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Year 2007, Volume: 22 Issue: 3, 1 - 14, 01.09.2007


Heyelanlar, doğal afetler arasında en yaygın olarak gelişen kütle hareketi türü olup, can ve mal kayıplarına yol açmaktadır. Bu zararların azaltılması için, potansiyel heyelan alanlarının belirlenerek önlem alınması gerekmektedir. Bu açıdan, potansiyel alanlar için heyelan duyarlılık analizlerinin yapılması hem meydana gelebilecek zararların azaltılmasıyla ilgili önlemlerin alınmasını, hem de mühendislik projelerinin planlanması ve yürütülmesinde kolaylıklar sağlayacaktır. Bu çalışmada, öncelikle heyelan duyarlılık analizlerinde Analitik Hiyerarşi Yöntemi (AHY) ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS)’nin kullanımı ile ilgili bilgiler verilmiştir. Analitik Hiyerarşi Yöntemi, karmaşık çok kriterli karar verme problemlerinin çözümünde sıklıkla kullanılan tekniklerinden biri olup, esas olarak elemanların ikili karşılaştırılmasından elde edilen önceliklere dayalı bir ölçüm yöntemidir. Çalışmanın ikinci aşamasında ise, yapılan örnek bir çalışmada üretilen heyelan duyarlılık haritasının 56 aktif heyelan alanında kontrolü yapılmış ve uygulanan bu yöntemin kullanılmasıyla % 84 gibi bir oranla, bu alanların yüksek ve çok yüksek heyelan duyarlılığına sahip alanlara rastladığı saptanmıştır.


