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İki Farklı Yer Sincabı Türünün Perifer Kan Lenfositlerinde Alfa-Naftil Asetat Esteraz (ANAE) ve Asit Fosfataz (ACP) Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2011, Volume: 2 Issue: 37, 33 - 42, 01.12.2011


Bu çalışmada iki farklı yer sincabı türünün perifer kan lenfosit oranları ile alfa-naftil asetat esteraz (ANAE) ve asit fosfataz (ACP) pozitif lenfosit oranlarının ışık mikroskobik düzeyde belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla altı ergin Spermophilus taurensis (Hadim, Konya) ve dört ergin Spermophilus xanthoprymnus (Selçuklu, Konya) örneğinden usulüne uygun olarak kan alınmış ve her örnekten altı adet froti hazırlanarak havada kurutulmuştur. Frotilerden ikisi lenfosit oranının tespit edilmesi için rutin May-Grünwald Giemsa yöntemiyle boyanmıştır. Diğer frotiler fosfat tamponlu glutaraldehit-aseton solüsyonunda tespit edilmiştir. Bu frotilerden ikisine ANAE demonstrasyonu, diğer ikisine ise ACP demonstrasyonu uygulanmıştır. ANAE demonstrasyonu sonucunda her iki türde lenfositlerin çoğunluğu pozitif sonuç vermiştir. ANAE pozitif lenfositlerde iki tip granüler pozitivite tespit edilmiştir. Bu lenfositlerin çoğunda sayıları 1-5 arasında değişen kırmızı-kahverengi iri granüller (nokta tarzında pozitivite) gözlenirken, daha az orandaki lenfositlerde ise yaygın çok sayıda küçük granüller (ince granüler pozitivite) gözlenmiştir. ACP demonstrasyonu sonucunda da her iki türde lenfositlerin çoğunluğu pozitif sonuç vermiştir. ACP pozitif lenfositler sayıları 1-3 arasında değişen pembe-kırmızı küçük granüler tarzda pozitivite göstermiştir. Bunun yanı sıra her iki enzim demonstrasyonunda monositler genellikle sitoplazmalarında güçlü ve yaygın tarzda pozitivite gösterirken, nötrofillerin ise zayıf bir reaksiyon verdiği dikkat çekmiştir. S. taurensis ve S. xanthoprymnus’un lenfosit, ANAE ve ACP pozitif lenfosit oranları arasında istatistiksel olarak önemli bir fark bulunamamıştır (p>0.05). Ayrıca her bir türün ANAE ve ACP pozitif lenfosit oranları arasında da istatistiksel olarak önemli bir fark tespit edilmemiştir (p>0.05).


  • 1. Mueller, J., Brundel G., Buerki, H., Keller, H.U., Hess, M.W. and Cottier, H. Nonspesific acid esterase activitiy: A criterion for differentiation of T and B lymphocytes in mouse lymph nodes. Eur. J. Immunol. 5: 270-274 (1975)
  • 2. Higgy, K.E., Burns, G.F. and Hayhoe, F.G.J. Discrimination of B, T and Null lymphocytes by esterase cytochemistry. Scand. J. Haematol. 18: 437-448 (1977)
  • 3. Knowles, D.M. and Holck, S. Tissue localization of T-lymphocytes by the histochemical demonstration of acid α-naphthyl acetate esterase. Lab. Invest. 39 (1): 70-76 (1978)
  • 4. Knowles, D.M., Hoffman, H.T., Ferrarini, M. and Kunkel, H.G. The demonstration of acid α-naphthyl acetate esterase activity in human lymphocytes: Usefulness as a T-cell marker. Cell Immunol. 35: 112-123 (1978)
  • 5. Pangalis, G.A., Waldman, S.R. and Rappaport, H. Cytochemical findings in human nonneoplastic blood and tonsillar B and T lymphocytes. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 69: 314-318 (1978)
  • 6. Ranki, A. Non-spesific esterase activity in human lymphocytes. Clin. Immunol. Immunopathol. 10: 47-58 (1978)
