Research Article
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Encapsulation of edible cuckoopint (Arum maculatum) tuber powder

Year 2023, , 46 - 52, 30.10.2023


Cuckoopint (Arum maculatum), an edible wild plant species, grows in Asia, Europe, and North Africa. The aerial parts of the plant are consumed as food. The plant's tubers are used in traditional folk medicine to treat gastrointestinal disorders. When consumed fresh, the plant's tubers have a toxic effect, and the dried form is safe if it does not exceed a certain amount. Tuber powders can also have a poisonous effect when taken in excessive amounts accidentally and unconsciously. In this study, it was investigated whether it is possible to prepare the powder obtained by drying the tubers of the edible wild plant A. maculatum by encapsulating it with chitosan, an edible, biocompatible, mucoadhesive polysaccharide, in specific doses. A. maculatum-chitosan microcapsules were prepared with A. maculatum tuber powder and chitosan. The effects of medium parameters such as pH, temperature, and ionic strength on the microcapsules' structural integrity and release properties were investigated. Encapsulation of tuber powders prepared in specific formulations into microcapsules can help prevent accidental overdose by the public. Commercial storage, transport, and marketing of cuckoopint tuber powder may be possible through encapsulation.

Project Number



  • Akhan, O., Özmen, M., Coşkun, M., Özen, S., Akata, D. and Saatci, Ü., 1995, Systemic oxalosis: pathognomonic renal and specific extrarenal findings on US and CT, Pediatric radiology, 25 (1), 15-16.
  • Al-Shmgani, H. S., Kadri, Z. H. M., Al-Halbosiy, M. M. and Dewir, Y. H., 2019, Phytochemical analysis, cytotoxicity and antioxidant activity of cuckoo pint (Arum maculatum) leaf extract, Acta Biologica Szegediensis, 63 (2), 119-124.
  • Allen, A. K., 1995, Purification and characterization of an N-acetyllactosamine-specific lectin from tubers of Arum maculatum, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects, 1244 (1), 129-132.
  • Atalay, T. and Yildiz, K., 2020, Arum maculatum (yilan yastiği) bitkisi ve antiparaziter özellikleri, Veteriner Farmakoloji ve Toksikoloji Derneği Bülteni, 11 (3), 126-133.
  • Augustin, M. A. and Hemar, Y., 2009, Nano-and micro-structured assemblies for encapsulation of food ingredients, Chemical Society Reviews, 38 (4), 902-912.
  • Azab, A., 2017, Arum: a plant genus with great medicinal potential, European Chemical Bulletin, 6 (2), 59-68.
  • Ceylan, F. and Akar Sahingoz, S., 2022, Using ethnobotanical plants in food preparation: Cuckoo pint (Arum maculatum L.), International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 29, 100529.
  • Chen, Y., Liu, Y., Dong, Q., Xu, C., Deng, S., Kang, Y., Fan, M. and Li, L., 2023, Application of functionalized chitosan in food: A review, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 123716.
  • Cho, J., Heuzey, M.-C., Bégin, A. and Carreau, P. J., 2005, Physical gelation of chitosan in the presence of β-glycerophosphate: the effect of temperature, Biomacromolecules, 6 (6), 3267-3275.
  • Comlekcioglu, N., Çolak, S. and Aygan, A., 2021, A study on the bıoactıvıty of plant extracts obtaıned from Arum maculatum leaves by dıfferent extractıon technıques, Hrvatski Časopis za Prehrambenu Tehnologiju, Biotehnologiju i Nutricionizam, 16 (1-2), 41-46.
  • Desbrières, J. and Babak, V., 2010, Interfacial properties of chitin and chitosan based systems, Soft Matter, 6 (11), 2358-2363.
  • Dogan, Y., Baslar, S., Ay, G. and Mert, H. H., 2004, The use of wild edible plants in western and central Anatolia (Turkey), Economic Botany, 58 (4), 684-690.
  • Farahmandfar, R., Esmaeilzadeh Kenari, R., Asnaashari, M., Shahrampour, D. and Bakhshandeh, T., 2019, Bioactive compounds, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Arum maculatum leaves extracts as affected by various solvents and extraction methods, Food Science & Nutrition, 7 (2), 465-475.
  • Fu, J., Yang, F. and Guo, Z., 2018, The chitosan hydrogels: From structure to function, New Journal of Chemistry, 42 (21), 17162-17180.
