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The effect of different substrate amount and nutrient solution applications on nutrition and yield criteria of tomato plant in soilless culture

Year 2016, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 49 - 56, 24.12.2016


The objective of this study was to determine the effects of four different doses (75, 125, 175 and 225 ml/day) of daily nutrient solution application into three different amount of substrat media (SA:600 g low, SO:030 g medium and SF:1490 g high) obtained from 1:1 peat:perlite mixture on fruit and steam yield, fruit size and number, calcium and boron contents in leaf and fruit of tomato plant. As the amount of substrate decreased, fuit yield and mean weight of the fruit decreased. As the doses of nutrient solution increased, fruit yield and growth of the plant, except mean fruit weight, significantly increased. The highest yield was obtained with 175 ml/day of nutrient solution in 1030 g of substrate amount. Optimum volume of daily nutrient solution varied depending on the substrate amount in the pot. As the substrate amount decreased, the content of Ca in tomato fruit decreased significantly, but it increased with increasing amount of nutrient solution. The effects of dose of nutrient solution and substrat amount on Ca content in the leaves were not significant. While the content of boron in fruit decreased with decreasing the substrate amount and increasing daily nutrient solution amount. The boron content in the fruit was generally found low at 600 g of substrate media. While the effect of daily nutrient solution doses on the boron content of leaves was insignificant, the effect of substrate amount on the boron content in the leaves was found significant. The boron content in the tomato leaves grown 600 g substrate media was generally low. Also, the calcium and boron content in tomato leaves was found sufficient.


  • Adams P, 2002. Nutritional control in hydroponics. In: Savvas D, Passam HC (Eds) Hydroponic Production of Vegetables and Ornamentals, Embryo Publications, Athens, Greece, pp 211-261.
  • Ben-Gal A, Shani U, 2002. Yield, transpiration and growth of tomatoes under combined excess boron and salinity stress. Plant and Soil 247, 211-221.
  • Ben-Gal A, Shani U, 2003. Water use and yield of tomatoes under limited water and excess boron. Plant and Soil 256, 179-186.
  • Davis JM, Sanders DC, Nelson PV, Lengnick L, Sperry WJ, 2003. Boron improves growth, yield, quality, and nutrient content of tomato. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 128, 441-446.
  • Del Amor FM, Marcelis LFM, 2006. Differential effect of transpiration and Ca supply on growth and Ca concentration of tomato plants. Scientia Horticulturae 111, 17-23
  • Grattan SR, Grieve CM, 1999. Salinity –mineral relations in horticultural crops. Scientia Horticulturae 78, 127-157
  • Gül A, 2008. Topraksız Tarım, Hasat yayıncılık, ISBN 978-975-8377-66-4.
  • Hao X, Papadopoulos AP, 2004. Effect of calcium and magnesium on growth, fruit yield and quality in a fall greenhouse tomato crop grown on rockwool. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 83, 903-912
  • Ho LC, Belda R, Brown M, Andrews J, Adams P, 1993. Uptake and transport of calcium and the possible causes of blossom-end rot in tomato. Journal of Experimental Botany 44, 509-518.
  • Ho LC, White PJ, 2005. A cellular hypothesis for the induction of blossomend rot in tomato fruit. Annals of Botany 95, 571-581.
  • Hochmuth GD, Maynard D, Vavrina C, Hanlon E, Simonne E, 2012. Plant tissue Analysis and İnterpratation for Vegetable Crops in Florida. University of Florida. (http://edis. İfas.ufl.)
  • Ismail M R, Dalia S, 1995. Growth, physiological processes and yield of tomatoes grown in different root zone volumes using sand culture. Pertanica Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science 18(2):141-147.
  • Kacar B, İnal A, 2008. Bitki analizleri, Nobel Yayın No:1241, Fen Bilimleri: 63. Nobel Yayıncılık, Ankara
  • Kacar B, Katkat VA, 2010. Bitki Besleme. Nobel Yayın No:849, Fen Bilimleri: 30. Nobel Yayıncılık, 658 s., Ankara
  • Marschner H, 1986. The Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. 1st Edn., Academic Press, New York, USA.
  • Marschner H, 1995. Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants (2nd Edn), Academic Press, London, UK, 889 pp.
  • Navarro JM, Flores P, Carvajal M, Martinez V, 2005. Changes in quality and yield of tomato fruit with ammonium, bicarbonate and calcium fertilisation under saline conditions. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 80, 351-357.
  • NeSmith DS, Duval JR, 1998. The effect of container size. HortTechnology 8: 564–567.
  • Özdemir N, 1998. Toprak Fiziği. OMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Kitabı, No:30, Samsun.
  • Peterson TA, Reinsel MD, Krizek DJ, 1991. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Cv Better Bush plant response to root restriction Journal of Experimental Botany 42(243):1233-1240.
  • Prasad M, Maher MJ, 1992. Chemical and Physical aspects of fractioned peat. Acta Horticulture 342: 257-264.
  • Raja Harun, RM, Muhammad A, 1992. The use of coconut potting mix in the soilless cultivation of tomatoes. Acta Horticulture 292: 255-260.
  • Saure MC, 2001. Blossom-end rot of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) - a calcium- or a stress-related disorder? Scientia Horticulturae 90, 193-208.
  • Smit JN, Combrink NJJ, 2004. The effect of boron levels in nutrient solutions on fruit production and quality of greenhouse tomatoes. South AfricanJournal of Plant and Soil 21, 188-191.
  • Sonneveld C, 2002. Composition of nutrient solution. In: Savvas D, Passam HC (Eds) Hydroponic Production of Vegetables and Ornamentals, Embryo Publications, Athens, Greece, pp 179-210.
  • Sönmez İ, Kaplan M, 2004. Demre Yöresi Seralarında Toprak ve Sulama Sularının Tuz İçeriğinin belirlenmesi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, cilt.17, ss.155-160.
  • Taylor MD, Locascio SJ, Alligood MR, 2004. Blossom-end rot incidence of tomato as affected by irrigation quantity, calcium source, and reduced potassium. HortScience 39, 1110-1115.
  • Tüzel IH, Tüzel Y, Gül A, Eltez ZR, 2001. Effects of EC level of the nutrient solution on yield and fruit quality of tomatoes. Acta Horticulture 559: 587-592.
  • Weerakkody WAP, Mayakaduwa MAP, Weerapperuma KN, 2007. Effect of supply volume and weather based EC adjustments on the growth and yield of greenhouse tomato and bell pepper. Acta Horticulturae 742: 105-111.
  • Yurtsever N, 1982. Tarla deneme tekniği. Toprak ve Gübre Araştıma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Yayınları, Genel Yayın No. 91, Rapor Yayın No. 47. Ankara.

