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Comparing the Egyptian Constitutions of 2012 and 2014

Yıl 2023, Cilt: YOK Sayı: 56, 83 - 118, 12.10.2023


This study aimed to compare the Constitution of 2012, which was built in a revolutionary process as a result of the 2011 Arab uprisings in Egypt, and the Constitution of 2014, which was designed as a result of the military coup in July 2013, within the framework of certain constitutional themes on the basis of constitutional change. The constitutions of 2012 and 2014 constitutions were discussed in terms of their making processes, religion and state relations, government systems, and finally fundamental rights and freedoms. In this study, the textual analysis method was preferred. In the 2012 Constitution, the criteria of inclusiveness, participation, and transparency in terms of the construction process are largely achieved. However, in the literature, the criticisms that the process is not inclusive has risen. In the process of the 2014 Constitution, none of these criteria was fulfilled. In terms of its content, the Constitutions of 2012 and 2014 are undoubtedly more successful texts than the 1971 Constitution. When comparing the Constitutions of 2012 and 2014, the Constitution of 2012 is a more constitutionalist text in terms of regulating the relations between the legislative, executive, and judicial organs. In addition, in terms of religion and state relations, more constitutional role and importance was given to religion in the Constitution of 2012. In the Constitution of 2014, some of these religious provisions were abolished and a more secular and liberal approach was adopted in some constitutional issues. The privileges given to the army in the 2012 Constitution were extraordinarily expanded in the Constitution of 2014. This situation created a clear contradiction with the democratic and civil character of the state expressed in the Constitution of 2014. The 2019 Constitutional amendments to the Constitution of 2014 brought regulations that clearly contradicted the idea of constitutionalism. However, in the Constitution of 2014, fundamental rights and freedoms were strengthened compared to previous constitutions.

