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Rethinking Parliamentary Sovereignty Against Constitutional Adjudication

Yıl 2024, Sayı: 60, 1 - 30, 25.10.2024


Two qualities distinguish the rule of law from authoritarian, totalitarian, and fascist states. The first is that free and equal citizens, through elections, authorize politicians to make the superior rules to be applied to themselves. This element is the democracy principle. It is the sine qua non condition of the rule of law, which provides legitimacy to the coercive legal order and constitutes the essence of self-government. The other characteristic is the principle of legality, which obliges all public power to be exercised in accordance with constitutional/legal rules. The final judgments of the Supreme Courts, which are binding on everyone, are problematic for the rule of law not only because they do not allow equal participation of citizens in rule-making, but also because the public power exercised by autonomous and irresponsible judges is exempt from all sanctions. As a solution, this article proposes a weak constitutional adjudication by narrowing the powers of the high courts, which have become the custodians of constitutional order, and granting the Parliament the power to annul the decisions of the Constitutional Court.

Etik Beyan

This article is not subject to Ethics Committee permission


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  • Ackerman B, We the People I: Foundations (Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 1991)
  • Alexy R, “Rights and Liberties as Concepts” içinde Rosenfeld M ve Sajo A (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press 2012)
  • Aquinas T, Summa Theologica, (Fathers of the English Dominican Province çev., Benziger Brothers 1947)
  • Aquinas T, Treatise on Law (Richard J. Regan çev., Hackett Publishing 2000)
  • Aristoteles, The Politics of Aristotle (Jowett B çev., Yale University Press 1885)
  • Bagehot W, The English Constitution (Oxford University Press 2001)
  • Barber NW, The Principles of Constitutionalism (Oxford University Press 2018)
  • Barın T, Anayasa Yargısının Demokratik Meşruiyeti (On İki Levha 2016)
  • Barroso LB, “Reason Without Vote: The Representative and Majoritarian Function of Constitutional Courts” içinde Bustamante T ve Fernandes BG (ed.), Democratizing Constitutional Law: Perspective on Legal Theory and the Legitimacy of Constitutionalism (Springer 2016)
  • Bellamy R, “Introduction” içinde Bellamy R (ed.), The Rule of Law and The Separation of Powers (New York 2016)
  • Bellamy R, “The Political Form of the Constitution: The Separation of Powers, Rights and Representative Democracy” içinde Bellamy R (ed.), The Rule of Law and The Separation of Powers (Routledge 2016)
  • Belov M, “Constitutional Courts As Ultimate Players in Multilevel Constituent Power Games: The Bulgarian Case” içinde Belov M (ed.), Courts, Politics and Constitutional Law, Judicialization of Politics and Politicization of the Judiciary (Routledge 2020)
  • Bickel AM, The Least Dangerous Branch: The Supreme Court at the Bar of Politics (Yale University Press 1962)
  • Bobbitt P, Constitutional Fate: Theory of the Constitution (Oxford University Press 1984)
  • Böckenförde EW, Religion, Law and Democracy: Selected Writings, Künkler M ve Stein T (ed.) (Oxford University Press 2020)
  • Bonini M “From Separation of Powers to Superiority of Rights: The Italian Constitutional Court and End-of-Life Decisions (The Cappato Case)” içinde Belov M (ed.), Courts, Politics and Constitutional Law: Judicialization of Politics and Politicization of the Judiciary (Routledge 2020)
  • Bustamante T, “On the Difficulty to Ground the Authority of Constitutional Courts: Can Strong Judicial Review Be Morally Justified?” içinde Bustamante T ve Fernandes BG (ed.), Democratizing Constitutional Law: Perspective on Legal Theory and the Legitimacy of Constitutionalism (Springer 2016)
  • Campbell T, Separation of Powers in Practice (Stanford University Press 2004)
  • Craig P, “Formal and Substantive Conceptions of the Rule of Law: An Analytical Framework” içinde Bellamy R (ed.), The Rule of Law and The Separation of Powers (Routledge 2016)
  • de Chueiri VK, “Is There Such Thing as a Radical Constitution?” in Bustamante T Fernandes BG (ed.), Democratizing Constitutional Law: Perspective on Legal Theory and the Legitimacy of Constitutionalism (Springer 2016)
  • Delice A, “Karma Hükümetten Denetim ve Dengeye Erkler Ayrılığı İlkesi” (2022) 30(3) Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi.
