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Iran in Central Asia: 1990-2000

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 2009 Sayı: 19, 91 - 102, 01.04.2009



  • AFRASIABI, K.L. (1994), After Khomeini New Directions in Irans’ Foreign Policy, Boulder: Westview Press, ARAS, Bülent. (1996),“Iran’ın Değişen Güvenlik Dengesi Çerçevesinde Orta Asya ve Kafkasya Cumhuriyetleriyle İlişkileri”, Avrasya Dosyası, Vol.3, No.3
  • ATKIN, Muriel. (1989), “The Survival of Islam in Soviet Tajikistan”, The Middle East Journal, Vol.43, No.4, p. 608
  • BRZEZINSKY, Zbigniew., SCOWCROFT, Brent and MURPHY, Richard. (1997), “Differentiated Containment”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.76, No.3.
  • BULLIET, Richard. (1999), “Twenty Years of Islamic Politics”, The Middle East Journal, Vol.53, No.2.
  • ÇOLAK, Ihsan. (1999),“Değişen Stratejiler Işığında Iran-Türk Cumhuriyetleri İlişkilerinde Yeni Gelişmeler” Avrasya Dosyası, Vol.5, No.3, p. 211
  • CRISS, Nur Bilge and GÜNER Serdar, (1999), “Geopolitical Configurations the Russia- Turkey-Iran Triangle”, Security Dialogue, Vol.30, No.3.
  • DİKKAYA, Mehmet. (1999), “Orta Asya’da Yeni Büyük Oyun: Türkiye, Rusya ve Iran”, Avrasya Dosyası, Vol.5, No.3.
  • ECONOMIST, (1/30/1993) “Great Games”, p. 38
  • ECONOMIST, (5.4.1996),“Pipe Dreams in Central Asia”, p. 37
  • EHTESHAMI, A. (1997), “Iran and Central Asia: Responding to Regional Change”, (Ed.), MOZAFFARI, Mehdi., Security Policies in the Commonwealth of Independent States, London: McMillan Press, p. 94
  • FULLER, Graham. (1990), “The Emergence of Central Asia”, Foreign Policy, Issue 78, p. 51
  • HERZIG, Edmund. (1995), Iran and the Former Soviet South, London: The Royal Institute of International Affairs, p. 23
  • HOOGLUND, Eric. (1994), “Iran and Central Asia”, (Ed.), EHTESHAMI, Anoushiravan., From Gulf to Central Asia, Exeter: University of Exeter Press.
  • HOWELL, Nathaniel. (1996), “Iran’s Policy in Northwest Asia: Opportunities, Challenges and Implication”, (Ed.), AL-SUWADI, Iran and the Gulf: A Search for Stability, Abu Dhabi: The Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Resarch.
  • HUNTER, Shireen. (1996), Central Asia Since Independence, Washington: The Center for Strategic and International Studies.
  • KARPAT, Kemal. (1997),“Orta Asya Devletleri Türkiye ve Iran’ın Dış Politikaları”, Yeni Türkiye, Vol.16, No.3.
  • LIPOUSKY, Igor. (1996), “Central Asia: In Search of a New Political Identity”, The Middle East Journal, Vol.50, No.2.
  • MALIK, Hafeez. (1994), “Central Asias’ Geopolitical Significance and Problems of Independence: An Introduction”, (Ed.) MALIK, Hafeez. Central Asia: Its Strategic Importance and Future Prospects, New York: St.Martin’s Press.
  • OLCOTT, Martha Brill. (1992), “Central Asia’s Catapult to Independence”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.71, No.3
  • PIACENTINI, Valeria. (1994). “Islam Iranian and Saudi Arabian Religious and Geopolitical Competition in Central Asia”, (Ed.), EHTESHAMI, Anoushirvan., From Gulf to Central Asia, Exeter: University of Exeter Press.
  • PIPES, Daniel. (199/1994), “Ambitious Iran, Troubled Neighbours”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.72, No.1.
  • POST, T. (2/3/1992), “The Great Game Chapter Two”, Newsweek.
  • RASHID, Ahmed. (1995), The Resurgence of Central Asia, Karachi: Oxford University Press.
  • ROY, Oliver. (2000), Yeni Orta Asya ya da Ulusların İmal Edilişi, İstanbul: Metis Yay.
  • RUBINSTEIN, Alvin. (1994), “The Geopolitical Full on Russia”, Orbis,Vol.38, No.4.
  • RUMER, Boris. (1993), “The Gathering Storm in Central Asia”, Orbis, Vol.37, No.1.
  • SAIVETZ, Carol. (1994), “Central Asia: Emerging Relations With the Arab States and Israel”, (Ed.), MALIK, Hafeez., Central Asia Its Strategic Importance and Future Prospects, New York: St.Martin’s Press, New York.
  • SAJJADPOUR, Seyed Kazem. (1994), “Iran, the Caucausus and Central Asia”, (Ed.), BANVAZIZI, Ali and WEINER, Myron., New Geopolitics of Central Asia and Its Borderlands, London: IB Tauris Co.
  • SAJJADPOUR, Seyed Kazem. (1994), “Iran, the Caucausus and Central Asia”, (Ed.), BANVAZIZI, Ali and WEINER, Myron., New Geopolitics of Central Asia and Its Borderlands, London: IB Tauris Co.
  • SAJJADPOUR, Seyed Kazem. (1994), “Iran, the Caucausus and Central Asia”, (Ed.), BANVAZIZI, Ali and WEINER, Myron., New Geopolitics of Central Asia and Its Borderlands, London: IB Tauris Co.
  • SMOLONSKY, Oles. (1994),“Turkish and Iranian Policies in Central Asia”, (Ed.), MALIK, Hafeez., Central Asia Its Strategic Importance and Future Prospects, New York: St.Martins’ Press.
  • VASSILIEV, Alexei. (1994),“Turkey and Iran in Transcaucasia and Central Asia”, (Ed.), EHTESHAMI, Anoushirovan., From Gulf to Central Asia, Exeter: University of Exeter.
  • ZVIAGELSKAYA, Irina. (1994), “Central Asia and Transcaucasia: New Geopolitics”, (Ed.), NAUMKIN, Vitaly., Central Asia and Transcaucasia Ethnicity and Conflict, Westport: Greenwood Press.

