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Baber Johansen’in Contingency in Sacred Law Adlı Kitabı ve Fıkhın Mahiyetine Dair Görüşleri

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 65 - 76, 30.06.2021


Bu çalışmada oryantalistlerin ilgilendikleri temel konulardan birisi olan fıkhın mahiyeti konusunun merkeze alındığı Baber Johansen’in Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh eseri değerlendirilecektir. Joseph Schacht’ın fıkhın mahiyetine dair görüşlerine kuvvetli eleştirilerde bulunan Johansen’in Contingency in a Sacred Law adlı eseri 1999 yılına kadar çeşitli dillerde kaleme aldığı makalelerin derlemesinden müteşekkildir. Johansen’in aynı yılda yayınlanan Contingency in a Sacred Law adlı eserine yazdığı giriş yazısı, fıkhın mahiyetine dair ortaya koyduğu en kapsamlı yazılarından birisi kabul edilmektedir. Bu açıdan kitabın yayınlaması üzerinden geçen yirmi iki yıla rağmen Johansen’in mevzubahis edilen kitabı ve giriş yazısı fıkhın mahiyeti üzerine yürütülen tartışmalarda sahip olduğu önemi kaybetmemiştir. Bununla birlikte kitap hakkında Türkçe bir kitap değerlendirmesi bulunmamaktadır. Söz konusu kitap, yayınlanmasını takip eden yıllarda kayda değer sayıda Batılı araştırmacı tarafından kaleme alınan kitap değerlendirmeleri de dikkate alınarak değerlendirilecektir.


  • Bedir, M. (2004). Oryantalizm ve İslâm Hukuku. İslâm Hukuku Araştırmaları Dergisi, (4 [Oryantalist İslâm Hukukçuları Özel Sayısı]), 11-42.
  • Brockopp, J. E. (2002). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh Baber Johansen. Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 57(6), 1654-1655.
  • Chaumont, E. (2000). Baber Johansen, Contingency in a Sacred Law. Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh, Leiden-Boston-Köln, Brill (coll. « Studies in Islamic Law and Society », n° 7), 1999. Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Méditerranée, 91(94), 424-429. doi:10.4000/remmm.2755
  • Gilliot, C. (2000). Contingency in a Sacred Law. Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh Baber Johansen. Studia Islamica, (90), 187-187. doi:10.2307/1596176
  • Goldberg, J. (2000). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh Baber Johansen. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 10(1), 99-101.
  • Hacak, H. (2004). Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje ve İslam Hukuku ile İlgili Görüşleri. İslâm Hukuku Araştırmaları Dergisi, (4 [Oryantalist İslâm Hukukçuları Özel Sayısı]), 45-61.
  • Hans-Georg, E. (1999). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and ethical norms in the Muslim fiqh. Studies in Islamic law and society; Vol. 7 Baber Johansen Ruud Peters Bernhard Weiss. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 89, 299-301.
  • Imber, C. (2001). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh Baber Johansen. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 33(1), 122-124.
  • İnce, İ. (2004). Baber Johansen: Çalışmalarına Dair Tasvîrî Bir Sunuş. İslâm Hukuku Araştırmaları Dergisi, (4 [Oryantalist İslâm Hukukçuları Özel Sayısı]), 231-265.
  • Johansen, B. (1988). The Islamic Law on Land Tax and Rent: The Peasant’s Loss of Property Rights as Interpreted in The Hanafite Legal Literature of The Mamluk and Ottoman Periods (s. 143). London: Croom Helm.
  • Johansen, B. (1999). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh. Studies in Islamic law and society; volume 7. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
  • Johansen, Baber. (t.y.).CMES, Harvard University, Baber Johansen. 1 Mayıs 2021 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Kızılkaya, N. (2012). Oryantalist Literatürde Ebû Hanîfe (v. 150/767) Algısı. İslâm Hukuku Araştırmaları Dergisi, (19), 373-397.
  • Madelung, W. (2000). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh Baber Johansen. Islamic Law and Society, 7(1), 104-109.
  • Mayer, A. E. (1991). The Islamic Law on Land Tax and Rent: The Peasants’ Loss of Property Rights as Interpreted in the Hanafite Legal Literature of the Mamluk and Ottoman Periods Baber Johansen. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 23(4), 665-668.
  • Nagel, T. (2001). Contingency in a Sacred Law. Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh. (Studies in Islamic Law and Society. 7) Baber Johansen. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 151(2), 438-439.
  • Paul, J. (2006). Contingency in a Sacred law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh. Der Islam, 83(1), 214-215.
  • Serrano, D. (2000). Johansen, Baber. Contingency in Sacred Law. Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh. Al-Qantara, 21(2), 530.