Etik Beyan

This article is not subject to Ethics Committee permission


  • Abdelaal M, ‘Religious Constitutionalism in Egypt: A Case Study’ (2013) 37 (1) Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 35-51.
  • Akbulut O, Anayasal Dinsel Çoğulculuk (On İki Levha Yayıncılık 2016).
  • Al-Ali Z, Arab Constitutionalism: The Coming Revolution (Cambridge University Press 2021).
  • Al-Ali Z, ‘The new Egyptian constitution: an initial assessment of its merits and flaws’ (Open Democracy, 26 December 2012) Date of Access 06.10.2022.
  • Al Hajjaji S A D, ‘Government by Judiciary in Islam: Islamic Theory of Government and Mal/Practice of Muslim Governments (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Morocco)’ (2018) 48 (2) California Western International Law Journal 283-339.
  • Al-Monitor, ‘Egypt cracks down on blasphemy in wave of arrests’ (17 November 2020) Date of Access 13.09.2022
  • Al Sayyid M K, ‘The Fight over Institutions in Post-Revolution Egypt’ (2017) 16 (2), Égypte/Monde arabe 59-69.
  • Arjomand Saïd A, “Revolution and Constitution in the Arab World, 2011–12”, in Mehran Kamrava (ed), Beyond the Arab Spring: The Evolving Ruling Bargain in the Middle East (Oxford University Press, 2014).
  • Aswad Evelyn M, ‘The Role of Religion in Constitutions Emerging from Arab Spring Revolutions’ (2015) 16 (1) Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 159-169.
  • Bahlul R, ‘Religion, Democracy, and the ‘Dawla Madaniyya’ of the Arab Spring’ (2018) 29 2 Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 1-18.
  • Bernard-Maugiron N, ‘Religious References in the Constitutions of the Arab World: Islamization of the Constitution or Constitutionalization of Religion?’ in Anja Schoeller-Schletter, Constitutional Review in the Middle East and North Africa (Nomos, 2021).
  • Bernard-Maugiron N, ‘State Powers and Constitution Drafting Processes in Post-Revolutionary Transition in North-Africa’ in Senén Florensa (ed), The Arab Transitions in A Changing World: Building Democracies in Light of International Experiences, (IEMed 2016).
  • Biagi F, ‘Constitution Drafting After the Arab Spring: A Comparative Overview’ (2022) 29 (1) Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 1-57.
  • Biagi F, ‘The Separation of Powers and Forms of Goverments in the MENA Region Following the ‘Arab Spring’: A Break with the Past?’ (2018) (2) Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo 381-422.
  • Brown N J., ‘Comparing the Religion-State Divide in the Arab World: Constitutions’ (Sharia Source at Harvard Law School, Policy Brief No. 1, April 2017) 9. Date of Access 01.09.2022.
  • Brown N J. and Lombardi C B., ‘Contesting Islamic Constitutionalism after the Arab Spring: Islam in Egypt’s Post-Mubarak Constitutions’, in Rainer Grote and Tilmann Röder (eds), Constitutionalism, Human Rights, and Islam after the Arab Spring (Oxford University Press 2016).
  • Cesari J, The Awakening of Muslim Democracy: Religion, Modernity, and the State (Cambridge University Press, 2014).
  • Choudhry S and Stacey R ‘Semi-Presidentialism as Power Sharing: Constitutional reform after the Arab Spring’ (International IDEA, Center for Constitutional Transitions at NYU Law, 2014).
  • Cross E and Sorens J, ‘Arab Spring Constitution making: Polarization, Exclusion, and Constraints’ (2016) 23 (7) Democratization 1292-1312.
  • Çetinkaya E, ‘2014 Mısır Arap Cumhuriyeti Anayasasının Tercümesi ve Genel Değerlendirmesi’ (2017) LXXV İÜHFM - Ord. Prof. Sadri Maksudi Arsal’a Armağan Özel Sayısı 615-668.
  • Dupret B, ‘The Relationship between Constitutions, Politics and Islam: A Comparative Analysis of the North African Countries’ in Rainer Grote and Tilmann J. Röder (eds), in Constitutionalism, Human Rights and Islam after the Arab Spring (Oxford University Press 2016).
  • El-Daghili S, ‘Al-Dawlah al-Madaniyah: A Concept to Reconcile Islam and Modern Statehood,’ in Rainer Grote and Tilmann Röder, Constitutionalism, Human Rights, and Islam after the Arab Spring (Oxford University Press, 2016).
  • El-Karadâvi Y, (çev. Hüsamettin Cemal), İslam’da Devlet Mefhumu (2. Baskı, Nida Yayınları 2016).
  • El-Sadany M, ‘Human Rights in the Constitution: A Survey of the Arab Uprisings’ (Arab Center Washington DC, 24 May 2017) Date of Access 19.10.2022.
  • Erdoğan A, “Electoral and Constitutional Transitions: Tunisia and Egypt” (Summer 2020) 27 (2) Middle East Policy 57-68.
  • Eren A, Özgürlüklerin Sınırlanmasında Demokratik Toplum Düzeninin Gerekleri (Beta Yayınları, 2004).
  • Fedtke J, ‘Comparative Analysis between the Constitutional Processes in Egypt and Tunisia - Lessons Learnt. Overview of the Constitutional Situation in Libya’ (Directorate-General For External Policies of The Union, 2014) Date of Access 05.10.2022.
  • Freedom House ‘Countries and Territories: Global Freedom Scores’ Date of Access 23. 10. 2022.
  • Genauer J, ‘Comparing Inclusion in Constitution-making in Egypt, Tunisia, and Iraq’ (2021) 26 (6) Journal of North African Studies 1190-1220
