Research Article
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Preparation of prebiotic pectin-supplemented vitamin C microcapsules

Year 2024, Volume: 50 Issue: 1, 6 - 13, 24.04.2024


Microencapsulating vitamin C with dietary fibers and prebiotics can improve the storage, preservation, and marketing of vitamin C supplements. This research aimed to explore the feasibility of creating microcapsules using vitamin C, pectin, and alginate through a microencapsulation technique. Pectin was extracted from lemon peel using an acid treatment and then characterised. The morphology of the vitamin C-pectin-alginate microcapsules was examined by scanning electron microscopy. Time, temperature, and pH-dependent vitamin C release profiles of the vitamin C-pectin-alginate microcapsules were studied. The rate of release of vitamin C increased towards pH values close to 7.0, with a higher rate of 83.97% observed at pH 7.0. Additionally, temperature affected the release of vitamin C from the microcapsules, with approximately 47.2% release at body temperature (37°C) and a higher fluctuation in vitamin C release was observed at 20°C. This study revealed that pectin extracted from lemon peels can be used with alginate to encapsulate vitamin C.

Project Number



  • Adetunji, L. R., Adekunle, A., Orsat, V. and Raghavan, V., 2017, Advances in the pectin production process using novel extraction techniques: A review, Food Hydrocolloids, 62, 239-250.
  • Azad, A., Ali, M., Akter, M. S., Rahman, M. J. and Ahmed, M., 2014, Isolation and characterization of pectin extracted from lemon pomace during ripening, Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2 (2), 30-35.
  • Baum, A., Dominiak, M., Vidal-Melgosa, S., Willats, W. G. T., Søndergaard, K. M., Hansen, P. W., Meyer, A. S. and Mikkelsen, J. D., 2017, Prediction of Pectin Yield and Quality by FTIR and Carbohydrate Microarray Analysis, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 10 (1), 143-154.
  • Bitton, R., Ben‐Yehuda, M., Davidovich, M., Balazs, Y., Potin, P., Delage, L., Colin, C. and Bianco‐Peled, H., 2006, Structure of algal‐born phenolic polymeric adhesives, Macromolecular bioscience, 6 (9), 737-746.
  • Blažević, J., Stanković, A., Šafranko, S., Jokić, S., Velić, D. and Medvidović-Kosanović, M., 2020, ELECTROCHEMICAL DETECTION OF VITAMIN C IN REAL SAMPLES, Hrana u zdravlju i bolesti: znanstveno-stručni časopis za nutricionizam i dijetetiku, 9 (1), 1-8.
  • Champagne, C. P. and Fustier, P., 2007, Microencapsulation for the improved delivery of bioactive compounds into foods, Current opinion in biotechnology, 18 (2), 184-190.
  • Cho, Y., Shim, H. and Park, J., 2003, Encapsulation of fish oil by an enzymatic gelation process using transglutaminase cross‐linked proteins, Journal of Food Science, 68 (9), 2717-2723.
  • Da Silva, J. and Rao, M., 2006, 11 pectins: structure, functionality, and uses, Food polysaccharides and their applications, 353.
  • Desai, K. and Park, H. J., 2006, Effect of manufacturing parameters on the characteristics of vitamin C encapsulated tripolyphosphate-chitosan microspheres prepared by spray-drying, Journal of microencapsulation, 23 (1), 91-103.
  • Donati, I., Mørch, Y. A., Strand, B. L., Skjåk-Bræk, G. and Paoletti, S., 2009, Effect of elongation of alternating sequences on swelling behavior and large deformation properties of natural alginate gels, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113 (39), 12916-12922.
  • Fishman, M., Chau, H., Coffin, D. and Hotchkiss, A., 2003, A comparison of lime and orange pectin which were rapidly extracted from albedo, In: Advances in pectin and pectinase research, Eds: Springer, p. 107-122.