  • Gao, Y. and Wu, Y., 2022, Recent advances of chitosan-based nanoparticles for biomedical and biotechnological applications, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 203, 379-388.
  • Hesse, A., Siener, R., Heynck, H. and Jahnen, A., 1993, The influence of dietary factors on the risk of urinary stone formation, Scanning Microscopy, 7 (3), 1119-1127; discussion 1127.
  • Kildeeva, N., Perminov, P., Vladimirov, L., Novikov, V. and Mikhailov, S., 2009, About mechanism of chitosan cross-linking with glutaraldehyde, Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 35, 360-369.
  • Kozuharova, E., Naychov, Z., Kochmarov, V., Benbassat, N., Gibernau, M. and Momekov, G., 2020, The potential of Arum spp. as a cure for hemorrhoids: chemistry, bioactivities, and application, Advances in Traditional Medicine, 20 (2), 133-141.
  • Kurt, B. Z., Gazioğlu, I., Sevgi, E. and Sönmez, F., 2018, Anticholinesterase, antioxidant, antiaflatoxigenic activities of ten edible wild plants from Ordu area, Turkey, Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: IJPR, 17 (3), 1047.
  • Łuczaj, Ł. and Pieroni, A., 2016, Nutritional Ethnobotany in Europe: From Emergency Foods to Healthy Folk Cuisines and Contemporary Foraging Trends, In: Mediterranean Wild Edible Plants: Ethnobotany and Food Composition Tables, Eds: Sánchez-Mata, M. d. C. and Tardío, J., New York, NY: Springer New York, p. 33-56.
  • Majumder, P., Mondal, H. A. and Das, S., 2005, Insecticidal activity of Arum maculatum tuber lectin and its binding to the glycosylated insect gut receptors, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53 (17), 6725-6729.
  • Prakash Raju, K. N. J., Goel, K., Anandhi, D., Pandit, V. R., Surendar, R. and Sasikumar, M., 2018, Wild tuber poisoning: Arum maculatum - A rare case report, International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science, 8 (2), 111-114.
  • Qu, B. and Luo, Y., 2020, Chitosan-based hydrogel beads: Preparations, modifications and applications in food and agriculture sectors–A review, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 152, 437-448.
  • Rinaudo, M., Milas, M. and Le Dung, P., 1993, Characterization of chitosan. Influence of ionic strength and degree of acetylation on chain expansion, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 15 (5), 281-285.
  • Safari, E., Amiri, M., Bahador, A., Amiri, M. and Esmaeili, D., 2014, The study of antibacterial effects of alcoholic extracts of Arum maculatum, Allium hirtifolium and Teucrium polium against nosocomial resistance bacteria, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 3 (2), 601-605.
  • Sahraee, S., Milani, J. M., Regenstein, J. M. and Kafil, H. S., 2019, Protection of foods against oxidative deterioration using edible films and coatings: A review, Food Bioscience, 32, 100451.
  • Sanz, P. and Reig, R., 1992, Clinical and pathological findings in fatal plant oxalosis. A review, The American journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 13 (4), 342-345.
  • Tang, Y., Wang, X., Li, Y., Lei, M., Du, Y., Kennedy, J. F. and Knill, C. J., 2010, Production and characterisation of novel injectable chitosan/methylcellulose/salt blend hydrogels with potential application as tissue engineering scaffolds, Carbohydrate Polymers, 82 (3), 833-841.
  • Usman, M. R. M., 2016, Poisonous Herbal Plants: NA, Educreation Publishing, p.
  • Uzun, E., Sariyar, G., Adsersen, A., Karakoc, B., Ötük, G., Oktayoglu, E. and Pirildar, S., 2004, Traditional medicine in Sakarya province (Turkey) and antimicrobial activities of selected species, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 95 (2), 287-296.
  • W¹sowicz, E., Gramza, A., Hêœ, M., Jeleñ, H. H., Korczak, J., Ma³ecka, M., Mildner-Szkudlarz, S., Rudziñska, M., Samotyja, U. and Zawirska-Wojtasiak, R., 2004, Oxidation of lipids in food, Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 13 (54), 87-100.
  • Weaver, C., Heaney, R., Nickel, K. and Packard, P., 1997, Calcium bioavailability from high oxalate vegetables: Chinese vegetables, sweet potatoes and rhubarb, Journal of Food Science, 62 (3), 524-525.