  • Grote R and R T J., ‘Prologue: Constitutional Debates in the Arab Spring’ in Rainer Grote and Tilmann J. Röder (eds), Constitutionalism, Human Rights, and Islam after the Arab Spring (Oxford University Press, 2016).
  • Hamad M, ‘The Rocky Road to the Second Republic: The Birth and Battles of Egypt’s Constitution’ in Ergun Özbudun (ed), Regime Changes and Transitions in Arab Spring Countries (Küre Yayınları, 2014).
  • Hamzawy A, ‘Legislating Authoritarianism: Egypt’s New Era of Repression’ (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 16 March 2017) Date of Access 07.10.2022.
  • Heliotis N, ‘A Textual Analysis of Presidential Policy under the 2014 Egyptian Constitution’, (2014) 48 (2) International Lawyer 127-151.
  • Human Rights Watch ‘Egypt: Constitutional Amendments Entrench Repression’ 20 April 2019, Date of Access 29.10.2021.
  • Johnson D E. W., ‘Beyond Constituent Assemblies and Referenda: Assessing the Legitimacy of the Arab Spring Constitutions in Egypt and Tunisia’ (2015) 50 Wake Forest Law Review 1007-1056.
  • Karčić H, ‘Shariah after the Arab Spring?’ (2014) 40 (4-5) Philosophy and Social Criticism 407-419.
  • Katbeh A, ‘The Civil State (Dawla Madanīya) – A New Political Term?’ (IFAIR, 24 February 2014) Date of Access 08.09.2022.
  • Lavi L., ‘Egypt’s Draft Constitution 2014: Focus On De-Islamization, Expansion Of Military Power’ (The Middle East Media Research Institute, 10 January 2014) Date of Access 13.09.2022.
  • Lavie L ‘The Constitutionalization of the Civil State: The Self-Definition of Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen Following the Arab Uprisings’ (2021) 12 (4) Religions 1-18.
  • Lombardi C B. ‘Designing Islamic Constitutions: Past Trends and Options for a Democratic Future’ (2013) 11 (3) International Journal of Constitutional Law 615-645.
  • Lombardi C and Brown N J., ‘Islam in Egypt’s New Constitution’ (Foreign Policy, 13 December 2012) Date of Access 01.09.2022.
  • Meyer-Resende M, ‘Egypt: In-Depth Analysis of the Main Elements of the New Constitution’ (Directorate-General For External Policies of The Union, 2014) Date of Access 18.10.2022.
  • Ninet Antoni A and Mark T, The Arab Spring: An Essay on Revolution and Constitutionalism (Edward Elgar Publishing 2015).
  • Özbudun E, ‘Introduction: Transition Theory and the Arab Spring’ in Ergun Özbudun (ed), Regime Changes and Transitions in Arab Spring Countries (Küre Yayınları 2014).
  • Parolin Gianluca P, ‘Drifting Power Relations in the Egyptian Constitution: The 2019 Amendments’ (2020) 44 (3) DPCE Online 3175-3190.
  • Porras-Gómez A-M, ‘Limitation Clauses and Constitutional Transformation: The Case of the New Arab Constitutions’ (2021) 18 (1) Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 167-191.
  • Porras-Gómez A-M, ‘The New Arab Bills of Rights: a Study on the Constitutions of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia’ (2020) 9 (1) Global Journal of Comparative Law 49-86.
  • Salim A, ‘The Constitutionalism of Sharia in Muslim Societies: Comparing Indonesia, Tunusia and Egypt’ in Adam Possamai, James T. Richardson and Bryan S. Turner, The Sociology of Shari’a: Case Studies from Around the World (Springer 2015).
  • Saral M, “Transitional Process and Human Rights Developments in the MENA Region: The Cases of Egypt and Tunisia’ (2021) 20 (2) Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences 777-789.
  • Sartori G, (çev. Ergun Özbudun), Karşılaştırmalı Anayasa Mühendisliği (Yetkin Yayınları, 1997).
  • Scott R M., Recasting The Law: Religion and the Nation State in Egyptian Constitution Making (Cornell University Press 2021)
  • Sultany N, Law and Revolution (Oxford university Press 2017).
  • Szmolka I, ‘Exclusionary and Non-Consensual Transitions versus Inclusive and Consensual Democratizations: The Cases of Egypt and Tunisia’ (2015) 37 (1) Arab Studies Quarterly 73-95.
  • Şankıtî M M (çev. Muhammet Çelik), İslam Medeniyetinde Anayasa Kriz: Büyük Fitneden Arap Baharına (Mana Yayınları, 2020).
  • Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy ‘TIMEP Brief: Egypt’s 2019 Constitutional Referendum’ 30 April 2019, Date of Access 14.06.2022.
  • Tekin A and Temel Ö, ‘Political And Constitutional Developments in Tunisia And Egypt in the aftermath of the Arab Spring’ 2019 10 (19) Law and Justice Review 193-239.
  • Tögel A, Anayasa Hukuku Açısından Çok Hukuklu Sistem (Adalet Yayınevi 2016).
  • Uran Murphy P, Yasama İşlevinin Yerine Getirilmesinde Çift Meclis Sistemi ve Türk Siyasal Tarihindeki Yeri (Ankara: Yetkin Yayınları, 2008).
  • Vikør Knut S., ‘Islamic Law in the Modern World: States, Laws, and Constitutions’, in Léon Buskens and Annemarie van Sandwijk (eds.) Islamic Studies in the Twenty-first Century: Transformations and Continuities (Amsterdam University Press 2016).
  • Yazıcı S, Başkanlık ve Yarı-Başkanlık Sistemleri: Türkiye İçin Bir Değerlendirme (3. Baskı, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları 2013).


