Son iki yüzyıldır sağlık koşullarındaki iyileşme ve gelişen ekonomik koşullar sonucu hızla artan dünya nüfusu, su başta olmak üzere doğal kaynaklara olan talebin önemli ölçüde artmasına yol açmıştır. Artan dünya nüfusu ile birlikte, son dönemde etkileri daha da belirginleşen küresel ısınma sonucu meydana gelen iklim değişiklikleri, su kaynaklarıüzerindeki baskının daha da artmasına neden olmuştur. Tüm dünyada olduğu gibi ülkemizde de büyük kentler başta olmak üzere, evsel kullanım için su talebinin karşılanmasıçözülmesi gereken öncelikli sorun haline gelmiştir. Su kıtlığıprobleminin çözülmesinde yapılacak yeni yatırımlar yanında, ailelerin su tasarrufuna özen göstermeleri, sorunun aşılmasında özellikle uzun vadede büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu açıdan değerlendirildiğinde, evlerde bulaşık makinesi kullanımının yaygınlaştırılmasısu tasarrufu konusunda önemli katkılar sağlayacaktır. Özellikle; yeni nesil bulaşık makinelerinin daha az enerji ve su harcamalarısorunun çözümü açısından önemli avantajlar sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Uşak İli Kentsel alanında uygulanan anket verileri kullanılarak, ailelerin bulaşık makinesi sahipliğini etkileyen faktörler araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada iki durumlu yapay bağımlıdeğişkenli modellerden Doğrusal Olasılık ve Logit modelleri kullanılarak ekonometrik tahminler yapılmıştır. Gerek Logit, gerekse Doğrusal Olasılık modeli kullanılarak yapılan tahminlere göre; bir ailede ev hanımının ücretli bir işte çalışmasının bulaşık makinesi sahipliğini önemli derecede etkileyen bir faktör olmadığısonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ailenin yakın çevresindeki ailelerin büyük çoğunluğunda bulaşık makinesi bulunmasıile eğitim ve gelir seviyesinin yükselmesi bulaşık makinesi sahipliğini etkileyen önemli faktörler olarak belirlenmiştir. Ailenin yakın çevresindeki ailelerin büyük çoğunluğunda bulaşık makinesi bulunmasının, bulaşık makinesi sahibi olma olasılığınıetkileyen önemli bir faktör olarak belirlenmesi; tüketim kalıplarının hanehalkının içinde bulunduğu sosyal çevreden etkilendiğini varsayan Nisbi Gelir Hipotezi’nin Uşak İli kentsel alanında geçerli olduğunu göstermiştir.
Fast increase in world population partly due to improvements in health and economic conditions has brought about the rising demand for natural resources. This is especially true for water resources, which bear critical importance for life. In addition to population increase, climatic changes with more manifest impacts recently due to global warming caused an increase in the pressure on water resources. In our country, meeting water demand for domestic use, particular in populated cities, has been a primary problem for both central and local administrators. Paying attention to saving water shall both help in more efficient use of water resources and decrease the need for new investments for water supply. When considered form this point of view, becoming widespread of dishwasher usage in houses shall make important contributions to water saving. In particular new generation dishwashers which spend less energy and water present important advantages for solving the problem of expenses on water. A household with 4 members spends 84-126 liters of water if it washes its dishes in the sink; the same household uses some 12 liters of water if it uses a dish washer. This means some 26-40 tons of saved water for this household in one year. Therefore, usage of dishwashers, beside other water saving devices, has to become more widespread in our country. Increasing this ratio shall make important contributions to solving water problem. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the ownership of dishwashers, which is among the durable household appliances of which usage is encouraged as water resources become less able to meet the human needs. This paper is the first study which deals with the demand for dish washers in economic terms and with econometric estimation method. As a result of the research, observation and evaluations on dishwasher ownership, it has been concluded that the dishwasher demand of a household can be a function of household income, level of education, dishwasher ownership ratio in the households in close environment, and employment status of the housewife. In the research, the education level of the breadwinner was taken as an indicator of the education level of the household. In this paper, the factors which affect dishwasher ownership of households have been examined by using the survey data applied to urban areas of Uşak province. In the research, the Linear Probability Model and the Logit Model, which are among the binary dummy dependent variable models, are used to make econometric estimations. Dependent variable of the model is binary qualitative variable. If the dependent variable is a qualitative variable which can take two values, which means that if one feature exists or does not exist, the estimation is based on binary choice models. In this study, analysis was based on Linear Probability model, which is a binary choice model, and Logit model. Linear Probability method, which is widely employed in this type of studies, suffers from important criticism despite its ease of use. One of the alternative models widely used in this type of studies which eliminates these problems is Logit model. Therefore, the function of dishwasher demand in this study is estimated using the Logit model which was developed in order to eliminate the problems of Linear Probability model. According to the estimations made using Logit and Linear Probability models, it has been determined that employment of the lady of the household is not a factor which affects dishwasher ownership significantly. Dishwasher ownership in the close families and increase in the level of education and income are determined as the significant factors that affect dishwasher ownership. The fact that dishwasher ownership in the close families is a factor which increases the possibility of dishwasher ownership is an indicator that Relative Income Hypothesis which assumes that consumption patterns are affected by the surrounding social environment is applicable in the urban area of Uşak province. According to relative income hypothesis, it is accepted that consumption decisions of consumers are not independent from each other; on the contrary, consumption decisions are affected by the social environment in which consumers interact. Assuming that education level of the household is among the important factors which affect dishwasher ownership probability, three dummy variables were inserted in the model that represents education level. Elementary school graduates were accepted as basic class, and secondary school, high school or vocational high school and higher education levels were represented by dummy variables. Other factors constant, education level of a household increases dishwasher ownership probability. The fact that all regression parameters related to education are statistically significant indicates that an increase in the level of education is an important factor which increases dishwasher ownership probability. According to estimation findings, an increase in the level of education is an important factor which increases dishwasher ownership probability. Employment of housewife in a household which is at any income level increases the dishwasher ownership probability. However, as the coefficient for dummy variable at two models which shows the status of employment at a paid job for the housewife is statistically insignificant at the level of 5%, it has been concluded that employment of housewife at a paid job does not have a considerable impact on dishwasher ownership probability
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | February 1, 2009 |
Published in Issue | Year 2009 Issue: 21 |
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