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  • Doehring K, Genel Devlet Kuramı (Genel Kamu Hukuku) (Mumcu A çev., İnkılap Kitabevi 2018)
  • Dyzenhaus D, “The Constitution of Legal Authority” içinde Kyritsis D and Lakin S (ed.), The Methodology of Constitutional Theory (The Bloomsbury Publishing 2022)
  • Edelman M, The Politics of Misinformation (Cambridge University Press 2004)
  • Elias N, Uygarlık Süreci, C. I, (Ateşman E çev., İletişim Yayınları 2004)
  • Elster J, “The Market and The Forum: Three Varieties” içinde Bohman J ve Rehg W (ed.), Deliberative Democracy: Essays on Reason and Politics (The MIT Press, 1997)
  • Eoin C, The New Separation of Powers: A Theory for the Modern State (Oxford University Press 2009)
  • Estlund D, “Beyond Fairness and Deliberation: The Epistemic Dimension of Democratic Authority” içinde Bohman J ve Rehg W (ed.), Deliberative Democracy: Essays on Reason and Politics (The MIT Press 1997)
  • Fernandes BG, “A Defence of a Broader Sense of Constitutional Dialogues Based on Jeremy Waldron’s Criticism on Judicial Review” içinde Bustamante T ve Fernandes BG (ed.), Democratizing Constitutional Law: Perspective on Legal Theory and the Legitimacy of Constitutionalism (Springer 2016)
  • Frankenberg G, “Democracy”, içinde Rosenfeld M ve Sajo A (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press 2012)
  • Gardbaum S, “Decoupling Judicial Review from Judicial Supremacy” içinde Bustamante T ve Fernandes BG (ed.), Democratizing Constitutional Law: Perspective on Legal Theory and the Legitimacy of Constitutionalism (Springer 2016)
  • Gardbaum S, “The Place of Constitutional Law in The Legal Systems” içinde Rosenfeld M ve Sajo A (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press 2012)
  • Gargarella R, “Scope and Limits of Dialogic Constitutionalism” içinde Bustamante T ve Fernandes BG (ed.), Democratizing Constitutional Law: Perspective on Legal Theory and the Legitimacy of Constitutionalism (Springer 2016)
  • Gilmore G, The Ages of American Law (Yale University Press 2014)
  • Goldsworthy J, Parliamentary Sovereignty: Contemporary Debates (Cambridge University Press 2010)
  • Gordon M, “A Positivist and Political Approach to Public Law” içinde Kyritsis D and Lakin S (ed.), The Methodology of Constitutional Theory (Hart Publishing 2022)
  • Grimm D, “Types of Constitutions” içinde Rosenfeld M and Sajó A (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press 2012)
  • Grimm D, Constitutionalism: Past, Present, and Future (Oxford University Press 2016)
  • Gülener S, Türkiye’de Anayasa Yargısının Demokratik Meşruluğu (On İki Levha 2017)
  • Habermas J, “Popular Sovereignty as a Procedure” içinde Bohman J and Rehg W (ed.), Deliberative Democracy: Essays on Reason and Politics, (The MIT Press 1997)
  • Hartog H, “The Constitution of Aspiration and ‘The Rights That Belong to Us All’” (1987) 74 The Journal of American History.
  • Hayek FA, “Freedom and the Rule of Law, The First of Two Talks” içinde Bellamy R (ed.), The Rule of Law and The Separation of Powers (Routledge 2016)
  • Hein M, “The Least Dangerous Branch?: Constitutional Review Of Constitutional Amendments in Europe” içinde Belov M (ed.), Courts, Politics and Constitutional Law: Judicialization of Politics and Politicization of the Judiciary (Routledge 2020)
  • Heller H, Sovereignty: A Contribution to the Theory of Public and International Law, Dyzenhaus D (ed.) (Cooper B çev., Oxford University Press 2019)
  • Hirschl R, “The Judicialization of Politics” içinde Whittington KE, Kelemen RD, and Caldeira GA (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Law and Politics (Oxford University Press 2008)
  • Hirschl R, Towards Juristocracy: The Origins and Consequences of the New Constitutionalism (Harvard University Press 2004)
  • Holcombe RG, From Liberty to Democracy: The Transformation of American Government (The University of Michigan Press 2002)
  • İba Ş ve Kılıç A, Anayasa Yargısı Dersleri (Turhan Kitabevi, 2019)
  • Jenkins D, “The Lockean Constitution: Separation of Powers and the Limits of Prerogative” (2011) 56(3) McGill Law Journal.
  • Kavanagh A, “Deference or Defiance? The Limits of the Judicial Role in Constitutional Adjudication” içinde Huscroft G (ed.), Expounding the Constitution: Essays in Constitutional Theory (Cambridge University Press 2008)
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  • Kramer LD, The People Themselves: Popular Constitutionalism and Judicial Review (Oxford University Press 2004)
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Yıl 2024, Sayı: 60, 1 - 30, 25.10.2024


