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Heat Technical Masuring of Ground for Vertical Borehole Heat Exchangers Installations*

Year 2012, Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 451 - 458, 01.08.2012


Heat Technical Masuring of Ground for Vertical Borehole Heat Exchangers Installations*

Year 2012, Volume: 8 Issue: 4, 451 - 458, 01.08.2012


There are 0 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Adam Bela This is me

Laszlo Toth This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 8 Issue: 4


APA Bela, A., & Toth, L. (2012). Heat Technical Masuring of Ground for Vertical Borehole Heat Exchangers Installations*. Tarım Makinaları Bilimi Dergisi, 8(4), 451-458.

Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science is a refereed scientific journal published by the Agricultural Machinery Association as 3 issues a year.