  • 7. Knowles, D.M. and Halper, J.P. Human medullary and kortical thymocytes are distinguishable according to the presence or absence of cytochemically demonstrable acid α-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) activity. J. Immunol. 125 (6): 2823-2825 (1980)
  • 8. Zicca, A., Zeprini, A., Cadoni, A., Franzi, A.T., Ferrarini, M. and Grossi, C.E. Ultrastructural localization of alpha-naphthyl acetate acid esterase in human Tm lymphocytes. Am. J. Pathol. 105 (1): 40-46 (1981)
  • 9. Pruthi, A.K., Gupta, R.K.P. and Sadana, J.R. Acid alpha naphthyl acetate esterase activity in peripheral blood lymphocytes and monocytes of chickens. J. Vet. Med. A. 34: 390-392 (1987)
  • 10. Ramos, J.A., Ramis, A.J., Marco, A., Domingo, M., Rabanal, R. and Ferrer, L. Histochemical and immunohistochemical study of the mucosal lymphoid system in swine. Am. J. Vet. Res. 53 (8): 1418-1426 (1992)
  • 11. Basso, G., Cocito, M.G., Semenzato, G., Pezzutto, A. and Zanesco, L. Cytochemical study of thymocytes and T lymphocytes. Brit. J. Haematol. 44: 577-582 (1980)
  • 12. Çelik, İ., Aştı, R.N. ve Boyraz, M.Ü. Sığır fötal perifer kan lenfositlerinin alfa-naftil asetat esteraz aktivitesi üzerinde ışık mikroskobik çalışmalar. S.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. 8 (2): 41-44 (1992)
  • 13. Li, C.Y., Yam, L.T. and Crosby, W.H. Histochemical characterization of cellular and structural elements of human spleen. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 20 (12): 1049-1058 (1972)
  • 14. Çelik, İ., Aştı, R.N. ve Ergene, N. İnsan perifer kanındaki B, T ve Null lenfositlerinin esteraz sitokimyası ve yüzey immünoglobülinlerinin immünoenzimatik yöntemle boyanarak belirlenmesi. S.Ü. Tıp Fak. Derg. 7 (4): 497-503 (1991)
  • 15. Yang, T.J., Jantzen, P.A. and Williams, L.F. Acid α-naphthyl acetate esterase: Presence of activity in bovine and human T- and B lymphocytes. Immunology 38: 85-93 (1979)
  • 16. Kajikawa, O., Koyama, H., Yashikawa, T., Tsubaki, S. and Saito, H. Use of alpha-naphthyl acetate acid esterase staining to identify T lymphocytes in cattle. Am. J. Vet. Res. 44 (8): 1549-1552 (1983)
  • 17. Maiti, N.K., Saini, S.S. and Sharma, S.N. Histochemical studies on chicken peripheral blood lymphocytes. Vet. Res. Commun. 14: 207-210 (1990)
  • 18. Wulff, J.C., Sale, G.E. Deeg, H.J. and Storb, R. Nonspesific acid esterase activity as a marker for canine T-lymphocytes. Exp. Hematol. 9 (8): 850-870 (1981)
  • 19. Catowsky, D. Leucocyte cytochemical and immunological techniques. In: Practical Haematology. Dacie, J.V. and Lewis, S.M. (eds.). Churchill Livingstone, 7th edition, pp. 143-174 (1981)
  • 20. Yang, K., Bearman, R.M., Pangalis, G.A., Zelman, R.J. and Rappaport, H. Acid phosphatase and alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase in neoplastic and non-neoplastic lymphocytes. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 78 (2): 141-149 (1982)
  • 21. Rajan, A., Vikram-Reddy, M., Sulochana, S. and Valsala, K. V. Demonstration of T lymphocyte distribution in the peripheral blood of Indian elephant (Elephas maximus) using acid alpha naphthyl acetate esterase activity as a T cells marker. Afr. J. Clin. Exp. Immun. 2: 357-362 (1981)
  • 22. Salakij, J., Salakij, C., Narkkong, N.A., Trongwonsa, L. and Pattanarangsan, R. Hematology, cytochemistry and ultrastructure of blood cells in asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus). Kasetsart J. Nat. Sci. 39: 247-261 (2005)