Yıl 2023, Cilt: YOK Sayı: 56, 83 - 118, 12.10.2023


Bu çalışma, Mısır’da 2011 Arap kalkışmaları neticesinde devrimci bir süreç içerisinde inşa edilen 2012 Anayasası ile Temmuz 2013’te gerçekleştirilen askeri darbe sonucunda tasarlanan 2014 Anayasası’nı, anayasal değişim temelinde belirli anayasal temalar çerçevesinde karşılaştırmayı amaçlamıştır. 2012 ve 2014 anayasaları; yapım süreçleri, din ve devlet ilişkileri, hükümet sistemleri ve son olarak temel hak ve hürriyetler açısından tartışılmıştır. Bu araştırmada metinsel analiz metodu tercih edilmiştir. 2012 Anayasasında, yapım süreci açısından kapsayıcılık, katılımcılık ve şeffaflık kriterleri büyük ölçüde sağlanmıştır. Ancak, literatürde sürecin kapsayıcı olmadığı eleştirileri yükselmiştir. 2014 Anayasası sürecinde ise bu kriterlerin hiçbiri yerine getirilmemiştir. İçerik açısından 2012 ve 2014 Anayasaları, hiç şüphesiz 1971 Anayasası’na nazaran daha başarılı metinlerdir. 2012 ve 2014 Anayasalarının kendi arasındaki karşılaştırılmasında ise 2012 Anayasası yasama, yürütme ve yargı organları arasındaki ilişkilerin düzenlenmesi açısından daha anayasacı bir metindir. Ayrıca, din ve devlet ilişkileri bakımından 2012 Anayasası’nda dine daha fazla anayasal rol ve önem verilmiştir. 2014 Anayasası’nda ise bu dini hükümlerden bazıları ortadan kaldırılmış ve bazı anayasal konularda daha seküler ve liberal bir yaklaşım benimsenmiştir. 2012 Anayasası’nda orduya fazlasıyla verilen ayrıcalıklar, 2014 Anayasası’nda olağandışı derecede genişletilmiştir. Bu durum, 2014 Anayasası’nda belirtilen devletin demokratik ve sivil karakteri ile açık bir çelişki meydana getirmiştir. 2014 Anayasası’nda gerçekleştirilen 2019 Anayasa değişiklikleri anayasacılık düşüncesi ile açıkça çelişen düzenlemeler getirmiştir. Bununla birlikte, 2014 Anayasası’nda, temel hak ve hürriyetler, önceki anayasalara nazaran güçlendirilmiştir.