  • Anbalagan, R., 1992. Landslide Hazard Evaluation and Zonation Mapping in Mountainous Terrain, Engineering Geology, 32, 269-277.
  • Brown, T.E., 1981. Rock Characterization Testing and Monitoring (ISRM Suggested Methods), Editor, Royal School of Mines, Imperial college of Science and Technology, London. Chi, K., Lee, K. ve Park, N.,2002. Landslide Stability Analysis and Prediction Modeling with Landslide Occurrences on KOMPSAT EOC Imagery, Korean Journal of Remore Sensing, 18,1, 1-12.
  • Clerici, A., Perego, S., Tellini, C. ve Vescovi, P., 2002. A Procedure for Landslide Susceptibility Zonation by the Conditional Analysis Method, Geomorphology, 48, 349-364.
  • Çevik, E. ve Topal, T., 2003. GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping for a Problematic Segment of the Natural Gas Pipeline, Hendek (Turkey), Environmental Geology, 44, 949-962.
  • Dai. F.C., Lee, C.F., Li, J. ve Xu, Z.W., 2001. Assessment of Landslide Suspectibility on the Natural Terrain of Lantau Island, Hong Kong, Environmental Geology, 43, 3, 381-391.
  • Dai, F.C., Lee, C.F. ve Ngai, Y.Y., 2002. Landslide Risk Assessment and Management: An Overview, Engineering Geology, 64, 1, 65-87.
  • Eastman, J.R., Jin, W., Kyem, P.A.K., ve Toledano, J., 1995. Raster Procedures for Multi-Criteria/MultiObjective Decisions, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 61, 5, 539-547.
  • Einstein, H.H., 1988. Special Lecture: Landslide Risk Assessment Procedure, In: Proc. V Int. Semp. on Landslides, Lausanne, 2,1075-1090.
  • Ercanoğlu, M., Gökçeoğlu, C. ve Van Asch, TH. W. J., 2004. Landslide Susceptibility Zoning North of Yenice (NW Turkey) by Multivariate Statistical Techniques, Natural Hazard, 32, 1-23.
  • Gökçeoğlu, C. ve Aksoy, H., 1996. Landslide Susceptibility Mapping of the Slopes in the Residuel Soils of the Mengen Region (Turkey) by Deterministic Stability Analyses and Image Processing Techniques, Engineering Geology, 44, 147-161.
  • Gökçeoğlu, C. ve Ercanoğlu, M., 2001. Heyelan Duyarlılık Haritalarının Hazırlanmasında Kullanılan Parametrelere İlişkin Belirsizlikler, Yerbilimleri, 23, 189-206. Griffiths, J.S., Mather, A.E. ve Hart, A.B., 2002. Landslide Susceptibility in the Rio Aguas Catchment, SE Spain, Q J Eng. Geol. Hydrogeol., 35, 9-17
  • Guzzetti, F., Carrara, A., Cardinalli, M. ve Reichenbach, P., 1999. Landslide Hazard Evaluation: A Review of Current Techniques and their Application in a Multi-Scale Study, Central Italy, Geomorphology, 31, 181-216.
  • Korkmaz, S. ve Gedik, A., 1988. Rize-Fındıklı-Çamlıhemşin Arasında Kalan ve Bölgenin Jeolojisi ve Petrol Oluşumları, Jeoloji Mühendisliği, 32-33, 5-15.
  • Lee, S., ve Min, K., 2001. Statistical Analysis of Landslide Susceptibility at Yongin, Korea, Environmental Geology, 40, 1095-1113.
  • Lee, S., Choi, J. ve Min, K., 2004a. Probabilistic Landslide Hazard Mapping Using GIS and Remote Sensing Data at Boun, Korea, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 25, 11, 2037-2052.
  • Lee, S., Ryu, J., Won, J. ve Park, H., 2004b. Determination and Application of the Weight for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using an Artificial Neural Network, Engineering Geology, 71, 289-302.
  • Luzi, L. ve Pergalani, F., 1999. Slope Instability in Static and Dynamic Conditions for Urban Planning: The “Oltre Po Pavese” Case History (Region Lombardia-Italy), Natural Hazards, 20, 57-82.
  • Maharaj, R., 1993. Landslide Processes and Landslide Susceptibility Analysis from an Upland Watershed: A Case Study From St. Andrew, Jamaica, West Indies, Engineering Geology, 34, 5379.
  • Nagarajan, R., Roy, A., Vinod Kumar, R., Mukherjee, A. ve Khire, M.V., 2000. Landslide Hazard Suspectibility Mapping Based on Terrain and Climatic Factors for Tropical Monsoon Regions, Bull. Eng. Geol. Env., 58, 275-287.
  • Pachauri, A.K. ve Pant, M., 1992. Landslide Hazard Mapping Based on Geological Attributes, Engineering Geology, 32, 81-100.
  • Pachauri, A.K., Gupta, P.V. ve Chander, R., 1998. Landslide Zoning in a Part of the Garhwal Himalayas, Environmental Geology, 36, 325-334.
  • Parise, M., 2001. Landslide Mapping Techniques and their Use in the Assessment of the Landslide Hazard, Phys. Chem. Earth (C), 26,9, 697-703. Perotto-Baldiviezo, H. L., Thurow, T. L., Smith, C. T., Fisher, R. F. ve Wu, X. B., 2004. GIS-Based Spatial Analysis and Modeling for Landslide Hazard Assessment in Steeplands, Southern Honduras, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 103,1, 165-176.
  • Saaty, T.L., 1994. How to Make a Decision: The Analytic Hierarchy Process, Interfaces, 24,6, 19-43.
  • Saha, A.K., Gupta, R.P. ve Arora, M.K., 2002. GIS-Based Landslide Hazard Zonation in the Bhagirathi (Ganga) Valey, Himalayas, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 23,2, 357-369.
  • Turrini, M.C. ve Visintainer, P., 1998. Proposal of a Method to Define Areas of Landslide Hazard and Application to an Area of the Dolomites, Italy, Engineering Geology, 50, 255-265.
  • van Westen, C.J. ve Bonilla, J.B.A., 1990. Mountain Hazard Analysis Using a PC-Based GIS. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Engineering Geology, Amsterdam, Netherlands, D.G. Price (ed.), Balkema, August 1990, 265-271.
  • van Westen, C.J., 1994. GIS in Landslide Hazard Zonation: A Review with Example from the Colombian Andes, In: Price, M.F., Heywood, D.I. (Eds.), Taylor and Francis, London.
  • Varnes, D.J., 1984. Landslide Hazard Zonation: A Review of Principles and Practices Commision on Landslides of the IAEG, UNESCO, Paris.
  • Yalçın, A., Reis, S. ve Nişancı, R., 2002. Mass Movement Evaluation with Geographical Information Systems: A Case Study from Gümüşhane Region, Proceedings International Symposium on Geographic Information Systems (GIS 2002), September 2002, Istanbul, 760-767.

