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Year 2016, Issue: 39, 71 - 87, 10.06.2016


Geç 19. yüzyıl ve erken 20. yüzyılda Balkanlar’da tezahür eden olaylar ve İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti’nin Orta Doğu’daki politikaları arasında bir nedensellik ilişkisi mevcuttur. İkinci Meşrutiyet ve takip eden yıllarda Osmanlı yönetici sınıfını teşkil edecek olan Cemiyet üyeleri Balkan milliyetçilikleri döneminde trajik ve travmatik bir dizi deneyim yaşamışlardır. Padişahın genç subay ve bürokratları olarak hizmet ettikleri bölgede hayatlarının ve kariyerlerinin en zor dönemlerinden birini yaşamış olan Cemiyet üyeleri, bu deneyim neticesinde İmparatorluğun geriye kalan topraklarındaki tebaaya kuşkuyla yaklaşmışlardır. Balkan milliyetçilikleri döneminin etkileri, Orta Doğu’daki Arap tebaaya karşı da bir güvensizlik şeklinde tezahür etmiş, merkezileştirici ve ilerleyen zamanda Osmanlıcılıktan, İslamcılığa ve en son da Türk milliyetçiğine evirilen bir kimlik siyasetinin uygulanmasına yol açmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Balkan milliyetçilikleri döneminde şekillenen İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti ideolojisini ortaya çıkaran faktörleri analiz etmek ve Balkanlarda yaşanan travmanın Cemiyet’in Orta Doğu’daki Arap tebaaya yönelik uyguladığı siyasetin sonuçlarını tartışmaktır.