  • Fishman, M. L., Chau, H. K., Hoagland, P. and Ayyad, K., 1999, Characterization of pectin, flash-extracted from orange albedo by microwave heating, under pressure, Carbohydrate research, 323 (1-4), 126-138.
  • Groudeva, J., Kratchanova, M. G., Panchev, I. N. and Kratchanova, C., 1997, Application of granulated apple pectin in the treatment of hyperlipoproteinaemia I. Deriving the regression equation to describe the changes, Zeitschrift für Lebensmitteluntersuchung und-Forschung A, 204 (5), 374-378.
  • Ho, Y.-Y., Lin, C.-M. and Wu, M.-C., 2017, Evaluation of the prebiotic effects of citrus pectin hydrolysate, journal of food and drug analysis, 25 (3), 550-558.
  • Islamova, Z. I., Ogai, D., Abramenko, O., Lim, A., Abduazimov, B., Malikova, M. K., Rakhmanberdyeva, R., Khushbaktova, Z. and Syrov, V., 2017, Comparative assessment of the prebiotic activity of some pectin polysaccharides, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 51 (4), 288-291.
  • Ismail, N. S. M., Ramli, N., Hani, N. M. and Meon, Z., 2012, Extraction and characterization of pectin from dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) using various extraction conditions, Sains Malaysiana, 41 (1), 41-45.
  • Jang, K.-I. and Lee, H. G., 2008, Stability of chitosan nanoparticles for L-ascorbic acid during heat treatment in aqueous solution, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56 (6), 1936-1941.
  • Josef, E., Zilberman, M. and Bianco-Peled, H., 2010, Composite alginate hydrogels: An innovative approach for the controlled release of hydrophobic drugs, Acta Biomaterialia, 6 (12), 4642-4649.
  • Jun, H.-I., Lee, C.-H., Song, G.-S. and Kim, Y.-S., 2006, Characterization of the pectic polysaccharides from pumpkin peel, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 39 (5), 554-561.
  • Kratchanova, M., Nikolova, M., Pavlova, E., Yanakieva, I. and Kussovski, V., 2010, Composition and properties of biologically active pectic polysaccharides from leek (Allium porrum), Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 90 (12), 2046-2051.
  • Li, X., Tang, L., Lin, Y. F. and Xie, G. F., 2018, Role of vitamin C in wound healing after dental implant surgery in patients treated with bone grafts and patients with chronic periodontitis, Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 20 (5), 793-798.
  • Ling, B., Ramaswamy, H. S., Lyng, J. G., Gao, J. and Wang, S., 2022, Roles of physical fields in the extraction of pectin from plant food wastes and byproducts: A systematic review, Food Research International, 112343.
  • Maran, J. P., Sivakumar, V., Thirugnanasambandham, K. and Sridhar, R., 2013, Optimization of microwave assisted extraction of pectin from orange peel, Carbohydrate polymers, 97 (2), 703-709.
  • Mohamadzadeh, J., Sadeghi-Mahoonak, A., Yaghbani, M. and Aalami, M., 2010, Extraction of pectin from sunflower head residues of selected Iranian cultivars, World Applied Sciences Journal, 8 (1), 21-24.
  • Ngai, K. S., Tan, W. T., Zainal, Z., Zawawi, R. M. and Zidan, M., 2013, Voltammetry detection of ascorbic acid at glassy carbon electrode modified by single-walled carbon nanotube/zinc oxide, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci, 8 (8), 10557-10567.
  • Njus, D., Kelley, P. M., Tu, Y.-J. and Schlegel, H. B., 2020, Ascorbic acid: The chemistry underlying its antioxidant properties, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 159, 37-43.
  • Özkahraman, B., Torkay, G., Özbaş, Z. and Bal-Öztürk, A., 2023, The effect of vitamin C in the formulation of pectin/thiolated alginate buccal adhesive patches: In vitro and Ex vivo evaluation, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 120, 103276.
  • Peng, X., Yang, G., Shi, Y., Zhou, Y., Zhang, M. and Li, S., 2020, Box–Behnken design based statistical modeling for the extraction and physicochemical properties of pectin from sunflower heads and the comparison with commercial low-methoxyl pectin, Scientific Reports, 10 (1), 3595.