  • 23. Telatar, T., Arslan, A., Sur, E., Öznurlu, Y. ve Özparlak H. Üç Farklı Yarasa Türünün Perifer Kan Lenfositleri Üzerine Enzim Histokimyasal Bir Çalışma. S. Ü. Fen Ed. Fak. Fen. Derg. 32: 1-7 (2008)
  • 24. Özparlak, H., Sur, E., Öznurlu, Y. ve Arslan, A. Konya Bölgesindeki Kör Farelerin Perifer Kan Lenfositleri Üzerine Enzim Histokimyasal Bir Çalışma. S. Ü. Fen Ed. Fak. Fen. Derg. 35: 1-8 (2010)
  • 25. Özparlak, H., Çelik, I., Sur, E., Özaydin, T. and Arslan, A. A study of peripheral blood in hedgehogs in Turkey. J. Zoo Wild. Med. 42(3): 392-398 (2011)
  • 26. Arslan, A. Cytogenetic studies on Spermophilus xanthoprymnus (Rodentia: Sciuridae) in Central Anatolia. Folia Zool. 54(3): 278-284 (2005)
  • 27. Arslan, E. and Arslan, A. Heterochromatin distribution and nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in chromosomes of the Taurus ground squirrel, Spermophilus taurensis Gunduz et al., 2007 (Mammalia: Rodentia), in Turkey. Turk. J. Zool. 34: 105-110 (2010)
  • 28. Gazyağci, S., Aşan, N. ve Albayrak, İ. İç anadolu’daki anadolu yer sincabı, Spermophilus xanthoprymnus (Bennett, 1835)’un hematolojik ve kan biyokimyasal değerleri üzerine bir ön çalışma. TÜBAV Bilim 2 (4): 462-464 (2009)
  • 29. Konuk, T. Pratik Fizyoloji. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Yayınları, 378, A.Ü. Basımevi, Ankara (1981)
  • 30. Sur, E., Celik, I., Oznurlu, Y., Aydin, M.F., Sen, I. and Ozparlak, H. Enzyme histochemistry and AgNOR numbers in the peripheral blood leukocytes of 6 month-old Kangal bred Anatolian shepherd dogs. Revue Med. Vet. 154 (10): 591-598 (2003)
  • 31. Jain, N.C. Essentials of Veterinary Hematology. Lea&Febiger (1993)
  • 32. Aydın, M.F., Öznurlu, Y., Çelik, İ., Telatar, T. ve Sur, E. Ankara tavşanı perifer kan lenfositlerinin alfa-naftil asetat esteraz (ANAE) ve bazı AgNOR parametreleri üzerinde ışık mikroskobik çalışmalar. Veterinarium 18: 3-9 (2007)
  • 33. Pinkus, G.S., Hargreaves, H.K., McLeod, J.A., Madler, L.M., Rosenthal, D.S. and Said, J.V. α-naphthyl acetate esterase activity. A cytochemical marker for T-lymphocytes. Am. J. Pathol. 97: 17-42 (1979)
  • 34. Nakase, Y. and Kobayashi, K. Cytochemical studies of leukocytes of some animal species III. Esterase stain. Bull. Azabu Univ. Vet. Med. 5 (1): 1-10 (1984)
  • 35. Goldberk, A.F. and Barka, T. Acid phosphatase activity in human blood cells. Nature 21: 292 (1962)
  • 36. Kaplow, L.S. and Burstone, M.S. Cytochemical demonstration of acid phosphatase in hematopoietic cells in health and various hematological disorders using azo dye techniques. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 12 (2): 805-812 (1964)
  • 37. Tamaoki, N. and Essner, E. Distribution of acid phosphatase, β-glucuronidase and N-acetyl-β- glucosaminidase activities in lymphocytes of lymphatic tissues of man and rodents. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 17 (4): 238-243 (1969)
  • 38. Seymour, G.J., Dockrell, H.M. and Greenspan, J.S. Enzyme differentiation of lymhocyte subpopulations in sections of human lymph nodes, tonsils and periodontal disease. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 32: 169-178 (1978)
  • 39. Glick, B. Bursa of Fabricius: development, growth, modulation, and endocrine function. CRC Crit. Rev. Poultry Biol. 1 (2): 107-132 (1988)
