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X. Yüzyılda bir Alman Krallığı’ndan söz edilebilir mi? Tarihyazımsal bir değerlendirme

Year 2024, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 105 - 121, 20.12.2024


Bu makale, modern araştırmalarda sıklıkla “Alman Krallığı” olarak isimlendirilen X. yüzyıl Doğu Frank Krallığı için uygun terminoloji hususunda bir tartışma ortaya koymaktadır. Hem dönemin birincil kaynaklarını hem de modern araştırmaları inceleyerek X. yüzyıl krallığı için “Alman Krallığı” ifadesinin anakronistik bir yaklaşım getirdiğini savunmaktadır. Kraliyet beratları, tarihsel anlatılar ve Otto hükümdarlarının kullandıkları unvanlar, bu dönemde krallığın birleşik bir Alman kimliğine işaret etmediğini, Teuton (Alman) teriminin ise istisnaî olarak tercih edildiğini göstermektedir. Çağdaş kaynaklar krallığın tebaasını tanımlarken Bavyeralılar, Svabyalılar, Saksonlar veya Frankonyalılar gibi bölgesel kimliklere başvurmuşlardır. Bu çalışma, X. yüzyıl Avrupa tarihinde büyük ölçüde çeviri eserlere dayanan Türk literatüründe bu krallığı adlandırmak için tutarlı bir terminolojiye duyulan ihtiyacı vurgulamakta ve “Doğu Frank Krallığı” veya “Sakson Krallığı” terimlerini tarihsel olarak daha doğru alternatifler olarak önermektedir.


