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Year 2005, Issue: 14, 157 - 175, 01.08.2005


In this study, business ethics literature has been reviewed in terms of bribery and other questionable payments in international markets. And then, an in depth interview have been conducted among general managers and marketing managers of Turkish textile, marble and metal goods export companies in Denizli, about frequently encountered bribery and other questionable practices in international markets. In this research, it has been seen that bribery and other questionable business practices are also serious problem for Turkish export companies. Nevertheless, it is pleasing to see that most of the interviewed managers believe in ethical practices’ importance on Turkish companies’ long term international successes


  • ANDELMAN, David A., “Bribery: The New Global Outlaw“, Management Review, April 1998, pp.49-51.
  • APKE, Thomas M., “Impact of OECD Convention Anti-Bribery Provisions on International Companies”, Managerial Auditing Journal, 2001, 16, 1 / 2, p.58-62.
  • ARMSTRONG, Robert W., “An Empirical Investigation of International Marketing Ethics: Problems Encountered by Australian Firms”, Journal of Business Ethics, Mar 1992, 11, 3, pp.161-171.
  • ASGARY, Nader and MITSCHOW, Mark C. (2002), “Toward a Model for International Business Ethics”, Journal of Business Ethics, 36, pp.239-246.
  • BOSWELL, Nancy Zucker, “The Law, Expectation, and Reality in the Marketplace: The Problems of and Responses to Corruption”, Law and Policy In International Business; 1999; 30, p.139-145.
  • BURNS, Jimmy (2002), “Laws fail to halt international business bribery”, Financial Times, London (UK), Oct 15, p.12.
  • CHAN, T.S. and ARMSTRONG, Robert W., “Comparatevie Ethical Report Card: A Study of Australian and Canadian Manager’s Perceptions of International Marketing Ethics Problems”, Journal of Business Ethics, Jan 1999, 18, 1, pp.3-15.
  • DAVIES, Michael, “Combating Corruption & Bribery”, ExportWise, Winter 2005, p.10.
  • FERRELL, O.C. and FRAEDRICH, John, Business Ethics, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1994.
  • GOUDY, Gene, “Name An Oxymoron: Business Ethics”, Business Credit, Mar 2003, 105, 3, pp.67-70.
  • JOHNSON, Harold L., “Bribery in International Markets: Diagnosis, Clarification and Remedy”, Journal of Business Ethics, Dec 1985, 4, pp.447- 455.
  • HAMRA, Wayne, “Bribery in International Business Transactions and the OECD Convention: Benefits and Limitations”, Business Economics, October 2000, pp.33-46.
  • HESS, Randall K. And KOSSACK, Edgar W., “Bribery As An Organizational Response To Conflicting Environmental Expectations”, Academy of Marketing Science Journal, Summer 1981, 9, pp.206-226.
  • HODGETTS, Richard M. ve LUTHANS, Fred, International Management, Fourt Edition, International Edition, Irwın McGraw-Hill, 2000.
  • ICC, “Extortion and Bribery in International Business Transactions” 1999 revised version, .
  • KAIKATI, Jack G., “The Phenomenon of International Bribery”, Business Horizons, February 1977, pp.25-37.
  • KOBRIN, Stephen J., “Morality, Political Power and Illegal Payments by Multinational Corporations”, Columbia Journal of World Business, Winter 1976, pp.105-110.
  • KUGEL, Yerachmiel and GRUENBERG, Gladys, “International Payoffs: Where We Are and How We Got There “, Challenge, September-October 1976, pp.13-20.
  • KUTLAR, Aziz ve DOĞANOĞLU, Fatih, “Türkiye’de 1980 Sonrası Yolsuzluklar, Kamu Yatırımları Ve Büyüme Üzerine Bir Ekonometrik Çalışma”,, 16.06.2005.
