Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 7/2/24

Year: 2024

The Journal of the Institute for Sufi Studies of Uskudar University is focused on the thought, history and literature of Sufism, including research and articles about the philosophical, social, cultural, anthropological, and artistic aspects of these topics.

The journal is a double-blind, peer-reviewed publication published twice a year in May and November, available both in print and online versions. The journal’s languages are Turkish and English. The Journal consists of two parts. First and the main part includes peer-reviewed scientific articles. The second part includes non-peer reviewed academic studies such as article translations, book reviews and essays.

The Journal aims to contribute to the academic field of Islamic Studies through a focus on Sufi Studies, while also bringing forward Ottoman Sufi thought and Sufi perspectives on Islamic civilization. At the same time, through an interdisciplinary approach, the Journal aims to expand the accepted bounds of disciplines by providing the opportunity for the various fields to work together when thinking of the myriad topics related to Islamic and Sufi Studies. 

General Information
The works submitted to the Uskudar University Journal of the Institute for Sufi Studies (JISS) must not have been previously published elsewhere or sent elsewhere for publication purposes. The copyright of the works published in the journal belong to the journal. When the author submits their work for publication in the journal, they automatically agree to the journal’s author instructions and publication and ethical rules. The author accepts that they have transferred all copyright of their submitted work once it has been accepted to the journal. The editorial board sends its authors two copies of the journal in return for the copyright. The publication of a work that has already been published in this journal elsewhere is subject to this journal’s authorization.

Articles must be prepared using the quotation and reference system set out in The Chicago Manual of Style (17th Edition, Notes and Bibliography).
For translations sent to the journal, the publication authorization of the work’s author and the original of the text is required.
The views expressed in the articles published in the journal belong solely to the authors; they do not represent the official views of Uskudar University or the journal’s boards.

Manuscript Structure
The languages of the journal are Turkish and English. The editors/assistant editors will do an initial proofing of the works sent to the journal. The latest edition of the TDK Yazım Kılavuzu will be used for the spelling, punctuation, and abbreviations in the Turkish articles.
Page format: the margins of the page should be indented 2,5 cm from the top, bottom, and left, and 3 cm from the right; the line spacing – including in the Bibliography section –should be 1,5 and 0 nk. Page numbers should be on the bottom right corner of the page.
Font and Font Size: Works must be submitted in “Microsoft Word” format. The main text of the article should use Times New Roman font, 12-point font, and 1,5 line spacing. Footnotes should use 10-point Times New Roman font, 1 line spacing, in a normal style and placed at the end of the page with a space after the footnote number. Alongside this, for works using transcription, the TL Times New V100 font should be preferred. This font type may be obtained from the following link: (https://www.fonttr.com/ttimesb-font)
Headings: The article’s title (main title) should be 14-point font centered on the page, in capital letters and bold; headings should be 12-point font, with only their first letter capitalized and bold.

