Abū Ĥanīfa, who has an exceptional position in Islamic jurisprudence and history in general, has been devoted to the interest of many scholars and researchers both in the classical period and today. As a result of this interest, many works of various kinds related to his life and thoughts have been written. More than 40 works were written on his life alone. In this article, the conglomerate of these works have been examined, and manuscript copies of the works that have reached our present day but have not yet been published have also been introduced. This literature is therefore intended for those scholars who have an interest in critically edited manuscripts.
In the literature covering the manāqibs of Abū Ĥanīfa, no trace of the following works appears to have reached us today:
1. Abū Ĥafs al-Śaghīr (d. 264/878) - Manāqib Abī Ĥanīfa
2. Abū Yaĥyā al-Nīsābūrī (d. 298/910) - Manāqib Abī Ĥanīfa
3. Al-Taĥāwī (d. 321/932) - Manāqib Abī Ĥanīfa
4. Ibn Kās (d. 324/935) - Tuĥfah al-Śulŧān fī Manāqib al-NuǾmān
5. Ibn ǾUqdah (d. 332/944) - Akhbār Abī Ĥanīfa wa Musnaduhu
6. ShuǾaybī (d. 357/968) - Fađāǿil Abī Ĥanīfa
7. Marzubānī (d. 384/994) - Kitāb Abī Ĥanīfa
8. Śaydalānī (d. 388/998) - Manāqib Abī Ĥanīfa
9. Zamakhsharī (d. 538/1144) - Shaqāǿiq al-NuǾmān fī Ĥaqāǿiq al-NuǾmān
10. Žahīr al-Dīn al-Marghinānī (d. 6th/12th century) - Manāqib al-Imām al-AǾžam
11. Žahīr al-Dīn al-Bayhaqī (d. 565/1169) - Al-Mawāhib al-Sharīfah
12. Qurashī (d. 775/1373) - Al-Bustān fī Manāqib al-NuǾmān
13. Ibn Musāfir (d. 9th/15th century) - Fađāǿil al-Imām Abī Ĥanīfa
14. Ibn al-Mibrad (d. 909/1503) - Tanwīr al-Śaĥīfah bi-Manāqib Abī Ĥanīfa
15. Shaykh Abū SaǾīd - Manāqib al-Imām al-AǾžam
16. Ghunaymī (d. 1044/1635) - Al-Shadharah al-Laŧīfah
17. Osmanzāde Ahmad Tāib (d. 1136/1724) - Manāqib al-Imām al-AǾžam
18. Nažīrā Ibrāhīm Efendī (d. 1188/1774) - Manāqib al-Imām al-AǾžam
There are 11 published works on Abū Ĥanīfa’s life which are more readily available for researchers:
1. Ibn Abī al-ǾAwwām (d. 335/946-7) - Fađāǿil Abī Ĥanīfa
2. Śaymarī (d. 436/1045) - Akhbār Abī Ĥanīfa wa Aśĥābih
3. Makkī (d. 568/1172) - Manāqib Abī Ĥanīfa
4. Dhahabī (d. 748/1348) - Manāqib al-Imām Abī Ĥanīfa
5. Bazzāzī (d. 827/1424) - Manāqib Abī Ĥanīfa
6. Suyūŧī (d. 911/1505) - Tabyīđ al-Śahīfah bi-Manāqib al-Imām Abī Ĥanīfa
7. Śāliĥī (d. 942/1536) - ǾUqūd al-Jumān
8. Ibn Ĥajar al-Haythamī (d. 974/1567) - Al-Khayrāt al-Ĥisān
9. Qurŧubī (d. 10th/16th century) - Qalāǿid al-ǾUqūd al-Durar wa al-ǾIqyān
10. Shams al-Dīn al-Sivāsī (d. 1006/1597) - Al-Ĥiyāđ fī Manāqib al-Imām al-Murtād
11. Nūĥ b. Muśŧafā (d. 1070/1660) - Al-Durr al-Munažžam
There are 13 unpublished biographical works on Abū Ĥanīfa that are still in manuscript form:
1. Himmānī (d. 308/921) - Faśl fī Manāqib Abī Ĥanīfa: it is not clear whether the work has reached our present day. Three copies of this short work are said to be found in Istanbul, Diyarbakır and Cairo.
