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Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesinin Yaygın İnsan Hakları İhlallerini Önleme Kapasitesi

Year 2014, Issue: 31, 139 - 145, 01.02.2014


İnsanlık tarih içerisinde devletlerin baskıcıyönetimleri ve savaşlar sonucunda çok trajik sonuçlarla karşıkarşıya kalmıştır. 2. Dünya savaşısonucunda milyonlarca insan hayatınıkaybetmiş, yine bir o kadar insan yerinden yurdundan olmuştur. Uluslararasıtoplum insan bu sonuçlar üzerine insanların sahip olduğu tmel hak ve hürriyet ihlallerini en aza indirmek üzere yeni bir uluslararasısitem içinde insan haklarıkoruma sistemlerini inşa etmeye başlamıştır. Milletler ve devletler arasındaki uyuşmazlıklarıbarışçıl yollarla çözmek üzere 1945 yılında BirleşmişMilletler kurulmuştur. Evrensel İnsan Haklarıbeyannamesi ve takip eden Ulusllararası İnsan HaklarıSözleşmeleri imzalanmışve bu Sözleşmelerle temel hak ve hürriyetleri koruma mekanizmalarıoluşturulmuştur. Bölgesel bir İnsan Haklarısistemi kuran Avrupa İnsan HaklarıSözleşmesi 4 Kasım 1950’de kabul edilmişve 3 Eylül 1953’de yürürlüğe girmiştir. Bu Sözleşme hukuki bağlayıcılığa sahip ilk uluslararasıinsan haklarısözleşmesidir. Diğer uluslararasısözleşmelerle karşılaştırıldığında Avrupa Sözleşmesi bu alnada nevi şahsına münhasırdır. Bireyleri, sözleşmede garanti edilen temel hak ve hürriyetleri ihlal eden devleti şikayet etme hakkıile donatan ilk ulsulararasısistemi kuran sözleşmedir. Uluslararsı İçtihat Hukukunu da içeren ve kendi kendien referans veren bir rejime sahiptir. Çünkü kendi içtihat hukukuna dayanarak Mahkeme önceki kararlarıile bağlıdır. Bu İçtihat Hukuku sisteminin bir özelliğidir. Avrupa Konseyi üye devletlerin mahkeme ve hukuk sistemlerinden bağımsız olarak çalışır. Strasbourg Mahkemesi üye devletlerin bir temyiz mahkemesi değildir, iç hukuklarınısadece Sözleşmeye uygunluk bakımından yourmlar. Avrupa İnsan HaklarıSözleşmesi ve denetim mekanizmasıbütün Dünya’da İnsan haklarının gelişimine önemli bir katkıyapmıştır. Bu çalışmadaki so rise Sözleşme ve meknaizmasının yaygın insan haklarıihlalleri ile mücadele edip edemeyeceğidir. Sözleşmeye taraf ülkelerde yaygın ve sistematik ihlaller on yıllardır görülmememktedir. BatıAvrupa Demokrasileri olarak adlandırılan ülkelerde bu tür yaygın ve sistematik ihlalere yer olmadığı şeklinde yaygın ve genel bir inanç vardır. Bu tür pratiklerin dünyanın digger bölgelerindeki diktatörlük rejimlerine ait olduğuna inanılmaktadır. Fakat bir an bir şekilde Sözleşmeye taraf bir ülkede yaygın ihlallerin olmasıdurumunda Sözleşme ve control mekanizmasıbu tür yaygın ishlelelrle başa çıkabilecek midir? Bu çalışmamız bu soruya cevap aramaktadır.


  • Aisling Reidy, Francoise Hampson and Kevin Boyle; Gross Violations of Human Rights:Invoking the European Convention on Human Rights in the case of Turkey, in Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights Volume 15 No. 2 June 1997
  • Beth Stephens, Conceptualising violence: Present and future developments in international law; Panel l: Human Rights & Civil wrongs at home and abroad; old problems and new paradigms: Conceptualising violence under international law: Do tort remedies fit the crime? Albany Law Review, 1997
  • Cole, Wade M. and Ramirez, Francisco O., ‘Conditional Decoupling: Assessing the Impact of National Human Rights Institutions, 1981 to 2004’, American Sociological Review, 78:702, 2013
  • Conrad, Courtenay R., ‘Divergent Incentives for Dictators: Domestic Institutions and (International Promises Not to) Torture’, Journal of Conflict Resolution 2014 58:34
  • Donna Gomien, David Harris, Leo Zwaak, law of the European Convention on Human Rights and European Social Charter, (Council of Europe Publishing, printed in Germany, 1999) supra note 3, p.47
  • “…the primary responsibility of the states to secure the enjoyment of human rights is enhanced and the effective discharge of the subsidiary role of the institutions is facilitated.” D.J Harris, M. O’Boyle, C. Warbrick; Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, (Butterworths, Edinburgh, 1995)
  • D.J Harris, M. O’Boyle, C. Warbrick; Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, (Butterworths, London, Dublin, Edinburgh, 1995)
  • Hafner-Burton, Emilie m.; Kıyoteru Tsutsuı, ‘Justice Lost The Failure of International Human Rights Law To Matter Where Needed Most’ Journal of Peace Research, vol. 44, no. 4, 2007
  • Hafner-urton, Emilie M., ‘A Social Science of Human Rights’, Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 51(2), 2014
  • Hathaway, Oona A., ‘Why Do Countries Commit to Human Rights Treaties?’ Journal of Conflict Resolution, Volume 51 Number 4, August 2007
  • Kamminga, Menno T. “Is the European Convention on Human Rights Sufficiently Equipped to Cope with Gross and Systematic Violations.” In Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, Volume 12 No: 2, M. Nowak and W.Suntinger, International Mechanisms for the Prevention of Torture in Monitoring Human Rights in Europe, A.. Bloed, L.Leicht, M.Nowak and A. Rosas (eds.), (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Netherlands, 1993)
  • P.van Dijk, G.J.H. Van Hoof, Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, (Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, Deventer-Boston, 1990)
  • Steiner, J.Henry, Alston, Philip, International Human Rights In Context Law Politics Morals, (Oxford University Press, Oxford - New York, 2000)