Etik Beyan

Bu makale Etik Kurul iznine tabi değildir


  • Abdelaal M, ‘Religious Constitutionalism in Egypt: A Case Study’ (2013) 37 (1) Fletcher Forum of World Affairs 35-51.
  • Akbulut O, Anayasal Dinsel Çoğulculuk (On İki Levha Yayıncılık 2016).
  • Al-Ali Z, Arab Constitutionalism: The Coming Revolution (Cambridge University Press 2021).
  • Al-Ali Z, ‘The new Egyptian constitution: an initial assessment of its merits and flaws’ (Open Democracy, 26 December 2012) Date of Access 06.10.2022.
  • Al Hajjaji S A D, ‘Government by Judiciary in Islam: Islamic Theory of Government and Mal/Practice of Muslim Governments (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Morocco)’ (2018) 48 (2) California Western International Law Journal 283-339.
  • Al-Monitor, ‘Egypt cracks down on blasphemy in wave of arrests’ (17 November 2020) Date of Access 13.09.2022
  • Al Sayyid M K, ‘The Fight over Institutions in Post-Revolution Egypt’ (2017) 16 (2), Égypte/Monde arabe 59-69.
  • Arjomand Saïd A, “Revolution and Constitution in the Arab World, 2011–12”, in Mehran Kamrava (ed), Beyond the Arab Spring: The Evolving Ruling Bargain in the Middle East (Oxford University Press, 2014).
  • Aswad Evelyn M, ‘The Role of Religion in Constitutions Emerging from Arab Spring Revolutions’ (2015) 16 (1) Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 159-169.
  • Bahlul R, ‘Religion, Democracy, and the ‘Dawla Madaniyya’ of the Arab Spring’ (2018) 29 2 Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 1-18.
  • Bernard-Maugiron N, ‘Religious References in the Constitutions of the Arab World: Islamization of the Constitution or Constitutionalization of Religion?’ in Anja Schoeller-Schletter, Constitutional Review in the Middle East and North Africa (Nomos, 2021).
  • Bernard-Maugiron N, ‘State Powers and Constitution Drafting Processes in Post-Revolutionary Transition in North-Africa’ in Senén Florensa (ed), The Arab Transitions in A Changing World: Building Democracies in Light of International Experiences, (IEMed 2016).
  • Biagi F, ‘Constitution Drafting After the Arab Spring: A Comparative Overview’ (2022) 29 (1) Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 1-57.
  • Biagi F, ‘The Separation of Powers and Forms of Goverments in the MENA Region Following the ‘Arab Spring’: A Break with the Past?’ (2018) (2) Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo 381-422.
  • Brown N J., ‘Comparing the Religion-State Divide in the Arab World: Constitutions’ (Sharia Source at Harvard Law School, Policy Brief No. 1, April 2017) 9. Date of Access 01.09.2022.
  • Brown N J. and Lombardi C B., ‘Contesting Islamic Constitutionalism after the Arab Spring: Islam in Egypt’s Post-Mubarak Constitutions’, in Rainer Grote and Tilmann Röder (eds), Constitutionalism, Human Rights, and Islam after the Arab Spring (Oxford University Press 2016).
  • Cesari J, The Awakening of Muslim Democracy: Religion, Modernity, and the State (Cambridge University Press, 2014).
  • Choudhry S and Stacey R ‘Semi-Presidentialism as Power Sharing: Constitutional reform after the Arab Spring’ (International IDEA, Center for Constitutional Transitions at NYU Law, 2014).
  • Cross E and Sorens J, ‘Arab Spring Constitution making: Polarization, Exclusion, and Constraints’ (2016) 23 (7) Democratization 1292-1312.
  • Çetinkaya E, ‘2014 Mısır Arap Cumhuriyeti Anayasasının Tercümesi ve Genel Değerlendirmesi’ (2017) LXXV İÜHFM - Ord. Prof. Sadri Maksudi Arsal’a Armağan Özel Sayısı 615-668.
  • Dupret B, ‘The Relationship between Constitutions, Politics and Islam: A Comparative Analysis of the North African Countries’ in Rainer Grote and Tilmann J. Röder (eds), in Constitutionalism, Human Rights and Islam after the Arab Spring (Oxford University Press 2016).
  • El-Daghili S, ‘Al-Dawlah al-Madaniyah: A Concept to Reconcile Islam and Modern Statehood,’ in Rainer Grote and Tilmann Röder, Constitutionalism, Human Rights, and Islam after the Arab Spring (Oxford University Press, 2016).
  • El-Karadâvi Y, (çev. Hüsamettin Cemal), İslam’da Devlet Mefhumu (2. Baskı, Nida Yayınları 2016).
  • El-Sadany M, ‘Human Rights in the Constitution: A Survey of the Arab Uprisings’ (Arab Center Washington DC, 24 May 2017) Date of Access 19.10.2022.
  • Erdoğan A, “Electoral and Constitutional Transitions: Tunisia and Egypt” (Summer 2020) 27 (2) Middle East Policy 57-68.
  • Eren A, Özgürlüklerin Sınırlanmasında Demokratik Toplum Düzeninin Gerekleri (Beta Yayınları, 2004).
  • Fedtke J, ‘Comparative Analysis between the Constitutional Processes in Egypt and Tunisia - Lessons Learnt. Overview of the Constitutional Situation in Libya’ (Directorate-General For External Policies of The Union, 2014) Date of Access 05.10.2022.
  • Freedom House ‘Countries and Territories: Global Freedom Scores’ Date of Access 23. 10. 2022.
  • Genauer J, ‘Comparing Inclusion in Constitution-making in Egypt, Tunisia, and Iraq’ (2021) 26 (6) Journal of North African Studies 1190-1220