  • Pereira, P. H. F., Oliveira, T. Í. S., Rosa, M. F., Cavalcante, F. L., Moates, G. K., Wellner, N., Waldron, K. W. and Azeredo, H. M. C., 2016, Pectin extraction from pomegranate peels with citric acid, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 88, 373-379.
  • Ramachandran, C., Wilk, B. J., Hotchkiss, A., Chau, H., Eliaz, I. and Melnick, S. J., 2011, Activation of human T-helper/inducer cell, T-cytotoxic cell, B-cell, and natural killer (NK)-cells and induction of natural killer cell activity against K562 chronic myeloid leukemia cells with modified citrus pectin, BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 11 (1), 1-9.
  • Robyt, J. F., 1998, Essentials of carbohydrate chemistry, Springer Science & Business Media, p. Said, H. M., 2011, Intestinal absorption of water-soluble vitamins in health and disease, Biochem J, 437 (3), 357-372.
  • Santos, E. E., Amaro, R. C., Bustamante, C. C. C., Guerra, M. H. A., Soares, L. C. and Froes, R. E. S., 2020, Extraction of pectin from agroindustrial residue with an ecofriendly solvent: use of FTIR and chemometrics to differentiate pectins according to degree of methyl esterification, Food Hydrocolloids, 107, 105921.
  • Schwartz, S. E., Levine, R. A., Weinstock, R. S., Petokas, S., Mills, C. A. and Thomas, F., 1988, Sustained pectin ingestion: effect on gastric emptying and glucose tolerance in non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients, The American journal of clinical nutrition, 48 (6), 1413-1417.
  • Sdiri, S., Cuenca, J., Navarro, P., Salvador, A. and Bermejo, A., 2020, New triploids late-maturing mandarins as a rich source of antioxidant compounds, European Food Research and Technology, 246 (1), 225-237.
  • Shimoni, E., 2004, Stability and shelf life of bioactive compounds during food processing and storage: soy isoflavones, Journal of Food Science, 69 (6), R160-R166.
  • Skrovankova, S., Sumczynski, D., Mlcek, J., Jurikova, T. and Sochor, J., 2015, Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity in different types of berries, International journal of molecular sciences, 16 (10), 24673-24706.
  • Smidsrød, O. and Skja, G., 1990, Alginate as immobilization matrix for cells, Trends in biotechnology, 8, 71-78.
  • Steinbüchel, A. and Rhee, S. K., 2005, Polysaccharides and polyamides in the food industry: properties, production, and patents, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & CO. KGaA, p.
  • Şen, E., Özdemir, S. and Uğuzdoğan, E., 2021, Meyve kabuğu atıklarından pektin ekstraksiyonu ve karakterizasyonu Extraction and characterization of pectin from waste of fruit peels, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 27 (7), 863-872.
  • Wang, J. and Friedman, E. A., 1998, Short-chain fatty acids induce cell cycle inhibitors in colonocytes, Gastroenterology, 114 (5), 940-946.
  • Yamada, H. and Kiyohara, H., 2007, Immunomodulating activity of plant polysaccharide structures, Comprehensive glycoscience, 4, 663-694.
  • Yuswan, M., Al-Obaidi, J. R., Rahayu, A., Sahidan, S., Shazrul, F. and Fauzi, D., 2015, New bioactive molecules with potential antioxidant activity from various extracts of wild edible Gelam mushroom (Boletus spp.), Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 6 (04), 320.
  • Zhang, S., Hu, H., Wang, L., Liu, F. and Pan, S., 2018, Preparation and prebiotic potential of pectin oligosaccharides obtained from citrus peel pectin, Food Chemistry, 244, 232-237.
  • Zielinski, H., Kozlowska, H. and Lewczuk, B., 2001, Bioactive compounds in the cereal grains before and after hydrothermal processing, Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2 (3), 159-169.