The Ability of European Convention on Human Rights in Preventing Gross Violations of Human Rights

Year 2014, Issue: 31, 139 - 145, 01.02.2014


The humanity faced very tragic consequences of war and other cruel teratments from state practices in history. To minimise the human rights violations, international community started to construct human rights protection systems. United Nations was established in 1945. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was followed by main human rights protection treaties and monitoring systems established by those treaties. The European Convention on Human Rights was adopted on 4 November 1950 and entered into force on 3 September 1953. It’s the first international legally binding human rights treaty. The human rights protection system of European Convention is unique comparing with other international treaties. It is the first international system that provides individuals with right to complaint the state for violation of their human rights guaranteed in the Convention. It includes “international common law” feature and also it is self-referential regime. Because of its case law, Court is bound by their previous jurisprudence. This is its common law future. The Council of Europe bodies work independently from courts and legal systems of states` parties. Strasbourg is not appeal court of states parties; it interprets their domestic law and practise only in terms of compatibility with the Convention. The European Convention on Human Rights and its supervisory system have made considerable contributions to the whole human rights development in the world. The question in this study that does the Convention has the effective mechanism to combat with gross human rights violations. Gross and systematic violations are not common in the states parties of the Convention during the last four decades.It is a common view that there is no place for gross violations in so-called democracies of Western Europe. Such practices are confined to dictatorial regimes in other parts of the world. But somehow if gross and mass human rights violations occur in a member state to Convention, have the Convention and its implementation mechanism ability to fight with such violations?


  • Aisling Reidy, Francoise Hampson and Kevin Boyle; Gross Violations of Human Rights:Invoking the European Convention on Human Rights in the case of Turkey, in Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights Volume 15 No. 2 June 1997
  • Beth Stephens, Conceptualising violence: Present and future developments in international law; Panel l: Human Rights & Civil wrongs at home and abroad; old problems and new paradigms: Conceptualising violence under international law: Do tort remedies fit the crime? Albany Law Review, 1997
  • Cole, Wade M. and Ramirez, Francisco O., ‘Conditional Decoupling: Assessing the Impact of National Human Rights Institutions, 1981 to 2004’, American Sociological Review, 78:702, 2013
  • Conrad, Courtenay R., ‘Divergent Incentives for Dictators: Domestic Institutions and (International Promises Not to) Torture’, Journal of Conflict Resolution 2014 58:34
  • Donna Gomien, David Harris, Leo Zwaak, law of the European Convention on Human Rights and European Social Charter, (Council of Europe Publishing, printed in Germany, 1999) supra note 3, p.47
  • “…the primary responsibility of the states to secure the enjoyment of human rights is enhanced and the effective discharge of the subsidiary role of the institutions is facilitated.” D.J Harris, M. O’Boyle, C. Warbrick; Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, (Butterworths, Edinburgh, 1995)
  • D.J Harris, M. O’Boyle, C. Warbrick; Law of the European Convention on Human Rights, (Butterworths, London, Dublin, Edinburgh, 1995)
  • Hafner-Burton, Emilie m.; Kıyoteru Tsutsuı, ‘Justice Lost The Failure of International Human Rights Law To Matter Where Needed Most’ Journal of Peace Research, vol. 44, no. 4, 2007
  • Hafner-urton, Emilie M., ‘A Social Science of Human Rights’, Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 51(2), 2014
  • Hathaway, Oona A., ‘Why Do Countries Commit to Human Rights Treaties?’ Journal of Conflict Resolution, Volume 51 Number 4, August 2007
  • Kamminga, Menno T. “Is the European Convention on Human Rights Sufficiently Equipped to Cope with Gross and Systematic Violations.” In Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, Volume 12 No: 2, M. Nowak and W.Suntinger, International Mechanisms for the Prevention of Torture in Monitoring Human Rights in Europe, A.. Bloed, L.Leicht, M.Nowak and A. Rosas (eds.), (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Netherlands, 1993)
  • P.van Dijk, G.J.H. Van Hoof, Theory and Practice of the European Convention on Human Rights, (Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, Deventer-Boston, 1990)
  • Steiner, J.Henry, Alston, Philip, International Human Rights In Context Law Politics Morals, (Oxford University Press, Oxford - New York, 2000)
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Murat Tumay This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Issue: 31


APA Tumay, M. (2014). The Ability of European Convention on Human Rights in Preventing Gross Violations of Human Rights. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(31), 139-145.

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