  • LANE, Henry W. And SIMPSON, Donald G., “Bribery in International Business: Whose Problem Is It?”, Journal of Business Ethics, Feb 1984; 3, pp.35-42.
  • LAPLACA, Peter J. vd., “The New Role of the Marketing Professional”, Amerikan Marketing Association, 1978, pp.138-145.
  • LIM, Chee Soon, “Tendency to Infer Bribery and Corrup Intent in Social and Business Situations: Comparing Chinese and Singaporean Employees”, Teaching Business Ethics, Nov. 2001, 5, 4, pp.439-460.
  • LONGENECKER, Justin G., MCKINNEY, Joseph A., MOORE, Carlos W., “The Ethical Issue of International Bribery: A Study of Attitudes Among U.S. Business Professionals”, Journal of Business Ethics, May 1988, 7, 5, p.341-346.
  • MASSEY, Melez and HERSCOVITCH, Toby, “Briber Beware”, ExportWise, Spring 2002, p.8.
  • Nakip, Mahir. (2003) Pazarlama Araştırmaları Teknikler ve (SPSS Destekli) Uygulamalar, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • NEHEMKIS, Peter, “Business Payoffs Abroad: Rhetoric And Reality”, California Management Review, Winter 1975, 18, pp.5-20.
  • OECD, “OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions” (RATIFICATION STATUS AS AT 28 JANUARY 2005),
  • OECD, “Text of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions”,,2340,en_2649_34855_2017813_1_1 _1_1,00.html, 16.6.2005.
  • OECD, “OECD Çokuluslu İşletmeler Genel İlkeleri” (özet metin),, 15.06.2005.
  • PACINI, Carl; SWINGEN, Judyth A. and ROGERS, Hudson, “The Role of the OECD and EU Conventions In Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials”, Journal of Business Ethics, Jun 2002, 37, 4, pp.385-405.
  • PERRY, Chad, “Bribery In International Marketing”,, 10.05.2005, pp.1935-1946.
  • ROSE-ACKERMAN, Susan, ‘‘Grand’’ corruption and the ethics of global business, Journal of Banking & Finance, 26 (2002) pp.1889–1918.
  • SANYAL, Rajib N. , SAMANTA, Subarna K., “Determinants of Bribery in International Business”, Thunderbird International Business Review, Mar/Apr 2004, Vol.46, Iss. 2, p.133.
  • IOMA, “6 Practical Steps to Stay Within U.S. and OECD Antibribery Statutes”,, OCTOBER 2002, pp.3-5.
  • The American Heritage Dictionary of The English Language (1992), Third Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, New York, p.237.
  • Transparency International, “Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2004”, ml.
  • Transparency International, “Political parties are most corrupt institution worldwide according to TI Global Corruption Barometer 2004”, er_eng.html.
  • Transparency International, “Transparency International releases new Bribe Payers Index (BPI) 2002”, ml.
  • TOKATLIOĞLU, M.Y., “Ekonomik Boyutuyla Yolsuzluk Olgusu Ve Yolsuzlukla Mücadele”, 16.06.2005.
  • TSALIKIS, John, LATOUR, Michael S. (1995), “Bribery and extortion in international business: Ethical perceptions of Greeks compared to Americans”, Journal of Business Ethics, April, Vol.14, Iss. 4, p.249.
  • WEBER, James and GETZ, Kathleen (2004), “Buy Bribes or Bye-Bye Bribes: The Future Status of Bribery in International Commerce”, Business Ethics Quarterly, Volume 14, Issue4, pp.695-711.
  • “Why Overseas Bribery Won’t Last“, Management Review, June 1994, pp.20-24.
  • WOOD, Graham (1995), “Ethics at the purchasing/sales interface: an international perspective”, International Marketing Review, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 7-19.
  • WRIGHT, Rob, “International Bribery Mess”, VARBusiness,, March 29, 2004, p.21.
  • Yıldırım, Ali., Şimsek, Hasan. (2004) Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Seçkin Yayıncılık, 4. Baskı, Ankara.