  • 40. Moriya, O. and Ichikawa, Y. Acid phosphatase in lymphoid tissues of developing chick embryos. Acta Histochem. 87 (2): 99-105 (1989)
  • 41. Graczyk, S. The effect of anti-bursa serum (ABS) on the intesity of acid phosphatese reaction in bursa-dependent structures of the spleen and on the level of antibodies in the blood serum. Arch. Vet. Pol. 34 (1-2): 25-36 (1994)
  • 42. Sur, E. and Celik, I. Effects of aflatoxin B1 on the development of the bursa of Fabricius and blood lymphocyte acid phosphatase of the chicken. Brit. Poultry Sci. 44 (4): 558-566 (2003)
  • 43. Sandıkçı, M., Kum, Ş. ve Eren, Ü. Develerin (Camelus dromedarius) perifer kan lökositlerinde alfanaftil asetat esteraz aktivitesinin belirlenmesi. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg. 52: 13-16 (2005)
  • 44. Sen, I., Turgut, K., Celik, I. and Kıran, M.M. The importance of lymphocyte enzyme profile, inclusion bodies in circulating leukocytes and conjunctival smear samples in the diagnosis on canine distemper virus infection. Indian Vet. J. 79: 213-217 (2002)
  • 45. Sur, E. Farklı yaş gruplarındaki Türk merinosu erkek kuzularının perifer kan lenfositlerinin alfanaftil asetat esteraz (ANAE) ve asit fosfataz (ACP-az) enzimi aktivitelerinin belirlenmesi. Veterinarium 15 (1): 15-22 (2004)
  • 46. Goldberk, E.D., Karpova, G.V., Melik-Gaikazyan and Pakhryaeva, G.N. Content of acid and alkaline phosphatases in lymphocytes of peripheral blood and hematopoietic organs of intact rats and mice. B. Exp. Biol. Med. 85 (2): 150-151 (1978)

Determination of the Alpha-Naphthyl Acetate Esterase (ANAE) and Acid Phosphates (ACP) Activity in the Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes in Two Different Species of the Ground Squirrel

Year 2011, Volume: 2 Issue: 37, 33 - 42, 01.12.2011


This study was carried out to determine peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL), alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) and acid phosphatase (ACP) positive PBL percentages in two different species of the ground squirrel. For this purpose, smears were prepared and air dried from blood of six adult Spermophilus taurensis specimens (Hadim, Konya) and four adult Spermophilus xanthoprymnus specimens (Selçuklu, Konya). Two smears were stained with May Grünwald-Giemsa for the determination of PBL percentages. Four smears were fixed in glutaraldehyde-acetone solutions. Two of the smears were used for ANAE demonstration. The remaining two smears were used for ACP demonstration. ANAE positive PBLs showed two distinct granular positivity. While most of the ANAE positive cells had 1-5 large reddish-brown granules (dot-like granular positivity), the other positive cells had large quantity of diffusely arranged small granules (fine granular positivity). ACP positive PBLs had 1-3 pinkish-red small granules. Besides, monocytes generally gave a diffuse and strong reaction while neutrophils displayed a weak positive reaction in their cytoplasm for ANAE and ACP. The differences between PBL, ANAE and ACP positive PBL percentages of S. taurensis and S. xanthoprymnus were not statistically significant (p>0.05). The differences between ANAE and ACP positive PBL percentages of each species were also not statistically significant (p>0.05).


