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Variations in Some Wild Medicago Populations of The Central Anatolian Highlands Of Turkey

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1-2, 39 - 50, 01.06.2007


Despite high genetic diversity of wild Medicagoin Turkey,  so far a no medicago cultivar has been registered for use in  range restoration. Thus, there is an urgent  need for a medicago cultivar that could be used for rangeland rehabilitation. Wild populations could be used as a useful tool in enhancement of medicago germplasm. The purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude of phenotypic variation in order to search for improve plant material which may be suitable for use in rehabilitation of degraded rangelands in  Central Anatolian Highlands of Turkey. Present Medicago populations were collected in a wide range of altitude  from 1050 m to 1770 m in both the provinces of Ankara and Sivas. This study was conducted during the years of 2001 to 2003 in the research farm of The Central Research Institute for the Field Crops, located  44 km south-west of Ankara. In total 16 populations of medicago were investigated for morphological and phenological attributes.

Plant growth habit of the populations varied from medium to semi-prostrate types indicating suitability of the populations for grazing. The plants with a prostrate growth habit tendency had larger creeping diameter and earlier maturity. The 16 populations were grouped in 4 four main groups in view of investigated characteristics. As a result, the populations placed in the second and third main groups had  of more grazing type plants. Thus,  these populations were selected for further studies for  cultivar development for rehabilitation of rangelands in Central Anatolia.  


  • Açıkgöz, E. 1982. The studies on Some Morphological and Agronomical Characters with Flower Biology of the Crested wheatgrass (Agropyron GAERTN.). (PhD thesis, Unpublished ), Ankara University, The Institute of Natural Science, The Field Crops Scientific Department (PhD thesis), Ankara.
  • Açıkgöz, E. 2001. Grasses. Forages. Uludağ University, Agriculture Faculty, Publication no: 7-025- 0210, Bursa.
  • Alınoğlu, N., H. Merttürk ve A. T. Özmen. 1972. The investigations on some morphological and phenological characters of Kayseri medicago (Medicago sativa var. KAYSERİ N. A.), Grassland and Animal Husbandry Research Institute, Ankara, publication no: 19.
  • Büyükburç, U. 1983. The study on the possibilities of rehabilitation of the Yavrucak village rangelands of Ankara province through resting and fertilization. Grassland and Animal Husbandry Research Institute, Ankara, publication no: 79.
  • Chamblee, D. S. and Jr. R. D. Warren. 1990. Movement of Rhizobia medicago plants. Agronomy J. 82: 283-286.
  • Davis, P. H. 1970. Flora of Turkey, Vol. 3. University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh University Press, 22 George Square, Edinburg.
  • Enguita, I: D. 1996. The Lucern in Spain. Characterization of the Cultivated and Spontaneous Ecotypes. Pg. 65-70. The Genus Medicago in the Mediterranean Region : Current Situation and Prospects in Research, Vol: 18. Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes, CIHEAM.
  • Hakyemez, B. H. 2000. The effect of plant densities on herbage yield in Medicago, sainfoin and milk vetch, Institute of Natural Sciences, Field Crop Scientific Department, Unpublished PhD thesis, Ankara.
  • Iwaasa, A. D., K. A. Beauchemin, S. N. Ancharya, S. R. Bowley and J. G. Buchanan-Smith. 1997. Shearing force of medicago stems as affected by seed rate. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 48: 273.
  • Koç, A. ve M. Tan. 1996. Some traits of the hybrid medicago (Medicago varia L.) grown in the natural pastures of the Erzurum province. In the proceedings of the third national grassland congress, p:621-626.
  • Lowe, C. C., V. L. Marble and M. D. Rumbaugh. 1972. Adaptation, Varieties, and Usage. Medicago science and technology, Edi: Hanson, C. H., Agronomy 15: 391-413.
  • Manly, B. F. J. 1994. Multivariate Statistical Methods. Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Otago, New Zealand. Pg. 128-145.
  • Michaud, R., W. F. Lehman, M. D. Rumbaugh. 1988. World distribution and historical development. Medicago and medicago improvement, Edi: Hanson, A. A., Barnes D. K. and Hill, R. R. Agronomy 29: 25-91.
  • Prosperi, J. M., M. Angevain, I. Bonnin, E. Chaulet, G. Genier, E. Jenczewski, I. Olivieri and Ronfort, J. 1996. Genetic diversity, preservation and use of genetic resources of Mediterranean legumes: Medicago and Medics. The Genus Medicago in the Mediterranean Region: Current Situation and Prospects in Research, Vol: 18. Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes, CIHEAM.
  • Rosellini, D., F. Veronesi, M. Falcinelli and F. Lorenzetti. 1991. The possibility of using gametophytic selection in breeding Lucerne ( Medicago sativa L.). Fodder crops breeding: Achievements, novel strategies and biotechnology, Proceedings of the 16th meeting of the fodder crops section of Eucarpia Wageningen, Netherlands. Pg. 203-204.
  • Rotili, P., N. Berardo, G. Gnocchi, l. Pecetti, E. Piano and C. Scotti. 1996. research activity on Medicago spp. at Istıtuto Sperimentale Per La Colture Foraggere Lodi , Italy. Pg. 11-22. The Genus Medicago in the Mediterranean Region : Current Situation and Prospects in Research, Vol: 18. Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes, CIHEAM.
  • S.M.A.R.I., 2004. Turkish Republic of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The General Directorate of State Meteorology Affairs, Research and Information Processing Department, Ankara.
  • S.S.I. , 2001. General Agriculture Census. Turkish Republic Prime Ministry of State Statistic Institue, Ankara.
  • Staszewski, Z. , Jagodzinski, J., Jakubowska, B. and Osinski, R., 1991. Lucerne mutations useable for increasing seed yields. Fodder crops breeding: Achievements, novel strategies and biotechnology, Proceedings of the 16th meeting of the fodder crops section of Eucarpia Wageningen, Netherlands. Pg. 67-68.
  • Uluocak, 1977. Natural Grasslands and Forest Grasslands. The Ministry of Food- Agricultural and Husbandry, The General Directory of Agricultural Affairs, No: 6.
  • Ünal, S. 2000. The studies on the effects of the seeding rations on herbage yield and botanical composition of the Cicer milkvetch (Astragalus cicer L.) and grasswheat (Agropyron GAERTN.) Ankara University, The Institute of Natural Science, The Field Crops Scientific Department (PhD thesis), Ankara .
  • Volenec, J. J., J. H. Cherney and K. D. Johnson. 1987. Yield component, plant morphology, and forage quality of medicago as influenced by plant population. Crop Sci. 27: 321-326.