Prebiyotik pektin takviyeli C vitamini mikrokapsüllerinin hazırlanması

Year 2024, Volume: 50 Issue: 1, 6 - 13, 24.04.2024


C vitamininin diyet lifleri ve prebiyotiklerle mikrokapsüllenmesi, C vitamini takviyelerinin depolanmasını, korunmasını ve pazarlanmasını iyileştirebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, bir mikrokapsülleme tekniği ile C vitamini, pektin ve aljinat kullanarak mikrokapsüller oluşturmanın fizibilitesini araştırmaktır. Pektin, asit muamelesi kullanılarak limon kabuğundan ekstrakte edildi ve karakterize edildi. C vitamini-pektin-aljinat mikrokapsüllerinin morfolojisi taramalı elektron mikroskobu ile incelenmiştir. C vitamini-pektin-aljinat mikrokapsüllerinin zaman, sıcaklık ve pH bağımlı C vitamini salım profilleri incelenmiştir. C vitamini salım hızı, pH 7.0'a yakın pH değerlerine doğru artarken, pH 7.0'da daha yüksek oranda %83.97 gözlendi. Ek olarak sıcaklık, vücut sıcaklığında (37°C) yaklaşık %47.2 salınım ile mikrokapsüllerden C vitamini salınımını etkiledi ve 20°C'de C vitamini salınımında daha yüksek bir dalgalanma gözlendi. Bu çalışma, limon kabuklarından ekstrakte edilen pektinin, C vitaminini kapsüllemek için aljinat ile birlikte kullanılabileceğini ortaya koydu.

Supporting Institution


Project Number



The authors thank TUBİTAK for funding the work (2209-A Üniversite Öğrencileri Araştırma Projeleri Destekleme Programı, Projet no: 1919B012215804).