  • Althoff, G. (2020). Rules and rituals in medieval power games: A German perspective. Leiden: Brill.
  • Althoff, G. (2006). Saxony and the Elbe Slavs in the tenth century. T. Reuter (Ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History Vol. III (ss. 267-92). Cambridge: Cambridge University.
  • Althoff, G. (2014). Spielregeln der politik im mittelalter: Kommunikation in frieden und fehde. Darmstadt: WBG.
  • Annales Ex Annalibus Iuvavensibus Antiquis Excerpti. (1834). Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde (Ed.), Scriptorum 30/2 (ss. 727-88). Leipzig: Karl W. Hiersemann.
  • Annales Prumienses Brevissimi. (1888). O. Holder-Egger (Ed.), Scriptorum 15/2 (ss. 1289-92). Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung.
  • Arnold, B. (1997). Medieval Germany, 500-1300: A political interpretation. Hampshire: Macmillan.
  • Bachrach, D. S. (2012). Warfare in tenth-century Germany. Woodbridge Rochester, New York: Boydell.
  • Bagge, S. (2002). Kings, politics, and the right order of the World in German historiography c. 950-1150. Leiden: Brill.
  • Barraclough, G. (1946). The origins of modern Germany. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
  • Bernhardt, J. W. (2006). Concepts and practice of Empire in Ottonian Germany (950–1024). B. K. U. Weiler ve S. MacLean (Ed.), Representations of Power in Medieval Germany 800-1500 (ss. 141-63). Turnhout: Brepols.
  • Bernhardt, J. W. (1993). Itinerant kingship and royal monasteries in early medieval Germany: C. 936-1075. Cambridge: Cambridge University.
  • Beumann, H. (1973). Regnum teutonicum und rex teutonicorum in ottonischer und salischer zeit. Bemerkungen zu einem Buch von Eckhard Müller-Mertens. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 55(1), ss. 215-23.
  • Bloch, M. (2019). Feodal toplum (M. A. Kılıçbay, Çev.). Ankara: Doğu Batı.
  • Bowlus, C. R. (2006). The battle of Lechfeld and its aftermath, august 955: The end of the age of migrations in the Latin West. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Bowlus, C. R. (1990) The early kaiserreich in recent German historiography. Central European History, 23(4), ss. 349-67.
  • Brühl, C. (2001). Die geburt zweier völker: Deutsche und franzosen (9-11. Jahrhundert). Köln: Böhlau.
  • Constitutiones et Acta Publica Imperatorum Et Regum Vol. 1. (1893). L. Weiland (Ed.), Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung.
  • Çetin Ünal, B. (2021). Otto hanedanı döneminde prestij ve ittifak Evlilikleri. P. Ülgen (Ed.), Orta Çağ’dan Kesitler (ss. 9-45). İstanbul: Yeditepe.
  • Delbrück, H. (1982). History of the art of war: Within the framework of political history. Vol. 3: The Middle Ages (W. J. Renfroe, Jr., Çev.). Westport, Conn.: Greenwood.
  • Diplomatum Regum et Imperatorum Germaniae. Conradi I. Heinrici I. et Ottonis I. diplomata. (1879). Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde (Ed.). Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung.
  • Diplomatum Regum et Imperatorum Germaniae. Ottonis II. et III. diplomata. (1888). Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde (Ed.). Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung.
  • Diplomatum Regum et Imperatorum Germaniae. Heinrici II. et ardvini diplomata. (1900). Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde (Ed.). Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung.
  • Diplomatum Regum et Imperatorum Germaniae. Heinrici III. diplomata. (1931). H. Breßlau ve P. Kehr (Ed.). Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung.
  • Durgun, F. (2021). Avrupa’da profesyonel bir disiplin olarak ortaçağ tarihçiliğinin doğuşu. Ortaçağ Avrupa tarihi üzerine kavramlar ve olgular (ss. 37-50). İstanbul: Ketebe.
  • Dümmler, E. (1887). Geschichte des ostfränkischen reiches: Ludwig der Deutsche bis zum Frieden von Koblenz 860. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot.
  • Eggert, W. (1992). Ostfränkisch – fränkisch – sächsisch – römisch – deutsch. Zur Benennung des rechtsrheinisch-nordalpinen Reiches bis zum Investiturstreit. Frühmittelalterliche Studien 26(1), ss. 239-73.
