Sakarya University Journal of Education (SUJE) aims to be a scientific source of reference in which academicians studying on educational sciences and teacher training field can publish their studies, and also they have access to related studies. The main aim of the journal is to increase and disseminate the literature in educational sciences and teacher training field.
Sakarya University Journal of Education (SUJE) is an international peer-reviewed and scientific journal which is published triannually. SUJE publishes high quality original research articles (quantitative, qualitative) which contribute to educational sciences and teacher training field. The publication language of the journal is English.
SUJE journal evaluates candidate manuscripts related to the following fields of study that are directly related to educational sciences;
* Turkish Language Teaching
* Pre-School Education,
* Primary Education
* Science Education
* Mathematics Education
* Social Studies Education
* Educational Technology
* Measurement and Evaluation in Education
* Curriculum and Instruction
* Education Management and Supervision
* Guidance and Psychological Counseling
* Special education
* Lifelong Learning
* Foreign Language Education
* Higher Education