Hukuk devletini otoriter, totaliter, faşist devletlerden ayıran iki nitelik vardır. İlki, özgür ve eşit yurttaşların seçim yoluyla kendilerine uygulanacak üstün kuralları yapacak siyasilere vekalet vermesidir. Cebri hukuk düzenine meşruiyet temin eden, kendi kendine yönetimin özünü oluşturan hukuk devletinin olmazsa olmaz koşulu olan bu unsur, demokratik ilke olarak adlandırılabilir. Diğer nitelik ise tüm kamu gücünün anayasal/yasal kurallara uygun olarak kullanılmasını zorunlu kılan yasallık ilkesidir. Yüksek Mahkemelerin herkesi bağlayan nihai kararları, yalnızca kuralların yapımında yurttaşların eşit katılımına izin vermediği için değil özerk ve sorumsuz hakimlerin kullandığı kamu gücünün her tür yaptırımdan muaf olması nedeniyle de hukuk devleti için sakıncalıdır. Makale hukukun üstünlüğünden meşruiyete, güçlü ve zayıf anayasa yargısından siyasi soruna kadar çok sayıda kavramı açıklamayı ve bu kavramların demokratik teoriyle ne kadar uyumlu olduğunu irdelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda tespit edilen sorunlara çözüm önerisi olarak anayasal düzenin vesayet mercii haline gelen yüksek yargı yetkilerinin daraltılarak zayıf anayasa yargısına geçilmesi ve Meclise Anayasa Mahkemesi (AYM) kararlarını ortadan kaldırma yetkisinin tanınması önerilmiştir.