Orta Asya’da İran: 1990-2000

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 2009 Sayı: 19, 91 - 102, 01.04.2009


Sovyetler Birliği’nin dağılmasından sonra Orta Asya bölgesel ve küresel güçler arasında bir çeşit üstünlük sağlama alanına dönüşmüştür. Orta Asya üzrinde etkili ve baskın olma mücadelesinin nedenleri çeşitlilik arz etmekteydi. Farklı evletlerin farklı dürtüleri vardı. Ekonomik, siyasi, stratejk ve enerji eksenli dürtüler iç içe geçmişti. Bu bağlamda, İran Orta Asya’da özgürlüğünü henüz kazanmış, yeni kurulan ülkeler ile endisinin baskın ve aktif olduğu çok çeşitli ilişkiler geliştirmeye çalışmıştır. 1990 ve 2000 yılları arasındaki dönem, bu yönden, ilgili ilişkilerin başltılması ve devamı açısından kritik bir öneme sahiptir. Iran’ın bu bölge ile ilgili heyecanları Türk politikaları tarafından bir meydan okuma ile karşılaşmıştır. Orta Asya, dışarıdaki farklı aktörler tarafından desteklenen bölgesel iki güç olan Türkiye ve İran arasında bir çeşit satranç tahtası halini almıştır. Bu bölgede günümüzde uygun politikalar üretip uygulayabilmek için inceleme altına alınan ilgili zaman dilimini anlamak ve teşhis etmek hayati bir öneme sahiptir


