Dual Functionalization with Isobutyric Anhidride and Cyclohexyl Isocyanate of Polystyrene
Year 2019,
Volume: 45 Issue: 1, 71 - 87, 30.04.2019
Ahmet Okudan
Hasan Hüseyin Güneş
This study contains chemical modification of polystyrene with isobutyric
anhydride in Lewis acid catalyst [BF3.O(C2H5)2]
environment. It has been used Friedel-Crafts reactions for modification. The
determined optimum condition was used for this reactions. Modified polystyrene
containing acyl group has been modified with cyclohexyl isocyanate in the
presence of n-BuLi catalyst for the second time. The molecular structure of
polystyrenes containing acyl and amide groups obtained by these reactions was
clarified using spectroscopic methods and the amount of carboxyl group bound to
polystyrene as a result of modification was determined as volumetric. In
addition, second modification yields were determined according to the results
of elemental analysis. In each of the 6 styrene units in the new type of
polystyrene chain containing different functional groups, 3 of them had amide
functional group, 1 had acyl functional group and 1 had no functional group.
Both functional groups that bind to polystyrene will contribute to further
expansion of the application areas of polystyrene.
- Chen H, Li J, Li H (2008). Preparation and characterization of maleic anhydride modified syndiotactic polystyrene. Iranian Polymer Journal 17(9): 703-710.Çakmak İ, Coşkun M (2005). Polistiren halkası üzerinde bir bromlama çalışması. F.Ü Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 17(2): 455-461.Hartmann M, and Hartmut K (1977). Uber die bromonierung von polystyrol. Makromolecules Chemistry 78: 383-388. Itsuno S, Tanaka S, Hirao A (2002). Preparation of Polymer-Supported Benzyllithium Reagents. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 12: 1853–1856.Kurbanova RA, Mirzaoğlu R, Akovalı G, Rzaev ZMO, Karataş İ,Okudan, A (1996). Side-chain functionalization of polystyrene with maleic anhydride in the presence of lewis acids. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 59: 235-241. Kurbanova R, Okudan A, Mirzaoğlu R, Kurbanov S, Karataş İ, Ersöz M, Özcan E, Ahmedova G, Pamuk V, (1998). Effects of the functionals groups of polystyrene on its adhesion improvoment and corrsion resistance. Journal of Adhesıon Scıence ond Technology 12 (9): 947-955. Li J, Li H (2004). Functionalization of syndiotactic polystyrene with succinic anhydride in the presence of aluminum chloride. European Polymer Journal 41: 823–829Mirzaoğlu R, Kurbanova R, M Ersöz M (1997). Handbook of Engineering Polymeric Materials. Nicholas P., Cheremisimoff (Ed.) 259-276, Marcer Dekker, New York.Okudan A (1998). Blok polistirenin katyonik katalizörler ortamında maleik anhidritle kimyasal modifikasyonun ve kullanım alanlarının incelenmesi. Doktora Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.Okudan A, Batır S, Sağdıç A (2013). Esterification Reaction of Polystyrene Modified with Maleic Anhydride in The Presence of Resin Catalyst. Advances in Polymer Technology 32 (1): E451-E461.Onder IL, Okudan A (2012). Functionalization of Polystyrene with Cyclic Anhydrides and their Spectroscopic, Adhesive and Corrosive Characterizations. Intern. Polymer processing XXVII 2: 270-276Sinan F, Okudan A (2013). Fractionation Effects of Polystyrene on Acylation Reaction and their Adhesive and Corrosive Properties. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research 10 (5): 631-640. Güneş HH, Okudan A. (2013). Characterization and Dual Functionalization of Polystyrene with Propionic Anhydride and Cyanate Derivatives. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 30 2: 1351-1362.Xue TJ, Jones MS, Ebdon JR, Wilkie CA (1997). Lithiation–Alkylation of Polystyrene Occurs Only on the Ring. Journal of plymer science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry 35: 509-513. Yus M, Gomez C, Candela P (2001). The first direct formation of an organolithium reagent on a soluble polymer by chlorine–lithium exchange: functionalised linear polystyrene. Tetrahedron Letters 42: 3977–3979.Zheng, Y., Li, Y., Pan, L. And Li, Y., 2007, Synthesis of novel functional polyolefin containing carboxylic acid via Friedel-Crafts acylation reaction Polymer 48: 2496-2502.