  • 1. Mueller, J., Brundel G., Buerki, H., Keller, H.U., Hess, M.W. and Cottier, H. Nonspesific acid esterase activitiy: A criterion for differentiation of T and B lymphocytes in mouse lymph nodes. Eur. J. Immunol. 5: 270-274 (1975)
  • 2. Higgy, K.E., Burns, G.F. and Hayhoe, F.G.J. Discrimination of B, T and Null lymphocytes by esterase cytochemistry. Scand. J. Haematol. 18: 437-448 (1977)
  • 3. Knowles, D.M. and Holck, S. Tissue localization of T-lymphocytes by the histochemical demonstration of acid α-naphthyl acetate esterase. Lab. Invest. 39 (1): 70-76 (1978)
  • 4. Knowles, D.M., Hoffman, H.T., Ferrarini, M. and Kunkel, H.G. The demonstration of acid α-naphthyl acetate esterase activity in human lymphocytes: Usefulness as a T-cell marker. Cell Immunol. 35: 112-123 (1978)
  • 5. Pangalis, G.A., Waldman, S.R. and Rappaport, H. Cytochemical findings in human nonneoplastic blood and tonsillar B and T lymphocytes. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 69: 314-318 (1978)
  • 6. Ranki, A. Non-spesific esterase activity in human lymphocytes. Clin. Immunol. Immunopathol. 10: 47-58 (1978)
  • 7. Knowles, D.M. and Halper, J.P. Human medullary and kortical thymocytes are distinguishable according to the presence or absence of cytochemically demonstrable acid α-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) activity. J. Immunol. 125 (6): 2823-2825 (1980)
  • 8. Zicca, A., Zeprini, A., Cadoni, A., Franzi, A.T., Ferrarini, M. and Grossi, C.E. Ultrastructural localization of alpha-naphthyl acetate acid esterase in human Tm lymphocytes. Am. J. Pathol. 105 (1): 40-46 (1981)
  • 9. Pruthi, A.K., Gupta, R.K.P. and Sadana, J.R. Acid alpha naphthyl acetate esterase activity in peripheral blood lymphocytes and monocytes of chickens. J. Vet. Med. A. 34: 390-392 (1987)
  • 10. Ramos, J.A., Ramis, A.J., Marco, A., Domingo, M., Rabanal, R. and Ferrer, L. Histochemical and immunohistochemical study of the mucosal lymphoid system in swine. Am. J. Vet. Res. 53 (8): 1418-1426 (1992)
  • 11. Basso, G., Cocito, M.G., Semenzato, G., Pezzutto, A. and Zanesco, L. Cytochemical study of thymocytes and T lymphocytes. Brit. J. Haematol. 44: 577-582 (1980)
  • 12. Çelik, İ., Aştı, R.N. ve Boyraz, M.Ü. Sığır fötal perifer kan lenfositlerinin alfa-naftil asetat esteraz aktivitesi üzerinde ışık mikroskobik çalışmalar. S.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. 8 (2): 41-44 (1992)
  • 13. Li, C.Y., Yam, L.T. and Crosby, W.H. Histochemical characterization of cellular and structural elements of human spleen. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 20 (12): 1049-1058 (1972)
  • 14. Çelik, İ., Aştı, R.N. ve Ergene, N. İnsan perifer kanındaki B, T ve Null lenfositlerinin esteraz sitokimyası ve yüzey immünoglobülinlerinin immünoenzimatik yöntemle boyanarak belirlenmesi. S.Ü. Tıp Fak. Derg. 7 (4): 497-503 (1991)
  • 15. Yang, T.J., Jantzen, P.A. and Williams, L.F. Acid α-naphthyl acetate esterase: Presence of activity in bovine and human T- and B lymphocytes. Immunology 38: 85-93 (1979)
  • 16. Kajikawa, O., Koyama, H., Yashikawa, T., Tsubaki, S. and Saito, H. Use of alpha-naphthyl acetate acid esterase staining to identify T lymphocytes in cattle. Am. J. Vet. Res. 44 (8): 1549-1552 (1983)