كتاب بابر يوهانسن باسم (Contingecy in Sacred Law) وأفكاره عن ماهية الفقه

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 65 - 76, 30.06.2021



  • Bedir, M. (2004). Oryantalizm ve İslâm Hukuku. İslâm Hukuku Araştırmaları Dergisi, (4 [Oryantalist İslâm Hukukçuları Özel Sayısı]), 11-42.
  • Brockopp, J. E. (2002). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh Baber Johansen. Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 57(6), 1654-1655.
  • Chaumont, E. (2000). Baber Johansen, Contingency in a Sacred Law. Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh, Leiden-Boston-Köln, Brill (coll. « Studies in Islamic Law and Society », n° 7), 1999. Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Méditerranée, 91(94), 424-429. doi:10.4000/remmm.2755
  • Gilliot, C. (2000). Contingency in a Sacred Law. Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh Baber Johansen. Studia Islamica, (90), 187-187. doi:10.2307/1596176
  • Goldberg, J. (2000). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh Baber Johansen. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 10(1), 99-101.
  • Hacak, H. (2004). Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje ve İslam Hukuku ile İlgili Görüşleri. İslâm Hukuku Araştırmaları Dergisi, (4 [Oryantalist İslâm Hukukçuları Özel Sayısı]), 45-61.
  • Hans-Georg, E. (1999). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and ethical norms in the Muslim fiqh. Studies in Islamic law and society; Vol. 7 Baber Johansen Ruud Peters Bernhard Weiss. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 89, 299-301.
  • Imber, C. (2001). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh Baber Johansen. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 33(1), 122-124.
  • İnce, İ. (2004). Baber Johansen: Çalışmalarına Dair Tasvîrî Bir Sunuş. İslâm Hukuku Araştırmaları Dergisi, (4 [Oryantalist İslâm Hukukçuları Özel Sayısı]), 231-265.
  • Johansen, B. (1988). The Islamic Law on Land Tax and Rent: The Peasant’s Loss of Property Rights as Interpreted in The Hanafite Legal Literature of The Mamluk and Ottoman Periods (s. 143). London: Croom Helm.
  • Johansen, B. (1999). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh. Studies in Islamic law and society; volume 7. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
  • Johansen, Baber. (t.y.).CMES, Harvard University, Baber Johansen. 1 Mayıs 2021 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Kızılkaya, N. (2012). Oryantalist Literatürde Ebû Hanîfe (v. 150/767) Algısı. İslâm Hukuku Araştırmaları Dergisi, (19), 373-397.
  • Madelung, W. (2000). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh Baber Johansen. Islamic Law and Society, 7(1), 104-109.
  • Mayer, A. E. (1991). The Islamic Law on Land Tax and Rent: The Peasants’ Loss of Property Rights as Interpreted in the Hanafite Legal Literature of the Mamluk and Ottoman Periods Baber Johansen. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 23(4), 665-668.
  • Nagel, T. (2001). Contingency in a Sacred Law. Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh. (Studies in Islamic Law and Society. 7) Baber Johansen. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 151(2), 438-439.
  • Paul, J. (2006). Contingency in a Sacred law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh. Der Islam, 83(1), 214-215.
  • Serrano, D. (2000). Johansen, Baber. Contingency in Sacred Law. Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh. Al-Qantara, 21(2), 530.