  • Adetunji, L. R., Adekunle, A., Orsat, V. and Raghavan, V., 2017, Advances in the pectin production process using novel extraction techniques: A review, Food Hydrocolloids, 62, 239-250.
  • Azad, A., Ali, M., Akter, M. S., Rahman, M. J. and Ahmed, M., 2014, Isolation and characterization of pectin extracted from lemon pomace during ripening, Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2 (2), 30-35.
  • Baum, A., Dominiak, M., Vidal-Melgosa, S., Willats, W. G. T., Søndergaard, K. M., Hansen, P. W., Meyer, A. S. and Mikkelsen, J. D., 2017, Prediction of Pectin Yield and Quality by FTIR and Carbohydrate Microarray Analysis, Food and Bioprocess Technology, 10 (1), 143-154.
  • Bitton, R., Ben‐Yehuda, M., Davidovich, M., Balazs, Y., Potin, P., Delage, L., Colin, C. and Bianco‐Peled, H., 2006, Structure of algal‐born phenolic polymeric adhesives, Macromolecular bioscience, 6 (9), 737-746.
  • Blažević, J., Stanković, A., Šafranko, S., Jokić, S., Velić, D. and Medvidović-Kosanović, M., 2020, ELECTROCHEMICAL DETECTION OF VITAMIN C IN REAL SAMPLES, Hrana u zdravlju i bolesti: znanstveno-stručni časopis za nutricionizam i dijetetiku, 9 (1), 1-8.
  • Champagne, C. P. and Fustier, P., 2007, Microencapsulation for the improved delivery of bioactive compounds into foods, Current opinion in biotechnology, 18 (2), 184-190.
  • Cho, Y., Shim, H. and Park, J., 2003, Encapsulation of fish oil by an enzymatic gelation process using transglutaminase cross‐linked proteins, Journal of Food Science, 68 (9), 2717-2723.
  • Da Silva, J. and Rao, M., 2006, 11 pectins: structure, functionality, and uses, Food polysaccharides and their applications, 353.
  • Desai, K. and Park, H. J., 2006, Effect of manufacturing parameters on the characteristics of vitamin C encapsulated tripolyphosphate-chitosan microspheres prepared by spray-drying, Journal of microencapsulation, 23 (1), 91-103.
  • Donati, I., Mørch, Y. A., Strand, B. L., Skjåk-Bræk, G. and Paoletti, S., 2009, Effect of elongation of alternating sequences on swelling behavior and large deformation properties of natural alginate gels, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 113 (39), 12916-12922.
  • Fishman, M., Chau, H., Coffin, D. and Hotchkiss, A., 2003, A comparison of lime and orange pectin which were rapidly extracted from albedo, In: Advances in pectin and pectinase research, Eds: Springer, p. 107-122.
  • Fishman, M. L., Chau, H. K., Hoagland, P. and Ayyad, K., 1999, Characterization of pectin, flash-extracted from orange albedo by microwave heating, under pressure, Carbohydrate research, 323 (1-4), 126-138.
  • Groudeva, J., Kratchanova, M. G., Panchev, I. N. and Kratchanova, C., 1997, Application of granulated apple pectin in the treatment of hyperlipoproteinaemia I. Deriving the regression equation to describe the changes, Zeitschrift für Lebensmitteluntersuchung und-Forschung A, 204 (5), 374-378.
  • Ho, Y.-Y., Lin, C.-M. and Wu, M.-C., 2017, Evaluation of the prebiotic effects of citrus pectin hydrolysate, journal of food and drug analysis, 25 (3), 550-558.
  • Islamova, Z. I., Ogai, D., Abramenko, O., Lim, A., Abduazimov, B., Malikova, M. K., Rakhmanberdyeva, R., Khushbaktova, Z. and Syrov, V., 2017, Comparative assessment of the prebiotic activity of some pectin polysaccharides, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 51 (4), 288-291.
  • Ismail, N. S. M., Ramli, N., Hani, N. M. and Meon, Z., 2012, Extraction and characterization of pectin from dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) using various extraction conditions, Sains Malaysiana, 41 (1), 41-45.
  • Jang, K.-I. and Lee, H. G., 2008, Stability of chitosan nanoparticles for L-ascorbic acid during heat treatment in aqueous solution, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56 (6), 1936-1941.
  • Josef, E., Zilberman, M. and Bianco-Peled, H., 2010, Composite alginate hydrogels: An innovative approach for the controlled release of hydrophobic drugs, Acta Biomaterialia, 6 (12), 4642-4649.
  • Jun, H.-I., Lee, C.-H., Song, G.-S. and Kim, Y.-S., 2006, Characterization of the pectic polysaccharides from pumpkin peel, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 39 (5), 554-561.
  • Kratchanova, M., Nikolova, M., Pavlova, E., Yanakieva, I. and Kussovski, V., 2010, Composition and properties of biologically active pectic polysaccharides from leek (Allium porrum), Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 90 (12), 2046-2051.
  • Li, X., Tang, L., Lin, Y. F. and Xie, G. F., 2018, Role of vitamin C in wound healing after dental implant surgery in patients treated with bone grafts and patients with chronic periodontitis, Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, 20 (5), 793-798.
  • Ling, B., Ramaswamy, H. S., Lyng, J. G., Gao, J. and Wang, S., 2022, Roles of physical fields in the extraction of pectin from plant food wastes and byproducts: A systematic review, Food Research International, 112343.
  • Maran, J. P., Sivakumar, V., Thirugnanasambandham, K. and Sridhar, R., 2013, Optimization of microwave assisted extraction of pectin from orange peel, Carbohydrate polymers, 97 (2), 703-709.