The Use of Analytical Hierarchy Process and GIS in Production of Landslide Susceptibility Maps

Year 2007, Volume: 22 Issue: 3, 1 - 14, 01.09.2007


Among various natural hazards, landslides are the most widespread and damaging. Potentials landslide-prone areas should, therefore, are identified in advance in order to reduce such damage. In this respect, landslide susceptibility assessment can provide valuable information essential for hazard mitigation through proper project planning and implementation. This paper presents a geographic information system (GIS) and based the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) making approach for landslide susceptibility analyses. AHP is a commonly used solution technique for solving any multi-criteria decision making problem. This method is one of the most flexible and easily implemented multi-criteria decision making techniques. It is a theory of measurement concerned with dominance priorities from pair-wise comparison of elements with respect to a common criterion. Multi-criteria analysis is performed to evaluate landslide susceptibility for each data layer, according to appropriately measured and weighted factors. A landslide susceptibility map for each data layer is developed using an algorithm that combines factors in weighted linear combinations. To verify the practicality of the susceptibility map was compared with a landslide inventory map containing 56 active landslide zones. The outcome was that the active landslide zones do not completely fit into the high and very high susceptibility class. But 84% of these landslide zones fall into the high and very high susceptibility zones.


  • Anbalagan, R., 1992. Landslide Hazard Evaluation and Zonation Mapping in Mountainous Terrain, Engineering Geology, 32, 269-277.
  • Brown, T.E., 1981. Rock Characterization Testing and Monitoring (ISRM Suggested Methods), Editor, Royal School of Mines, Imperial college of Science and Technology, London. Chi, K., Lee, K. ve Park, N.,2002. Landslide Stability Analysis and Prediction Modeling with Landslide Occurrences on KOMPSAT EOC Imagery, Korean Journal of Remore Sensing, 18,1, 1-12.
  • Clerici, A., Perego, S., Tellini, C. ve Vescovi, P., 2002. A Procedure for Landslide Susceptibility Zonation by the Conditional Analysis Method, Geomorphology, 48, 349-364.
  • Çevik, E. ve Topal, T., 2003. GIS-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping for a Problematic Segment of the Natural Gas Pipeline, Hendek (Turkey), Environmental Geology, 44, 949-962.
  • Dai. F.C., Lee, C.F., Li, J. ve Xu, Z.W., 2001. Assessment of Landslide Suspectibility on the Natural Terrain of Lantau Island, Hong Kong, Environmental Geology, 43, 3, 381-391.
  • Dai, F.C., Lee, C.F. ve Ngai, Y.Y., 2002. Landslide Risk Assessment and Management: An Overview, Engineering Geology, 64, 1, 65-87.
  • Eastman, J.R., Jin, W., Kyem, P.A.K., ve Toledano, J., 1995. Raster Procedures for Multi-Criteria/MultiObjective Decisions, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 61, 5, 539-547.
  • Einstein, H.H., 1988. Special Lecture: Landslide Risk Assessment Procedure, In: Proc. V Int. Semp. on Landslides, Lausanne, 2,1075-1090.
  • Ercanoğlu, M., Gökçeoğlu, C. ve Van Asch, TH. W. J., 2004. Landslide Susceptibility Zoning North of Yenice (NW Turkey) by Multivariate Statistical Techniques, Natural Hazard, 32, 1-23.
  • Gökçeoğlu, C. ve Aksoy, H., 1996. Landslide Susceptibility Mapping of the Slopes in the Residuel Soils of the Mengen Region (Turkey) by Deterministic Stability Analyses and Image Processing Techniques, Engineering Geology, 44, 147-161.
  • Gökçeoğlu, C. ve Ercanoğlu, M., 2001. Heyelan Duyarlılık Haritalarının Hazırlanmasında Kullanılan Parametrelere İlişkin Belirsizlikler, Yerbilimleri, 23, 189-206. Griffiths, J.S., Mather, A.E. ve Hart, A.B., 2002. Landslide Susceptibility in the Rio Aguas Catchment, SE Spain, Q J Eng. Geol. Hydrogeol., 35, 9-17
  • Guzzetti, F., Carrara, A., Cardinalli, M. ve Reichenbach, P., 1999. Landslide Hazard Evaluation: A Review of Current Techniques and their Application in a Multi-Scale Study, Central Italy, Geomorphology, 31, 181-216.
  • Korkmaz, S. ve Gedik, A., 1988. Rize-Fındıklı-Çamlıhemşin Arasında Kalan ve Bölgenin Jeolojisi ve Petrol Oluşumları, Jeoloji Mühendisliği, 32-33, 5-15.