Baber Johansen’s Contingency in Sacred Law and His Opinions About Nature of Fiqh

Yıl 2021, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1, 65 - 76, 30.06.2021


In this study, Baber Johansen’s Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh, which focuses on the nature of fiqh, one of the main subjects of interest to orientalists, will be reviewed. Johansen’s Contingency in a Sacred Law, which strongly criticizes Joseph Schacht’s views on the nature of fiqh, consists of a compilation of articles he wrote in various languages until 1999. Johansen’s introduction to Contingency in a Sacred Law, which was published in the same year, is considered one of the most comprehensive writings on the nature of fiqh. In this respect, despite the twenty-two years that have passed since the publication of the book, Johansen’s book and introduction have not lost their importance in the discussions on the nature of Islamic jurisprudence. Despite its importance, there is no Turkish book review about the book. Contingency in a Sacred Law will be reviewed by considering the book reviews written by a significant number of Western researchers in the years following its publication.


  • Bedir, M. (2004). Oryantalizm ve İslâm Hukuku. İslâm Hukuku Araştırmaları Dergisi, (4 [Oryantalist İslâm Hukukçuları Özel Sayısı]), 11-42.
  • Brockopp, J. E. (2002). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh Baber Johansen. Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 57(6), 1654-1655.
  • Chaumont, E. (2000). Baber Johansen, Contingency in a Sacred Law. Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh, Leiden-Boston-Köln, Brill (coll. « Studies in Islamic Law and Society », n° 7), 1999. Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Méditerranée, 91(94), 424-429. doi:10.4000/remmm.2755
  • Gilliot, C. (2000). Contingency in a Sacred Law. Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh Baber Johansen. Studia Islamica, (90), 187-187. doi:10.2307/1596176
  • Goldberg, J. (2000). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh Baber Johansen. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 10(1), 99-101.
  • Hacak, H. (2004). Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje ve İslam Hukuku ile İlgili Görüşleri. İslâm Hukuku Araştırmaları Dergisi, (4 [Oryantalist İslâm Hukukçuları Özel Sayısı]), 45-61.
  • Hans-Georg, E. (1999). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and ethical norms in the Muslim fiqh. Studies in Islamic law and society; Vol. 7 Baber Johansen Ruud Peters Bernhard Weiss. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 89, 299-301.
  • Imber, C. (2001). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh Baber Johansen. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 33(1), 122-124.
  • İnce, İ. (2004). Baber Johansen: Çalışmalarına Dair Tasvîrî Bir Sunuş. İslâm Hukuku Araştırmaları Dergisi, (4 [Oryantalist İslâm Hukukçuları Özel Sayısı]), 231-265.
  • Johansen, B. (1988). The Islamic Law on Land Tax and Rent: The Peasant’s Loss of Property Rights as Interpreted in The Hanafite Legal Literature of The Mamluk and Ottoman Periods (s. 143). London: Croom Helm.
  • Johansen, B. (1999). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh. Studies in Islamic law and society; volume 7. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
  • Johansen, Baber. (t.y.).CMES, Harvard University, Baber Johansen. 1 Mayıs 2021 tarihinde adresinden erişildi.
  • Kızılkaya, N. (2012). Oryantalist Literatürde Ebû Hanîfe (v. 150/767) Algısı. İslâm Hukuku Araştırmaları Dergisi, (19), 373-397.
  • Madelung, W. (2000). Contingency in a Sacred Law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh Baber Johansen. Islamic Law and Society, 7(1), 104-109.
  • Mayer, A. E. (1991). The Islamic Law on Land Tax and Rent: The Peasants’ Loss of Property Rights as Interpreted in the Hanafite Legal Literature of the Mamluk and Ottoman Periods Baber Johansen. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 23(4), 665-668.
  • Nagel, T. (2001). Contingency in a Sacred Law. Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh. (Studies in Islamic Law and Society. 7) Baber Johansen. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 151(2), 438-439.
  • Paul, J. (2006). Contingency in a Sacred law: Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh. Der Islam, 83(1), 214-215.
  • Serrano, D. (2000). Johansen, Baber. Contingency in Sacred Law. Legal and Ethical Norms in the Muslim Fiqh. Al-Qantara, 21(2), 530.
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Din Araştırmaları
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Taha Yasin Tan 0000-0002-7109-6682

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2021
Kabul Tarihi 22 Haziran 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

ISNAD Tan, Taha Yasin. “Baber Johansen’in Contingency in Sacred Law Adlı Kitabı Ve Fıkhın Mahiyetine Dair Görüşleri”. Talim 5/1 (Haziran 2021), 65-76.

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