Author name: the name of the work’s author should be placed one line after the main title in 12-point Times New Roman font, centering the main title and in bold. The first letter of the author’s name should be characterized with the remaining letters lowercase; the last name of the author should be fully capitalized. An asterisk in parenthesis (*) should be placed after the last name, and the footer used to provide information about the author (ORCID ID, Academic title, Institution, E-mail address) in 10-point Times New Roman font, 1 line spacing, justified to both sides, and only visible on the first page.
Abstract and Keywords: Works that will be subject to the double-blind peer review process (research articles and compilation/literature review articles) must include an Abstract between 150 to maximum 300 words. There should be at least 3 to at most 10 keywords setting out the important names, places, sources, concepts, etc. of the article.
Paragraph: All paragraphs in the work should be flush left, with no indentations.
Punctuation: A single space must be given after every punctuation mark. The exception to this rule is when referencing verses from the Qur’an and hadiths. Verses should be referenced by first writing the name of the chapter from the Qur’an, followed by the number of the chapter and then the number of the verse. (For example, Bakara 2/115)
Italicization: Italics should be minimally used throughout the work. Books that are referenced within the text should be put in italics. (For example, In his work Beş Şehir, Tanpınar…) In the same way, verses and hadiths that are referenced should be italicized. (For example, Could the knowers and the ignoramuses ever be one?; The person who sets forth on a journey of knowledge is on the path of God until she returns home.)
Abbreviations: In Arabic personal names, authors should use “b.” and “bt.” rather than “ibn” and “bint”. (For example, Aḥmed b. Muḥammed el-Ġazzālī; Fāṭıma bt. Muḥammed) The only exception to this is in the case of an initial “ibn”. (For example, Ibn al-‘Arabī)
Aside from those mentioned, some of the most often used abbreviations are as follows: Ar. (Arabic), AMS (Arabic Manuscript), vol./vols. (volume[s]), br. (born), Per. (Persian), PMS (Persian Manuscript), H. (Hijrī), M. (Miladī), BCE (Before Common Era), CE (Common Era), no./nos. (number[s]), d. (died), eg. (example), p./pp. (page[s]), N. (number), d.p. (date of publication), n.d. (no date of publication), Tur. (Turkish), TMS (Turkish Manuscripts), etc. (et cetera), fol./fols. (folio[s]), cent. (century).
Dates: All dates prior to the 19th century must be given as both Hijri and Miladi years, with a slash between the two years. The Hijri date should be mentioned first, followed by the Miladi year. (For example, d. 638/1240)
References: All works must be prepared using The Chicago Manual of Style (17th Edition, Notes and Bibliography) citation and reference system. For detailed information on the Chicago Manual of Style (17th Edition, Notes and Bibliography) see: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html.

a. References should be given as footnotes at the end of the page; references must not be given within the text.
b. The footnote number within the text should be given right after the period without a space in between the period and the footnote number.
c. A space should be given after the footnote number and the text should resume after this space. A second space or a space at the beginning of subsequent sentences should not be given.
d. The full citation should be given for any source that is used; any sources that are not cited in the text should not be put into the references.
e. Direct quotations from a source should be indicated inside quotation marks and referenced in a footnote. Quotes that are less than 3 lines should remain in line with the regular text, whereas quotes that are longer than 3 lines should be arranged as follows within the margins of the normal text: indented 1,25 cm from the left, 1 cm from the right, 1,15 line spacing and 11-point font. The full text of what is being quoted can be given in direct quotations, or certain portions of a text can also be addressed. Areas where certain words, sentences, paragraphs, or pages are being skipped over should be indicated by ellipses in parentheses (…) within the quotation marks.
f. Paraphrasing involves the general explanation of a thought or statement from other
sources without directly quoting from these sources. In this type of quotation where the author either summarizes or comments on the thoughts and statements of others using their own words, quotation marks are not used and the references for paraphrased citations begin with the word “See” in the footnotes.
Transliteration Table: For works using words from Arabic, Persian, Ottoman Turkish and Urdu, the spelling rules given in the table below must be used. It is especially requested that the names of works that are used in the article are written using transcription. If the work submitted is in English, then the rules below the Arabic, Persian and Urdu headings should be used; if the work submitted is in Turkish, the rules under the Ottoman Turkish heading should be followed. For the translation table see: https://jissjournal.com/uploads/files/yaz-ing.pdf

Single-Authored Books
First reference:
Reşat Öngören, Osmanlılarda Tasavvuf: Anadolu’da Sûfîler Devlet ve Ulemâ (XVI: Yüzyıl), (İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık, 2016), 56.
Alexander Knysh, Islamic Mysticism: A Short History (Leiden: Brill NV, 2010), 43.
Subsequent reference:
Öngören, Osmanlılarda Tasavvuf, 56.
Knysh, Islamic Mysticism, 43.
Öngören, Reşat. Osmanlılarda Tasavvuf: Anadolu’da Sûfîler Devlet ve Ulemâ (XVI: Yüzyıl). 4. Baskı. İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık, 2016.
Knysh, Alexander. Islamic Mysticism: A Short History. Leiden: Brill NV, 2010.