  • 17. Maiti, N.K., Saini, S.S. and Sharma, S.N. Histochemical studies on chicken peripheral blood lymphocytes. Vet. Res. Commun. 14: 207-210 (1990)
  • 18. Wulff, J.C., Sale, G.E. Deeg, H.J. and Storb, R. Nonspesific acid esterase activity as a marker for canine T-lymphocytes. Exp. Hematol. 9 (8): 850-870 (1981)
  • 19. Catowsky, D. Leucocyte cytochemical and immunological techniques. In: Practical Haematology. Dacie, J.V. and Lewis, S.M. (eds.). Churchill Livingstone, 7th edition, pp. 143-174 (1981)
  • 20. Yang, K., Bearman, R.M., Pangalis, G.A., Zelman, R.J. and Rappaport, H. Acid phosphatase and alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase in neoplastic and non-neoplastic lymphocytes. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 78 (2): 141-149 (1982)
  • 21. Rajan, A., Vikram-Reddy, M., Sulochana, S. and Valsala, K. V. Demonstration of T lymphocyte distribution in the peripheral blood of Indian elephant (Elephas maximus) using acid alpha naphthyl acetate esterase activity as a T cells marker. Afr. J. Clin. Exp. Immun. 2: 357-362 (1981)
  • 22. Salakij, J., Salakij, C., Narkkong, N.A., Trongwonsa, L. and Pattanarangsan, R. Hematology, cytochemistry and ultrastructure of blood cells in asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus). Kasetsart J. Nat. Sci. 39: 247-261 (2005)
  • 23. Telatar, T., Arslan, A., Sur, E., Öznurlu, Y. ve Özparlak H. Üç Farklı Yarasa Türünün Perifer Kan Lenfositleri Üzerine Enzim Histokimyasal Bir Çalışma. S. Ü. Fen Ed. Fak. Fen. Derg. 32: 1-7 (2008)
  • 24. Özparlak, H., Sur, E., Öznurlu, Y. ve Arslan, A. Konya Bölgesindeki Kör Farelerin Perifer Kan Lenfositleri Üzerine Enzim Histokimyasal Bir Çalışma. S. Ü. Fen Ed. Fak. Fen. Derg. 35: 1-8 (2010)
  • 25. Özparlak, H., Çelik, I., Sur, E., Özaydin, T. and Arslan, A. A study of peripheral blood in hedgehogs in Turkey. J. Zoo Wild. Med. 42(3): 392-398 (2011)
  • 26. Arslan, A. Cytogenetic studies on Spermophilus xanthoprymnus (Rodentia: Sciuridae) in Central Anatolia. Folia Zool. 54(3): 278-284 (2005)
  • 27. Arslan, E. and Arslan, A. Heterochromatin distribution and nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in chromosomes of the Taurus ground squirrel, Spermophilus taurensis Gunduz et al., 2007 (Mammalia: Rodentia), in Turkey. Turk. J. Zool. 34: 105-110 (2010)
  • 28. Gazyağci, S., Aşan, N. ve Albayrak, İ. İç anadolu’daki anadolu yer sincabı, Spermophilus xanthoprymnus (Bennett, 1835)’un hematolojik ve kan biyokimyasal değerleri üzerine bir ön çalışma. TÜBAV Bilim 2 (4): 462-464 (2009)
  • 29. Konuk, T. Pratik Fizyoloji. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Yayınları, 378, A.Ü. Basımevi, Ankara (1981)
  • 30. Sur, E., Celik, I., Oznurlu, Y., Aydin, M.F., Sen, I. and Ozparlak, H. Enzyme histochemistry and AgNOR numbers in the peripheral blood leukocytes of 6 month-old Kangal bred Anatolian shepherd dogs. Revue Med. Vet. 154 (10): 591-598 (2003)
  • 31. Jain, N.C. Essentials of Veterinary Hematology. Lea&Febiger (1993)
