Research Article
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Halkla İlişkiler Rollerinde Anahtar Bir Kavram Olarak Kurumsal Sosyal Savunuculuk

Year 2024, Issue: 53, 186 - 197, 30.04.2024


Halkla ilişkilerin tarihsel süreç içerisinde çeşitli rol tanımlamaları olmuştur. İlk ortaya çıktığı dönemden itibaren hedef kitlenin beklentileri doğrultusunda kendini geliştiren, değiştiren halkla ilişkiler en mükemmel olma yolunda ilerleyerek çabalar göstermektedir. Bu çabalar, hedef kitleye nasıl daha fazla faydalı olabilirim sorusuna cevap aramaktadır. Bu alandaki çabaların geldiği aşama göz önüne aldığında günümüzdeki hedef kitle, saf ya da homojen bir yapı sergilememektedir. Bu hedef kitlenin aynı konularda farklı beklentiler içerisine girebileceği anlamına gelmektedir. Alanyazında henüz yeni tanımlanmaya çalışılan kurumsal sosyal savunuculuk kavramı, halkla ilişkiler için de yeni bir ilgi alanı olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Kavram, örgütlerin hedef kitlelerinin beklentileri doğrultusunda bazı konular üzerine aktivist bir yaklaşım belirlemelerini ifade etmektedir. Çalışma kapsamında halkla ilişkiler öğrencilerine göre bir örgütün kurumsal sosyal savunuculuk rolüne bakış açısı ve hangi konuların kurumsal sosyal savunuculuk bağlamında değerlendirilmesi gerektiği tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Türkiye'de 399 halkla ilişkiler öğrencisi ile yapılan çalışmada, örgütlerin sosyal, siyasal ve ekonomik konularda savunuculuk yapması gerektiği görüşü ortaya çıkmaktadır. Ayrıca başta hak ve özgürlükler olmak üzere örgütlerin toplumu etkileyen pek çok konuda toplum yararına çalışması gerektiği dolayısıyla örgütlerin kurumsal sosyal savunuculuğunun halkla ilişkilerin bir parçası olduğu ve kilit bir rol oynaması gerektiği saptanmıştır.