Etik Beyan

Bu makale Etik Kurul iznine tabi değildir


  • Ackerman B, The Decline and Fall of the American Republic (Harvard University Press 2010)
  • Ackerman B, We the People I: Foundations (Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 1991)
  • Alexy R, “Rights and Liberties as Concepts” içinde Rosenfeld M ve Sajo A (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press 2012)
  • Aquinas T, Summa Theologica, (Fathers of the English Dominican Province çev., Benziger Brothers 1947)
  • Aquinas T, Treatise on Law (Richard J. Regan çev., Hackett Publishing 2000)
  • Aristoteles, The Politics of Aristotle (Jowett B çev., Yale University Press 1885)
  • Bagehot W, The English Constitution (Oxford University Press 2001)
  • Barber NW, The Principles of Constitutionalism (Oxford University Press 2018)
  • Barın T, Anayasa Yargısının Demokratik Meşruiyeti (On İki Levha 2016)
  • Barroso LB, “Reason Without Vote: The Representative and Majoritarian Function of Constitutional Courts” içinde Bustamante T ve Fernandes BG (ed.), Democratizing Constitutional Law: Perspective on Legal Theory and the Legitimacy of Constitutionalism (Springer 2016)
  • Bellamy R, “Introduction” içinde Bellamy R (ed.), The Rule of Law and The Separation of Powers (New York 2016)
  • Bellamy R, “The Political Form of the Constitution: The Separation of Powers, Rights and Representative Democracy” içinde Bellamy R (ed.), The Rule of Law and The Separation of Powers (Routledge 2016)
  • Belov M, “Constitutional Courts As Ultimate Players in Multilevel Constituent Power Games: The Bulgarian Case” içinde Belov M (ed.), Courts, Politics and Constitutional Law, Judicialization of Politics and Politicization of the Judiciary (Routledge 2020)
  • Bickel AM, The Least Dangerous Branch: The Supreme Court at the Bar of Politics (Yale University Press 1962)
  • Bobbitt P, Constitutional Fate: Theory of the Constitution (Oxford University Press 1984)
  • Böckenförde EW, Religion, Law and Democracy: Selected Writings, Künkler M ve Stein T (ed.) (Oxford University Press 2020)
  • Bonini M “From Separation of Powers to Superiority of Rights: The Italian Constitutional Court and End-of-Life Decisions (The Cappato Case)” içinde Belov M (ed.), Courts, Politics and Constitutional Law: Judicialization of Politics and Politicization of the Judiciary (Routledge 2020)
  • Bustamante T, “On the Difficulty to Ground the Authority of Constitutional Courts: Can Strong Judicial Review Be Morally Justified?” içinde Bustamante T ve Fernandes BG (ed.), Democratizing Constitutional Law: Perspective on Legal Theory and the Legitimacy of Constitutionalism (Springer 2016)
  • Campbell T, Separation of Powers in Practice (Stanford University Press 2004)
  • Craig P, “Formal and Substantive Conceptions of the Rule of Law: An Analytical Framework” içinde Bellamy R (ed.), The Rule of Law and The Separation of Powers (Routledge 2016)
  • de Chueiri VK, “Is There Such Thing as a Radical Constitution?” in Bustamante T Fernandes BG (ed.), Democratizing Constitutional Law: Perspective on Legal Theory and the Legitimacy of Constitutionalism (Springer 2016)
  • Delice A, “Karma Hükümetten Denetim ve Dengeye Erkler Ayrılığı İlkesi” (2022) 30(3) Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi.
  • Dicey AV, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution (The MacMillan Press 1979)
  • Dixon R ve Landau D, Abusive Constitutional Borrowing: Legal Globalization and the Subversion of Liberal Democracy (Oxford University Press Oxford 2021)
  • Doehring K, Genel Devlet Kuramı (Genel Kamu Hukuku) (Mumcu A çev., İnkılap Kitabevi 2018)
  • Dyzenhaus D, “The Constitution of Legal Authority” içinde Kyritsis D and Lakin S (ed.), The Methodology of Constitutional Theory (The Bloomsbury Publishing 2022)
  • Edelman M, The Politics of Misinformation (Cambridge University Press 2004)
  • Elias N, Uygarlık Süreci, C. I, (Ateşman E çev., İletişim Yayınları 2004)
  • Elster J, “The Market and The Forum: Three Varieties” içinde Bohman J ve Rehg W (ed.), Deliberative Democracy: Essays on Reason and Politics (The MIT Press, 1997)
  • Eoin C, The New Separation of Powers: A Theory for the Modern State (Oxford University Press 2009)
  • Estlund D, “Beyond Fairness and Deliberation: The Epistemic Dimension of Democratic Authority” içinde Bohman J ve Rehg W (ed.), Deliberative Democracy: Essays on Reason and Politics (The MIT Press 1997)
  • Fernandes BG, “A Defence of a Broader Sense of Constitutional Dialogues Based on Jeremy Waldron’s Criticism on Judicial Review” içinde Bustamante T ve Fernandes BG (ed.), Democratizing Constitutional Law: Perspective on Legal Theory and the Legitimacy of Constitutionalism (Springer 2016)
  • Frankenberg G, “Democracy”, içinde Rosenfeld M ve Sajo A (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press 2012)
  • Gardbaum S, “Decoupling Judicial Review from Judicial Supremacy” içinde Bustamante T ve Fernandes BG (ed.), Democratizing Constitutional Law: Perspective on Legal Theory and the Legitimacy of Constitutionalism (Springer 2016)
  • Gardbaum S, “The Place of Constitutional Law in The Legal Systems” içinde Rosenfeld M ve Sajo A (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press 2012)
  • Gargarella R, “Scope and Limits of Dialogic Constitutionalism” içinde Bustamante T ve Fernandes BG (ed.), Democratizing Constitutional Law: Perspective on Legal Theory and the Legitimacy of Constitutionalism (Springer 2016)
  • Gilmore G, The Ages of American Law (Yale University Press 2014)