Yenilebilir yılan pancarı (Arum maculatum) yumru tozu enkapsülasyonu

Year 2023, , 46 - 52, 30.10.2023


Yenilebilir yabani bir bitki türü olan yılan pancarı (Arum maculatum), Asya, Avrupa ve Kuzey Afrika'da yetişir. Bitkinin toprak üstü kısımları besin olarak tüketilir. Bitkinin yumruları, geleneksel halk hekimliğinde mide-bağırsak bozukluklarını tedavi etmek için kullanılır. Taze tüketildiğinde bitkinin yumruları toksik etki gösterir ve kuru hali belli bir miktarı geçmediği takdirde güvenlidir. Yumru tozları da yanlışlıkla ve bilinçsizce aşırı miktarda alındığında toksik etki gösterebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, yenilebilir yabani bitki A. maculatum'un yumrularının kurutulmasıyla elde edilen tozun, yenilebilir, biyouyumlu, mukoadhezif bir polisakkarit olan kitosan ile belirli dozlarda kapsüllenerek hazırlanmasının mümkün olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. A. maculatum-kitosan mikrokapsülleri, A. maculatum yumru tozu ve kitosan ile hazırlandı. pH, sıcaklık ve iyonik kuvvet gibi ortam parametrelerinin mikrokapsüllerin yapısal bütünlüğü ve mikrokapsüllerin salım özellikleri üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Belirli formülasyonlarda hazırlanan yumru tozlarının mikrokapsüllere kapsüllenmesi, halk tarafından yanlışlıkla aşırı dozun alınmasını önlemeye yardımcı olabilir. Yılan pancarı yumru tozunun ticari olarak depolanması, taşınması ve pazarlanması, kapsülleme yoluyla mümkün olabilir.

Supporting Institution


Project Number



The authors thank TUBİTAK for funding the work (2209-A Üniversite Öğrencileri Araştırma Projeleri Destekleme Programı, Projet no: 1919B012214163).