  • Afego, P. N., & Alagidede, I. P. (2021). What does corporate social advocacy signal? Evidence from boycott participation decisions. Journal of Capital Markets Studies, 5(1), 49-68.
  • Akar, H. (2021) Halkla İlişkiler Uygulama Alanları ve Uygulayıcıların Rolleri, Konya: Literatürk Yayınları.
  • Akbulut, E. (2021) Halkla İlişkiler Uygulayıcıların Örgütsel Rolleri, Stratejik Halkla İlişkiler Yönetimi: Kavram, Kuram ve Uygulamalar (Editör: Fatma Geçikli) içinde, Beta Yayınları.
  • Austin, L., Gaither, B. & Gaither, T. K. (2019). Corporate Social Advocacy as Public Interest Communications: exploring Perceptions of Corporate Involvement in Controversial Social-Political Issues. Journal of Public Interest Communications, 3(2), 1-31.
  • Bivins, T. H. (1987). Professional Advocacy in Public Relations. Philosophy Documentation Center, 6(1), 82-90.
  • Coombs, W. T., & Holladay, S. J. (2012). Managing Corporate Social Responsibility: A Communication Approach. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Coombs, W. T., & Holladay, S. J. (2013). The pseudo-panopticon: the illusion created by CSR-related transparency and the internet. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 18(2), 212-227. doi:
  • Davis, I. (2013). How (not) to market socially responsible products:A critical research evaluation. Journal of Marketing Communications, 19(2), 136-150. doi:
  • DiRusso, C., Buckley, C., Diddi, P., Dardis, F.E., & Vafeiadis, M. Eng, N.(2022). Designing effective corporate social advocacy campaigns using valence arousal, and issue salience. Public Relations Review, 48(3),1-12.
  • Dodd, M. D., & Supa, D. W. (2014). Conceptualizing and Measuring “Corporate Social Advocacy”Communication: Examining the Impact on Corporate Financial Performance. Public Relations Journal, 8(3), 1-23.
  • Du, S., Bhattacharya, C. B., & Sen, S. (2010). Maximizing Business Returns to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):The Role of CSR Communication. International Journal of Management Reviews,12(1) 8-19.
  • Edelman. (2018). Brands Take a Stand’, Edelman Earned Brand Report. (https :// liefs) adresinden alındı.
  • Fyke, J. P., Feldner, S. B., & May, S. K. (2016). Discourses about Righting the Business Society Relationship. Business and Society Review, 121(2), 217-245. doi:doi:10.1111/basr.12086.
  • Grunig, J.E.- Dozier, D.M.- Ehling W.P.-Pepper F.C.-White, J. (2005). Halkla İlişkiler ve İletişim Yönetiminde Mükemmellik. İstanbul: Rota Yayınları.
  • Harrison, J. S., & John, C. H. (1998). Strategic Management of Organizations and Stakeholders: Concepts and Cases. Ohio: South - Western College Publishing .
  • Holmström, S. (2004). The reflective paradigm of public relations. B.V. Ruler, & D. Vercic içinde, Public Relations and Communication Management in Europe, (ss121-133), De Gruyeter Mouton.
  • Hong, C., & Li, C. (2020). To support or to boycott: a public segmentation model in corporate social advocacy. Journal of Public Relations Research, 32(5-6), 160-177. doi:
  • Geçikli, F. (2021) Stratejik Halkla İlişkiler Kavramı, Kapsamı, Amaçları ve Uygulama Alanları, (Editör: Fatma Geçikli) içinde, Stratejik Halkla İlişkiler Yönetimi: Kavram, Kuram ve Uygulamalar, Beta Yayınları.
  • Gower, K. K. (2006). Public Relations Research at the Crossroads. Journal of Public Relations Research, 18(2), 177-190. 10.1207/s1532754xjprr1802_6.
  • Kozak, M. (2015). Bilimsel Araştırma: Tasarım, Yazım ve Yayım Teknikleri, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Overton, H., & Xiao, A. (2022). Conscience-driven corporate social advocacy: analyzing moral conviction and perceived motives as predictors of organization public relationships. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 27(4), 641-653.
  • Palazzo, G., & Scherer, A. G. (2006). Corporate Legitimacy as Deliberation: A Communicative Framework. Journal of Business Ethics, 66, 71-88. 10.1007/s10551-006-9044-2.
  • Parcha, J. M., & Westerman, C. Y. K (2020). How Corporate Social Advocacy Affects Attitude Change Toward Controversial Social Issues. Management Communication Quarterly, 34(3), 350–383.
  • Park, K. (2021). The mediating role of skepticism: how corporate social advocacy builds quality relationships with publics. Journal of Marketing Communications, 28(8), 821-839. 10.1080/13527266.2021.1964580.
  • Regester, M., & Larkin, J. (2002). Risk Issues and Crisis Management A Casebook of Best Practice. London: Kogan Page.
  • Steyn, B. (2003). From strategy to corporate communication strategy:A conceptualisation. Journal of Communication Management, 8(2), 168-183. doi/10.1108/13632540410807637.
  • Steyn, B. (2009). The Strategic Role of Public Relations is Strategic Reflection: A South African Research Stream. American Behavioural Scientist, 53(4), 516-532. doi:10.1177/0002764209347628.
  • Steyn, B. (2011). Halkla İlişkiler Stratejist Rolü. Ç. K. Şatır içinde, Halkla İlişkilerden Stratejik Halkla İlişkilere (ss. 120-174). Ankara: Nobel.
  • Xu, Q., Lu, Y., Lin, H., & Li, B. (2021). Does corporate environmental responsibility (CER) affect corporate financial performance? Evidence from the global public construction firms. Journal of Cleaner Production, 315.
  • Ural, A., &Kılıç, İ., (2005) Bilimsel Araştırma Süreci ve SPSS ile Veri Analizi, Ankara, Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Yazıcıoğlu, Y. & Erdoğan, S. (2014). SPSS Uygulamalı Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ankara, Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Zhou, Z., & Dong, C. (2022). Matching words with actions:understanding the effects of CSA stance-action consistency on negative consumer responses. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 27(1), 167-187. 10.1108/CCIJ-05-2021-0060.