  • AHMAD, Feroz (1986), İttihat ve Terakki (1908 - 1914), İstanbul: KaynakYayınları.
  • AHMAD, Feroz and RUSTOW, Dankward A., (1976) ‚İkinci Meşrutiyet Döneminde Meclisler: 1908- 1918‛, Güney Doğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, No 4–5, pp. 245-284.
  • AHMAD, Feroz, (1993), The Making of Modern Turkey, London: Routledge.
  • AKŞİN, Sina (1980), Jön Türkler ve İttihat ve Terakki, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
  • ANTONIUS, George, (1938), The Arab Awakening, London.
  • BERKES, Niyazi Berkes, (1964) The Development of Secularism in Turkey, Montreal: McGill University Press.
  • BOZBORA, Nuray, (2012), ‚Albanian Perception of 1908 Revolution and Its Effects on Albanian Nationalism‛, IBAC, Vol.2, pp. 623-644.
  • DAWN, C. Ernest, (1991), ‚The Origins of Arab Nationalism‛, The Origins of Arab Nationalism, New York: Columbia University Press.
  • DEMİRCİ, Süleyman, (2006), ‚The Methods Employed by the Unionists in Power to Control People of the Ottoman Balkan Peninsula‛, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, No:21, pp. 467-479.
  • GÖÇEK Fatma Müge, (2002) ‚Decline of the Ottoman Empire and the Emergence of Greek, Armenian, Turkish, and Arab Nationalisms‛, Social Constructions of Nationalism in the Middle East, Albany: SUNY Press.
  • GÖÇEK, Fatma Müge, (March 2008), ‚What is the Meaning of the 1908 Young Turk Revolution? A Critical Historical Assessment in 2008‛, İ.Ü. Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, No: 38, pp. 179-214.
  • HANİOĞLU, M. Şükrü, (1995), The Young Turks in Opposition, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • HANİOĞLU, M. Şükrü, (2001), Preparation for a Revolution: The Young Turks, 1902-1908, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • HASAN (AMÇA), Çerkes, (1989), Doğmayan Hürriyet: Bir Devrin İç Yüzü 1908-1918, İstanbul: Arba.
  • HEYD, Uriel, (1950) Foundations of Turkish Nationalism The Life and Teachings of Ziya Gökalp, London: Luzec & Company and The Harvill Press.
  • JELAVICH, Barbara, (2009), Balkan Tarihi-II, 20.Yüzyıl, İstanbul: Küre Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • KANDEMİR, Feridun (1975), Jön Türklerin Zindan Hatıraları, 1848-1903, Bir Devrin Siyasî ve Fikri Tarihi, İstanbul: Muhit Yayınları.
  • KANSU, Aykut (1995), 1908 Devrimi, (çev. Ayda Erbal), İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları
  • KAYALI, Hasan, (1997) Arabs and Young Turks: Ottomanism, Arabism, and Islamism in the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1918, Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • KHOURY, Philip S., (1983) Urban Notables and Arab Nationalism: The Politics of Damascus 1860-1920, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • KUTAY, Cemal, (1966), Tarih Sohbetleri (Conversations on History) Volume II, İstanbul: Halk.
  • LEWIS, Bernard, (1997), The Middle East: A Brief History of the Last 2,000 Years, New York: Touchstone Books.
  • LUKE, Harry, (1936) The Making of Modern Turkey, London: McMillan.
  • MARDİN, Şerif, (1983), Jön Türklerin Siyasi Fikirleri 1895-1908, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • NUR, Rıza, (1965), Hayat ve Hatıratım I, İstanbul: İşaret.
  • OCHSENWALD, William. and FISHER, Sydney Nettleton, (2003), The Middle East: A History, Boston: McGraw-Hill Inc.
  • ORTAYLI, İlber, (2009), İmparatorluğun En Uzun Yüzyılı, İstanbul: Timaş.
  • RAMSAUR, Ernest E.,(2007) Jön Türkler ve 1908 İhtilali, İstanbul: Pozitif. (çev: Nuran Yavuz)
  • RIZA BEY, Ahmed, (1988), Meclis-i Mebusan ve Ayan Reisi Ahmed Rıza Bey’in Anıları, İstanbul: Arba.
  • SHAW, Stanford J, SHAW, Ezel Kural, (1977) History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey: Volume 2 Reform Revolution and Republic, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • SORBY, Karol, (2005), ‚Arab Nationalism After the Young Turk Revolution (1908-1917)‛, Asian and African Studies, No. 14, pp. 4-21.
  • TAUBER, Eliezer, (1993), The Emergence of Arab Movements, London: Frank Caas.
  • YEŞİLYURT, Nuri, (2005), Collapse of Empire: Ottoman Turks and the Arabs in the First World War, Cambridge: University of Cambridge, (Unpublished Master Thesis).
  • YETİM, Fahri, (December 2008), ‚II. Meşrutiyet Döneminde Türkçülüğe Geçişte Kapsayıcı Formül: ‚Millet-i Hâkime‛ Düşüncesi ve Etkileri‛, SDÜ Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, pp. 71-84.
  • ZEINE, Zeine N., (1958), Arab-Turkish Relations and the Emergence of Arab Nationalism, Beirut: Khayat’s.
  • ZÜRCHER, Erik Jan,(2014) ‚Macedonians in Anatolia: The Importance of the Macedonian Roots of the Unionists for their Policies in Anatolia after 1914‛, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 50, No. 6, pp. 960-975.
  • ZÜRCHER, Erik Jan, ‚Renewal and Silence - Unionist Policies After World War I‛, Access Date: 2014. 01.05. 231/ejz32_renewal_and_silence.pdf
  • ZÜRCHER, Erik Jan, (1992), ‚The Ottoman Legacy of the Turkish Republic: An Attempt at a New Periodization‛, Die Welt des Islams, vol. 32, pp. 237-235.
  • ZÜRCHER, Erik Jan, (2010), The Young Turk Legacy and Nation Building: From the Ottoman Empire to Ataturk's Turkey, London: I.B. Tauris.
  • ZÜRCHER, Erik Jan, (October 2002), ‚The Young Turks– Children of the Borderlands?‛, Turkology Update Leiden Project Working Papers Archive Department of Turkish Studies, Universiteit Leiden.
  • ZÜRCHER, Erik Jan, (1994), Turkey: A Modern History, London: I.B. Tauris.