Multi-Authored Books
First reference:
William C. Chittick ve Sachiko Murata, İslâm’ın Vizyonu: İnanç ve Uygulama, çev. Turan Koç (İstanbul: İnsan Yayınları, 2017), 199.
Nader Ardalan and Laleh Bakhtiar, The Sense of Unity: The Sufi Tradition in Persian Architecture (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1973), 72.
Subsequent reference:
Chittick ve Murata, İslâm’ın Vizyonu, 199.
Ardalan and Bakhtiar, The Sense of Unity, 72.
Chittick, William C. ve Murata, Sachiko. İslâm’ın Vizyonu: İnanç ve Uygulama. çev. Turan Koç. İstanbul: İnsan Yayınları, 2017.
Nader Ardalan and Laleh Bakhtiar. The Sense of Unity: The Sufi Tradition in Persian Architecture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1973.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In printed or electronic articles and books with multiple authors, the first author is written Last Name, First name; subsequent authors are listed as First Name, Last Name.

Translated Books
First reference:
Carl W. Ernst, Tasavvuf Öğretileri, çev. F. Cangüzel Güner Zülfikar (İstanbul: Sûfî Kitap, 2019), 63.
René Guénon, The Crisis of Modern World, trans. Arthur Osborne (United States: Sophia Perennis et Universalis, 2001), 57.
Subsequent reference:
Ernst, Tasavvuf Öğretileri, 63.
Guénon, The Crisis of Modern World, 57.
Ernst, Carl W. Tasavvuf Öğretileri. çev. F. Cangüzel Güner Zülfikar. İstanbul: Sûfî Kitap, 2019.
Guénon, René. The Crisis of Modern World. Translated by Arthur Osborne. United States: Sophia Perennis et Universalis, 2001.

Book Chapter or Other Section (Foreword-Preface-Introduction-Presentation)-Addenda)
First reference:
Emine Yeniterzi, “Fuzûlî’nin Su Kasidesi’nde Su Redifini Seçmesinin Sebepleri”, Geleneksel Türk Sanatında ve Edebiyatımızda Su, ed. Nuretin Demir, (Ankara: Ankara
Büyükşehir Belediyesi ASKİ Yayınları, 2014), 80.
Ahmet T. Karamustafa, “Walayāh according to al-Junayd”, in Reason and Inspiration in Islam: Theology, Philosophy and Mysticism in Muslim Thought, in Honor of Hermann Landolt, ed. Todd Lawson (London: I.B. Tauris, 2005), 68.
Mahmud Erol Kılıç, “Takriz”, Hz. Peygamber ve İlim, ed. Muhammed Bedirhan (İstanbul: Kerim Vakfı ve TÜRKKAD İstanbul Şubesi, 2018), 5.
Subsequent reference:
Yeniterzi, “Fuzûlî’nin Su Kasidesi’nde Su Redifini Seçmesinin Sebepleri”, 80.
Karamustafa, “Walayāh according to al-Junayd”, 68.
Kılıç, “Takriz”, 5.
Yeniterzi, Emine. “Fuzûlî’nin Su Kasidesi’nde Su Redifini Seçmesinin Sebepleri”. Geleneksel Türk Sanatında ve Edebiyatımızda Su, ed. Nuretin Demir, 77-88. Ankara:
Ankara Büyükşehir Belediyesi ASKİ Yayınları, 2014.
Karamustafa, Ahmet T. “Walayāh according to al-Junayd”. In Reason and Inspiration in Islam: Theology, Philosophy and Mysticism in Muslim Thought, in Honor of Hermann Landolt, edited by Todd Lawson, 64-70. London: I. B. Tauris, 2005.
Kılıç, Mahmud Erol, “Takriz”. Hz. Peygamber ve İlim, ed. Muhammed Bedirhan, 5-6. İstanbul: Kerim Vakfı ve TÜRKKAD İstanbul Şubesi, 2018.

First reference:
Nevzat Tarhan, Akıldan Kalbe Yolculuk (İstanbul: Nesil Yayıncılık, 2012), 157, https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=9nvYAwAAQBAJ&pg=GBS.PP1&hl=tr
Seyyed Hossein Nasr et al., eds, The Study Quran: A New Translation and Commentary (California: HarperOne, 2015), chap. 1, Kindle.
Subsequent reference:
Tarhan, Akıldan Kalbe Yolculuk, 157.
Nasr, The Study Quran, chap. 1.
Tarhan, Nevzat. Akıldan Kalbe Yolculuk. İstanbul: Nesil Yayıncılık, 2012. https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=9nvYAwAAQBAJ&pg=GBS.PP1&hl=tr
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein et al., eds. The Study Quran: A New Translation and Commentary. California: HarperOne, 2015. Kindle.