Corporate Social Advocacy as a Key Concept in the Public Relations Roles

Year 2024, Issue: 53, 186 - 197, 30.04.2024


Public relations has had various role definitions in the historical process. Public relations, which has developed and changed itself in line with the expectations of the target audience since its first emergence, has been striving to be the most perfect. These efforts seek an answer to the question of how to be more useful to the target audience. Considering the stage of efforts in this field, today's target audience does not exhibit a pure or homogeneous structure. This means that the target audience may have different expectations on the same subjects. The concept of corporate social advocacy, which has just been tried to be defined in the literature, is emerging as a new area of interest for public relations. The concept refers to the fact that organizations determine an activist approach on some issues in line with the expectations of their target audiences. Within the scope of the study, it was tried to determine the perspective of an organization on the role of corporate social advocacy according to public relations students and which issues should be evaluated in the context of corporate social advocacy. In the study conducted with 399 public relations students in Turkey, the view that organizations should advocate on social, political and economic issues emerges. In addition, it has been determined that organizations should work for the benefit of society on many issues affecting society, especially rights and freedoms, so corporate social advocacy of organizations is a part of public relations and should play a key role.


  • Afego, P. N., & Alagidede, I. P. (2021). What does corporate social advocacy signal? Evidence from boycott participation decisions. Journal of Capital Markets Studies, 5(1), 49-68.
  • Akar, H. (2021) Halkla İlişkiler Uygulama Alanları ve Uygulayıcıların Rolleri, Konya: Literatürk Yayınları.
  • Akbulut, E. (2021) Halkla İlişkiler Uygulayıcıların Örgütsel Rolleri, Stratejik Halkla İlişkiler Yönetimi: Kavram, Kuram ve Uygulamalar (Editör: Fatma Geçikli) içinde, Beta Yayınları.
  • Austin, L., Gaither, B. & Gaither, T. K. (2019). Corporate Social Advocacy as Public Interest Communications: exploring Perceptions of Corporate Involvement in Controversial Social-Political Issues. Journal of Public Interest Communications, 3(2), 1-31.
  • Bivins, T. H. (1987). Professional Advocacy in Public Relations. Philosophy Documentation Center, 6(1), 82-90.
  • Coombs, W. T., & Holladay, S. J. (2012). Managing Corporate Social Responsibility: A Communication Approach. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Coombs, W. T., & Holladay, S. J. (2013). The pseudo-panopticon: the illusion created by CSR-related transparency and the internet. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 18(2), 212-227. doi:
  • Davis, I. (2013). How (not) to market socially responsible products:A critical research evaluation. Journal of Marketing Communications, 19(2), 136-150. doi:
  • DiRusso, C., Buckley, C., Diddi, P., Dardis, F.E., & Vafeiadis, M. Eng, N.(2022). Designing effective corporate social advocacy campaigns using valence arousal, and issue salience. Public Relations Review, 48(3),1-12.
  • Dodd, M. D., & Supa, D. W. (2014). Conceptualizing and Measuring “Corporate Social Advocacy”Communication: Examining the Impact on Corporate Financial Performance. Public Relations Journal, 8(3), 1-23.
  • Du, S., Bhattacharya, C. B., & Sen, S. (2010). Maximizing Business Returns to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):The Role of CSR Communication. International Journal of Management Reviews,12(1) 8-19.
  • Edelman. (2018). Brands Take a Stand’, Edelman Earned Brand Report. (https :// liefs) adresinden alındı.
  • Fyke, J. P., Feldner, S. B., & May, S. K. (2016). Discourses about Righting the Business Society Relationship. Business and Society Review, 121(2), 217-245. doi:doi:10.1111/basr.12086.