Türkiye Orta Anadolu Bölgesi Yüksek Alanlarının Bazı Yabani Yonca Populasyonlarındaki Farklılıklar

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1-2, 39 - 50, 01.06.2007


Yabani Medicagotürleriaçısından Türkiye’de yüksek genetik çeşitlilik olmasına rağmen henüz şimdiye kadar meraların iyileştirilmesinde kullanılabilecek çeşit geliştirilememiştir. Bu nedenle meraların ıslahı için kullanılabilecek yonca çeşidine ihtiyaç bulunmaktadır. Yabani populasyonlar yonca germplasmı geliştirme çalışmalarında kullanılabilecek önemli kaynaklardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’nin Orta Anadolu Bölgesi yüksek alanlarındaki meraların ıslahında kullanılabilecek yabani  yonca materyalinde fenotipik çeşitliliğin tespit edilmesiyle temel bitki materyalinin geliştirilmesidir. Mevcut medicago populasyonları Ankara ve Sivas illerinde 1050 m’den 1770 m’e kadar olan geniş bir rakım aralığından toplanmıştır. Çalışma 2001 ve 2003 yılları arasında Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü’nün, Ankara’nın 44 km güney-batısında yer alan Haymana İkizce’de bulunan deneme tarlalarında yürütüldü. Bu araştırmada Orta Anadolu kıraç koşullarında 16 adet medicago  populasyonunun morfolojik, fenolojik özellikleri incelendi. Bu populasyonların bitki gelişimi açısından orta’ dan yarı yatığa kadar değişim gösterdiği bulunmuş, böylece meraların üstten tohumlanmasında  aranılan yatık gelişme özelliğine sahip bitki tipleri tespit edilmiştir. Yatık gelişme tabiatlı bitkilerin diğer bitkilere göre, yayılma çaplarının daha fazla ve daha erkenci oldukları görülmüştür. Sonuçta, kümeleme analizinde ikinci ve üçüncü gruptaki populasyonlar daha fazla otlatma tipi özellikte olup meraların üstten tohumlanmasına uygun bulunmuşlar, böylece bu populasyonlar gelecekte yapılacak çeşit geliştirme çalışmaları için seçilmişlerdir.