Book Review
First reference:
Ayhan Yalçınkaya, “Kitap İncelemesi”, inceleme: Tanrı’nın Kural Tanımaz Kulları: İslâm Dünyasında Derviş Toplulukları, Ahmet. T. Karamustafa, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 64, 3 (2009):
Mohammed Rustom, “Book Review”, review of Seal of the Saints: Prophethood and Sainthood in the Doctrine of Ibn ‘Arabi, by Michel Chodkiewicz, Fonts Vitae Website, 2005, http://www.mohammedrustom.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Review-ofChodkiewicz-Seal-of-the-Saints-FV-Website.pdf
Subsequent reference:
Yalçınkaya, “Kitap İncelemesi”.
Rustom, “Book Review”.
Yalçınkaya, Ayhan. “Kitap İncelemesi”. İnceleme: Tanrı’nın Kural Tanımaz Kulları: İslâm Dünyasında Derviş Toplulukları, Ahmet. T. Karamustafa. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi 64, 3 (2009): 239-250.
Rustom, Mohammed. “Book Review”. Review of Seal of the Saints: Prophethood and Sainthood in the Doctrine of Ibn ‘Arabi, by Michel Chodkiewicz. Fonts Vitae Website, 2005, http://www.mohammedrustom.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Review-ofChodkiewicz-Seal-of-the-Saints-FV-Website.pdf

Published Presentation and Conference Papers and Unpublished Conferences
First reference:
Hatice Dilek Güldütuna, “Fuat Sezgin ve Hocası Helmut Ritter”, I. Uluslararası Fuat Sezgin Bilimler Tarihi Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, ed. Fahameddin Başar vd., (İstanbul: İstanbul University Press, 2020), 12.
Christopher Melchert, “Origins and early Sufism”, (The Triangle Medieval Studies Seminar, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, October 2015).
Subsequent reference:
Güldütuna, “Fuat Sezgin ve Hocası Helmut Ritter”, 12.
Melchert, “Origins and early Sufism”.
Güldütuna, Hatice Dilek. “Fuat Sezgin ve Hocası Helmut Ritter”. I. Uluslararası Fuat Sezgin Bilimler Tarihi Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı. ed. Fahameddin Başar vd. 1-15. İstanbul: İstanbul University Press, 2020.
Melchert, Christopher. “Origins and early Sufism”, The Triangle Medieval Studies Seminar, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, October 2015.


Published Article
• If the journal has a volume and issue number, it is referenced in the following manner: “Journal Name Volume no, Issue no (Year): page number”.
• If the journal only has an issue number, then it is referenced as follows: “Journal Name Issue no (Year): page”.
• The “vol.” abbreviation is not used for journals.
• If the journal is printed, there is no need to mention its web address.
First reference:
Ahmet Murat Özel, “İbn Ataullah el-İskenderî’nin Allah’ın Varlığına Dair Kanıtlara Yönelik Eleştirisi”, Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi 13, 2 (2013): 128-29.
Omneya Ayad, “Niyāzī Mıṣrī on Poverty (faqr)”, The Journal of the Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society 96, 1 (2021): 92.
Subsequent reference:
Özel, “İbn Ataullah el-İskenderî’nin Allah’ın Varlığına Dair Kanıtlara Yönelik Eleştirisi”, 128.
Ayad, “Niyāzī Mıṣrī on Poverty (faqr)”, 92.
Özel, Ahmet Murat. “İbn Ataullah el-İskenderî’nin Allah’ın Varlığına Dair Kanıtlara Yönelik Eleştirisi”. Marife Dini Araştırmalar Dergisi 13, 2 (2013): 125-138.
Ayad, Omneya. “Niyāzī Mıṣrī on Poverty (faqr)”. The Journal of the Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi Society 96, 1 (2021): 84-114.