  • 32. Aydın, M.F., Öznurlu, Y., Çelik, İ., Telatar, T. ve Sur, E. Ankara tavşanı perifer kan lenfositlerinin alfa-naftil asetat esteraz (ANAE) ve bazı AgNOR parametreleri üzerinde ışık mikroskobik çalışmalar. Veterinarium 18: 3-9 (2007)
  • 33. Pinkus, G.S., Hargreaves, H.K., McLeod, J.A., Madler, L.M., Rosenthal, D.S. and Said, J.V. α-naphthyl acetate esterase activity. A cytochemical marker for T-lymphocytes. Am. J. Pathol. 97: 17-42 (1979)
  • 34. Nakase, Y. and Kobayashi, K. Cytochemical studies of leukocytes of some animal species III. Esterase stain. Bull. Azabu Univ. Vet. Med. 5 (1): 1-10 (1984)
  • 35. Goldberk, A.F. and Barka, T. Acid phosphatase activity in human blood cells. Nature 21: 292 (1962)
  • 36. Kaplow, L.S. and Burstone, M.S. Cytochemical demonstration of acid phosphatase in hematopoietic cells in health and various hematological disorders using azo dye techniques. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 12 (2): 805-812 (1964)
  • 37. Tamaoki, N. and Essner, E. Distribution of acid phosphatase, β-glucuronidase and N-acetyl-β- glucosaminidase activities in lymphocytes of lymphatic tissues of man and rodents. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 17 (4): 238-243 (1969)
  • 38. Seymour, G.J., Dockrell, H.M. and Greenspan, J.S. Enzyme differentiation of lymhocyte subpopulations in sections of human lymph nodes, tonsils and periodontal disease. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 32: 169-178 (1978)
  • 39. Glick, B. Bursa of Fabricius: development, growth, modulation, and endocrine function. CRC Crit. Rev. Poultry Biol. 1 (2): 107-132 (1988)
  • 40. Moriya, O. and Ichikawa, Y. Acid phosphatase in lymphoid tissues of developing chick embryos. Acta Histochem. 87 (2): 99-105 (1989)
  • 41. Graczyk, S. The effect of anti-bursa serum (ABS) on the intesity of acid phosphatese reaction in bursa-dependent structures of the spleen and on the level of antibodies in the blood serum. Arch. Vet. Pol. 34 (1-2): 25-36 (1994)
  • 42. Sur, E. and Celik, I. Effects of aflatoxin B1 on the development of the bursa of Fabricius and blood lymphocyte acid phosphatase of the chicken. Brit. Poultry Sci. 44 (4): 558-566 (2003)
  • 43. Sandıkçı, M., Kum, Ş. ve Eren, Ü. Develerin (Camelus dromedarius) perifer kan lökositlerinde alfanaftil asetat esteraz aktivitesinin belirlenmesi. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg. 52: 13-16 (2005)
  • 44. Sen, I., Turgut, K., Celik, I. and Kıran, M.M. The importance of lymphocyte enzyme profile, inclusion bodies in circulating leukocytes and conjunctival smear samples in the diagnosis on canine distemper virus infection. Indian Vet. J. 79: 213-217 (2002)
  • 45. Sur, E. Farklı yaş gruplarındaki Türk merinosu erkek kuzularının perifer kan lenfositlerinin alfanaftil asetat esteraz (ANAE) ve asit fosfataz (ACP-az) enzimi aktivitelerinin belirlenmesi. Veterinarium 15 (1): 15-22 (2004)
  • 46. Goldberk, E.D., Karpova, G.V., Melik-Gaikazyan and Pakhryaeva, G.N. Content of acid and alkaline phosphatases in lymphocytes of peripheral blood and hematopoietic organs of intact rats and mice. B. Exp. Biol. Med. 85 (2): 150-151 (1978)
There are 46 citations in total.


