Research Article
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Year 2017, , 116 - 134, 27.04.2017


Gelişmekte olan ülkelerin artan küresel rekabet ortamında en önemli alternatiflerinden biri olan bölgesel entegrasyonlara dahil olma arayışı, sadece mevcut entegrasyonlara katılım ile değil aynı zamanda yeni bölgesel entegrasyon alternatifleri arayışlarını da sürdürmelerini gerektirmektedir. Elbette ülkemiz için entegrasyon arayışı ve fikrinin temelinde, 15 Temmuz 1959 tarihinde başlayan ve yaklaşık yarım asırı geçen Türkiye Avrupa Birliği (AB) entegrasyon girişimi bulunmaktadır. Ortaklık başvurusunu takip eden yıllardan günümüze iniş çıkışlı bir seyir izleyen AB örneğinin, ortak bir dil din ve kültür bağlamında önem kazanan Orta Asya Türk Cumhuriyetleri (OATC) ile entegrasyon fikri ile mukayese edilerek değerlendirmesi gereğinden yola çıkarak bu çalışma, gerek ticaret yoğunluğu indeksi gerekse de tamamlayıcılık indeksi yardımıyla OATC ile gerçekleşecek bir entegrasyon fikrinin salt ekonomik açıdan tartışılması ve değerlendirilmesi amacını taşımaktadır. Elde edilen bulgular, entegrasyonun siyasi engel ve boyutları bir tarafa bırakıldığında OATC ile kurulacak bir entegrasyon girişiminin başarısı ve olabilirliği yönünde olumlu sonuçlara işaret etmektedir.


  • ALAGÖZ, Mehmet, Sinem Yapar ve Ramazan Uçtu (2004), “Türk Cumhuriyetleri İle İlişkilerimize Ekonomik Açıdan Bir Yaklaşım “, Selçuk Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, sayı 12, ss.45.57.
  • ALLEN, Robert Loring ( 1961) “Integration in Less Developed Areas”, Kyklos, 14(3), ss.315-336.
  • ANDIC, Fuat, S. Suphan Andic ve Douglas Dosser (1971) A Theory of Economic Integration for Developing Countries, London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
  • BALASSA, Bela (1965) “Trade Liberalization and Revealed Comperative Advantage”, The Manchester School of Economics and Social Studies, XXXIII, 2, ss.99-123.
  • BALASSA, Bela (1962) The Theory of Economic Integration, London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd.
  • BHAGWATI, Jagdish (1993), “Regionalism and Multilateralism: an Overview.” D. Melo, J. ve A. Panagariya (der), New Dimensions in Regional Integration, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pres, ss 22-43.
  • BHAGWATI, Jagdish ve Arvind Panagariya (1996) “Preferential Trading Areas and Multilateralism Strangers, Friends or Foes?”, J. Bhagwati ve A. Panagariya (der), The Economics of Preferential Trade Agreements, Washington, D.C.: AEI Pres, ss. 33-100.
  • BHAMBRİ, Ranjit (1962) “Customs Unions and Underdeveloped Countries”, Economia internazionale, 15(2), ss. 235-256.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler İstatistik Bölümü (2015). Commodity Trade Statistics Database (COMTRADE),, (05.01.2015).
  • BROWN, Arthur Joseph (1949) Applied Economics: Aspects of World Economy in War and Peace. George Allen and Unwin, London
  • BROWN, Arthur Joseph (1961)” Customs Unıon Versus Economıc Separatısm In Developıng Countrıes—Part II. Bulletin of Economic Research, 13(2),ss 88-96.
  • BUDAK, Türkan (2012) “Küresel Güçlerin Orta Asya Politikaları”, BİLGESAM, kuresel -guclerin- orta-asya-politikalari/# .WAdq3uCLTIU.
  • CHOU, Yu-Min (1967) “Economic Integration in less developed Countries. The case of small countries “, The Journal of Development Studies, 3(4), ss.352-373.
  • COOPER, Charles A. ve Benton F. Massell (1965a) “A new look at customs union theory”, The economic journal, 75(300), ss.742-747.
  • COOPER, Charles A. ve Benton F. Massell (1965b). “Toward a General Theory of Customs Unions for Developing Countries”, The Journal of Political Economy, ss.461-476.
  • CORDEN, Wamer Max (1972) “Economies of Scale and Customs Union
  • Theory”, Journal of Political Economy, 80(3), ss.465-475.
  • ÇARIKÇI, Emin (2001) Türk Dünyasında Ekonomik Gelişmeler ve Türkiye-AB İlişkileri, Tutibay Yayınları, Ankara.