Online Article
First reference:
Arzu Eylül Yalçınkaya, “İlk Dönem Tasavvuf Klasiklerinde Zühd Kavramı Üzerine”, BEÜ İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 7, 1 (Haziran 2020): 15, erişim 12 Haziran 2021
Alan Godlas, “Influences of Qushayrī’s Laṭā’if al-ishārāt on Sufi Qur’anic Commentaries, Particularly Rūzbihān al-Baqlī’s ‘Arā’is al-bayān and the Kubrawi al-Ta’wīlāt alnajmiyya”, Journal of Sufi Studies 2, 1 (2013): 85, accessed February 28, 2015, https://doi.org/10.1163/22105956-12341248
Subsequent reference:
Yalçınkaya, “İlk Dönem Tasavvuf Klasiklerinde Zühd Kavramı Üzerine”, 15.
Godlas, “Influences of Qushayrī’s Laṭā’if al-ishārāt”, 85.
Yalçınkaya, Arzu Eylül. “İlk Dönem Tasavvuf Klasiklerinde Zühd Kavramı Üzerine”. BEÜ İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 7, 1 (Haziran 2020): 1-18.
https://doi.org/10.33460/beuifd.652939. (erişim 12 Haziran 2021.)
Godlas, Alan. “Influences of Qushayrī’s Laṭā’if al-ishārāt on Sufi Qur’anic Commentaries, Particularly Rūzbihān al-Baqlī’s ‘Arā’is al-bayān and the Kubrawi al-Ta’wīlāt alnajmiyya”, Journal of Sufi Studies 2, 1 (2013): 78-92. https://doi.org/10.1163/22105956-12341248. (accessed February 28, 2015.)

Web Content
First reference:
“Google Gizlilik Politikası”, son güncelleme 19 Ağustos, 2015, https://www.google.com/intl/tr_tr/policies/privacy/.
“Meşkûre Sargut Hâtırasına Programında ‘Annemarie Schimmel’ anıldı.”, Üsküdar Üniversitesi Tasavvuf Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, Erişim Tarihi: Şubat 20, 2021.
James W. Morris, “Visible and Invisible Islam”, filmed October 4, 2016 at the Theology Department Boston College, video, 00:22:05 to 00:25:32.
Subsequent reference:
“Google Gizlilik Politikası”.
“Meşkûre Sargut Hâtırasına Programında ‘Annemarie Schimmel’ anıldı.”
Morris, “Visible and Invisible Islam”.
Google. “Google Gizlilik Politikası”. Son güncelleme 19 Ağustos, 2015. https://www.google.com/intl/tr_tr/policies/privacy/.
Üsküdar Üniversitesi Tasavvuf Araştırmaları Enstitüsü. “Meşkûre Sargut Hâtırasına Programında ‘Annemarie Schimmel’ anıldı.” Erişim Tarihi: Şubat 20, 2021.
Morris, James W. “Visible and Invisible Islam”. Filmed October 4, 2016 at the Theology Department Boston College. Video, 1:00:12.

News from Daily Newspapers or Magazines
First reference:
Tuğçenur Akgün, “Omid Safi: Batılılar Mevlana’nın İslam’la bağını görmezden geliyor.”, Anadolu Ajansı Kültür Röportaj, 19.12.2021, https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/kultursanat/batililar-mevlananin-islamla-bagini-gormezden-geliyor/2451596#
Rozina Ali, “New York City’s Forgotton Muslim Past”, New Yorker, July 30, 2018, https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/08/06/new-york-citys-forgotten-muslim-past.
Subsequent reference:
Akgün, “Omid Safi: Batılılar Mevlana’nın İslam’la bağını görmezden geliyor.”
Ali, “New York City’s Forgotton Muslim Past”.
Akgün, Tuğçenur. “Omid Safi: Batılılar Mevlana’nın İslam’la bağını görmezden geliyor.”. Anadolu Ajansı Kültür Röportaj. Erişim 20 Ocak 2022. https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/kultursanat/batililar-mevlananin-islamla-bagini-gormezden-geliyor/2451596#.
Ali, Rozina. “New York City’s Forgotton Muslim Past”. New Yorker, July 30, 2018. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/08/06/new-york-citys-forgotten-muslim-past.