Other ID JA57ZV92AF
Journal Section Research Articles

Haluk Özparlak This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2011
Submission Date December 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 2 Issue: 37


APA Özparlak, H. (2011). İki Farklı Yer Sincabı Türünün Perifer Kan Lenfositlerinde Alfa-Naftil Asetat Esteraz (ANAE) ve Asit Fosfataz (ACP) Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi, 2(37), 33-42.
AMA Özparlak H. İki Farklı Yer Sincabı Türünün Perifer Kan Lenfositlerinde Alfa-Naftil Asetat Esteraz (ANAE) ve Asit Fosfataz (ACP) Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi. sufefd. December 2011;2(37):33-42.
Chicago Özparlak, Haluk. “İki Farklı Yer Sincabı Türünün Perifer Kan Lenfositlerinde Alfa-Naftil Asetat Esteraz (ANAE) Ve Asit Fosfataz (ACP) Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 2, no. 37 (December 2011): 33-42.
EndNote Özparlak H (December 1, 2011) İki Farklı Yer Sincabı Türünün Perifer Kan Lenfositlerinde Alfa-Naftil Asetat Esteraz (ANAE) ve Asit Fosfataz (ACP) Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 2 37 33–42.
IEEE H. Özparlak, “İki Farklı Yer Sincabı Türünün Perifer Kan Lenfositlerinde Alfa-Naftil Asetat Esteraz (ANAE) ve Asit Fosfataz (ACP) Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi”, sufefd, vol. 2, no. 37, pp. 33–42, 2011.
ISNAD Özparlak, Haluk. “İki Farklı Yer Sincabı Türünün Perifer Kan Lenfositlerinde Alfa-Naftil Asetat Esteraz (ANAE) Ve Asit Fosfataz (ACP) Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 2/37 (December 2011), 33-42.
JAMA Özparlak H. İki Farklı Yer Sincabı Türünün Perifer Kan Lenfositlerinde Alfa-Naftil Asetat Esteraz (ANAE) ve Asit Fosfataz (ACP) Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi. sufefd. 2011;2:33–42.
MLA Özparlak, Haluk. “İki Farklı Yer Sincabı Türünün Perifer Kan Lenfositlerinde Alfa-Naftil Asetat Esteraz (ANAE) Ve Asit Fosfataz (ACP) Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 37, 2011, pp. 33-42.
Vancouver Özparlak H. İki Farklı Yer Sincabı Türünün Perifer Kan Lenfositlerinde Alfa-Naftil Asetat Esteraz (ANAE) ve Asit Fosfataz (ACP) Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi. sufefd. 2011;2(37):33-42.

Journal Owner: On behalf of Selçuk University Faculty of Science, Rector Prof. Dr. Metin AKSOY
Selcuk University Journal of Science Faculty accepts articles in Turkish and English with original results in basic sciences and other applied sciences. The journal may also include compilations containing current innovations.

It was first published in 1981 as "S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi" and was published under this name until 1984 (Number 1-4).
In 1984, its name was changed to "S.Ü. Fen-Edeb. Fak. Fen Dergisi" and it was published under this name as of the 5th issue.
When the Faculty of Letters and Sciences was separated into the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Letters with the decision of the Council of Ministers numbered 2008/4344 published in the Official Gazette dated 3 December 2008 and numbered 27073, it has been published as "Selcuk University Journal of Science Faculty" since 2009.
It has been scanned in DergiPark since 2016.


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