  • Açıkgöz, E. 1982. The studies on Some Morphological and Agronomical Characters with Flower Biology of the Crested wheatgrass (Agropyron GAERTN.). (PhD thesis, Unpublished ), Ankara University, The Institute of Natural Science, The Field Crops Scientific Department (PhD thesis), Ankara.
  • Açıkgöz, E. 2001. Grasses. Forages. Uludağ University, Agriculture Faculty, Publication no: 7-025- 0210, Bursa.
  • Alınoğlu, N., H. Merttürk ve A. T. Özmen. 1972. The investigations on some morphological and phenological characters of Kayseri medicago (Medicago sativa var. KAYSERİ N. A.), Grassland and Animal Husbandry Research Institute, Ankara, publication no: 19.
  • Büyükburç, U. 1983. The study on the possibilities of rehabilitation of the Yavrucak village rangelands of Ankara province through resting and fertilization. Grassland and Animal Husbandry Research Institute, Ankara, publication no: 79.
  • Chamblee, D. S. and Jr. R. D. Warren. 1990. Movement of Rhizobia medicago plants. Agronomy J. 82: 283-286.
  • Davis, P. H. 1970. Flora of Turkey, Vol. 3. University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh University Press, 22 George Square, Edinburg.
  • Enguita, I: D. 1996. The Lucern in Spain. Characterization of the Cultivated and Spontaneous Ecotypes. Pg. 65-70. The Genus Medicago in the Mediterranean Region : Current Situation and Prospects in Research, Vol: 18. Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes, CIHEAM.
  • Hakyemez, B. H. 2000. The effect of plant densities on herbage yield in Medicago, sainfoin and milk vetch, Institute of Natural Sciences, Field Crop Scientific Department, Unpublished PhD thesis, Ankara.
  • Iwaasa, A. D., K. A. Beauchemin, S. N. Ancharya, S. R. Bowley and J. G. Buchanan-Smith. 1997. Shearing force of medicago stems as affected by seed rate. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 48: 273.
  • Koç, A. ve M. Tan. 1996. Some traits of the hybrid medicago (Medicago varia L.) grown in the natural pastures of the Erzurum province. In the proceedings of the third national grassland congress, p:621-626.
  • Lowe, C. C., V. L. Marble and M. D. Rumbaugh. 1972. Adaptation, Varieties, and Usage. Medicago science and technology, Edi: Hanson, C. H., Agronomy 15: 391-413.
  • Manly, B. F. J. 1994. Multivariate Statistical Methods. Department of Mathematics and Statistics University of Otago, New Zealand. Pg. 128-145.
  • Michaud, R., W. F. Lehman, M. D. Rumbaugh. 1988. World distribution and historical development. Medicago and medicago improvement, Edi: Hanson, A. A., Barnes D. K. and Hill, R. R. Agronomy 29: 25-91.
  • Prosperi, J. M., M. Angevain, I. Bonnin, E. Chaulet, G. Genier, E. Jenczewski, I. Olivieri and Ronfort, J. 1996. Genetic diversity, preservation and use of genetic resources of Mediterranean legumes: Medicago and Medics. The Genus Medicago in the Mediterranean Region: Current Situation and Prospects in Research, Vol: 18. Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes, CIHEAM.
  • Rosellini, D., F. Veronesi, M. Falcinelli and F. Lorenzetti. 1991. The possibility of using gametophytic selection in breeding Lucerne ( Medicago sativa L.). Fodder crops breeding: Achievements, novel strategies and biotechnology, Proceedings of the 16th meeting of the fodder crops section of Eucarpia Wageningen, Netherlands. Pg. 203-204.
  • Rotili, P., N. Berardo, G. Gnocchi, l. Pecetti, E. Piano and C. Scotti. 1996. research activity on Medicago spp. at Istıtuto Sperimentale Per La Colture Foraggere Lodi , Italy. Pg. 11-22. The Genus Medicago in the Mediterranean Region : Current Situation and Prospects in Research, Vol: 18. Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes, CIHEAM.
  • S.M.A.R.I., 2004. Turkish Republic of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The General Directorate of State Meteorology Affairs, Research and Information Processing Department, Ankara.
  • S.S.I. , 2001. General Agriculture Census. Turkish Republic Prime Ministry of State Statistic Institue, Ankara.
  • Staszewski, Z. , Jagodzinski, J., Jakubowska, B. and Osinski, R., 1991. Lucerne mutations useable for increasing seed yields. Fodder crops breeding: Achievements, novel strategies and biotechnology, Proceedings of the 16th meeting of the fodder crops section of Eucarpia Wageningen, Netherlands. Pg. 67-68.
  • Uluocak, 1977. Natural Grasslands and Forest Grasslands. The Ministry of Food- Agricultural and Husbandry, The General Directory of Agricultural Affairs, No: 6.
  • Ünal, S. 2000. The studies on the effects of the seeding rations on herbage yield and botanical composition of the Cicer milkvetch (Astragalus cicer L.) and grasswheat (Agropyron GAERTN.) Ankara University, The Institute of Natural Science, The Field Crops Scientific Department (PhD thesis), Ankara .
  • Volenec, J. J., J. H. Cherney and K. D. Johnson. 1987. Yield component, plant morphology, and forage quality of medicago as influenced by plant population. Crop Sci. 27: 321-326.
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
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Sabahaddin Ünal Bu kişi benim

