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The Intentional Homicide In International Justice Statistics

Year 2018, Issue: 36, 107 - 142, 01.10.2018


This study aims to better understand ‘the intentional homicide’ as a crime through the information collected and regularly updated by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNODC about the criminal justice systems of different countries. According to the information gathered at this global level, the intentional homicide varies by regions, countries, cause of offense, gender of the perpetrator and the victim and weapons used. For example, during the 2000’s, while Latin America and some countries such as El Salvador, Honduras, Jamaica in this region have formed the ceiling of lethal violence on Earth, in Europe or Asia, countries like Austria, Netherlands, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan seem to have the lowest homicide rates. This information also suggests that the intentional homicide incidents could be roughly classified under three headings for their reasons. Homicides related to the criminal activities such as robbery, burglary or organized crime; homicides committed by conflicts of interest between individuals; homicides originated from personal / cultural prejudices or political reasons. In Latin America, for instance, organized crime-related incidents are emerging as the most important cause of homicides, while in Europe personal interest-related events are more common. In terms of gender, the analysis of intentional homicides’ data says that the overwhelming majority of victims and perpetrators are men, whereas those killed by their relative/ intimate partner/ lover are usually women.Finally, in the last part of the article, the burden of the intentional homicide on society has been assessed by means of the records of law enforcement, judicial and executive institutions. The data indicates that America as a continent has a high impunity rate except for the US and Canada and the high conviction rate in countries like France and Finland is noteworthy


  • Adinkrah, M. (2014). “Intimate Partner Femicide–Suicides in Ghana: Victims, Offenders, and Incident Characteristics”, Violence Against Women, 20(9), s.1078–1096.
  • Adli Sicil ve İstatistik Genel Müdürlüğü, “Açılış Yıllarına Göre Karara Bağlanan Davalardaki Suç Sayıları, Türkiye” istatistik_2015/CEZA/39.pdf, (ET: 30/01/2018).
  • Adli Sicil ve İstatistik Genel Müdürlüğü, “Soruşturma Evresi Ortalama Görülme Süreleri, TÜRKİYE (2005-2015); istatistik_2015/ CUMHUR%C4%B0YET%20BA%C5%9E SAVCILIKLARI/9.pdf, (ET: 30/01/2018).
  • Adli Sicil ve İstatistik Genel Müdürlüğü, “Ortalama Görülme Süresi (Gün), MAHKEME (2005-2015)”, CEZA/32.pdf, (ET: 30/01/2018)
  • Adli Sicil Genel Müdürlüğü, “Kasten Adam Öldürme Suç ve Karar Sayıları, Türkiye (2005-2015)” isimli tablodan, istatistik_2015/CEZA/44.pdf, (ET: 28/04/2018).
  • Afat, E. (2004). “Latin Amerika’nın Şiddet Sarmalında Terör”, Anlayış, http://, (ET: 9.8.2018).
  • Biderman, C., De Mello, J. M. P. ve Schneider, A. (2010). “Dry Laws and Homicides: Evidence from the São Paulo Metropolitan Area”,The Economic Journal, 120 (543), s.157-182.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler (1996). The Beijing Declaration, womenwatch/daw/beijing/platform/declar.htm , (ET: 10/01/2018).
  • CBC (2018). “Mexico had over 29,000 murders in 2017, but homicide rate still lower than some Latin American nations”, mexico-record-homicide-rate-1.4497466. (ET: 21/02/2018).
  • Dawson M, Bunge V.P. ve Balde T.(2009). “National trends in intimate partner homicides: explaining declines in Canada, 1976 to 2001”, Violence against Women, 15(3), s.276–306.
  • Demirbaş, T. (2012). Kriminoloji, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Díez C, Kurland RP, Rothman EF, Bair-Merritt M, Fleegler E, Xuan Z, et al. (2017). “State Intimate Partner Violence –Related Firearm Laws and Intimate Partner Homicide Rates in the United States, 1991 to 2015”, Annals of Internal Medicine, 167(8), s.536-543.
  • Dünya Bankası, Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people), https:// indicator/VC.IHR.PSRC.P5?end=2015&start=2015, (E.T:03/01/2018).
  • Eisner, M. (2003). “Long-Term Historical Trend in Violent Crime.” Crime and Justice 30, s.83-142.