  • Goldsworthy J, Parliamentary Sovereignty: Contemporary Debates (Cambridge University Press 2010)
  • Gordon M, “A Positivist and Political Approach to Public Law” içinde Kyritsis D and Lakin S (ed.), The Methodology of Constitutional Theory (Hart Publishing 2022)
  • Grimm D, “Types of Constitutions” içinde Rosenfeld M and Sajó A (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press 2012)
  • Grimm D, Constitutionalism: Past, Present, and Future (Oxford University Press 2016)
  • Gülener S, Türkiye’de Anayasa Yargısının Demokratik Meşruluğu (On İki Levha 2017)
  • Habermas J, “Popular Sovereignty as a Procedure” içinde Bohman J and Rehg W (ed.), Deliberative Democracy: Essays on Reason and Politics, (The MIT Press 1997)
  • Hartog H, “The Constitution of Aspiration and ‘The Rights That Belong to Us All’” (1987) 74 The Journal of American History.
  • Hayek FA, “Freedom and the Rule of Law, The First of Two Talks” içinde Bellamy R (ed.), The Rule of Law and The Separation of Powers (Routledge 2016)
  • Hein M, “The Least Dangerous Branch?: Constitutional Review Of Constitutional Amendments in Europe” içinde Belov M (ed.), Courts, Politics and Constitutional Law: Judicialization of Politics and Politicization of the Judiciary (Routledge 2020)
  • Heller H, Sovereignty: A Contribution to the Theory of Public and International Law, Dyzenhaus D (ed.) (Cooper B çev., Oxford University Press 2019)
  • Hirschl R, “The Judicialization of Politics” içinde Whittington KE, Kelemen RD, and Caldeira GA (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Law and Politics (Oxford University Press 2008)
  • Hirschl R, Towards Juristocracy: The Origins and Consequences of the New Constitutionalism (Harvard University Press 2004)
  • Holcombe RG, From Liberty to Democracy: The Transformation of American Government (The University of Michigan Press 2002)
  • İba Ş ve Kılıç A, Anayasa Yargısı Dersleri (Turhan Kitabevi, 2019)
  • Jenkins D, “The Lockean Constitution: Separation of Powers and the Limits of Prerogative” (2011) 56(3) McGill Law Journal.
  • Kavanagh A, “Deference or Defiance? The Limits of the Judicial Role in Constitutional Adjudication” içinde Huscroft G (ed.), Expounding the Constitution: Essays in Constitutional Theory (Cambridge University Press 2008)
  • Kay RS, “American Constitutionalism” içinde Alexander L (ed.), Constitutionalism: Philosophical Foundations (Cambridge University Press 1998)
  • Kelsen H, Demokrasi, Doğası, Değeri (Uysal Y çev., Dost Kitabevi 2019)
  • Kelsen H, General Theory of Law and State (Wedberg A çev., Harvard University Press 1949)
  • Klein C ve Andras S, “Constitution-Making: Process and Substance” içinde Rosenfeld M ve Sajo A (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Press 2012)
  • Kramer LD, The People Themselves: Popular Constitutionalism and Judicial Review (Oxford University Press 2004)
  • Kyritsis D, “Constitutional Law as Legitimacy-Enhancer” içinde Kyritsis D ve Lakin S (ed.), The Methodology of Constitutional Theory (Hart Publishing 2022)
  • Lachmayer K, “Disempowering Courts: The Interrelationship Between Courts And Politics in Contemporary Legal Orders Or The Manifold Ways Of Attacking Judicial Independence” içinde Belov M (ed.), Courts, Politics and Constitutional Law: Judicialization of Politics and Politicization of the Judiciary (Routledge 2020)
  • Luhmann N, Trust and Power, Poggi G ve Burns T (ed.) (Davis H, Raffan J ve Rooney K çev., John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1979)
  • Maldonado DB, “The Conceptual Architecture of the Principle of Separation of Powers” içinde Bilchitz D ve Landau D (ed.), The Evolution of the Separation of Powers: Between the Global North and the Global South (Cheltenham 2018)
  • Mandel M, “A Brief History of the New Constitutionalism, or ‘How We Changed Everything So That Everything Would Remain the Same.’” (1998) 32(2) Israel Law Review 250.
  • Marmor A, “Randomized Judicial Review” içinde Bustamante T and Fernandes BG (ed.), Democratizing Constitutional Law: Perspective on Legal Theory and the Legitimacy of Constitutionalism (Springer 2016)
  • Martinez JS, “Horizontal Structuring” içinde Rosenfeld M ve Sajo A (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law (Oxford University Pres 2012)
  • McIlwain CH, Constitutionalism: Ancient and Modern (Cornell University Press 1947)
  • Metin Y, “Anayasal Demokrasi İçinde Anayasa Mahkemesinin Konumu” (2012) 2(1) S.D.Ü. Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi.
  • Michelman F, “How Can the People ever Make the Laws? A Critique of Deliberative Democracy”, içinde Bohman J ve Rehg W (ed.), Deliberative Democracy Essays on Reason and Politics (The MIT Press 1997)
  • Möllers C, The Three Branches: A Comparative Model of Separation of Powers (Oxford University Press 2013)
  • Montesquieu, Kanunların Ruhu Üzerine (Güven B çev., 8. bs., İş Bankası Yayınları 2017)
  • Özbudun E, Türk Anayasa Hukuku (22. bs., Ankara 2022)
  • Perry MJ, “What is ‘the Constitution’? and Other Fundamental Questions” içinde Alexander L (ed.), Constitutionalism: Philosophical Foundations (Cambridge University Press 1998)
  • Pritchett CH, “Constitutional Law I - Introduction” International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences III (1968)
  • Radin MJ, “Re-considering The Rule of Law” içinde Bellamy R (ed.), The Rule of Law and The Separation of Powers (Routledge 2016)
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Toplam 100 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hukuk (Diğer)
Bölüm Research Article