Year 2016, Issue: 39, 71 - 87, 10.06.2016


There is a causal link between the incidents that occurred in the late 19th, early 20th century Ottoman Balkans, and the policies of the Committee of Union and Progress in the Middle East. The members of the Committee who would become the Ottoman ruling elite from the Second Constitutional period onwards had gone through a tragic and traumatizing experience in the era of Balkan nationalisms. Serving as young officers and the bureaucrats of the Sultan they lived through one of the worst episodes of their lives and careers which caused them to look at the Ottoman subjects in the remaining Ottoman territories. The political outcome of the era of Balkan nationalisms was a distrust towards the non-Muslim and in particular non-Turkish Ottoman subjects in the Middle East and the consequential introduction of centralism and an identity politics which evolved gradually from Ottomanism to Islamism and finally to Turkish nationalism. The aim of this study is to analyze the main factors shaping the emergence of the early CUP ideology in the era of Balkan nationalisms and to discuss the outcome of the Balkan trauma on policies of the Committee of Union on the Arab subjects of the empires remaining territories in the Middle East.


  • AHMAD, Feroz (1986), İttihat ve Terakki (1908 - 1914), İstanbul: KaynakYayınları.
  • AHMAD, Feroz and RUSTOW, Dankward A., (1976) ‚İkinci Meşrutiyet Döneminde Meclisler: 1908- 1918‛, Güney Doğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, No 4–5, pp. 245-284.
  • AHMAD, Feroz, (1993), The Making of Modern Turkey, London: Routledge.
  • AKŞİN, Sina (1980), Jön Türkler ve İttihat ve Terakki, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi.
  • ANTONIUS, George, (1938), The Arab Awakening, London.
  • BERKES, Niyazi Berkes, (1964) The Development of Secularism in Turkey, Montreal: McGill University Press.
  • BOZBORA, Nuray, (2012), ‚Albanian Perception of 1908 Revolution and Its Effects on Albanian Nationalism‛, IBAC, Vol.2, pp. 623-644.
  • DAWN, C. Ernest, (1991), ‚The Origins of Arab Nationalism‛, The Origins of Arab Nationalism, New York: Columbia University Press.
  • DEMİRCİ, Süleyman, (2006), ‚The Methods Employed by the Unionists in Power to Control People of the Ottoman Balkan Peninsula‛, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, No:21, pp. 467-479.
  • GÖÇEK Fatma Müge, (2002) ‚Decline of the Ottoman Empire and the Emergence of Greek, Armenian, Turkish, and Arab Nationalisms‛, Social Constructions of Nationalism in the Middle East, Albany: SUNY Press.
  • GÖÇEK, Fatma Müge, (March 2008), ‚What is the Meaning of the 1908 Young Turk Revolution? A Critical Historical Assessment in 2008‛, İ.Ü. Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, No: 38, pp. 179-214.
  • HANİOĞLU, M. Şükrü, (1995), The Young Turks in Opposition, New York: Oxford University Press.
  • HANİOĞLU, M. Şükrü, (2001), Preparation for a Revolution: The Young Turks, 1902-1908, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • HASAN (AMÇA), Çerkes, (1989), Doğmayan Hürriyet: Bir Devrin İç Yüzü 1908-1918, İstanbul: Arba.
  • HEYD, Uriel, (1950) Foundations of Turkish Nationalism The Life and Teachings of Ziya Gökalp, London: Luzec & Company and The Harvill Press.
  • JELAVICH, Barbara, (2009), Balkan Tarihi-II, 20.Yüzyıl, İstanbul: Küre Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • KANDEMİR, Feridun (1975), Jön Türklerin Zindan Hatıraları, 1848-1903, Bir Devrin Siyasî ve Fikri Tarihi, İstanbul: Muhit Yayınları.