Polistirenin İzobutirik Anhidrit ve Siklohekzil İzosiyanat ile Çift Fonksiyonlaştırılması
Year 2019,
Volume: 45 Issue: 1, 71 - 87, 30.04.2019
Ahmet Okudan
Hasan Hüseyin Güneş
Bu çalışmada ilk olarak
polistirenin izobutirik anhidrit ile BF3.O(C2H5)2
Lewis asidi katalizörü ortamındaki kimyasal modifikasyonu gerçekleştirilmiş ve
modifikasyon için Friedel-Crafts reaksiyonlarından faydalanılmıştır. Bu
reaksiyon için önceden belirlenen optimum şart kullanılmıştır. Sentezlenen açil
grup içeren modifiye polistiren, siklohekzil izosiyanat ile n-BuLi katalizörü
varlığında ikinci kez modifiye edilmiştir. Elde edilen açil ve amit grup içeren
polistirenlerin yapısı spektroskopik yöntemler kullanılarak aydınlatılmış,
modifikasyon sonucu polistirene bağlanan karboksil grubu miktarı volumetrik
olarak belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca elementel analiz sonuçlarına göre de ikinci
modifikasyon verimleri tespit edilmiştir. Farklı fonksiyonel gruplar içeren
yeni tür polistiren zincirindeki her 6 stiren biriminden 3 tanesinde amit fonksiyonel
grubu, 1 tanesinde açil fonksiyonel grubu bulunan ve 1 tanesinde de hiçbir
fonksiyonel grup bulunmamaktadır. Polistirene bağlanan farklı her iki
fonksiyonel grubun polistirenin uygulama alanlarının daha da genişletilmesine
katkısı olacaktır.
- Chen H, Li J, Li H (2008). Preparation and characterization of maleic anhydride modified syndiotactic polystyrene. Iranian Polymer Journal 17(9): 703-710.Çakmak İ, Coşkun M (2005). Polistiren halkası üzerinde bir bromlama çalışması. F.Ü Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 17(2): 455-461.Hartmann M, and Hartmut K (1977). Uber die bromonierung von polystyrol. Makromolecules Chemistry 78: 383-388. Itsuno S, Tanaka S, Hirao A (2002). Preparation of Polymer-Supported Benzyllithium Reagents. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 12: 1853–1856.Kurbanova RA, Mirzaoğlu R, Akovalı G, Rzaev ZMO, Karataş İ,Okudan, A (1996). Side-chain functionalization of polystyrene with maleic anhydride in the presence of lewis acids. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 59: 235-241. Kurbanova R, Okudan A, Mirzaoğlu R, Kurbanov S, Karataş İ, Ersöz M, Özcan E, Ahmedova G, Pamuk V, (1998). Effects of the functionals groups of polystyrene on its adhesion improvoment and corrsion resistance. Journal of Adhesıon Scıence ond Technology 12 (9): 947-955. Li J, Li H (2004). Functionalization of syndiotactic polystyrene with succinic anhydride in the presence of aluminum chloride. European Polymer Journal 41: 823–829Mirzaoğlu R, Kurbanova R, M Ersöz M (1997). Handbook of Engineering Polymeric Materials. Nicholas P., Cheremisimoff (Ed.) 259-276, Marcer Dekker, New York.Okudan A (1998). Blok polistirenin katyonik katalizörler ortamında maleik anhidritle kimyasal modifikasyonun ve kullanım alanlarının incelenmesi. Doktora Tezi, Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.Okudan A, Batır S, Sağdıç A (2013). Esterification Reaction of Polystyrene Modified with Maleic Anhydride in The Presence of Resin Catalyst. Advances in Polymer Technology 32 (1): E451-E461.Onder IL, Okudan A (2012). Functionalization of Polystyrene with Cyclic Anhydrides and their Spectroscopic, Adhesive and Corrosive Characterizations. Intern. Polymer processing XXVII 2: 270-276Sinan F, Okudan A (2013). Fractionation Effects of Polystyrene on Acylation Reaction and their Adhesive and Corrosive Properties. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research 10 (5): 631-640. Güneş HH, Okudan A. (2013). Characterization and Dual Functionalization of Polystyrene with Propionic Anhydride and Cyanate Derivatives. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 30 2: 1351-1362.Xue TJ, Jones MS, Ebdon JR, Wilkie CA (1997). Lithiation–Alkylation of Polystyrene Occurs Only on the Ring. Journal of plymer science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry 35: 509-513. Yus M, Gomez C, Candela P (2001). The first direct formation of an organolithium reagent on a soluble polymer by chlorine–lithium exchange: functionalised linear polystyrene. Tetrahedron Letters 42: 3977–3979.Zheng, Y., Li, Y., Pan, L. And Li, Y., 2007, Synthesis of novel functional polyolefin containing carboxylic acid via Friedel-Crafts acylation reaction Polymer 48: 2496-2502.