Hüseyin Fırıncıoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1-2

Kaynak Göster

APA Ünal, S., & Fırıncıoğlu, H. (2007). Variations in Some Wild Medicago Populations of The Central Anatolian Highlands Of Turkey. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 16(1-2), 39-50.
AMA Ünal S, Fırıncıoğlu H. Variations in Some Wild Medicago Populations of The Central Anatolian Highlands Of Turkey. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi. Haziran 2007;16(1-2):39-50.
Chicago Ünal, Sabahaddin, ve Hüseyin Fırıncıoğlu. “Variations in Some Wild Medicago Populations of The Central Anatolian Highlands Of Turkey”. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 16, sy. 1-2 (Haziran 2007): 39-50.
EndNote Ünal S, Fırıncıoğlu H (01 Haziran 2007) Variations in Some Wild Medicago Populations of The Central Anatolian Highlands Of Turkey. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 16 1-2 39–50.
IEEE S. Ünal ve H. Fırıncıoğlu, “Variations in Some Wild Medicago Populations of The Central Anatolian Highlands Of Turkey”, Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 16, sy. 1-2, ss. 39–50, 2007.
ISNAD Ünal, Sabahaddin - Fırıncıoğlu, Hüseyin. “Variations in Some Wild Medicago Populations of The Central Anatolian Highlands Of Turkey”. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 16/1-2 (Haziran 2007), 39-50.
JAMA Ünal S, Fırıncıoğlu H. Variations in Some Wild Medicago Populations of The Central Anatolian Highlands Of Turkey. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2007;16:39–50.
MLA Ünal, Sabahaddin ve Hüseyin Fırıncıoğlu. “Variations in Some Wild Medicago Populations of The Central Anatolian Highlands Of Turkey”. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, c. 16, sy. 1-2, 2007, ss. 39-50.
Vancouver Ünal S, Fırıncıoğlu H. Variations in Some Wild Medicago Populations of The Central Anatolian Highlands Of Turkey. Tarla Bitkileri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2007;16(1-2):39-50.