  • Mohamadzadeh, J., Sadeghi-Mahoonak, A., Yaghbani, M. and Aalami, M., 2010, Extraction of pectin from sunflower head residues of selected Iranian cultivars, World Applied Sciences Journal, 8 (1), 21-24.
  • Ngai, K. S., Tan, W. T., Zainal, Z., Zawawi, R. M. and Zidan, M., 2013, Voltammetry detection of ascorbic acid at glassy carbon electrode modified by single-walled carbon nanotube/zinc oxide, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci, 8 (8), 10557-10567.
  • Njus, D., Kelley, P. M., Tu, Y.-J. and Schlegel, H. B., 2020, Ascorbic acid: The chemistry underlying its antioxidant properties, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 159, 37-43.
  • Özkahraman, B., Torkay, G., Özbaş, Z. and Bal-Öztürk, A., 2023, The effect of vitamin C in the formulation of pectin/thiolated alginate buccal adhesive patches: In vitro and Ex vivo evaluation, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 120, 103276.
  • Peng, X., Yang, G., Shi, Y., Zhou, Y., Zhang, M. and Li, S., 2020, Box–Behnken design based statistical modeling for the extraction and physicochemical properties of pectin from sunflower heads and the comparison with commercial low-methoxyl pectin, Scientific Reports, 10 (1), 3595.
  • Pereira, P. H. F., Oliveira, T. Í. S., Rosa, M. F., Cavalcante, F. L., Moates, G. K., Wellner, N., Waldron, K. W. and Azeredo, H. M. C., 2016, Pectin extraction from pomegranate peels with citric acid, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 88, 373-379.
  • Ramachandran, C., Wilk, B. J., Hotchkiss, A., Chau, H., Eliaz, I. and Melnick, S. J., 2011, Activation of human T-helper/inducer cell, T-cytotoxic cell, B-cell, and natural killer (NK)-cells and induction of natural killer cell activity against K562 chronic myeloid leukemia cells with modified citrus pectin, BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 11 (1), 1-9.
  • Robyt, J. F., 1998, Essentials of carbohydrate chemistry, Springer Science & Business Media, p. Said, H. M., 2011, Intestinal absorption of water-soluble vitamins in health and disease, Biochem J, 437 (3), 357-372.
  • Santos, E. E., Amaro, R. C., Bustamante, C. C. C., Guerra, M. H. A., Soares, L. C. and Froes, R. E. S., 2020, Extraction of pectin from agroindustrial residue with an ecofriendly solvent: use of FTIR and chemometrics to differentiate pectins according to degree of methyl esterification, Food Hydrocolloids, 107, 105921.
  • Schwartz, S. E., Levine, R. A., Weinstock, R. S., Petokas, S., Mills, C. A. and Thomas, F., 1988, Sustained pectin ingestion: effect on gastric emptying and glucose tolerance in non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients, The American journal of clinical nutrition, 48 (6), 1413-1417.
  • Sdiri, S., Cuenca, J., Navarro, P., Salvador, A. and Bermejo, A., 2020, New triploids late-maturing mandarins as a rich source of antioxidant compounds, European Food Research and Technology, 246 (1), 225-237.
  • Shimoni, E., 2004, Stability and shelf life of bioactive compounds during food processing and storage: soy isoflavones, Journal of Food Science, 69 (6), R160-R166.
  • Skrovankova, S., Sumczynski, D., Mlcek, J., Jurikova, T. and Sochor, J., 2015, Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity in different types of berries, International journal of molecular sciences, 16 (10), 24673-24706.
  • Smidsrød, O. and Skja, G., 1990, Alginate as immobilization matrix for cells, Trends in biotechnology, 8, 71-78.
  • Steinbüchel, A. and Rhee, S. K., 2005, Polysaccharides and polyamides in the food industry: properties, production, and patents, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & CO. KGaA, p.
  • Şen, E., Özdemir, S. and Uğuzdoğan, E., 2021, Meyve kabuğu atıklarından pektin ekstraksiyonu ve karakterizasyonu Extraction and characterization of pectin from waste of fruit peels, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 27 (7), 863-872.
  • Wang, J. and Friedman, E. A., 1998, Short-chain fatty acids induce cell cycle inhibitors in colonocytes, Gastroenterology, 114 (5), 940-946.
  • Yamada, H. and Kiyohara, H., 2007, Immunomodulating activity of plant polysaccharide structures, Comprehensive glycoscience, 4, 663-694.
  • Yuswan, M., Al-Obaidi, J. R., Rahayu, A., Sahidan, S., Shazrul, F. and Fauzi, D., 2015, New bioactive molecules with potential antioxidant activity from various extracts of wild edible Gelam mushroom (Boletus spp.), Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 6 (04), 320.
  • Zhang, S., Hu, H., Wang, L., Liu, F. and Pan, S., 2018, Preparation and prebiotic potential of pectin oligosaccharides obtained from citrus peel pectin, Food Chemistry, 244, 232-237.
  • Zielinski, H., Kozlowska, H. and Lewczuk, B., 2001, Bioactive compounds in the cereal grains before and after hydrothermal processing, Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2 (3), 159-169.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Natural Products and Bioactive Compounds
Journal Section Research Articles