Year 2005, Issue: 14, 157 - 175, 01.08.2005


Bu çalışmada, uluslararasıpazarlarda rüşvet vb. ahlaka aykırıuygulamalarla ilgili yazın taramasıyapılmışve Denizli’de ihracata yönelik olarak faaliyet gösteren, tekstil, mermer ve madeni eşya işletmelerinin genel müdürleri / pazarlama müdürleri ile uluslararasıpazarlarda karşılaştıklarırüşvet vb. işahlakına aykırıuygulamalar ve bunlara neden olan etmenler üzerinde derinlemesine mülakat gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yöneticilerle yapılan mülakatlarda, rüşvet vb. işahlakına aykırıuygulamaların ihracatçıTürk işletmeleri için de önemli bir sorun olmaya devam ettiği, bununla birlikte, yöneticilerin önemli bir kısmının, işahlakına uygun davranışve uygulamalarıişletmelerin uluslararasıpazarlardaki uzun dönemli başarılarıiçin önemli bir koşul olarak değerlendirdikleri görülmüştür.


  • ANDELMAN, David A., “Bribery: The New Global Outlaw“, Management Review, April 1998, pp.49-51.
  • APKE, Thomas M., “Impact of OECD Convention Anti-Bribery Provisions on International Companies”, Managerial Auditing Journal, 2001, 16, 1 / 2, p.58-62.
  • ARMSTRONG, Robert W., “An Empirical Investigation of International Marketing Ethics: Problems Encountered by Australian Firms”, Journal of Business Ethics, Mar 1992, 11, 3, pp.161-171.
  • ASGARY, Nader and MITSCHOW, Mark C. (2002), “Toward a Model for International Business Ethics”, Journal of Business Ethics, 36, pp.239-246.
  • BOSWELL, Nancy Zucker, “The Law, Expectation, and Reality in the Marketplace: The Problems of and Responses to Corruption”, Law and Policy In International Business; 1999; 30, p.139-145.
  • BURNS, Jimmy (2002), “Laws fail to halt international business bribery”, Financial Times, London (UK), Oct 15, p.12.
  • CHAN, T.S. and ARMSTRONG, Robert W., “Comparatevie Ethical Report Card: A Study of Australian and Canadian Manager’s Perceptions of International Marketing Ethics Problems”, Journal of Business Ethics, Jan 1999, 18, 1, pp.3-15.
  • DAVIES, Michael, “Combating Corruption & Bribery”, ExportWise, Winter 2005, p.10.
  • FERRELL, O.C. and FRAEDRICH, John, Business Ethics, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1994.
  • GOUDY, Gene, “Name An Oxymoron: Business Ethics”, Business Credit, Mar 2003, 105, 3, pp.67-70.
  • JOHNSON, Harold L., “Bribery in International Markets: Diagnosis, Clarification and Remedy”, Journal of Business Ethics, Dec 1985, 4, pp.447- 455.
  • HAMRA, Wayne, “Bribery in International Business Transactions and the OECD Convention: Benefits and Limitations”, Business Economics, October 2000, pp.33-46.
  • HESS, Randall K. And KOSSACK, Edgar W., “Bribery As An Organizational Response To Conflicting Environmental Expectations”, Academy of Marketing Science Journal, Summer 1981, 9, pp.206-226.
  • HODGETTS, Richard M. ve LUTHANS, Fred, International Management, Fourt Edition, International Edition, Irwın McGraw-Hill, 2000.
  • ICC, “Extortion and Bribery in International Business Transactions” 1999 revised version, .
  • KAIKATI, Jack G., “The Phenomenon of International Bribery”, Business Horizons, February 1977, pp.25-37.
  • KOBRIN, Stephen J., “Morality, Political Power and Illegal Payments by Multinational Corporations”, Columbia Journal of World Business, Winter 1976, pp.105-110.
  • KUGEL, Yerachmiel and GRUENBERG, Gladys, “International Payoffs: Where We Are and How We Got There “, Challenge, September-October 1976, pp.13-20.
  • KUTLAR, Aziz ve DOĞANOĞLU, Fatih, “Türkiye’de 1980 Sonrası Yolsuzluklar, Kamu Yatırımları Ve Büyüme Üzerine Bir Ekonometrik Çalışma”,, 16.06.2005.
  • LANE, Henry W. And SIMPSON, Donald G., “Bribery in International Business: Whose Problem Is It?”, Journal of Business Ethics, Feb 1984; 3, pp.35-42.
  • LAPLACA, Peter J. vd., “The New Role of the Marketing Professional”, Amerikan Marketing Association, 1978, pp.138-145.