  • Lee, S., ve Min, K., 2001. Statistical Analysis of Landslide Susceptibility at Yongin, Korea, Environmental Geology, 40, 1095-1113.
  • Lee, S., Choi, J. ve Min, K., 2004a. Probabilistic Landslide Hazard Mapping Using GIS and Remote Sensing Data at Boun, Korea, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 25, 11, 2037-2052.
  • Lee, S., Ryu, J., Won, J. ve Park, H., 2004b. Determination and Application of the Weight for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using an Artificial Neural Network, Engineering Geology, 71, 289-302.
  • Luzi, L. ve Pergalani, F., 1999. Slope Instability in Static and Dynamic Conditions for Urban Planning: The “Oltre Po Pavese” Case History (Region Lombardia-Italy), Natural Hazards, 20, 57-82.
  • Maharaj, R., 1993. Landslide Processes and Landslide Susceptibility Analysis from an Upland Watershed: A Case Study From St. Andrew, Jamaica, West Indies, Engineering Geology, 34, 5379.
  • Nagarajan, R., Roy, A., Vinod Kumar, R., Mukherjee, A. ve Khire, M.V., 2000. Landslide Hazard Suspectibility Mapping Based on Terrain and Climatic Factors for Tropical Monsoon Regions, Bull. Eng. Geol. Env., 58, 275-287.
  • Pachauri, A.K. ve Pant, M., 1992. Landslide Hazard Mapping Based on Geological Attributes, Engineering Geology, 32, 81-100.
  • Pachauri, A.K., Gupta, P.V. ve Chander, R., 1998. Landslide Zoning in a Part of the Garhwal Himalayas, Environmental Geology, 36, 325-334.
  • Parise, M., 2001. Landslide Mapping Techniques and their Use in the Assessment of the Landslide Hazard, Phys. Chem. Earth (C), 26,9, 697-703. Perotto-Baldiviezo, H. L., Thurow, T. L., Smith, C. T., Fisher, R. F. ve Wu, X. B., 2004. GIS-Based Spatial Analysis and Modeling for Landslide Hazard Assessment in Steeplands, Southern Honduras, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 103,1, 165-176.
  • Saaty, T.L., 1994. How to Make a Decision: The Analytic Hierarchy Process, Interfaces, 24,6, 19-43.
  • Saha, A.K., Gupta, R.P. ve Arora, M.K., 2002. GIS-Based Landslide Hazard Zonation in the Bhagirathi (Ganga) Valey, Himalayas, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 23,2, 357-369.
  • Turrini, M.C. ve Visintainer, P., 1998. Proposal of a Method to Define Areas of Landslide Hazard and Application to an Area of the Dolomites, Italy, Engineering Geology, 50, 255-265.
  • van Westen, C.J. ve Bonilla, J.B.A., 1990. Mountain Hazard Analysis Using a PC-Based GIS. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Engineering Geology, Amsterdam, Netherlands, D.G. Price (ed.), Balkema, August 1990, 265-271.
  • van Westen, C.J., 1994. GIS in Landslide Hazard Zonation: A Review with Example from the Colombian Andes, In: Price, M.F., Heywood, D.I. (Eds.), Taylor and Francis, London.
  • Varnes, D.J., 1984. Landslide Hazard Zonation: A Review of Principles and Practices Commision on Landslides of the IAEG, UNESCO, Paris.
  • Yalçın, A., Reis, S. ve Nişancı, R., 2002. Mass Movement Evaluation with Geographical Information Systems: A Case Study from Gümüşhane Region, Proceedings International Symposium on Geographic Information Systems (GIS 2002), September 2002, Istanbul, 760-767.
There are 29 citations in total.


Other ID JA47VJ42SR
Journal Section Articles

Ali Yalçın This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 22 Issue: 3


Chicago Yalçın, Ali. “HEYELAN DUYARLILIK HARİTALARININ ÜRETİLMESİNDE ANALİTİK HİYERARŞİ YÖNTEMİNİN VE CBS’NİN KULLANIMI”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi 22, no. 3 (September 2007): 1-14.
EndNote Yalçın A (September 1, 2007) HEYELAN DUYARLILIK HARİTALARININ ÜRETİLMESİNDE ANALİTİK HİYERARŞİ YÖNTEMİNİN VE CBS’NİN KULLANIMI. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi 22 3 1–14.
ISNAD Yalçın, Ali. “HEYELAN DUYARLILIK HARİTALARININ ÜRETİLMESİNDE ANALİTİK HİYERARŞİ YÖNTEMİNİN VE CBS’NİN KULLANIMI”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi 22/3 (September 2007), 1-14.
MLA Yalçın, Ali. “HEYELAN DUYARLILIK HARİTALARININ ÜRETİLMESİNDE ANALİTİK HİYERARŞİ YÖNTEMİNİN VE CBS’NİN KULLANIMI”. Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, vol. 22, no. 3, 2007, pp. 1-14.


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