Dissertation, Thesis or Graduation Project
First reference:
Selim Uğur, “Tasavvufta Ricâlü’l-Gayb Anlayışı: İbn Âbidîn Örneği” (Yüksek Lisans, Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2018), 49.
Simon Sorgenfrei, “American Dervish: Making Mevlevism in the United States of America” (PhD diss., University of Gothenburg, 2013), 55-56.
Subsequent reference:
Uğur, “Tasavvufta Ricâlü’l-Gayb Anlayışı”, 49.
Sorgenfrei, “American Dervish”, 55-56.
Uğur, Selim. “Tasavvufta Ricâlü’l-Gayb Anlayışı: İbn Âbidîn Örneği”. Yüksek Lisans, Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Tasavvuf Bilim Dalı, 2018.
Sorgenfrei, Simon. “American Dervish: Making Mevlevism in the United States of America”. PhD diss., University of Gothenburg, 2013.

Encyclopedia Article
First reference:
Ömer Türker, “Henrik Samuel Nyberg”, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi, 2007, XXXIII: 312-313.
Winston L. King, “Religion”, in The Encylopedia of Religion, ed. Mircae Eliade (New York: Macmillan, 1987), XII: 285.
Subsequent reference:
Türker, “Henrik Samuel Nyberg”, 312-313.
King, “Religion”, 285.
Türker, Ömer. “Henrik Samuel Nyberg”. Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı İslâm Ansiklopedisi, XXXIII, 2007, 312-313.
King, Winston L. “Religion”. In The Encylopedia of Religion, edited by Mircae Eliade, XII, New York: Macmillan, 1987, 282-293.

Author Known
First reference:
Dervîş Osmân, Risāle müctemi‘a min fevā’idi’l-meşā’iḫi’l-kibār ve esrāru eṣḫābi’d-deḳā’ḳ ve’l-ḥaḳā’iḳi’l-aḫbār, (İstanbul: Büyükşehir Belediyesi Atatürk Kitaplığı, Osman Ergin TY, 314/9), 72b.
Subsequent reference:
Dervîş Osmân, Risāle, (Osman Ergin, TY, 314/9), 72b.
Dervîş Osmân. Risāle müctemi‘a min fevā’idi’l-meşā’iḫi’l-kibār ve esrāru eṣḫābi’d-deḳā’ḳ ve’l-ḥaḳā’iḳi’l-aḫbār. İstanbul: Büyükşehir Belediyesi Atatürk Kitaplığı, Osman Ergin Türkçe Yazmaları, 314/9, 62a-72b.
Unknown Author
First reference:
Feżā’il-i Kelime-i Tevḥīd, (Ankara: Milli Kütüphane, Yazmalar, 1110/1), 1a.
Subsequent reference:
Feżā’il-i Kelime-i Tevḥīd, (Yazmalar, 1110/1), 1a.
Feżā’il-i Kelime-i Tevḥīd. Ankara: Milli Kütüphane, Yazmalar, 1110/1, 1a-22a.

Referencing Verses from the Qur’an and Hadiths
For verses and hadiths, references may be given in the text or in a footnote. In either case, the quoted text must be italicized.
When a verse is used, the name of the chapter, the number of the chapter and the number of the verse should be indicated as follows:
So, undoubtedly, along with the hardship there is ease. (İnşirâh 94/5)
Hadiths should be referenced using the author or book name. For example,
Buhârî, “Rikâk”, 12. (The expansion of this reference: the 12th hadith in the Riqaq titled hadiths from Buhari’s Sahih)
Müsned, II, 145. (The expansion of this reference: the 145th hadith in the 2nd volume of Ahmed b. Hanbel’s Musnad)

The journal is a double-blind, peer-reviewed publication published twice a year in May and November, available both in print and online.
The Journal of the Institute for Sufi Studies (JISS) accepts articles in Turkish and English.
Instructions for Authors
Journal of the Institute for Sufi Studies (JISS) Scope The Journal of the Institute for Sufi Studies of Uskudar University is focused on the thought, history and literature of Sufism, including research and articles about the philosophical, social, cultural, anthropological, and artistic aspects of these topics.
The Journal aims to contribute to the academic field of Islamic Studies through a focus on Sufi Studies, while also bringing forward Ottoman Sufi thought and Sufi perspectives on Islamic civilization. At the same time, through an interdisciplinary approach, the Journal aims to expand the accepted bounds of disciplines by providing the opportunity for the various fields to work together when thinking of the myriad topics related to Islamic and Sufi Studies.
Submission Types
The work that is sent to the Journal must be no more than 8000 words, excluding the references (bibliography) section. The work that is sent is first evaluated based on its adherence to the publication rules by the journal secretariat. It is then evaluated by the Editorial Board in terms of its purpose, topic, content, presentation and writing style. All submitted work is expected to fit the basic criteria listed below:
a) An original work that has not been done before
b) Prepared using current methods
b) Contributing to its field by presenting new concepts and methods
c) Advanced scientific competence
d) Clearly expresses the methodological foundation on which it is built
e) Allows for different perspectives and thoughts
f) Productive enough to open the path for further work on its field and topic