Topraksız tarımda farklı substrat miktarı ve besin çözeltisi uygulamalarının domateste beslenme ve verim kriterlerine etkisi

Year 2016, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 49 - 56, 24.12.2016


Bu çalışmanın amacı, 1:1 torf:perlit karışımından elde edilen üç farklı miktardaki katı ortam kültürüne (SA:600 g az, SO:1030 g orta ve SF:1490 g fazla) günlük uygulanan dört farklı besin çözeltisinin (75, 125, 175 ve 225 ml/gün) domates bitkisinde meyve, sap verimi, meyve büyüklüğü, sayısı ve yaprak ile meyvede kalsiyum ve bor kapsamlarına etkilerini belirlemektir. Substrat miktarı azaldıkça verim ve ortalama meyve ağırlığı azalmıştır. Besin çözeltisi miktarı arttıkça ortalama meyve ağırlığı hariç, verim ve bitkinin gelişimi önemli derecede artmıştır. En yüksek verim 1030 g substrat miktarında 175 ml besin çözeltisiyle elde edilmiştir. Günlük optimum besin çözeltisi miktarı saksıdaki substrat miktarına bağlı olarak değişmiştir. Meyvede Ca kapsamı substrat miktarı azaldıkça önemli derecede azalmış; fakat besin çözeltisi miktarı arttıkça artış göstermiştir. Substrat miktarının ve günlük besin çözeltisi hacminin yaprakta Ca kapsamına etkileri önemsiz bulunmuştur. Meyvede bor kapsamı substrat miktarı azaldıkça azalmış, günlük besin çözeltisi miktarı arttıkça azalmıştır. Domates meyvesinde bor kapsamı 600 g substrat ortamında genellikle düşük bulunmuştur. Günlük besin çözeltisi miktarı yaprakta bor kapsamını önemli derecede etkilememekle birlikte substrat miktarının yaprakta bor kapsamı üzerine etkisi önemli bulunmuştur. Domates yaprağının bor kapsamı 600 g substrat ortamında yetiştirilen bitkilerde düşük bulunmuştur. Bununla birlikte domates yapraklarında kalsiyum ve bor yeterli seviyede bulunmuştur.