  • Gaziarifoğlu, Y. (2009). Suç Mağduriyeti Korkusu ve Algılanan Suç Mağduriyeti Riskinin Değerlendirilmesi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Adli Tıp Enstitüsü’ne Sunulmuş Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul.
  • Ibe, C. (2017). “The Nordic Paradox: Gender Equity and Sexual Assault”, Harvard Political Review,, (ET: 30/12/2017).
  • IEP (The Institute for Economics & Peace) (2017). SDG16 Progress Report 2017,, (ET: 10/03/2018), s.1-192.
  • Kul, M. (2013). Suçtan Daha Büyük Suç Korkusu, İstanbul: Yeniyüzyıl Yayınları, s. 142-169.
  • Lappi-Seppälä, T. ve Lehti, M. (2014). “Cross-Comparative Perspectives on Global Homicide Trends”, Crime and Justice 43(1), s.135-230; https://doi. org/10.1086/677979.
  • Lauritsen, J.L. ve Cork, D.L. (Edts) (2016). Modernizing Crime Statistics, Washington, DC: The Natıonal Academies Press.
  • Le Clercq Ortega, J.A. ve Sánchez Lara, G.R. (2017). Global Impunity Dimensions. Global Impunity Index 2017, (GII-2017), cesij/files/IGI-2017_eng.pdf, (ET: 02/03/2018).
  • Leguey-Feilleux, J.R. (2017). Global Governance Diplomacy: the Critical Role of Diplomacy in Addressing Global Problems, Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
  • Liptak, Adam (2008). “U.S. Prison Population Dwarfs that of Other Nations”, 23 Nisan 2008, The International Herald Tribune, http://www.nytimes. com/2008/04/23/world/americas/23iht-23prison.12253738.html .
  • Mc Evoy, C. ve Hideg, G. (2017). Global Violent Deaths 2017, Geneva: Small Arms Survey, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies,, (ET: 31/02/2018), s.1-104.
  • Muggah, R. ve de Carvalho, I.S. (2017). “Latin America’s Murder Epidemic- How to Stop the Killing”, Foreign Affairs, central-america-caribbean/2017-03-22/latin-americas-murder-epidemic, (ET: 02/02/2018).
  • Pears, E. (Edt) (1872). Transactions of the International Penitentiary Congress, Londra: Longmans, Green, and Co, liens/congres/CONGRES_PENIT_1872_VOL1_0001.pdf, (ET: 05/02/2017).
  • Shaw, M. (2013). “Too close to home- guns and intimate partner violence”. Everyday Dangers içinde, Small Arms Survey, Cambridge University Press.
  • Small Arms Survey (2016). Gendered Analysis of Violent Deaths, Small Arms Survey Research Notes, No: 63, docs/H-Research_Notes/SAS-Research-Note-63.pdf , (ET: 15/03/2018), s.1-8.
  • Stöckl, H., Devries, K., Rotstein, A., Abrahams, N., Campbell, J., Watts, C. Moreno, C.G. (2013). “The Global Prevalence of Intimate Partner Homicide: a Systematic Review”, The Lancet, 382 (9895), s.859-65.
  • Şenat, F.A. (2018). Medya Din İlişkisi Tefsir İlmi Özelinde Bir Analiz, Ankara: İlahiyat Yayınları.
  • Terranova, C. ve Zen, M. (2018). “Women Victims of Intentional Homicide in Italy: New Insights Comparing Italian Trends to German and U.S. Trends, 2008–2014”, Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 53, s.73-78, https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jflm.2017.11.007 , (ET: 02/01/2018).
  • The Conversation (2017). “How to fix Latin America’s homicide problem”,, (ET: 26/04/2018).
  • Tutar, E. (2002). “Suçta Karanlık Alan - Suçta Siyah Sayılar”, http://www., (ET: 26/12/2017).
  • UNODC. International Homicide Statistics database, http://databank. psrc.p5, (ET: 26/02/2018).
  • UNODC. “A Short History of the Collection of Un-Crime and Justice Statistics at the International Level”,, (ET: 05/02/2017).
  • UNODC. (1997). A Short History of the Collection of UN Crime and Justice Statistics at the International Level, data-and-analysis/A-short-history-of-the-collection-of-UN-crime-and-justicestatistics-at-the-international-level.html , (ET: 05/02/2018).