1. Research Paper

This is the most common article type where data obtained from an original study is presented in a detailed manner. It is composed of sections such as hypothesis, method, result, data analysis and discussion. It is preferred that the work be not less than 5000 words. The article is evaluated through a blind review process.

2. Compilation and Literature Review Articles

These are articles written by way of reading, evaluating, and commenting through comparative analysis on findings presented in a sufficient number of scientific studies already done. It is recommended that the work be no longer than 5000 words. The article is evaluated through a blind review process.

3. Conference & Symposium Proceedings

These are works prepared for the purpose of presenting specific academic topics in its myriad dimensions at national or international academic meetings arranged to bring together experts of the field. In particular, translations into Turkish of these proceedings will be included. It is recommended that the work be no longer than 4000 works. Submissions in this category are evaluated by the Editorial Board.

4. Book Reviews

Book reviews introduce works such as a compilation, a monograph, scientific meeting, or article, and then engage in constructive criticism of the topic at hand as well as the work in which it is presented. It is recommended that the work be no longer than 1500 words. Submissions in this category are evaluated by the Editorial Board.

5. Other Original or Compilation Articles/Writings

Original or compilation articles that have not been published elsewhere may be published in the Journal following an evaluation by the Editorial Board without being sent for blind review. Essays by experts of the field, specific topics, and writings on the areas of interest and academic activities of the Institute for Sufi Studies may be considered within this category.

Editorial Policies
1. Blind Review
The Journal of the Institute for Sufi Studies (JISS) is a double-blind peer reviewed research journal and academic publication.

2. Authorship
An article’s writer or writers are referred to as “author”. In articles with more than one article, one author will be nominated as the one responsible for ordering the authors and other matters. In articles based on masters’ and doctorate theses, the author of the thesis is qualified as the first author, and the thesis advisor is the second author. If there are any persons or institutions that have provided technical or monetary help or support in data accumulation, they should be mentioned in the last part of the work. Authors must mention all conflicts of interest with regards to the work they provide to the journal.

3. Evaluation of Submissions
Submissions are evaluated by the Editorial Board. The pre-assessment of the work submitted to the journal is finalized within 7 days. As a result of this initial assessment, in case of necessity, the author is given an additional 15 days to complete any corrections requested. Works that are found to be in line with publication criteria are evaluated based on their category of publication. Research articles and compilation/literature review articles are subject to the blind peer review process. The work is sent to two experts of the relevant field. In case of no differences in the opinions of the reviewers, the author is given 21 days to complete any changes/corrections requested by the reviewers. In case there is a difference in the opinions of the reviewers, a third reviewer will be consulted. Any additional time requests from reviewers will also be taken into account.

The author/s must engage with any and all correction, recommendation and critique offered by the reviewers and the editor. In case of disagreements, the author must provide a written explanation with justifications provided.

Publication Policies
1. Publication Ethics
It is expected that all parties involved in the publication of the journal, including the writers, editors and reviewers, will behave according to rules of publication ethics. In order to ensure compliance with ethical standards, Uskudar University adheres to the international ethics set out by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) in all processes. For the ethical values mentioned: https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines-new/principlestransparency-and-best-practice-scholarly-publishing
The submission period begins with the work being sent to the Journal of the Institute for Sufi Studies(JISS) for publication. The Journal’s authorized body reserves the right to make changes to the text of the work and to publish or not publish the work.