  • Ehlers, J. (1989). Die deutsche Nation des mittelalters als gegenstand der forschung. J. Ehlers (Ed.), Ansätze und Diskontinuität deutscher Nationsbildung im Mittelalter (ss. 11-58). Sigmaringen: Jan Thorbecke.
  • Ehlers, J. (2012). Die entstehung des deutschen reiches. München: Oldenbourg.
  • Ertaş, İ. (2024). Orta çağ Avrupası’nda bir kimlik inşası: Germen asıllı Otto Hanedanlığı’nın Bizans üzerinden Romalılaşma çabaları. SEFAD (51), ss. 349-368.
  • Fleckenstein, J. (1987). Über die anfänge der deutschen geschichte. Opladen: Westdt.
  • Flodoard. (1905). Les annales de Flodoard. P. Lauer (Ed.). Paris: A. Picard.
  • Fulbrook, M. (2024). Kısa Almanya tarihi (S. Gürses, Çev.). İstanbul: Kronik.
  • Gaius Iulius Caesar. (2019). Notlar: Galya Savaşı üzerine (S. Özgüler, Çev.). Ankara: Doğu Batı.
  • Haller, J. (1958) Von den Karolingern zu den staufern: Die altdeutsche kaiserzeit (900-1250). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
  • Hobsbawm, E. J. (2009). Kimlik tarihi yeterli değildir. Tarih üzerine (O. Akınhay, Çev.), (ss. 330-44). İstanbul: Agora.
  • Köpke, R., Dümmler E. (1876). Kaiser Otto der große. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot.
  • Lambert. (1894). Lamperti hersfeldensis annales. O. Holder-Egger (Ed.), Lamperti monachi hersfeldensis opera (ss. 1-304). Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung.
  • Le Goff, J. (2005). The birth of Europe (J. Lloyd, Çev.). Malden: Blackwell.
  • Liudprand. (1915). Liudprandi opera. J. Becker (Ed.). Hannover & Leipzig: Hahnsche Buchhandlung.
  • Liudprand. (2007). The complete works of liudprand of cremona (P. Squatriti, Çev.). Washington: Catholic University of America.
  • McCarthy, T. J. H. (2020). Translatio imperii: Ottonian Germany. S. Mossman (Ed.), Debating Medieval Europe: The Early Middle Ages, c. 450 - c. 1050 (ss. 97-124). Manchester: Manchester University.
  • Müller-Mertens, E. (1970). Regnum teutonicum: Aufkommen und verbreitung der deutschen reichs- und königsauffassung im früheren mittelalter. Wien: Böhlau.
  • Müller-Mertens, E. (2006). The Ottonians as kings and emperors. T. Reuter (Ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History Vol. III (ss. 233-66). Cambridge: Cambridge University.
  • Nelson, J. L. (2006). Rulers and government. T. Reuter (Ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History Vol. III (ss. 95-129). Cambridge: Cambridge University.
  • Reuter, T. (1991). Germany in the early middle ages, c. 800-1056. London: Longman.
  • Reuter, T. (2006). The making of England and Germany, 850-1050: Points of comparison and difference. J. L. Nelson (Ed.), Medieval Polities and Modern Mentalities (ss. 284-299). Cambridge: Cambridge University.
  • Schneidmüller, B. (1995). Reich volk nation: Die entstehung des Deutschen reiches und der Deutschen nation im mittelalter. A. Bues ve R. Rexheuser (Ed.), Mittelalterliche nationes neuzeitliche Nationen. Probleme der Nationenbildung in Europa (ss. 73-101). Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz.
  • Schutz, H. (2010). The Medieval empire in central Europe: Dynastic continuity in the post-carolingian Frankish realm, 900-1300. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.
  • The Annals of St. Bertin. (1991). (J. L. Nelson, Çev.). Manchester: Manchester University.
  • The Oxford Classical Dictionary. (2012). Fourth edition. S. Hornblower, A. Spawforth ve E. Eidinow (Ed.) Oxford: Oxford University.
  • Thietmar. (1935). Thietmari merseburgensis episcopi chronicon. R. Holtzmann (Ed.). Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung.
  • Waitz, G. (1874). Die Deutsche reichsverfassung: von der Mitte des neunten bis zur mitte des zwölften jahrhunderts. C. 1. Kiel: Ernst Homann.
  • Wickham, C. (2010). The inheritance of Rome: A history of Europe from 400 to 1000. London: Penguin.
  • Widukind. (1882). Rerum gestarum Saxonicarum libri tres. G. Waitz (Ed.). Hannover: Impensis Bibliopolii Hahniani.
  • Widukind. (2014). Three books of deeds of the Saxons (B. S. Bachrach ve D. S. Bachrach, Çev.). Washington: Catholic University of America.
  • Wipo. (1915). Gesta chuonradi II. imperatoris. H. Breßlau (Ed.), Wiponis opera (ss. 1-62). Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung.