  • Grunig, J.E.- Dozier, D.M.- Ehling W.P.-Pepper F.C.-White, J. (2005). Halkla İlişkiler ve İletişim Yönetiminde Mükemmellik. İstanbul: Rota Yayınları.
  • Harrison, J. S., & John, C. H. (1998). Strategic Management of Organizations and Stakeholders: Concepts and Cases. Ohio: South - Western College Publishing .
  • Holmström, S. (2004). The reflective paradigm of public relations. B.V. Ruler, & D. Vercic içinde, Public Relations and Communication Management in Europe, (ss121-133), De Gruyeter Mouton.
  • Hong, C., & Li, C. (2020). To support or to boycott: a public segmentation model in corporate social advocacy. Journal of Public Relations Research, 32(5-6), 160-177. doi:
  • Geçikli, F. (2021) Stratejik Halkla İlişkiler Kavramı, Kapsamı, Amaçları ve Uygulama Alanları, (Editör: Fatma Geçikli) içinde, Stratejik Halkla İlişkiler Yönetimi: Kavram, Kuram ve Uygulamalar, Beta Yayınları.
  • Gower, K. K. (2006). Public Relations Research at the Crossroads. Journal of Public Relations Research, 18(2), 177-190. 10.1207/s1532754xjprr1802_6.
  • Kozak, M. (2015). Bilimsel Araştırma: Tasarım, Yazım ve Yayım Teknikleri, Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Overton, H., & Xiao, A. (2022). Conscience-driven corporate social advocacy: analyzing moral conviction and perceived motives as predictors of organization public relationships. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 27(4), 641-653.
  • Palazzo, G., & Scherer, A. G. (2006). Corporate Legitimacy as Deliberation: A Communicative Framework. Journal of Business Ethics, 66, 71-88. 10.1007/s10551-006-9044-2.
  • Parcha, J. M., & Westerman, C. Y. K (2020). How Corporate Social Advocacy Affects Attitude Change Toward Controversial Social Issues. Management Communication Quarterly, 34(3), 350–383.
  • Park, K. (2021). The mediating role of skepticism: how corporate social advocacy builds quality relationships with publics. Journal of Marketing Communications, 28(8), 821-839. 10.1080/13527266.2021.1964580.
  • Regester, M., & Larkin, J. (2002). Risk Issues and Crisis Management A Casebook of Best Practice. London: Kogan Page.
  • Steyn, B. (2003). From strategy to corporate communication strategy:A conceptualisation. Journal of Communication Management, 8(2), 168-183. doi/10.1108/13632540410807637.
  • Steyn, B. (2009). The Strategic Role of Public Relations is Strategic Reflection: A South African Research Stream. American Behavioural Scientist, 53(4), 516-532. doi:10.1177/0002764209347628.
  • Steyn, B. (2011). Halkla İlişkiler Stratejist Rolü. Ç. K. Şatır içinde, Halkla İlişkilerden Stratejik Halkla İlişkilere (ss. 120-174). Ankara: Nobel.
  • Xu, Q., Lu, Y., Lin, H., & Li, B. (2021). Does corporate environmental responsibility (CER) affect corporate financial performance? Evidence from the global public construction firms. Journal of Cleaner Production, 315.
  • Ural, A., &Kılıç, İ., (2005) Bilimsel Araştırma Süreci ve SPSS ile Veri Analizi, Ankara, Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Yazıcıoğlu, Y. & Erdoğan, S. (2014). SPSS Uygulamalı Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ankara, Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Zhou, Z., & Dong, C. (2022). Matching words with actions:understanding the effects of CSA stance-action consistency on negative consumer responses. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 27(1), 167-187. 10.1108/CCIJ-05-2021-0060.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Public Relations
Journal Section Research Articles

Zeynep Ekmekçi 0000-0002-2110-8438

Mustafa Akdağ 0000-0002-1818-2960

Publication Date April 30, 2024
Submission Date December 15, 2023
Acceptance Date March 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: 53


APA Ekmekçi, Z., & Akdağ, M. (2024). Halkla İlişkiler Rollerinde Anahtar Bir Kavram Olarak Kurumsal Sosyal Savunuculuk. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(53), 186-197.

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