  • DRYSDALE, Peter ve Rose Garnaut (1982) “Trade Intensities and the Analysis ofBbilateral Trade Flows in a many-country world: a survey”, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, ss.62-84.
  • EDMONDS, Christoper., & Yao Li (2010) A new Perspective on China Trade Growth: Application of a new index of bilateral trade intensity (No. 201025), ss.1-29.
  • EL-NAGGAR, Sadek (1964) “The Economic Union between Developing Countries (in Arabic)”, L'Egypte Contemporaine.
  • EROL, Seyfettin ve Mehmet Şahin (2013) “Bağımsızlıklarının 20. Yılında Orta Asya Ve Kafkasya’daki Türk Cumhuriyetlerinin Entegrasyon Süreci (1991 – 2011)”, Karadeniz Araştırmaları, Sayı 37, ss.111-136.
  • GOTO, Junichi (2012) “Regional Integration in East Africa Diversity or Economic Conformity”, Ethnic Diversity and Economic Instability in Africa: Policies for Harmonious Development. Wopec no:46, ss.1-26.
  • HOSNY, Amr Sadek (2013) “Theories of Economic Integration: A Survey of the Economic and Political Literature”, International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sci ences,ss.133-155.
  • IMF (2015) “Direction of Trade” external/pubs/cat/longres .aspx?sk=19305, (10.12.2015).
  • JOHNSON, Harry ( 1962) Money, Trade and Economic Growth, London: Allen & Unwin.
  • KAHNERT, Friedrich v.d (1969) Economic Integration among Developing Countries. Paris: Development Center of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
  • KARLUK, Rıdvan (1999) Türkiye Ekonomisi, Beta Yayınları, İstanbul, 1999.
  • KEMP, Murray (1969) A Contribution to the General Equilibrium Theory ofPpreferential Trading (No. 04; HF1007, K4.).
  • KHADAN, Jeetendra ve Roger Hosein (2013) “New Empirical Insights into the “Natural Trading Partner Hypothesis for CARICOM Countries”, MPRA Paper 50493, ss.1-48.
  • KOJIMA, Kiyoshi (1964) “The Pattern of International trade among advanced countries”, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 5(1), ss16-36.
  • KRAUSS, Melvyn. B. (1972) “Recent Developments in Customs Union Theory: An interpretive survey”, Journal of economic literature, 10(2), ss.413-436.
  • LINDER, Staffan (1961) An Essay on Trade and Transformation. New York, Wiley.
  • LINNEMANN, Hans (1966) An Econometric Study of International Trade Flows (No. 42). North-Holland Pub. Co..
  • LIPSEY, Rşchard G. (1960) “The theory of Customs Unions: A general survey”, The economic journal, 70(279),ss. 496-513.
  • MARINOV, Eduard (2015) “Economic Integration Theories: Application to Integration Agreements among Developing Countries”, Ikonomiceski i Sotsialni Alternativi, (3), ss.62-73.
  • MEADE, James E. (1955) The Theory of Customs Unions (Vol. 1). North-Holland Publishing Company.
  • MICHAELY, Micheal (1998)” Partners to a Preferential Trade Agreement: Implications of varying size”, Journal of International Economics, 46(1), ss.73-85.
  • MICHAELY, Micheal (1996) “Trade Preferential Agreements in Latin America: an ex-ante assessment”, World Bank policy research working paper, (1583).
  • MIKESELL, Raymond F. (1963) “The Theory of Common Markets as Applied to Regional Arrangements Among Developing Countries”, International Trade Theory in a Developing World içinde. (ss. 205-229). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • PANAGARIYA, Arvind (1997) “Preferential Trading and the Myth of Natural Trading Partners”, Japan and the World Economy, 9(4), ss.471-489.
  • SOLAK, Fahri (2003) “Türkiye Orta Asya Cumhuriyetleri Dış Ticaret İlişkilerinin Gelişimi”, Marmara üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, cilt XVIII sayı 1,ss. 69-96.
  • TRADE MAPS (2015). Market Analysis and Research, International Trade Centre (ITC); trade map, (04.10.2015)
  • TINBERGEN, Jan (1962) Shaping the World Economy; suggestions for an international economic policy. Books (Jan Tinbergen).
  • UNCTAD (2016).“Secretariat calculations, based on UNCTAD, UNCTADstat Merchandise Trade Matrix,, (05.05.2016).
  • UNCTAD (2016). “Trade complementarity index, annual, 1995-2013”,, (20.05.2016).