Can we speak of a German Kingdom in the 10th century? A historiographical assessment

Year 2024, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 105 - 121, 20.12.2024


This article presents a discussion of the appropriate terminology for the 10th-century East Frankish Kingdom, which is often referred to as the "German Kingdom" in modern scholarship. By examining primary sources and the modern scholarship, the study argues that the term “German Kingdom” is anachronistic when applied to the 10th century. Evidence from royal charters, historiographical accounts, and titles used by the Ottonian rulers suggests that they identified their realm as the kingdom of the Franks and Saxons, rather than a unified German entity. Moreover, contemporary sources used the term “Teuton” exceptionally in describing the subjects of the kingdom, instead referring to them by regional identities such as Bavarians, Swabians, Saxons and Franconians. This study highlights the need for a standardized terminology in Turkish scholarship, which largely relies on translated sources, and proposes “East Frankish Kingdom” or “Saxon Kingdom” as historically accurate alternatives for the 10th century.

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Bu çalışma etik ve telif kurallarına uygun olarak yürütülmüştür. Arşiv belgeleri ve literatür kaynakları üzerinden yürütülen bu çalışma etik kurul onayı gerektirmemektedir.

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Bu araştırmayı desteklemek için dış fon kullanılmamıştır.


  • Althoff, G. (2020). Rules and rituals in medieval power games: A German perspective. Leiden: Brill.
  • Althoff, G. (2006). Saxony and the Elbe Slavs in the tenth century. T. Reuter (Ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History Vol. III (ss. 267-92). Cambridge: Cambridge University.
  • Althoff, G. (2014). Spielregeln der politik im mittelalter: Kommunikation in frieden und fehde. Darmstadt: WBG.
  • Annales Ex Annalibus Iuvavensibus Antiquis Excerpti. (1834). Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde (Ed.), Scriptorum 30/2 (ss. 727-88). Leipzig: Karl W. Hiersemann.
  • Annales Prumienses Brevissimi. (1888). O. Holder-Egger (Ed.), Scriptorum 15/2 (ss. 1289-92). Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung.
  • Arnold, B. (1997). Medieval Germany, 500-1300: A political interpretation. Hampshire: Macmillan.
  • Bachrach, D. S. (2012). Warfare in tenth-century Germany. Woodbridge Rochester, New York: Boydell.
  • Bagge, S. (2002). Kings, politics, and the right order of the World in German historiography c. 950-1150. Leiden: Brill.
  • Barraclough, G. (1946). The origins of modern Germany. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
  • Bernhardt, J. W. (2006). Concepts and practice of Empire in Ottonian Germany (950–1024). B. K. U. Weiler ve S. MacLean (Ed.), Representations of Power in Medieval Germany 800-1500 (ss. 141-63). Turnhout: Brepols.
  • Bernhardt, J. W. (1993). Itinerant kingship and royal monasteries in early medieval Germany: C. 936-1075. Cambridge: Cambridge University.
  • Beumann, H. (1973). Regnum teutonicum und rex teutonicorum in ottonischer und salischer zeit. Bemerkungen zu einem Buch von Eckhard Müller-Mertens. Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 55(1), ss. 215-23.
  • Bloch, M. (2019). Feodal toplum (M. A. Kılıçbay, Çev.). Ankara: Doğu Batı.
  • Bowlus, C. R. (2006). The battle of Lechfeld and its aftermath, august 955: The end of the age of migrations in the Latin West. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • Bowlus, C. R. (1990) The early kaiserreich in recent German historiography. Central European History, 23(4), ss. 349-67.
  • Brühl, C. (2001). Die geburt zweier völker: Deutsche und franzosen (9-11. Jahrhundert). Köln: Böhlau.
  • Constitutiones et Acta Publica Imperatorum Et Regum Vol. 1. (1893). L. Weiland (Ed.), Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung.
  • Çetin Ünal, B. (2021). Otto hanedanı döneminde prestij ve ittifak Evlilikleri. P. Ülgen (Ed.), Orta Çağ’dan Kesitler (ss. 9-45). İstanbul: Yeditepe.
  • Delbrück, H. (1982). History of the art of war: Within the framework of political history. Vol. 3: The Middle Ages (W. J. Renfroe, Jr., Çev.). Westport, Conn.: Greenwood.
  • Diplomatum Regum et Imperatorum Germaniae. Conradi I. Heinrici I. et Ottonis I. diplomata. (1879). Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde (Ed.). Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung.
  • Diplomatum Regum et Imperatorum Germaniae. Ottonis II. et III. diplomata. (1888). Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde (Ed.). Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung.
  • Diplomatum Regum et Imperatorum Germaniae. Heinrici II. et ardvini diplomata. (1900). Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde (Ed.). Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung.
  • Diplomatum Regum et Imperatorum Germaniae. Heinrici III. diplomata. (1931). H. Breßlau ve P. Kehr (Ed.). Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung.
  • Durgun, F. (2021). Avrupa’da profesyonel bir disiplin olarak ortaçağ tarihçiliğinin doğuşu. Ortaçağ Avrupa tarihi üzerine kavramlar ve olgular (ss. 37-50). İstanbul: Ketebe.
  • Dümmler, E. (1887). Geschichte des ostfränkischen reiches: Ludwig der Deutsche bis zum Frieden von Koblenz 860. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot.