  • LIM, Chee Soon, “Tendency to Infer Bribery and Corrup Intent in Social and Business Situations: Comparing Chinese and Singaporean Employees”, Teaching Business Ethics, Nov. 2001, 5, 4, pp.439-460.
  • LONGENECKER, Justin G., MCKINNEY, Joseph A., MOORE, Carlos W., “The Ethical Issue of International Bribery: A Study of Attitudes Among U.S. Business Professionals”, Journal of Business Ethics, May 1988, 7, 5, p.341-346.
  • MASSEY, Melez and HERSCOVITCH, Toby, “Briber Beware”, ExportWise, Spring 2002, p.8.
  • Nakip, Mahir. (2003) Pazarlama Araştırmaları Teknikler ve (SPSS Destekli) Uygulamalar, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • NEHEMKIS, Peter, “Business Payoffs Abroad: Rhetoric And Reality”, California Management Review, Winter 1975, 18, pp.5-20.
  • OECD, “OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions” (RATIFICATION STATUS AS AT 28 JANUARY 2005),
  • OECD, “Text of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions”,,2340,en_2649_34855_2017813_1_1 _1_1,00.html, 16.6.2005.
  • OECD, “OECD Çokuluslu İşletmeler Genel İlkeleri” (özet metin),, 15.06.2005.
  • PACINI, Carl; SWINGEN, Judyth A. and ROGERS, Hudson, “The Role of the OECD and EU Conventions In Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials”, Journal of Business Ethics, Jun 2002, 37, 4, pp.385-405.
  • PERRY, Chad, “Bribery In International Marketing”,, 10.05.2005, pp.1935-1946.
  • ROSE-ACKERMAN, Susan, ‘‘Grand’’ corruption and the ethics of global business, Journal of Banking & Finance, 26 (2002) pp.1889–1918.
  • SANYAL, Rajib N. , SAMANTA, Subarna K., “Determinants of Bribery in International Business”, Thunderbird International Business Review, Mar/Apr 2004, Vol.46, Iss. 2, p.133.
  • IOMA, “6 Practical Steps to Stay Within U.S. and OECD Antibribery Statutes”,, OCTOBER 2002, pp.3-5.
  • The American Heritage Dictionary of The English Language (1992), Third Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, New York, p.237.
  • Transparency International, “Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index 2004”, ml.
  • Transparency International, “Political parties are most corrupt institution worldwide according to TI Global Corruption Barometer 2004”, er_eng.html.
  • Transparency International, “Transparency International releases new Bribe Payers Index (BPI) 2002”, ml.
  • TOKATLIOĞLU, M.Y., “Ekonomik Boyutuyla Yolsuzluk Olgusu Ve Yolsuzlukla Mücadele”, 16.06.2005.
  • TSALIKIS, John, LATOUR, Michael S. (1995), “Bribery and extortion in international business: Ethical perceptions of Greeks compared to Americans”, Journal of Business Ethics, April, Vol.14, Iss. 4, p.249.
  • WEBER, James and GETZ, Kathleen (2004), “Buy Bribes or Bye-Bye Bribes: The Future Status of Bribery in International Commerce”, Business Ethics Quarterly, Volume 14, Issue4, pp.695-711.
  • “Why Overseas Bribery Won’t Last“, Management Review, June 1994, pp.20-24.
  • WOOD, Graham (1995), “Ethics at the purchasing/sales interface: an international perspective”, International Marketing Review, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 7-19.
  • WRIGHT, Rob, “International Bribery Mess”, VARBusiness,, March 29, 2004, p.21.
  • Yıldırım, Ali., Şimsek, Hasan. (2004) Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Seçkin Yayıncılık, 4. Baskı, Ankara.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Süleyman Barutçu This is me

Muzaffer Aydemir This is me

Esin Barutçu This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Issue: 14


APA Barutçu, S., Aydemir, M., & Barutçu, E. (2005). ULUSLARARASI PAZARLARDA RÜŞVET SORUNU: DENİZLİ’DE FAALİYET GÖSTEREN İŞLETMELERDE BİR ARAŞTIRMA. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(14), 157-175.

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