Batılıların 15. yüzyılda Rönesans’la başlayan yeni coğrafyalar, uygarlıklar keşfetme duygusuna, zamanla ucuz baharat ve değerli maden kaynaklarınıedinme isteği hâkim olmaya başlar. Sahip olduklarıateşli silahların avantajıyla gelişmemişülkelerin zenginliklerini elde etmeye başlayan Batılıbüyük devletler sömürge yarışına girerler. İngiltere’de Hint ve Levant, Fransa’da Hint ve Kanada, Hollanda’da Batıve Doğu kumpanyalarıgibi büyük şirketler kurulur. Edindikleri sömürgelerle kendi yüzölçümlerinin üzerindeki kaynaklarıkontrol altına alan bu devletlerin yarışına Portekiz, İspanya, Belçika, Almanya ve Rusya katılırlar. Yaşadıklarıtopraklarda hayatlarıve düzenleri yıkılan, inançlarıdeğiştirilen, verimli kaynaklarısömürülen gelişmemiştoplumların sağkalan insanlarıçoğunlukla yeni hâkimlerinin köleleri olurlar. Avrupa’da beyaz ırkın diğer ırklara üstünlüğü fikri gelişir. 19. yüzyıldan itibaren millî itibar sağlama, gücünü ispat etme, özellikle sanayi inkılâbının iki temel kaynağıolan hammadde ve pazar edinme isteği gibi nedenlerle sömürgeci devletler arasında büyük bir rekabet başlar. Rusya ve Batılıbüyük devletlerin gayrimüslimleri isyana sürükleyen misyonerlik ve askerî çalışmalarınedeniyle sıkıntılıanlar yaşayan OsmanlıDevleti, hükmettiği genişcoğrafyayıkorumak uğruna, Batılıdevletlere ticarî ayrıcalıklar vermenin yanısıra yatırımlarına izin vermek zorunda kalır. Büyük devletlerin dostluklarınısağlamak düşüncesiyle verilen ekonomik ayrıcalıklar ve yapılan ticarî anlaşmalar, yapılan savaşlar iyi bir durumda olmayan Osmanlımaliyesinin durumunu daha da kötüleştirir. 1838 Osmanlı-İngiliz Ticaret Antlaşması’nın ardından Anadolu’ya gelen yabancıtüccarlar, yanlarında çalıştırdıklarıgayrimüslimlerin zenginleşmesini sağlayarak malî dengenin Türkler aleyhine bozulmasına neden olurlar. OsmanlıDevleti’nde madenlerle ilgili kanun ve yönetmeliklerin günün şartlarına uygun duruma getirilememesi, yapılan düzenlemelerin de yabancıların lehine geliştirilmesi nedenleriyle Osmanlımadenciliği çöküşe geçer. OsmanlıDevleti’nin kuruluşve yükselişzamanlarında ticaret ahlâkının Türk toplumunda yerleşmesi amacıyla çalışan Aydın Vilayeti sancaklarından Denizli’deki Ahî Sinan ve Şahin Dede Dergâhımensupları, 20. yüzyılın başında Tavas kasabasında zımpara taşıişletme ruhsatıalarak cevherleri çıkarmaya başlarlar. Aza kanaat getirerek ahlâkta yücelmeyi prensip edinen dergâh mensuplarının madencilik serüvenlerinde İngiliz tüccar Ernest Abbott nedeniyle, başlarına gelenler, yabancıprofesyonel madencilerle rekabet etmeye çalışan Türk işletmecilerin düştükleri ibret verici olaylarıbize yansıtır. Bu çalışma Başbakanlık OsmanlıArşivi belgelerinin çözümüyle; Denizli’nin yeraltıkaynaklarının geçmiştarihteki varlığını, Anadolu kaplanlarıarasında pamuğu işleyerek adınıduyuran Denizlili işletmecilerin ihmal edilmişmadenlerini işledikleri takdirde millî ekonomiye büyük katkılar sağlayacaklarıinancına dikkat çekmek amacıyla yapılmıştır.