  • Adams P, 2002. Nutritional control in hydroponics. In: Savvas D, Passam HC (Eds) Hydroponic Production of Vegetables and Ornamentals, Embryo Publications, Athens, Greece, pp 211-261.
  • Ben-Gal A, Shani U, 2002. Yield, transpiration and growth of tomatoes under combined excess boron and salinity stress. Plant and Soil 247, 211-221.
  • Ben-Gal A, Shani U, 2003. Water use and yield of tomatoes under limited water and excess boron. Plant and Soil 256, 179-186.
  • Davis JM, Sanders DC, Nelson PV, Lengnick L, Sperry WJ, 2003. Boron improves growth, yield, quality, and nutrient content of tomato. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 128, 441-446.
  • Del Amor FM, Marcelis LFM, 2006. Differential effect of transpiration and Ca supply on growth and Ca concentration of tomato plants. Scientia Horticulturae 111, 17-23
  • Grattan SR, Grieve CM, 1999. Salinity –mineral relations in horticultural crops. Scientia Horticulturae 78, 127-157
  • Gül A, 2008. Topraksız Tarım, Hasat yayıncılık, ISBN 978-975-8377-66-4.
  • Hao X, Papadopoulos AP, 2004. Effect of calcium and magnesium on growth, fruit yield and quality in a fall greenhouse tomato crop grown on rockwool. Canadian Journal of Plant Science 83, 903-912
  • Ho LC, Belda R, Brown M, Andrews J, Adams P, 1993. Uptake and transport of calcium and the possible causes of blossom-end rot in tomato. Journal of Experimental Botany 44, 509-518.
  • Ho LC, White PJ, 2005. A cellular hypothesis for the induction of blossomend rot in tomato fruit. Annals of Botany 95, 571-581.
  • Hochmuth GD, Maynard D, Vavrina C, Hanlon E, Simonne E, 2012. Plant tissue Analysis and İnterpratation for Vegetable Crops in Florida. University of Florida. (http://edis. İfas.ufl.)
  • Ismail M R, Dalia S, 1995. Growth, physiological processes and yield of tomatoes grown in different root zone volumes using sand culture. Pertanica Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science 18(2):141-147.
  • Kacar B, İnal A, 2008. Bitki analizleri, Nobel Yayın No:1241, Fen Bilimleri: 63. Nobel Yayıncılık, Ankara
  • Kacar B, Katkat VA, 2010. Bitki Besleme. Nobel Yayın No:849, Fen Bilimleri: 30. Nobel Yayıncılık, 658 s., Ankara
  • Marschner H, 1986. The Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. 1st Edn., Academic Press, New York, USA.
  • Marschner H, 1995. Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants (2nd Edn), Academic Press, London, UK, 889 pp.
  • Navarro JM, Flores P, Carvajal M, Martinez V, 2005. Changes in quality and yield of tomato fruit with ammonium, bicarbonate and calcium fertilisation under saline conditions. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology 80, 351-357.
  • NeSmith DS, Duval JR, 1998. The effect of container size. HortTechnology 8: 564–567.
  • Özdemir N, 1998. Toprak Fiziği. OMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Kitabı, No:30, Samsun.
  • Peterson TA, Reinsel MD, Krizek DJ, 1991. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Cv Better Bush plant response to root restriction Journal of Experimental Botany 42(243):1233-1240.
  • Prasad M, Maher MJ, 1992. Chemical and Physical aspects of fractioned peat. Acta Horticulture 342: 257-264.
  • Raja Harun, RM, Muhammad A, 1992. The use of coconut potting mix in the soilless cultivation of tomatoes. Acta Horticulture 292: 255-260.
  • Saure MC, 2001. Blossom-end rot of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) - a calcium- or a stress-related disorder? Scientia Horticulturae 90, 193-208.
  • Smit JN, Combrink NJJ, 2004. The effect of boron levels in nutrient solutions on fruit production and quality of greenhouse tomatoes. South AfricanJournal of Plant and Soil 21, 188-191.
  • Sonneveld C, 2002. Composition of nutrient solution. In: Savvas D, Passam HC (Eds) Hydroponic Production of Vegetables and Ornamentals, Embryo Publications, Athens, Greece, pp 179-210.
  • Sönmez İ, Kaplan M, 2004. Demre Yöresi Seralarında Toprak ve Sulama Sularının Tuz İçeriğinin belirlenmesi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, cilt.17, ss.155-160.
  • Taylor MD, Locascio SJ, Alligood MR, 2004. Blossom-end rot incidence of tomato as affected by irrigation quantity, calcium source, and reduced potassium. HortScience 39, 1110-1115.
  • Tüzel IH, Tüzel Y, Gül A, Eltez ZR, 2001. Effects of EC level of the nutrient solution on yield and fruit quality of tomatoes. Acta Horticulture 559: 587-592.
  • Weerakkody WAP, Mayakaduwa MAP, Weerapperuma KN, 2007. Effect of supply volume and weather based EC adjustments on the growth and yield of greenhouse tomato and bell pepper. Acta Horticulturae 742: 105-111.
  • Yurtsever N, 1982. Tarla deneme tekniği. Toprak ve Gübre Araştıma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü Yayınları, Genel Yayın No. 91, Rapor Yayın No. 47. Ankara.
There are 30 citations in total.


Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Güney Akınoğlu This is me

Ahmet Korkmaz

Publication Date December 24, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Akınoğlu, G., & Korkmaz, A. (2016). Topraksız tarımda farklı substrat miktarı ve besin çözeltisi uygulamalarının domateste beslenme ve verim kriterlerine etkisi. Toprak Bilimi Ve Bitki Besleme Dergisi, 4(2), 49-56.
AMA Akınoğlu G, Korkmaz A. Topraksız tarımda farklı substrat miktarı ve besin çözeltisi uygulamalarının domateste beslenme ve verim kriterlerine etkisi. tbbbd. December 2016;4(2):49-56.
Chicago Akınoğlu, Güney, and Ahmet Korkmaz. “Topraksız tarımda Farklı Substrat Miktarı Ve Besin çözeltisi uygulamalarının Domateste Beslenme Ve Verim Kriterlerine Etkisi”. Toprak Bilimi Ve Bitki Besleme Dergisi 4, no. 2 (December 2016): 49-56.
EndNote Akınoğlu G, Korkmaz A (December 1, 2016) Topraksız tarımda farklı substrat miktarı ve besin çözeltisi uygulamalarının domateste beslenme ve verim kriterlerine etkisi. Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Dergisi 4 2 49–56.
IEEE G. Akınoğlu and A. Korkmaz, “Topraksız tarımda farklı substrat miktarı ve besin çözeltisi uygulamalarının domateste beslenme ve verim kriterlerine etkisi”, tbbbd, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 49–56, 2016.
ISNAD Akınoğlu, Güney - Korkmaz, Ahmet. “Topraksız tarımda Farklı Substrat Miktarı Ve Besin çözeltisi uygulamalarının Domateste Beslenme Ve Verim Kriterlerine Etkisi”. Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Dergisi 4/2 (December 2016), 49-56.
JAMA Akınoğlu G, Korkmaz A. Topraksız tarımda farklı substrat miktarı ve besin çözeltisi uygulamalarının domateste beslenme ve verim kriterlerine etkisi. tbbbd. 2016;4:49–56.
MLA Akınoğlu, Güney and Ahmet Korkmaz. “Topraksız tarımda Farklı Substrat Miktarı Ve Besin çözeltisi uygulamalarının Domateste Beslenme Ve Verim Kriterlerine Etkisi”. Toprak Bilimi Ve Bitki Besleme Dergisi, vol. 4, no. 2, 2016, pp. 49-56.
Vancouver Akınoğlu G, Korkmaz A. Topraksız tarımda farklı substrat miktarı ve besin çözeltisi uygulamalarının domateste beslenme ve verim kriterlerine etkisi. tbbbd. 2016;4(2):49-56.