Özlem Derya Öztürk 0009-0001-2624-3938

Samet Ergün 0009-0004-0130-0969

Naciye Özdemir 0000-0002-7802-709X

Idris Sargin 0000-0003-3785-9575

Gulsin Arslan 0000-0002-4836-8651

Project Number 1919B012215804
Publication Date April 24, 2024
Submission Date July 31, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 50 Issue: 1


APA Öztürk, Ö. D., Ergün, S., Özdemir, N., Sargin, I., et al. (2024). Preparation of prebiotic pectin-supplemented vitamin C microcapsules. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi, 50(1), 6-13.
AMA Öztürk ÖD, Ergün S, Özdemir N, Sargin I, Arslan G. Preparation of prebiotic pectin-supplemented vitamin C microcapsules. sufefd. April 2024;50(1):6-13. doi:10.35238/sufefd.1335077
Chicago Öztürk, Özlem Derya, Samet Ergün, Naciye Özdemir, Idris Sargin, and Gulsin Arslan. “Preparation of Prebiotic Pectin-Supplemented Vitamin C Microcapsules”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 50, no. 1 (April 2024): 6-13.
EndNote Öztürk ÖD, Ergün S, Özdemir N, Sargin I, Arslan G (April 1, 2024) Preparation of prebiotic pectin-supplemented vitamin C microcapsules. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 50 1 6–13.
IEEE Ö. D. Öztürk, S. Ergün, N. Özdemir, I. Sargin, and G. Arslan, “Preparation of prebiotic pectin-supplemented vitamin C microcapsules”, sufefd, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 6–13, 2024, doi: 10.35238/sufefd.1335077.
ISNAD Öztürk, Özlem Derya et al. “Preparation of Prebiotic Pectin-Supplemented Vitamin C Microcapsules”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 50/1 (April 2024), 6-13.
JAMA Öztürk ÖD, Ergün S, Özdemir N, Sargin I, Arslan G. Preparation of prebiotic pectin-supplemented vitamin C microcapsules. sufefd. 2024;50:6–13.
MLA Öztürk, Özlem Derya et al. “Preparation of Prebiotic Pectin-Supplemented Vitamin C Microcapsules”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi, vol. 50, no. 1, 2024, pp. 6-13, doi:10.35238/sufefd.1335077.
Vancouver Öztürk ÖD, Ergün S, Özdemir N, Sargin I, Arslan G. Preparation of prebiotic pectin-supplemented vitamin C microcapsules. sufefd. 2024;50(1):6-13.

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It was first published in 1981 as "S.Ü. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi" and was published under this name until 1984 (Number 1-4).
In 1984, its name was changed to "S.Ü. Fen-Edeb. Fak. Fen Dergisi" and it was published under this name as of the 5th issue.
When the Faculty of Letters and Sciences was separated into the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Letters with the decision of the Council of Ministers numbered 2008/4344 published in the Official Gazette dated 3 December 2008 and numbered 27073, it has been published as "Selcuk University Journal of Science Faculty" since 2009.
It has been scanned in DergiPark since 2016.


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