  • Akhan, O., Özmen, M., Coşkun, M., Özen, S., Akata, D. and Saatci, Ü., 1995, Systemic oxalosis: pathognomonic renal and specific extrarenal findings on US and CT, Pediatric radiology, 25 (1), 15-16.
  • Al-Shmgani, H. S., Kadri, Z. H. M., Al-Halbosiy, M. M. and Dewir, Y. H., 2019, Phytochemical analysis, cytotoxicity and antioxidant activity of cuckoo pint (Arum maculatum) leaf extract, Acta Biologica Szegediensis, 63 (2), 119-124.
  • Allen, A. K., 1995, Purification and characterization of an N-acetyllactosamine-specific lectin from tubers of Arum maculatum, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects, 1244 (1), 129-132.
  • Atalay, T. and Yildiz, K., 2020, Arum maculatum (yilan yastiği) bitkisi ve antiparaziter özellikleri, Veteriner Farmakoloji ve Toksikoloji Derneği Bülteni, 11 (3), 126-133.
  • Augustin, M. A. and Hemar, Y., 2009, Nano-and micro-structured assemblies for encapsulation of food ingredients, Chemical Society Reviews, 38 (4), 902-912.
  • Azab, A., 2017, Arum: a plant genus with great medicinal potential, European Chemical Bulletin, 6 (2), 59-68.
  • Ceylan, F. and Akar Sahingoz, S., 2022, Using ethnobotanical plants in food preparation: Cuckoo pint (Arum maculatum L.), International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 29, 100529.
  • Chen, Y., Liu, Y., Dong, Q., Xu, C., Deng, S., Kang, Y., Fan, M. and Li, L., 2023, Application of functionalized chitosan in food: A review, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 123716.
  • Cho, J., Heuzey, M.-C., Bégin, A. and Carreau, P. J., 2005, Physical gelation of chitosan in the presence of β-glycerophosphate: the effect of temperature, Biomacromolecules, 6 (6), 3267-3275.
  • Comlekcioglu, N., Çolak, S. and Aygan, A., 2021, A study on the bıoactıvıty of plant extracts obtaıned from Arum maculatum leaves by dıfferent extractıon technıques, Hrvatski Časopis za Prehrambenu Tehnologiju, Biotehnologiju i Nutricionizam, 16 (1-2), 41-46.
  • Desbrières, J. and Babak, V., 2010, Interfacial properties of chitin and chitosan based systems, Soft Matter, 6 (11), 2358-2363.
  • Dogan, Y., Baslar, S., Ay, G. and Mert, H. H., 2004, The use of wild edible plants in western and central Anatolia (Turkey), Economic Botany, 58 (4), 684-690.
  • Farahmandfar, R., Esmaeilzadeh Kenari, R., Asnaashari, M., Shahrampour, D. and Bakhshandeh, T., 2019, Bioactive compounds, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of Arum maculatum leaves extracts as affected by various solvents and extraction methods, Food Science & Nutrition, 7 (2), 465-475.
  • Fu, J., Yang, F. and Guo, Z., 2018, The chitosan hydrogels: From structure to function, New Journal of Chemistry, 42 (21), 17162-17180.
  • Gao, Y. and Wu, Y., 2022, Recent advances of chitosan-based nanoparticles for biomedical and biotechnological applications, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 203, 379-388.
  • Hesse, A., Siener, R., Heynck, H. and Jahnen, A., 1993, The influence of dietary factors on the risk of urinary stone formation, Scanning Microscopy, 7 (3), 1119-1127; discussion 1127.
  • Kildeeva, N., Perminov, P., Vladimirov, L., Novikov, V. and Mikhailov, S., 2009, About mechanism of chitosan cross-linking with glutaraldehyde, Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 35, 360-369.
  • Kozuharova, E., Naychov, Z., Kochmarov, V., Benbassat, N., Gibernau, M. and Momekov, G., 2020, The potential of Arum spp. as a cure for hemorrhoids: chemistry, bioactivities, and application, Advances in Traditional Medicine, 20 (2), 133-141.
  • Kurt, B. Z., Gazioğlu, I., Sevgi, E. and Sönmez, F., 2018, Anticholinesterase, antioxidant, antiaflatoxigenic activities of ten edible wild plants from Ordu area, Turkey, Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: IJPR, 17 (3), 1047.
  • Łuczaj, Ł. and Pieroni, A., 2016, Nutritional Ethnobotany in Europe: From Emergency Foods to Healthy Folk Cuisines and Contemporary Foraging Trends, In: Mediterranean Wild Edible Plants: Ethnobotany and Food Composition Tables, Eds: Sánchez-Mata, M. d. C. and Tardío, J., New York, NY: Springer New York, p. 33-56.
  • Majumder, P., Mondal, H. A. and Das, S., 2005, Insecticidal activity of Arum maculatum tuber lectin and its binding to the glycosylated insect gut receptors, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 53 (17), 6725-6729.
  • Prakash Raju, K. N. J., Goel, K., Anandhi, D., Pandit, V. R., Surendar, R. and Sasikumar, M., 2018, Wild tuber poisoning: Arum maculatum - A rare case report, International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science, 8 (2), 111-114.
  • Qu, B. and Luo, Y., 2020, Chitosan-based hydrogel beads: Preparations, modifications and applications in food and agriculture sectors–A review, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 152, 437-448.
  • Rinaudo, M., Milas, M. and Le Dung, P., 1993, Characterization of chitosan. Influence of ionic strength and degree of acetylation on chain expansion, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 15 (5), 281-285.
  • Safari, E., Amiri, M., Bahador, A., Amiri, M. and Esmaeili, D., 2014, The study of antibacterial effects of alcoholic extracts of Arum maculatum, Allium hirtifolium and Teucrium polium against nosocomial resistance bacteria, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 3 (2), 601-605.
  • Sahraee, S., Milani, J. M., Regenstein, J. M. and Kafil, H. S., 2019, Protection of foods against oxidative deterioration using edible films and coatings: A review, Food Bioscience, 32, 100451.
  • Sanz, P. and Reig, R., 1992, Clinical and pathological findings in fatal plant oxalosis. A review, The American journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 13 (4), 342-345.
  • Tang, Y., Wang, X., Li, Y., Lei, M., Du, Y., Kennedy, J. F. and Knill, C. J., 2010, Production and characterisation of novel injectable chitosan/methylcellulose/salt blend hydrogels with potential application as tissue engineering scaffolds, Carbohydrate Polymers, 82 (3), 833-841.
  • Usman, M. R. M., 2016, Poisonous Herbal Plants: NA, Educreation Publishing, p.
  • Uzun, E., Sariyar, G., Adsersen, A., Karakoc, B., Ötük, G., Oktayoglu, E. and Pirildar, S., 2004, Traditional medicine in Sakarya province (Turkey) and antimicrobial activities of selected species, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 95 (2), 287-296.
  • W¹sowicz, E., Gramza, A., Hêœ, M., Jeleñ, H. H., Korczak, J., Ma³ecka, M., Mildner-Szkudlarz, S., Rudziñska, M., Samotyja, U. and Zawirska-Wojtasiak, R., 2004, Oxidation of lipids in food, Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 13 (54), 87-100.
  • Weaver, C., Heaney, R., Nickel, K. and Packard, P., 1997, Calcium bioavailability from high oxalate vegetables: Chinese vegetables, sweet potatoes and rhubarb, Journal of Food Science, 62 (3), 524-525.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Natural Products and Bioactive Compounds
Journal Section Research Articles