2. Sabazmūnī (d. 340/952) - Kashf al-Āthār: the only known copy of the work, which is one of the most important sources in the literature, is located at the Library of Eastern Studies Institute Biruni (Tashkent).
3. Dīnavarī (d. 469/107) - Manāqib Abī Ĥanīfa: the only copy of the work that we could identify is the one in the Manisa Manuscript Library.
4. AlmaǾī (d. 5th/11th century) - Al- Ħiśāl al-Ĥamīdah: there are two copies of the work, which is a compilation of the good characteristics of Abū Ĥanīfa, at the Süleymaniye Library.
5. Zaranjarī (d. 512/1118) - Manāqib Abī Ĥanīfa: this important work, which contains unique information, has two copies in Antalya and Istanbul.
6. Ibn al-Naqīb (d. 8th/14th century) - Manāqib al-Imām al-AǾžam: the only version of the work which is written in Persian is at the Inebey Manuscript Library (Bursa).
7. Erzinjānī (d. 743/1342-3) - Nuzhah al-Abrār: there are three copies of the work at the Süleymaniye Library that nonetheless do not seem to be original.
8. Ibn al-Dawālibī (d. 862/1458) - Manāqib al-Imām Abī Ĥanīfa: the only known copy of this short work is in the Zakhiriye Library.
9. Ibn Qutlubogha (d. 879/1474) - Manāqib al-Imām al-AǾžam Abī Ĥanīfa: a copy related to Ibn Qutlubogha, the author of the famous Ĥanafī biography Tāj al-Tarājim, is found in the Köprülü Library.
10. Ibn Ĥajar al-Haythamī (d. 974/1567) - Manāqib Abī Ĥanīfa: two copies of the work which were claimed to have been lost can be found at the Süleymaniye and Nuruosmaniye libraries.
11. Al-Rayĥān li-Manāqib al-NuǾmān: a copy of the work which is from the 10th/16th century and whose author is unknown can be found at the Topkapı Palace Museum’s library.
12. Zilelī Muharrem Efendī (d. 1006/1597) - Manāqib al-Imām al-AǾžam: as far as it can be ascertained, 15 copies of the work which have reached our present day are located in various libraries throughout Turkey and around the world.
13. Mustaqīmzāde Suleymān SaǾd al-Dīn Efendī (d. 1202/1788) - Manāqib al-Imām al-AǾžam: to the best of our knowledge, this work, which is written in Turkish, has reached our present day with three extant copies at the Süleymaniye Library as well as one at the Topkapı Palace Museum’s library.
The works of Sabazmūnī, Dīnavarī and Zaranjarī, which have not yet been published, need to be brought to light first and foremost.
İslam hukuk düşüncesi ve tarihinde müstesna bir mevkii bulunan Ebû Hanîfe, gerek klasik dönemde gerekse günümüzde pek çok âlim ve araştırmacının ilgisine mazhar olmuş; bu ilginin sonucunda hayatı ve düşüncelerine dair muhtelif türlerde birçok eser kaleme alınmıştır. Ebû Hanîfe’nin yalnızca hayatını konu edinen eserlerin sayısı dahi kırkın üzerindedir. Bu geniş külliyatın maalesef yarıya yakını, tarihin sayfaları arasında kaybolmuştur. Günümüze ulaşan kısmının da yarıya yakını neşredilip araştırmacıların istifadesine sunulmuş iken diğer yarısı hâlâ yazma halinde olup naşirlerin ilgisini beklemektedir. Bu geniş literatürün neşrine olan ihtiyaca vurgu yapmak ve tahkik ile ilgilenen kimselerin dikkatlerini çekmek amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmada, öncelikle Ebû Hanîfe’nin hayatı hakkında yazılan eserlerin bir listesi verilmiş, ardından yayınlanmamış olan eserlerin yazma nüshaları tanıtılmıştır.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Religious Studies |
Journal Section | Research Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | June 30, 2018 |
Submission Date | April 1, 2018 |
Published in Issue | Year 2018 Volume: 1 Issue: 1 |