This study's objective is to investigate Turkey's public debt stock structure during the Covid-19 epidemic period which precipitated the global economic crisis. The study covers the period of 2018-2022 in order to observe the evolution of the public debt stock structure during the pandemic period and assess how the post-pandemic process evolved. The pandemic, which has spread in a short time since March 2020 in Turkey, has also transformed into an economic crisis. Within this context, the financing of the growing central government budget deficit greatly increased the demand for public borrowing due to the successful application of fiscal policy measures that lessen both the pandemic's social and economic repercussions. In addition to the deteriorated fiscal discipline with the pandemic, deteriorating macroeconomic indicators and a rise in dollarization raised the amount of the public debt stock and also significantly weakened its structural composition. In particular, the increasing share of TL-denominated floating rate and foreign currency-denominated borrowing in the public debt stock reduces the confidence in TL and causes TL to depreciate. As a result, the vulnerability of the public debt stock against interest rate and exchange rate shocks and the increase in costs hinder the implementation of effective debt management.