  • VANEK, Jaroslav (1965) General Equilibrium of International Discrimination: The case of customs unions (Vol. 123). Harvard University Press.
  • VINER, Jacob (1950) The Customs Union Issue. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. New York.
  • WONNACOTT, Paul vd.(1989) “Is there a Case for Free Trade Areas?. Free trade areas and US trade policy”, No. E71 S397j). Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC (EUA).
  • YAMAZAWA, Ippei, Akira Hirata ve Kazuhiko Yokota (1991) Evolving Patterns of Comparative Advantage in the Pacific Economies. The Pacific Economy: Growth and External Stability. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.
Year 2017, , 116 - 134, 27.04.2017



  • ALAGÖZ, Mehmet, Sinem Yapar ve Ramazan Uçtu (2004), “Türk Cumhuriyetleri İle İlişkilerimize Ekonomik Açıdan Bir Yaklaşım “, Selçuk Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, sayı 12, ss.45.57.
  • ALLEN, Robert Loring ( 1961) “Integration in Less Developed Areas”, Kyklos, 14(3), ss.315-336.
  • ANDIC, Fuat, S. Suphan Andic ve Douglas Dosser (1971) A Theory of Economic Integration for Developing Countries, London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
  • BALASSA, Bela (1965) “Trade Liberalization and Revealed Comperative Advantage”, The Manchester School of Economics and Social Studies, XXXIII, 2, ss.99-123.
  • BALASSA, Bela (1962) The Theory of Economic Integration, London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd.
  • BHAGWATI, Jagdish (1993), “Regionalism and Multilateralism: an Overview.” D. Melo, J. ve A. Panagariya (der), New Dimensions in Regional Integration, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pres, ss 22-43.
  • BHAGWATI, Jagdish ve Arvind Panagariya (1996) “Preferential Trading Areas and Multilateralism Strangers, Friends or Foes?”, J. Bhagwati ve A. Panagariya (der), The Economics of Preferential Trade Agreements, Washington, D.C.: AEI Pres, ss. 33-100.
  • BHAMBRİ, Ranjit (1962) “Customs Unions and Underdeveloped Countries”, Economia internazionale, 15(2), ss. 235-256.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler İstatistik Bölümü (2015). Commodity Trade Statistics Database (COMTRADE),, (05.01.2015).
  • BROWN, Arthur Joseph (1949) Applied Economics: Aspects of World Economy in War and Peace. George Allen and Unwin, London
  • BROWN, Arthur Joseph (1961)” Customs Unıon Versus Economıc Separatısm In Developıng Countrıes—Part II. Bulletin of Economic Research, 13(2),ss 88-96.
  • BUDAK, Türkan (2012) “Küresel Güçlerin Orta Asya Politikaları”, BİLGESAM, kuresel -guclerin- orta-asya-politikalari/# .WAdq3uCLTIU.
  • CHOU, Yu-Min (1967) “Economic Integration in less developed Countries. The case of small countries “, The Journal of Development Studies, 3(4), ss.352-373.
  • COOPER, Charles A. ve Benton F. Massell (1965a) “A new look at customs union theory”, The economic journal, 75(300), ss.742-747.
  • COOPER, Charles A. ve Benton F. Massell (1965b). “Toward a General Theory of Customs Unions for Developing Countries”, The Journal of Political Economy, ss.461-476.
  • CORDEN, Wamer Max (1972) “Economies of Scale and Customs Union
  • Theory”, Journal of Political Economy, 80(3), ss.465-475.
  • ÇARIKÇI, Emin (2001) Türk Dünyasında Ekonomik Gelişmeler ve Türkiye-AB İlişkileri, Tutibay Yayınları, Ankara.
  • DRYSDALE, Peter ve Rose Garnaut (1982) “Trade Intensities and the Analysis ofBbilateral Trade Flows in a many-country world: a survey”, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, ss.62-84.
  • EDMONDS, Christoper., & Yao Li (2010) A new Perspective on China Trade Growth: Application of a new index of bilateral trade intensity (No. 201025), ss.1-29.
  • EL-NAGGAR, Sadek (1964) “The Economic Union between Developing Countries (in Arabic)”, L'Egypte Contemporaine.
  • EROL, Seyfettin ve Mehmet Şahin (2013) “Bağımsızlıklarının 20. Yılında Orta Asya Ve Kafkasya’daki Türk Cumhuriyetlerinin Entegrasyon Süreci (1991 – 2011)”, Karadeniz Araştırmaları, Sayı 37, ss.111-136.
  • GOTO, Junichi (2012) “Regional Integration in East Africa Diversity or Economic Conformity”, Ethnic Diversity and Economic Instability in Africa: Policies for Harmonious Development. Wopec no:46, ss.1-26.