  • UNODC. (2013). Global Study on Homicide 2013, https://www.unodc. org/documents/data-and-analysis/statistics/GSH2013/2014_GLOBAL_ HOMICIDE_BOOK_web.pdf
  • UNODC. “Average Duration of Criminal Trials in First Instance Courts”, Administration of Justice (2011-2013) içinde, (ET: 02/04/2018).
  • WHO (World Health Organization) (2012). “Femicide”, Understanding and Addressing Violence against Women, iris/bitstream/handle/10665/77421/WHO_RHR_12.38_eng. pdf;jsessionid=FDDF4000D1DC31DCEB5C1B3E1EE19D96?sequence=1, (ET: 01/012/2017).
  • WHO (2011). Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy, Information Sheet, eng.pdf;jsessionid=E0D6350B446FC57E4A64B18A48558BAE?sequence=1 , (ET: 31/03/2018).
  • Vuorela, M. (2017). “The Historical Criminal Statistics of Finland 1842–2015 – A Systematic Comparison to Sweden”, International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, DOI: 10.1080/01924036.2017.1295395.


Year 2018, Issue: 36, 107 - 142, 01.10.2018


Bu çalışma, bir suç olarak ‘kasten öldürme’yi ülkelerin ceza adalet sistemlerine ilişkin Birleşmiş Milletler’in Uyuşturucu ve Suçla Mücadele Dairesi UNODC tarafından toplanan ve düzenli olarak güncellenen bilgiler aracılığı ile daha iyi anlamayı hedeflemektedir. Bu küresel düzeyde toplanan bilgiye göre, kasten öldürme istatistikleri, bölgelere, ülkelere, suçun nedenine, failin ve mağdurun cinsiyetine, kullanılan silahlara göre değişmektedir. Örneğin 2000’ler boyunca Latin Amerika ve bu bölgedeki El Salvador, Honduras, Jamaika gibi bazı ülkeler Dünya’daki ölümcül şiddetin tavanını oluştururken, Avrupa ya da Asya ve bu bölgelerdeki Avusturya, Hollanda, Singapur, Hong Kong, Japonya gibi ülkeler en düşük kasten öldürme oranlarına sahip görünmektedir. Ayrıca elde edilen veriler, kasten öldürme olaylarının, nedenleri açısından kabaca üç başlık altında sınıflandırılabileceğini düşündürmektedir. Hırsızlık, gasp veya organize suç gibi suç aktiviteleri ile bağlantılı olarak işlenen cinayetler; bireyler arasındaki çıkar çatışmaları nedeni ile işlenen cinayetler; kişisel ya da kültürel önyargılardan ya da politik nedenlerden kaynaklananlar. Örneğin Latin Amerika da organize suç bağlantılı olaylar en önemli cinayet nedeni olarak ortaya çıkarken, Avrupa’da kişisel çıkar bağlantılı olaylar daha sık görülmektedir. Cinsiyet açısından ise kasten öldürme olayları incelendiğinde, tüm dünyadan toplanan bilgiler, mağdurların ve faillerin büyük çoğunluğunun erkekler olduğunu ama akrabaları/yakınları/sevgileri tarafından öldürülenlerin genellikle kadınlar olduğunu söylemektedir. Çalışmanın son kısmında, kolluk, yargı ve infaz kurumlarının kayıtları aracılığı ile kasten öldürmenin toplum üzerindeki yükü değerlendirilmiştir. Veriler en yüksek kasten öldürme oranlarına sahip Amerika kıtasında, Amerika ve Kanada hariç cezasızlık oranının yüksek olduğuna, Fransa, Finlandiya gibi ülkelerde ise, yüksek mahkûmiyet oranı olduğuna işaret etmektedir.


  • Adinkrah, M. (2014). “Intimate Partner Femicide–Suicides in Ghana: Victims, Offenders, and Incident Characteristics”, Violence Against Women, 20(9), s.1078–1096.
  • Adli Sicil ve İstatistik Genel Müdürlüğü, “Açılış Yıllarına Göre Karara Bağlanan Davalardaki Suç Sayıları, Türkiye” istatistik_2015/CEZA/39.pdf, (ET: 30/01/2018).
  • Adli Sicil ve İstatistik Genel Müdürlüğü, “Soruşturma Evresi Ortalama Görülme Süreleri, TÜRKİYE (2005-2015); istatistik_2015/ CUMHUR%C4%B0YET%20BA%C5%9E SAVCILIKLARI/9.pdf, (ET: 30/01/2018).
