Gastronomy festivals, which are evaluated within the scope of event tourism, have recently become a more studied area in the development of gastronomic tourism. Nowadays, especially when touristic activities are diversified, many destinations have started to organize many festivals to host tourists outside of seasonal features. Among these festivals, gastronomic festivals have also become events where tourists participate more for new experiences. The main aim of gastronomy festivals is to introduce products belonging to both a national and international level. Some destinations in the world, especially with the food culture they offer are referred, Turkey was later discovered the importance of tourism and gastronomy work in this direction has gained speed. The recent increase in gastronomy festivals has been a natural result of tourists who want to know the culinary culture of their destinations. For this reason, many festivals organized in many regions, the wealth of cuisine has started to be used as an attraction power for tourism. Literature searching technique was used in the study. According to data obtained from studies in Turkey, gastronomy festivals have been adopted especially in in the southern. In this context, an evaluation of gastronomy tourism has been made within the scope of gastronomic festivals.