Authorship: Authors must have made a demonstrable contribution to the thought, design and interpretation of the work submitted. In cases of contribution in other manners, this contribution should be clearly explained. In works with multiple authors, the designated author must affirm with the work’s other authors that they approve the final version of the work and that it has been sent to the journal for publication.
Originality: Authors must send original works that have not been previously published. Sources and references used in the work must be clearly and completely indicated. The author is fully responsible for ensuring this.
Copyright and Conflict of Interest: Authors must indicate the financial support they have benefited from and any other potential conflict interest. All sources of financial support must be clearly indicated. Authors must not submit the same work for publication in multiple journals.
Participation in the blind peer review and editorial process: Authors are expected to cooperate with the editorial board during the blind-review and editorial processes. Where necessary, authors will need to incorporate the changes requested to their work in a timely manner and also approve the final version of the work prior to its publication. In order to ensure anonymity, the author must not include any information that might disclose their identity in the body of the work.
Honesty: Authors must ensure accuracy throughout the entirety of their work. It is expected for any mistakes that were initially missed to be corrected. These corrections are published separately and a note is made on the original work that corrections have been done. For more serious problems and misappropriation (such as plagiarism), the original work will be removed.

Competence: Reviewers must be experts in their respective fields. They must have attained at least a PhD degree or have a senior academic title. They are expected to have prior publications in the field of review. The reviewer that has been chosen who feels that they cannot do justice to the task or that they will not be able to complete it in a timely manner should inform the editor and withdraw from the review.
Copyright and Conflict of Interest: In cases of potential conflicts of interest, the reviewers must inform the Editorial Board. Reviewers should not have engaged in partnered work with authors applying to the journal in the previous five years.
Contributions to Editorial Evaluations: Reviewers support the Editorial Board and contribute to the author improving their work. The reviewer’s responsibility in this matter is to determine the originality and importance of the work in its field and any relevant references that the author may have missed
Principles of Objectivity: The review process should be carried out in a respectful and objective manner. There is no allowance for a personal critique of the author. Reviewers must explain their comments with justifications.
Confidentiality: The work that is sent to the reviewer is regarded as being confidential. It is strictly forbidden for the work to be shared with any person or institutions that has not been authorized by the Editorial Board.

Editorial Board
Editor in Chief (Administrative Editor): Responsible for all journal activities.
Editors: The Journal has four editors and two assistant editors. All publication processes are carried out by editors.
The editors are responsible for evaluating the works that are submitted to the journal twice a year. The editorial board ensures compliance with principles such as blind review and evaluation processes as well as ethical principles while also carrying out publication policies. By also encouraging academic integrity, it regulates any potential plagiarism situations prior to the publication stage. The editorial board is the journal’s publication board; it is the reviewer’s decision that is taken into account when considering the publication of research articles and compilation/literature review articles whose double-blind peer review process have been completed. The Editorial Board evaluates and decides the submissions in the other categories that are not subject to the double-blind peer review process.
Determining Misconduct: the Editorial Board is responsible for evaluating allegations of plagiarism and misuse before, during, or after publication. The Editorial Board will not ignore any case of misuse, does not encourage it, nor knowingly allow it. If a case of misuse is found during the submission or publication period, the author is informed and the work is retracted. If only small mistakes are found, the corrections will be made in the online journal, while the correct print version will be published in the next volume.
Participation in auditing: Editors are responsible for evaluating and taking the necessary steps for ethical concerns/complaints brought against any submitted or published works.
Confidentiality: The Editorial Board does not share the information of a submitted work with third persons except for the author of the work, the reviewers, potential reviewers, the editorial board, editorial consultants and publishers.
Copyright and Conflict of Interest: Material that is used in a submitted work that has not yet been published may not be used in the personal work of an editor without the express written permission of the author. Privileged information or ideas received as part of the blind peer review process must remain confidential and must not be used for personal gain.

Advisory Board
Advisory Board: formed from experts in their respective fields. In cases of need, the Editorial Board may request academic consultation from Advisory Board members during the publication process. Advisory Board members will help with the matter at hand in accordance with their expertise.

There are NO PUBLICATION FEES (article processing charges, editorial processing charges, language editing fees, colour charges, submission fees, page charges, membership fees, print subscription costs, other supplementary charges, all other charges) to publish with this journal. All expenses of the journal are covered by Publisher.The journal is free and open.