  • Adli Sicil ve İstatistik Genel Müdürlüğü, “Ortalama Görülme Süresi (Gün), MAHKEME (2005-2015)”, CEZA/32.pdf, (ET: 30/01/2018)
  • Adli Sicil Genel Müdürlüğü, “Kasten Adam Öldürme Suç ve Karar Sayıları, Türkiye (2005-2015)” isimli tablodan, istatistik_2015/CEZA/44.pdf, (ET: 28/04/2018).
  • Afat, E. (2004). “Latin Amerika’nın Şiddet Sarmalında Terör”, Anlayış, http://, (ET: 9.8.2018).
  • Biderman, C., De Mello, J. M. P. ve Schneider, A. (2010). “Dry Laws and Homicides: Evidence from the São Paulo Metropolitan Area”,The Economic Journal, 120 (543), s.157-182.
  • Birleşmiş Milletler (1996). The Beijing Declaration, womenwatch/daw/beijing/platform/declar.htm , (ET: 10/01/2018).
  • CBC (2018). “Mexico had over 29,000 murders in 2017, but homicide rate still lower than some Latin American nations”, mexico-record-homicide-rate-1.4497466. (ET: 21/02/2018).
  • Dawson M, Bunge V.P. ve Balde T.(2009). “National trends in intimate partner homicides: explaining declines in Canada, 1976 to 2001”, Violence against Women, 15(3), s.276–306.
  • Demirbaş, T. (2012). Kriminoloji, Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Díez C, Kurland RP, Rothman EF, Bair-Merritt M, Fleegler E, Xuan Z, et al. (2017). “State Intimate Partner Violence –Related Firearm Laws and Intimate Partner Homicide Rates in the United States, 1991 to 2015”, Annals of Internal Medicine, 167(8), s.536-543.
  • Dünya Bankası, Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people), https:// indicator/VC.IHR.PSRC.P5?end=2015&start=2015, (E.T:03/01/2018).
  • Eisner, M. (2003). “Long-Term Historical Trend in Violent Crime.” Crime and Justice 30, s.83-142.
  • Gaziarifoğlu, Y. (2009). Suç Mağduriyeti Korkusu ve Algılanan Suç Mağduriyeti Riskinin Değerlendirilmesi, İstanbul Üniversitesi Adli Tıp Enstitüsü’ne Sunulmuş Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul.
  • Ibe, C. (2017). “The Nordic Paradox: Gender Equity and Sexual Assault”, Harvard Political Review,, (ET: 30/12/2017).
  • IEP (The Institute for Economics & Peace) (2017). SDG16 Progress Report 2017,, (ET: 10/03/2018), s.1-192.
  • Kul, M. (2013). Suçtan Daha Büyük Suç Korkusu, İstanbul: Yeniyüzyıl Yayınları, s. 142-169.
  • Lappi-Seppälä, T. ve Lehti, M. (2014). “Cross-Comparative Perspectives on Global Homicide Trends”, Crime and Justice 43(1), s.135-230; https://doi. org/10.1086/677979.
  • Lauritsen, J.L. ve Cork, D.L. (Edts) (2016). Modernizing Crime Statistics, Washington, DC: The Natıonal Academies Press.
  • Le Clercq Ortega, J.A. ve Sánchez Lara, G.R. (2017). Global Impunity Dimensions. Global Impunity Index 2017, (GII-2017), cesij/files/IGI-2017_eng.pdf, (ET: 02/03/2018).
  • Leguey-Feilleux, J.R. (2017). Global Governance Diplomacy: the Critical Role of Diplomacy in Addressing Global Problems, Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
  • Liptak, Adam (2008). “U.S. Prison Population Dwarfs that of Other Nations”, 23 Nisan 2008, The International Herald Tribune, http://www.nytimes. com/2008/04/23/world/americas/23iht-23prison.12253738.html .
  • Mc Evoy, C. ve Hideg, G. (2017). Global Violent Deaths 2017, Geneva: Small Arms Survey, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies,, (ET: 31/02/2018), s.1-104.
  • Muggah, R. ve de Carvalho, I.S. (2017). “Latin America’s Murder Epidemic- How to Stop the Killing”, Foreign Affairs, central-america-caribbean/2017-03-22/latin-americas-murder-epidemic, (ET: 02/02/2018).