Sevim Saygın 0009-0009-6779-913X

Berfin Varol 0009-0004-6350-8810

Naciye Ozdemır 0000-0002-7802-709X

Idris Sargin 0000-0003-3785-9575

Gulsin Arslan 0000-0002-4836-8651

Project Number 1919B012214163
Publication Date October 30, 2023
Submission Date July 26, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Saygın, S., Varol, B., Ozdemır, N., Sargin, I., et al. (2023). Encapsulation of edible cuckoopint (Arum maculatum) tuber powder. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi, 49(2), 46-52.
AMA Saygın S, Varol B, Ozdemır N, Sargin I, Arslan G. Encapsulation of edible cuckoopint (Arum maculatum) tuber powder. sufefd. October 2023;49(2):46-52. doi:10.35238/sufefd.1333046
Chicago Saygın, Sevim, Berfin Varol, Naciye Ozdemır, Idris Sargin, and Gulsin Arslan. “Encapsulation of Edible Cuckoopint (Arum Maculatum) Tuber Powder”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 49, no. 2 (October 2023): 46-52.
EndNote Saygın S, Varol B, Ozdemır N, Sargin I, Arslan G (October 1, 2023) Encapsulation of edible cuckoopint (Arum maculatum) tuber powder. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 49 2 46–52.
IEEE S. Saygın, B. Varol, N. Ozdemır, I. Sargin, and G. Arslan, “Encapsulation of edible cuckoopint (Arum maculatum) tuber powder”, sufefd, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 46–52, 2023, doi: 10.35238/sufefd.1333046.
ISNAD Saygın, Sevim et al. “Encapsulation of Edible Cuckoopint (Arum Maculatum) Tuber Powder”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 49/2 (October 2023), 46-52.
JAMA Saygın S, Varol B, Ozdemır N, Sargin I, Arslan G. Encapsulation of edible cuckoopint (Arum maculatum) tuber powder. sufefd. 2023;49:46–52.
MLA Saygın, Sevim et al. “Encapsulation of Edible Cuckoopint (Arum Maculatum) Tuber Powder”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi, vol. 49, no. 2, 2023, pp. 46-52, doi:10.35238/sufefd.1333046.
Vancouver Saygın S, Varol B, Ozdemır N, Sargin I, Arslan G. Encapsulation of edible cuckoopint (Arum maculatum) tuber powder. sufefd. 2023;49(2):46-52.

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