Aim & Scope

TBV Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (TBV-BBMD) started to be published in 2005 as per the decision taken in the 2004 meeting of the Computer Engineering Department Heads Board. The journal is published as two issues each year.

The purpose of the TBV-BBMD Journal is to publish original research results in computer science and engineering. The journal aims to develop the Turkish language of science in the field of informatics by encouraging the publication of articles in Turkish. It accepts to publish the articles of foreign authors who do not speak Turkish in English. Publish titles and abstracts of Turkish articles in English.

The following types of articles are accepted for publication in the journal:

· Research article: An article presenting an original research with its results,

Review article: An article that scans, summarizes, evaluates and interprets a sufficient number of scientific articles on a certain subject in the field of computer science and engineering,

Industrial article: An article describing the research and development of new products or technologies in the field of computer science and engineering,

· Thesis work: An article containing an extended summary of an original thesis work done at the graduate level,

· Book review: Introducing and evaluating a new book published in the field of computer science and engineering.

TBV Journal of Computer Science and Engineering covers the following topics:

Algorithms                 natural language processing        health information systems        Assigned strings        computation theory    Encryption and privacy

computer networks    human machine interaction        Signal processing                        Information and computer security        OS

Question and Answer Strings    information extraction    machine learning                Social networks        computer vision          Internet of Things

data science        computer architecture        Games        Data mining        cloud computing        pattern recognition        Artificial intelligence        fuzzy logic

programming languages        Software engineering        Big data and analytics        Robots and their applications    High performance computing

If you are considering applying for an article to our journal, we recommend that you review the journal publication policy and the Author's Guide on the About Journal page. Authors must register before submitting to the journal. After signing up, you can start the 5-step posting process via the Login link. Readers are recommended to sign up for the release notification service. This can be done from the Registration link at the top of the journal entry page. Each time a new issue is published, the CONTENTS page is sent via e-mail to the reader who has registered for this service. As stated in the journal's privacy statement, the identity information and e-mail addresses of the authors will never be used for other purposes. We recommend research libraries to include this journal in their electronic journal collection. It should be noted that the open-code publication system of the journal may also be suitable for use in other journals in which academics using the library participate in the publication process. Detailed information about Open Journal Systems can be obtained from the Public Knowledge Project page. Authors can publish their works published in this journal before and after publication, on their personal websites or in corporate archives, by referencing this journal in accordance with librarianship rules. This journal; Adopting the principle that providing scientific research to the public free of charge will increase the global sharing of knowledge, it provides instant open access to its content. Names and e-mail addresses on this journal site will be used only for the stated purposes of this journal; It will not be made available for any other purpose or use by other persons.

Period Months
January June

Article Acceptance

Use user registration/login to upload articles online.

The acceptance process of the articles sent to the journal consists of the following stages:

1. Each submitted article is sent to at least two referees at the first stage.

2. Referee appointments are made by the journal editors. There are approximately 200 referees in the referee pool of the journal and these referees are classified according to their areas of interest. Each referee is sent an article on the subject he is interested in. The selection of the arbitrator is done in a way that does not cause any conflict of interest.

3. In the articles sent to the referees, the names of the authors are closed.

4. Referees are explained how to evaluate an article and are asked to fill in the evaluation form shown below.

5. The articles in which two referees give positive opinion are subjected to similarity review by the editors. The similarity in the articles is expected to be less than 25%.

6. A paper that has passed all stages is reviewed by the editor in terms of language and presentation, and necessary corrections and improvements are made. If necessary, the authors are notified of the situation.


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