  • Pears, E. (Edt) (1872). Transactions of the International Penitentiary Congress, Londra: Longmans, Green, and Co, liens/congres/CONGRES_PENIT_1872_VOL1_0001.pdf, (ET: 05/02/2017).
  • Shaw, M. (2013). “Too close to home- guns and intimate partner violence”. Everyday Dangers içinde, Small Arms Survey, Cambridge University Press.
  • Small Arms Survey (2016). Gendered Analysis of Violent Deaths, Small Arms Survey Research Notes, No: 63, docs/H-Research_Notes/SAS-Research-Note-63.pdf , (ET: 15/03/2018), s.1-8.
  • Stöckl, H., Devries, K., Rotstein, A., Abrahams, N., Campbell, J., Watts, C. Moreno, C.G. (2013). “The Global Prevalence of Intimate Partner Homicide: a Systematic Review”, The Lancet, 382 (9895), s.859-65.
  • Şenat, F.A. (2018). Medya Din İlişkisi Tefsir İlmi Özelinde Bir Analiz, Ankara: İlahiyat Yayınları.
  • Terranova, C. ve Zen, M. (2018). “Women Victims of Intentional Homicide in Italy: New Insights Comparing Italian Trends to German and U.S. Trends, 2008–2014”, Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 53, s.73-78, https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jflm.2017.11.007 , (ET: 02/01/2018).
  • The Conversation (2017). “How to fix Latin America’s homicide problem”,, (ET: 26/04/2018).
  • Tutar, E. (2002). “Suçta Karanlık Alan - Suçta Siyah Sayılar”, http://www., (ET: 26/12/2017).
  • UNODC. International Homicide Statistics database, http://databank. psrc.p5, (ET: 26/02/2018).
  • UNODC. “A Short History of the Collection of Un-Crime and Justice Statistics at the International Level”,, (ET: 05/02/2017).
  • UNODC. (1997). A Short History of the Collection of UN Crime and Justice Statistics at the International Level, data-and-analysis/A-short-history-of-the-collection-of-UN-crime-and-justicestatistics-at-the-international-level.html , (ET: 05/02/2018).
  • UNODC. (2013). Global Study on Homicide 2013, https://www.unodc. org/documents/data-and-analysis/statistics/GSH2013/2014_GLOBAL_ HOMICIDE_BOOK_web.pdf
  • UNODC. “Average Duration of Criminal Trials in First Instance Courts”, Administration of Justice (2011-2013) içinde, (ET: 02/04/2018).
  • WHO (World Health Organization) (2012). “Femicide”, Understanding and Addressing Violence against Women, iris/bitstream/handle/10665/77421/WHO_RHR_12.38_eng. pdf;jsessionid=FDDF4000D1DC31DCEB5C1B3E1EE19D96?sequence=1, (ET: 01/012/2017).
  • WHO (2011). Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy, Information Sheet, eng.pdf;jsessionid=E0D6350B446FC57E4A64B18A48558BAE?sequence=1 , (ET: 31/03/2018).
  • Vuorela, M. (2017). “The Historical Criminal Statistics of Finland 1842–2015 – A Systematic Comparison to Sweden”, International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, DOI: 10.1080/01924036.2017.1295395.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Filiz Tepecik This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Issue: 36


APA Tepecik, F. (2018). ULUSLARARASI ADALET İSTATİSTİKLERİNDE KASTEN ÖLDÜRME. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi(36), 107-142.
Chicago Tepecik, Filiz. “ULUSLARARASI ADALET İSTATİSTİKLERİNDE KASTEN ÖLDÜRME”. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, no. 36 (October 2018): 107-42.
EndNote Tepecik F (October 1, 2018) ULUSLARARASI ADALET İSTATİSTİKLERİNDE KASTEN ÖLDÜRME. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi 36 107–142.
ISNAD Tepecik, Filiz. “ULUSLARARASI ADALET İSTATİSTİKLERİNDE KASTEN ÖLDÜRME”. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi 36 (October 2018), 107-142.
MLA Tepecik, Filiz. “ULUSLARARASI ADALET İSTATİSTİKLERİNDE KASTEN ÖLDÜRME”. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, no. 36, 2018, pp. 107-42.