  • Eggert, W. (1992). Ostfränkisch – fränkisch – sächsisch – römisch – deutsch. Zur Benennung des rechtsrheinisch-nordalpinen Reiches bis zum Investiturstreit. Frühmittelalterliche Studien 26(1), ss. 239-73.
  • Ehlers, J. (1989). Die deutsche Nation des mittelalters als gegenstand der forschung. J. Ehlers (Ed.), Ansätze und Diskontinuität deutscher Nationsbildung im Mittelalter (ss. 11-58). Sigmaringen: Jan Thorbecke.
  • Ehlers, J. (2012). Die entstehung des deutschen reiches. München: Oldenbourg.
  • Ertaş, İ. (2024). Orta çağ Avrupası’nda bir kimlik inşası: Germen asıllı Otto Hanedanlığı’nın Bizans üzerinden Romalılaşma çabaları. SEFAD (51), ss. 349-368.
  • Fleckenstein, J. (1987). Über die anfänge der deutschen geschichte. Opladen: Westdt.
  • Flodoard. (1905). Les annales de Flodoard. P. Lauer (Ed.). Paris: A. Picard.
  • Fulbrook, M. (2024). Kısa Almanya tarihi (S. Gürses, Çev.). İstanbul: Kronik.
  • Gaius Iulius Caesar. (2019). Notlar: Galya Savaşı üzerine (S. Özgüler, Çev.). Ankara: Doğu Batı.
  • Haller, J. (1958) Von den Karolingern zu den staufern: Die altdeutsche kaiserzeit (900-1250). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
  • Hobsbawm, E. J. (2009). Kimlik tarihi yeterli değildir. Tarih üzerine (O. Akınhay, Çev.), (ss. 330-44). İstanbul: Agora.
  • Köpke, R., Dümmler E. (1876). Kaiser Otto der große. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot.
  • Lambert. (1894). Lamperti hersfeldensis annales. O. Holder-Egger (Ed.), Lamperti monachi hersfeldensis opera (ss. 1-304). Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung.
  • Le Goff, J. (2005). The birth of Europe (J. Lloyd, Çev.). Malden: Blackwell.
  • Liudprand. (1915). Liudprandi opera. J. Becker (Ed.). Hannover & Leipzig: Hahnsche Buchhandlung.
  • Liudprand. (2007). The complete works of liudprand of cremona (P. Squatriti, Çev.). Washington: Catholic University of America.
  • McCarthy, T. J. H. (2020). Translatio imperii: Ottonian Germany. S. Mossman (Ed.), Debating Medieval Europe: The Early Middle Ages, c. 450 - c. 1050 (ss. 97-124). Manchester: Manchester University.
  • Müller-Mertens, E. (1970). Regnum teutonicum: Aufkommen und verbreitung der deutschen reichs- und königsauffassung im früheren mittelalter. Wien: Böhlau.
  • Müller-Mertens, E. (2006). The Ottonians as kings and emperors. T. Reuter (Ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History Vol. III (ss. 233-66). Cambridge: Cambridge University.
  • Nelson, J. L. (2006). Rulers and government. T. Reuter (Ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History Vol. III (ss. 95-129). Cambridge: Cambridge University.
  • Reuter, T. (1991). Germany in the early middle ages, c. 800-1056. London: Longman.
  • Reuter, T. (2006). The making of England and Germany, 850-1050: Points of comparison and difference. J. L. Nelson (Ed.), Medieval Polities and Modern Mentalities (ss. 284-299). Cambridge: Cambridge University.
  • Schneidmüller, B. (1995). Reich volk nation: Die entstehung des Deutschen reiches und der Deutschen nation im mittelalter. A. Bues ve R. Rexheuser (Ed.), Mittelalterliche nationes neuzeitliche Nationen. Probleme der Nationenbildung in Europa (ss. 73-101). Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz.
  • Schutz, H. (2010). The Medieval empire in central Europe: Dynastic continuity in the post-carolingian Frankish realm, 900-1300. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.
  • The Annals of St. Bertin. (1991). (J. L. Nelson, Çev.). Manchester: Manchester University.
  • The Oxford Classical Dictionary. (2012). Fourth edition. S. Hornblower, A. Spawforth ve E. Eidinow (Ed.) Oxford: Oxford University.
  • Thietmar. (1935). Thietmari merseburgensis episcopi chronicon. R. Holtzmann (Ed.). Berlin: Weidmannsche Buchhandlung.
  • Waitz, G. (1874). Die Deutsche reichsverfassung: von der Mitte des neunten bis zur mitte des zwölften jahrhunderts. C. 1. Kiel: Ernst Homann.
  • Wickham, C. (2010). The inheritance of Rome: A history of Europe from 400 to 1000. London: Penguin.
  • Widukind. (1882). Rerum gestarum Saxonicarum libri tres. G. Waitz (Ed.). Hannover: Impensis Bibliopolii Hahniani.
  • Widukind. (2014). Three books of deeds of the Saxons (B. S. Bachrach ve D. S. Bachrach, Çev.). Washington: Catholic University of America.
  • Wipo. (1915). Gesta chuonradi II. imperatoris. H. Breßlau (Ed.), Wiponis opera (ss. 1-62). Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects The Writing of History
Journal Section Research/Ttheoretical

Mehmet Fırat 0009-0000-9784-1305

Publication Date December 20, 2024
Submission Date November 14, 2024
Acceptance Date December 5, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Fırat, M. (2024). X. Yüzyılda bir Alman Krallığı’ndan söz edilebilir mi? Tarihyazımsal bir değerlendirme. tarihyazımı, 6(2), 105-121.

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With the decision of ULAKBİM on February 25th, 2020, there is a condition that "All the disciplines of science (including social sciences), there should be an Ethical Committee Approval for research involving human and animal (clinical and experimental) separately and this approval must be mentioned in the article and it should be documented". The research conducted by quantitative or qualitative approaches which require data collection such as questionnaire, interview, observation, focus group study, the experiment is regarded under the aforementioned content.