kannekens, R., Elferink- Gemser, M., & et al. (2018). Development of a tool to assess fundamental movement skills in applied settings. Front. Educ. 3:75. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2018. 00075
  • Robinson, L. E., Stodden, D. F., Barnett, L. M., Lopes, V. P., Logan, S. W., Rodrigues, L. P., & D'Hondt, E. (2015). Motor Competence and its effect on positive developmental trajectories of health. Sports Medicine, 45(9), 1273-1284. 015-0351-6
  • Rodrigues, L. P., Luz, C., Cordovil, R., Bezerra, P., Silva, B., Camões, M., & et al. (2019). Normative values of the motor competence assessment (MCA) from 3 to 23 years of age. J. Sci. Med. Sport, 22, 1038–1043. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2019.05.009
  • Rommers, N., Mostaert, M., Goossens, L., Vaeyens, R., Witvrouw, E., Lenoir, M., & D’Hondt, E. (2019). Age and maturity related differences in motor coordination among male elite youth soccer players. Journal of sports sciences, 37(2), 196-203.
  • Şenol, Ş. (2012). Araştırma ve örnekleme yöntemleri. Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık
  • Söğüt, M. (2016). Gross motor coordination in junior tennis players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 34(22), 2149-2152.
  • Söğüt, M. (2017). A comparison of serve speed and motor coordination between elite and club level tennis players. Journal of Human Kinetics, 55(1), 171-176.
  • Sönmez, V., & Alacapınar F.G. (2013). Örneklendirilmiş Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri. 2.Baskı. Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık
  • Stodden, D., Goodway, J., Langendorfer, S., Roberton, M. A., Rudisill, M., Garcia, C., & Garcia, L. (2008). A Developmental Perspective on the Role of Motor Skill Competence in Physical Activity: An Emergent Relationship. Quest, 60(2), 290-306.
  • Tabachnick, B.G., & Fidell, L.S. (2013). Using Multivariate Statistics. 6.ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Tekdemir, I., Akın, G., Bektaş, Y., Gültekin, T., & Emre Erol, A.E. (2013). Anthropometry and sport. Ankara: Alter Publications
  • Vandorpe, B., Vandendriessche, J., Lefèvre, J., Pion, J., Vaeyens, R., Matthys, S. A., & et al. (2011). The KörperkoordinationsTest für Kinder: reference values and suitability for 6–12-year-old children in Flanders. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports, 21, 378–388. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.01067.x
  • Wahi, G., LeBlanc, P. J., Hay, J. A., Faught, B. E., O’Leary, D., & Cairney, J. (2011). Metabolic syndrome in children with and without developmental coordination disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32(6), 2785-2789.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Training, Physical Training and Sports
Journal Section Research Articles

Tülay Canlı 0000-0001-5191-8098

Süleyman Erim Erhan 0000-0003-4437-0807

Umut Canlı 0000-0001-8603-3492

Publication Date October 17, 2023
Submission Date June 19, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Canlı, T., Erhan, S. E., & Canlı, U. (2023). 6-9 Yaş Çocuklarda Motor Koordinasyonun Değerlendirilmesi: Cinsiyet, Yaş ve Fiziksel Aktiviteye Katılım Açısından Farklılıklar. Spor Ve Bilim Dergisi, 1(2), 13-28.