  • KANSU, Aykut (1995), 1908 Devrimi, (çev. Ayda Erbal), İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları
  • KAYALI, Hasan, (1997) Arabs and Young Turks: Ottomanism, Arabism, and Islamism in the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1918, Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • KHOURY, Philip S., (1983) Urban Notables and Arab Nationalism: The Politics of Damascus 1860-1920, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • KUTAY, Cemal, (1966), Tarih Sohbetleri (Conversations on History) Volume II, İstanbul: Halk.
  • LEWIS, Bernard, (1997), The Middle East: A Brief History of the Last 2,000 Years, New York: Touchstone Books.
  • LUKE, Harry, (1936) The Making of Modern Turkey, London: McMillan.
  • MARDİN, Şerif, (1983), Jön Türklerin Siyasi Fikirleri 1895-1908, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • NUR, Rıza, (1965), Hayat ve Hatıratım I, İstanbul: İşaret.
  • OCHSENWALD, William. and FISHER, Sydney Nettleton, (2003), The Middle East: A History, Boston: McGraw-Hill Inc.
  • ORTAYLI, İlber, (2009), İmparatorluğun En Uzun Yüzyılı, İstanbul: Timaş.
  • RAMSAUR, Ernest E.,(2007) Jön Türkler ve 1908 İhtilali, İstanbul: Pozitif. (çev: Nuran Yavuz)
  • RIZA BEY, Ahmed, (1988), Meclis-i Mebusan ve Ayan Reisi Ahmed Rıza Bey’in Anıları, İstanbul: Arba.
  • SHAW, Stanford J, SHAW, Ezel Kural, (1977) History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey: Volume 2 Reform Revolution and Republic, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • SORBY, Karol, (2005), ‚Arab Nationalism After the Young Turk Revolution (1908-1917)‛, Asian and African Studies, No. 14, pp. 4-21.
  • TAUBER, Eliezer, (1993), The Emergence of Arab Movements, London: Frank Caas.
  • YEŞİLYURT, Nuri, (2005), Collapse of Empire: Ottoman Turks and the Arabs in the First World War, Cambridge: University of Cambridge, (Unpublished Master Thesis).
  • YETİM, Fahri, (December 2008), ‚II. Meşrutiyet Döneminde Türkçülüğe Geçişte Kapsayıcı Formül: ‚Millet-i Hâkime‛ Düşüncesi ve Etkileri‛, SDÜ Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, pp. 71-84.
  • ZEINE, Zeine N., (1958), Arab-Turkish Relations and the Emergence of Arab Nationalism, Beirut: Khayat’s.
  • ZÜRCHER, Erik Jan,(2014) ‚Macedonians in Anatolia: The Importance of the Macedonian Roots of the Unionists for their Policies in Anatolia after 1914‛, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 50, No. 6, pp. 960-975.
  • ZÜRCHER, Erik Jan, ‚Renewal and Silence - Unionist Policies After World War I‛, Access Date: 2014. 01.05. 231/ejz32_renewal_and_silence.pdf
  • ZÜRCHER, Erik Jan, (1992), ‚The Ottoman Legacy of the Turkish Republic: An Attempt at a New Periodization‛, Die Welt des Islams, vol. 32, pp. 237-235.
  • ZÜRCHER, Erik Jan, (2010), The Young Turk Legacy and Nation Building: From the Ottoman Empire to Ataturk's Turkey, London: I.B. Tauris.
  • ZÜRCHER, Erik Jan, (October 2002), ‚The Young Turks– Children of the Borderlands?‛, Turkology Update Leiden Project Working Papers Archive Department of Turkish Studies, Universiteit Leiden.
  • ZÜRCHER, Erik Jan, (1994), Turkey: A Modern History, London: I.B. Tauris.
There are 41 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Murat Önsoy

Ayşe Ömür Atmaca

Publication Date June 10, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Issue: 39



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