Western, in the 15th century, started with the Renaissance to explore new geography and civilization, with time, it would begin to be dominant to obtain cheaper sources of spices and precious metals. Have the advantage of firearms; the western states begin to race to obtain the wealth of undeveloped countries to colonize. The large companies established to obtain new colonies such as Indian and Levant in the UK, France and Indian in Canada, Western and Eastern in the Netherlands. Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Germany and Russia participated in competition of the countries, obtaining resources on the colonies larger than own acreage. The remaining undeveloped society people, whose life and order were destroyed, changed beliefs, abundant resources exploited in their homeland are usually the slaves of the new master. Due to many new easy achievements in Europe the idea of the white race was superior to other races developed. From the 19th century, the competition between the colonial states starts because of some reasons such as to provide a national reputation, to prove own power, especially to obtain raw materials and markets two main sources with Industrial Revolution. After The United States participated in, Africa and the Pacific enter the control of colonial. Britain, France and Germany invest in mines, railways, marines in various countries. The Ottoman State troubled with Russia and Western big states' missionary and military work to encourage the non-Muslim people for rebellion provide commercial privileges to Western States for the sake of protecting the large geography dominating. While Ottoman Empire hopes to gain the new commercial treaty and friendship of England, France and the United States against especially Russia's starting to threaten from Caucasus to the Balkans and Eastern Anatolia, and France's initiative in North Africa, by allowing Germany, emerged as a new military and economic power, to invest in land try to balance policy. The endowed economic privileges in order to provide friendship of powerful states and the trade agreement, makes the Ottoman finances which already in a not good situation because of the war with Russia worse. The foreign merchants coming to Anatolia with the advantage of the 1838 Ottoman-British Trade Agreement, earn much money by manipulating the virgin land mines and export. Foreign merchants use large port cities such as Izmır to export the mine ore. The foreign merchants taking privilege on untouched ore bed of Western Anatolia changed the financial balance in non-Muslim's favour. Denizli, a sanjak of Aydın province, attract foreigners’ attentions who take permit to work on grindstone, chromium, copper mines towards the end of the century. The local entrepreneurs coming outside to Denizli who see the rich resources has been operated by foreigners take permits for the mining ores were forced to sell it to buyer foreigners. Ernest Abbott, the British trader settled in Izmir with families is in good relations with the British Consulate in Istanbul and the Ottoman bureaucracy. Abbott, taking British investors Vittal Edward' capital support, eliminate own Citizen John D. Paterson to take concession of the grindstone in the Western Anatolia. Paterson and partners have to lead to other mining areas because of Abbott family's overwhelming market dominance of the grindstone. When the British merchants started to work, mining business relevant laws and regulations was not arranged according to that day's conditions in the Ottoman Empire. 1 / 5 of mine abandoned and left to the public use, but unused land, to the government, the rest of the mine belongs to discoverer, and the new arrangements in favor of foreigners were reasons to the collapse of the Ottoman mining. The taxes taken from the mines were considered large income by government. Most of the Turks and nonMuslims in the Ottoman bureaucracy, seen attraction of foreign merchants' wealth, make a special effort to facilitate their works. The members of Ahi Sinan and Şahin Dede Dervish lodge business and in Denizli to constitute the trade ethics in Turkish society during the founding and the rise of the Ottoman Empire, affected of foreigners’ interest in mines begin to remove the ore by receiving business licenses for grindstone in the Tavas town at the beginning of the 20th century. It reflects us exemplary unhappy events to happen to the members of dervish convent, satisfied with what they get, aiming to obtain moral development, working own professional at daytime and jollifying and chatting in the evenings while trying to compete with professional foreign miners. This study is done by resolving Ottoman archive documents of the prime minister's Office. The aim of this study is to bring up foreigners occupied our homeland not coming for the sake of vain ambition, to attract attention how Anatolian entrepreneur, made a name by processing cotton, called Anatolian tiger, contribute to the national economy by producing Denizli's neglected underground sources
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | February 1, 2009 |
Published in Issue | Year 2009 Issue: 21 |
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