  • Grote R and R T J., ‘Prologue: Constitutional Debates in the Arab Spring’ in Rainer Grote and Tilmann J. Röder (eds), Constitutionalism, Human Rights, and Islam after the Arab Spring (Oxford University Press, 2016).
  • Hamad M, ‘The Rocky Road to the Second Republic: The Birth and Battles of Egypt’s Constitution’ in Ergun Özbudun (ed), Regime Changes and Transitions in Arab Spring Countries (Küre Yayınları, 2014).
  • Hamzawy A, ‘Legislating Authoritarianism: Egypt’s New Era of Repression’ (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 16 March 2017) Date of Access 07.10.2022.
  • Heliotis N, ‘A Textual Analysis of Presidential Policy under the 2014 Egyptian Constitution’, (2014) 48 (2) International Lawyer 127-151.
  • Human Rights Watch ‘Egypt: Constitutional Amendments Entrench Repression’ 20 April 2019, Date of Access 29.10.2021.
  • Johnson D E. W., ‘Beyond Constituent Assemblies and Referenda: Assessing the Legitimacy of the Arab Spring Constitutions in Egypt and Tunisia’ (2015) 50 Wake Forest Law Review 1007-1056.
  • Karčić H, ‘Shariah after the Arab Spring?’ (2014) 40 (4-5) Philosophy and Social Criticism 407-419.
  • Katbeh A, ‘The Civil State (Dawla Madanīya) – A New Political Term?’ (IFAIR, 24 February 2014) Date of Access 08.09.2022.
  • Lavi L., ‘Egypt’s Draft Constitution 2014: Focus On De-Islamization, Expansion Of Military Power’ (The Middle East Media Research Institute, 10 January 2014) Date of Access 13.09.2022.
  • Lavie L ‘The Constitutionalization of the Civil State: The Self-Definition of Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen Following the Arab Uprisings’ (2021) 12 (4) Religions 1-18.
  • Lombardi C B. ‘Designing Islamic Constitutions: Past Trends and Options for a Democratic Future’ (2013) 11 (3) International Journal of Constitutional Law 615-645.
  • Lombardi C and Brown N J., ‘Islam in Egypt’s New Constitution’ (Foreign Policy, 13 December 2012) Date of Access 01.09.2022.
  • Meyer-Resende M, ‘Egypt: In-Depth Analysis of the Main Elements of the New Constitution’ (Directorate-General For External Policies of The Union, 2014) Date of Access 18.10.2022.
  • Ninet Antoni A and Mark T, The Arab Spring: An Essay on Revolution and Constitutionalism (Edward Elgar Publishing 2015).
  • Özbudun E, ‘Introduction: Transition Theory and the Arab Spring’ in Ergun Özbudun (ed), Regime Changes and Transitions in Arab Spring Countries (Küre Yayınları 2014).
  • Parolin Gianluca P, ‘Drifting Power Relations in the Egyptian Constitution: The 2019 Amendments’ (2020) 44 (3) DPCE Online 3175-3190.
  • Porras-Gómez A-M, ‘Limitation Clauses and Constitutional Transformation: The Case of the New Arab Constitutions’ (2021) 18 (1) Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 167-191.
  • Porras-Gómez A-M, ‘The New Arab Bills of Rights: a Study on the Constitutions of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia’ (2020) 9 (1) Global Journal of Comparative Law 49-86.
  • Salim A, ‘The Constitutionalism of Sharia in Muslim Societies: Comparing Indonesia, Tunusia and Egypt’ in Adam Possamai, James T. Richardson and Bryan S. Turner, The Sociology of Shari’a: Case Studies from Around the World (Springer 2015).
  • Saral M, “Transitional Process and Human Rights Developments in the MENA Region: The Cases of Egypt and Tunisia’ (2021) 20 (2) Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences 777-789.
  • Sartori G, (çev. Ergun Özbudun), Karşılaştırmalı Anayasa Mühendisliği (Yetkin Yayınları, 1997).
  • Scott R M., Recasting The Law: Religion and the Nation State in Egyptian Constitution Making (Cornell University Press 2021)
  • Sultany N, Law and Revolution (Oxford university Press 2017).
  • Szmolka I, ‘Exclusionary and Non-Consensual Transitions versus Inclusive and Consensual Democratizations: The Cases of Egypt and Tunisia’ (2015) 37 (1) Arab Studies Quarterly 73-95.
  • Şankıtî M M (çev. Muhammet Çelik), İslam Medeniyetinde Anayasa Kriz: Büyük Fitneden Arap Baharına (Mana Yayınları, 2020).
  • Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy ‘TIMEP Brief: Egypt’s 2019 Constitutional Referendum’ 30 April 2019, Date of Access 14.06.2022.
  • Tekin A and Temel Ö, ‘Political And Constitutional Developments in Tunisia And Egypt in the aftermath of the Arab Spring’ 2019 10 (19) Law and Justice Review 193-239.
  • Tögel A, Anayasa Hukuku Açısından Çok Hukuklu Sistem (Adalet Yayınevi 2016).
  • Uran Murphy P, Yasama İşlevinin Yerine Getirilmesinde Çift Meclis Sistemi ve Türk Siyasal Tarihindeki Yeri (Ankara: Yetkin Yayınları, 2008).
  • Vikør Knut S., ‘Islamic Law in the Modern World: States, Laws, and Constitutions’, in Léon Buskens and Annemarie van Sandwijk (eds.) Islamic Studies in the Twenty-first Century: Transformations and Continuities (Amsterdam University Press 2016).
  • Yazıcı S, Başkanlık ve Yarı-Başkanlık Sistemleri: Türkiye İçin Bir Değerlendirme (3. Baskı, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları 2013).
Toplam 60 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hukuk (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Article