Aslan Delice 0000-0002-3596-8420

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Ekim 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 16 Temmuz 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Sayı: 60

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Delice, Aslan. “ANAYASA YARGISI KARŞISINDA PARLAMENTO EGEMENLİĞİNİ YENİDEN DÜŞÜNMEK”. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, sy. 60 (Ekim 2024): 1-30.
EndNote Delice A (01 Ekim 2024) ANAYASA YARGISI KARŞISINDA PARLAMENTO EGEMENLİĞİNİ YENİDEN DÜŞÜNMEK. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi 60 1–30.
IEEE A. Delice, “ANAYASA YARGISI KARŞISINDA PARLAMENTO EGEMENLİĞİNİ YENİDEN DÜŞÜNMEK”, TAAD, sy. 60, ss. 1–30, Ekim 2024, doi: 10.54049/taad.1572864.
ISNAD Delice, Aslan. “ANAYASA YARGISI KARŞISINDA PARLAMENTO EGEMENLİĞİNİ YENİDEN DÜŞÜNMEK”. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi 60 (Ekim 2024), 1-30.
MLA Delice, Aslan. “ANAYASA YARGISI KARŞISINDA PARLAMENTO EGEMENLİĞİNİ YENİDEN DÜŞÜNMEK”. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, sy. 60, 2024, ss. 1-30, doi:10.54049/taad.1572864.