  • HOSNY, Amr Sadek (2013) “Theories of Economic Integration: A Survey of the Economic and Political Literature”, International Journal of Economy, Management and Social Sci ences,ss.133-155.
  • IMF (2015) “Direction of Trade” external/pubs/cat/longres .aspx?sk=19305, (10.12.2015).
  • JOHNSON, Harry ( 1962) Money, Trade and Economic Growth, London: Allen & Unwin.
  • KAHNERT, Friedrich v.d (1969) Economic Integration among Developing Countries. Paris: Development Center of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
  • KARLUK, Rıdvan (1999) Türkiye Ekonomisi, Beta Yayınları, İstanbul, 1999.
  • KEMP, Murray (1969) A Contribution to the General Equilibrium Theory ofPpreferential Trading (No. 04; HF1007, K4.).
  • KHADAN, Jeetendra ve Roger Hosein (2013) “New Empirical Insights into the “Natural Trading Partner Hypothesis for CARICOM Countries”, MPRA Paper 50493, ss.1-48.
  • KOJIMA, Kiyoshi (1964) “The Pattern of International trade among advanced countries”, Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 5(1), ss16-36.
  • KRAUSS, Melvyn. B. (1972) “Recent Developments in Customs Union Theory: An interpretive survey”, Journal of economic literature, 10(2), ss.413-436.
  • LINDER, Staffan (1961) An Essay on Trade and Transformation. New York, Wiley.
  • LINNEMANN, Hans (1966) An Econometric Study of International Trade Flows (No. 42). North-Holland Pub. Co..
  • LIPSEY, Rşchard G. (1960) “The theory of Customs Unions: A general survey”, The economic journal, 70(279),ss. 496-513.
  • MARINOV, Eduard (2015) “Economic Integration Theories: Application to Integration Agreements among Developing Countries”, Ikonomiceski i Sotsialni Alternativi, (3), ss.62-73.
  • MEADE, James E. (1955) The Theory of Customs Unions (Vol. 1). North-Holland Publishing Company.
  • MICHAELY, Micheal (1998)” Partners to a Preferential Trade Agreement: Implications of varying size”, Journal of International Economics, 46(1), ss.73-85.
  • MICHAELY, Micheal (1996) “Trade Preferential Agreements in Latin America: an ex-ante assessment”, World Bank policy research working paper, (1583).
  • MIKESELL, Raymond F. (1963) “The Theory of Common Markets as Applied to Regional Arrangements Among Developing Countries”, International Trade Theory in a Developing World içinde. (ss. 205-229). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  • PANAGARIYA, Arvind (1997) “Preferential Trading and the Myth of Natural Trading Partners”, Japan and the World Economy, 9(4), ss.471-489.
  • SOLAK, Fahri (2003) “Türkiye Orta Asya Cumhuriyetleri Dış Ticaret İlişkilerinin Gelişimi”, Marmara üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, cilt XVIII sayı 1,ss. 69-96.
  • TRADE MAPS (2015). Market Analysis and Research, International Trade Centre (ITC); trade map, (04.10.2015)
  • TINBERGEN, Jan (1962) Shaping the World Economy; suggestions for an international economic policy. Books (Jan Tinbergen).
  • UNCTAD (2016).“Secretariat calculations, based on UNCTAD, UNCTADstat Merchandise Trade Matrix,, (05.05.2016).
  • UNCTAD (2016). “Trade complementarity index, annual, 1995-2013”,, (20.05.2016).
  • VANEK, Jaroslav (1965) General Equilibrium of International Discrimination: The case of customs unions (Vol. 123). Harvard University Press.
  • VINER, Jacob (1950) The Customs Union Issue. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. New York.
  • WONNACOTT, Paul vd.(1989) “Is there a Case for Free Trade Areas?. Free trade areas and US trade policy”, No. E71 S397j). Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC (EUA).
  • YAMAZAWA, Ippei, Akira Hirata ve Kazuhiko Yokota (1991) Evolving Patterns of Comparative Advantage in the Pacific Economies. The Pacific Economy: Growth and External Stability. Sydney: Allen and Unwin.
There are 50 citations in total.


Subjects Political Science, Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Özge Aynagöz Çakmak

Publication Date April 27, 2017
Submission Date July 10, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Aynagöz Çakmak, Ö. (2017). ORTA ASYA: BÖLGESEL ENTEGRASYON GİRİŞİMLERİ VE ÖNERİLER. Sosyal Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 17(33), 116-134.