Sezgin Baş 0000-0002-6368-7263

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Ekim 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: YOK Sayı: 56

Kaynak Göster

APA Baş, S. (2023). 2012 ve 2014 MISIR ANAYASALARININ KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, YOK(56), 83-118.
AMA Baş S. 2012 ve 2014 MISIR ANAYASALARININ KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI. TAAD. Ekim 2023;YOK(56):83-118. doi:10.54049/taad.1373946
Chicago Baş, Sezgin. “2012 Ve 2014 MISIR ANAYASALARININ KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI”. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi YOK, sy. 56 (Ekim 2023): 83-118.
EndNote Baş S (01 Ekim 2023) 2012 ve 2014 MISIR ANAYASALARININ KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi YOK 56 83–118.
IEEE S. Baş, “2012 ve 2014 MISIR ANAYASALARININ KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI”, TAAD, c. YOK, sy. 56, ss. 83–118, 2023, doi: 10.54049/taad.1373946.
ISNAD Baş, Sezgin. “2012 Ve 2014 MISIR ANAYASALARININ KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI”. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi YOK/56 (Ekim 2023), 83-118.
MLA Baş, Sezgin. “2012 Ve 2014 MISIR ANAYASALARININ KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI”. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, c. YOK, sy. 56, 2023, ss. 83-118, doi:10.54049/taad.1373946.
Vancouver Baş S. 2012 ve 2014 MISIR ANAYASALARININ KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI. TAAD. 2023;YOK(56):83-118.