  • AFRASIABI, K.L. (1994), After Khomeini New Directions in Irans’ Foreign Policy, Boulder: Westview Press, ARAS, Bülent. (1996),“Iran’ın Değişen Güvenlik Dengesi Çerçevesinde Orta Asya ve Kafkasya Cumhuriyetleriyle İlişkileri”, Avrasya Dosyası, Vol.3, No.3
  • ATKIN, Muriel. (1989), “The Survival of Islam in Soviet Tajikistan”, The Middle East Journal, Vol.43, No.4, p. 608
  • BRZEZINSKY, Zbigniew., SCOWCROFT, Brent and MURPHY, Richard. (1997), “Differentiated Containment”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.76, No.3.
  • BULLIET, Richard. (1999), “Twenty Years of Islamic Politics”, The Middle East Journal, Vol.53, No.2.
  • ÇOLAK, Ihsan. (1999),“Değişen Stratejiler Işığında Iran-Türk Cumhuriyetleri İlişkilerinde Yeni Gelişmeler” Avrasya Dosyası, Vol.5, No.3, p. 211
  • CRISS, Nur Bilge and GÜNER Serdar, (1999), “Geopolitical Configurations the Russia- Turkey-Iran Triangle”, Security Dialogue, Vol.30, No.3.
  • DİKKAYA, Mehmet. (1999), “Orta Asya’da Yeni Büyük Oyun: Türkiye, Rusya ve Iran”, Avrasya Dosyası, Vol.5, No.3.
  • ECONOMIST, (1/30/1993) “Great Games”, p. 38
  • ECONOMIST, (5.4.1996),“Pipe Dreams in Central Asia”, p. 37
  • EHTESHAMI, A. (1997), “Iran and Central Asia: Responding to Regional Change”, (Ed.), MOZAFFARI, Mehdi., Security Policies in the Commonwealth of Independent States, London: McMillan Press, p. 94
  • FULLER, Graham. (1990), “The Emergence of Central Asia”, Foreign Policy, Issue 78, p. 51
  • HERZIG, Edmund. (1995), Iran and the Former Soviet South, London: The Royal Institute of International Affairs, p. 23
  • HOOGLUND, Eric. (1994), “Iran and Central Asia”, (Ed.), EHTESHAMI, Anoushiravan., From Gulf to Central Asia, Exeter: University of Exeter Press.
  • HOWELL, Nathaniel. (1996), “Iran’s Policy in Northwest Asia: Opportunities, Challenges and Implication”, (Ed.), AL-SUWADI, Iran and the Gulf: A Search for Stability, Abu Dhabi: The Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Resarch.
  • HUNTER, Shireen. (1996), Central Asia Since Independence, Washington: The Center for Strategic and International Studies.
  • KARPAT, Kemal. (1997),“Orta Asya Devletleri Türkiye ve Iran’ın Dış Politikaları”, Yeni Türkiye, Vol.16, No.3.
  • LIPOUSKY, Igor. (1996), “Central Asia: In Search of a New Political Identity”, The Middle East Journal, Vol.50, No.2.
  • MALIK, Hafeez. (1994), “Central Asias’ Geopolitical Significance and Problems of Independence: An Introduction”, (Ed.) MALIK, Hafeez. Central Asia: Its Strategic Importance and Future Prospects, New York: St.Martin’s Press.
  • OLCOTT, Martha Brill. (1992), “Central Asia’s Catapult to Independence”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.71, No.3
  • PIACENTINI, Valeria. (1994). “Islam Iranian and Saudi Arabian Religious and Geopolitical Competition in Central Asia”, (Ed.), EHTESHAMI, Anoushirvan., From Gulf to Central Asia, Exeter: University of Exeter Press.
  • PIPES, Daniel. (199/1994), “Ambitious Iran, Troubled Neighbours”, Foreign Affairs, Vol.72, No.1.
  • POST, T. (2/3/1992), “The Great Game Chapter Two”, Newsweek.
  • RASHID, Ahmed. (1995), The Resurgence of Central Asia, Karachi: Oxford University Press.
  • ROY, Oliver. (2000), Yeni Orta Asya ya da Ulusların İmal Edilişi, İstanbul: Metis Yay.
  • RUBINSTEIN, Alvin. (1994), “The Geopolitical Full on Russia”, Orbis,Vol.38, No.4.
  • RUMER, Boris. (1993), “The Gathering Storm in Central Asia”, Orbis, Vol.37, No.1.
  • SAIVETZ, Carol. (1994), “Central Asia: Emerging Relations With the Arab States and Israel”, (Ed.), MALIK, Hafeez., Central Asia Its Strategic Importance and Future Prospects, New York: St.Martin’s Press, New York.
  • SAJJADPOUR, Seyed Kazem. (1994), “Iran, the Caucausus and Central Asia”, (Ed.), BANVAZIZI, Ali and WEINER, Myron., New Geopolitics of Central Asia and Its Borderlands, London: IB Tauris Co.
  • SAJJADPOUR, Seyed Kazem. (1994), “Iran, the Caucausus and Central Asia”, (Ed.), BANVAZIZI, Ali and WEINER, Myron., New Geopolitics of Central Asia and Its Borderlands, London: IB Tauris Co.
  • SAJJADPOUR, Seyed Kazem. (1994), “Iran, the Caucausus and Central Asia”, (Ed.), BANVAZIZI, Ali and WEINER, Myron., New Geopolitics of Central Asia and Its Borderlands, London: IB Tauris Co.
  • SMOLONSKY, Oles. (1994),“Turkish and Iranian Policies in Central Asia”, (Ed.), MALIK, Hafeez., Central Asia Its Strategic Importance and Future Prospects, New York: St.Martins’ Press.
  • VASSILIEV, Alexei. (1994),“Turkey and Iran in Transcaucasia and Central Asia”, (Ed.), EHTESHAMI, Anoushirovan., From Gulf to Central Asia, Exeter: University of Exeter.
  • ZVIAGELSKAYA, Irina. (1994), “Central Asia and Transcaucasia: New Geopolitics”, (Ed.), NAUMKIN, Vitaly., Central Asia and Transcaucasia Ethnicity and Conflict, Westport: Greenwood Press.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


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İdris Demir Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Nisan 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 2009 Sayı: 19

Kaynak Göster

APA Demir, İ. (2009). Orta Asya’da İran: 1990-2000. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2009(19), 91-102.
AMA Demir İ. Orta Asya’da İran: 1990-2000. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. Nisan 2009;2009(19):91-102.
Chicago Demir, İdris. “Orta Asya’da İran: 1990-2000”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 2009, sy. 19 (Nisan 2009): 91-102.
EndNote Demir İ (01 Nisan 2009) Orta Asya’da İran: 1990-2000. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 2009 19 91–102.
IEEE İ. Demir, “Orta Asya’da İran: 1990-2000”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 2009, sy. 19, ss. 91–102, 2009.
ISNAD Demir, İdris. “Orta Asya’da İran: 1990-2000”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 2009/19 (Nisan 2009), 91-102.
JAMA Demir İ. Orta Asya’da İran: 1990-2000. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2009;2009:91–102.
MLA Demir, İdris. “Orta Asya’da İran: 1990-2000”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, c. 2009, sy. 19, 2009, ss. 91-102.
Vancouver Demir İ. Orta Asya’da İran: 1990-2000. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi. 2009;2009(19):91-102.

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