Arnoldous, H.M.j., 1977, Methodology used to determine the maximum potential average annual soil loss due to sheet and rill erosion in Morocco, FAO Soils Bulletin, 34, 39—51.
Arnoldous, H.M.J., 1980, An approximation of the rainfall factor in the USLE. In: De Boodt M., Gabriels, D. (Eds), Assessment of Erosion. Wiley, Chichester, England, pp. 127—132.
Balıkesir lli Arazi Varlığı, (1999), Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlügü Yayınları, Il Rapor No: 10, Ankara.
Bayramin, l., Erpul, G., Erdoğan, HB, 2006, Use of CORINE methodology to assess soil erosion risk in the seminarid area of Beypazarı, Ankara, Türk] Agric For, 30, 81-100.
Bingöl, E., 1969, Kazdag masifinin merkezi ve güneydoğu kesiminin jeolojisi, M.T.A. Dergisi, 72, 110» 124.
Bingöl, E., 1971, Fiziksel (=Radyometrik= Radyojenik) yaş tayini metotlarını sınıflama denemesi ve Rb—Sr ve KnA metotlarının Kazdag’da bir uygulaması, Türkiye jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 14—1.
Cooley, K.R., 1980, Erosivity "R" for individual design storms. IN: CREAMS: A field-scale model for chemicals, runoff, and erosion from agricultural management systems, W.G. Knisel, ed., p. 386-397. USDA»SEA Conservation Research Report No. 26. USDA,Washington, DC.
Desmet, P._].j., Govers, G. (1996) A GIS procedure [or automatically calculating the USLE LS factor on topographically complex landscape units. journal ofsoii and water conservation, 51, 427-433.
Diyotato,N., 2004, Estimating RUSLE’s rainfall factor in the part of Italy with a Mediterranean rainfall regime, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 8-1, 103—107.
Dogan, 0. ve Küçükçakar, N., 1994, Erozyon Haritalamasında Bazı Metodolojiler, Köy Hizmetleri Ankara Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları, Ankara.
Ekinci,D., ve Ekinci, B., 2006, The Effect of Valley Networks on Erosion and a Sample for Usmg GIS Based Soil Erosion Risk Model, 18 th International Soil Meeting (ISM) on Soils Sustaining Life on Earth (Managing Soil and Technology); May 22—26, Proceedings, 465—472.
Foster, GR., D.K. Mc Cool, Renard, K.G., ve Moldenhauer, W. C., 1981., Conversion of the Universal Soil Loss Equation to SI Metric Units, _]. Soil and Water Cons. 36-6, 355-359.
Knijft, V. ].M., Jones, R._].A., ve Montanarella, L., 1999, Soil erosion assessment in Italy, European Soil Bureau.
Lorito, S., PavaneIIi, D., Bigi, A., Stanchi, S., Vianello, G., 2005, Introduction of GIS-based RUSLE model for land planning and environmental management in three different Italian ecosystems,
Lufafaa, A., Tenywaa, M.M., Isabiryeb, M., Majaliwaa, M.].G., ve Woomerc PL, 2003, Prediction of soil erosion in a Lake Victoria basin catchment using a GIS-based Universal Soil Loss model, Agricultural Systems, 76, 883—894.
Millward, A.A., Mersey, _].E., 1999 Adapting the RUSLE to model soil erosion potential in a mountainous tropical watershed. Carens, 38, 109—129.
Mitasova, H., J., Hofierka, M., Zlocha, 1verson,L.R., 1996, Modeling topographic potential for erosion and deposition using GlS. Int. journal of Geographical Information Science, 106, 629—641.
Mitasova, H., Mitas, L., Brown, W. M., johnstön, D., 1998, Multidimensional Soil Erosion/deposition Modeling and visualization using GIS. Final report for USA CERL. University of Illinois, Urba- na»Champaign, IL.
Moore, I., ve G. Burch. 1986a, Physical basis of the length-slope factor in the universal soil loss equation. Soil Science Society of Americajournal 50, 1294-1298.
Moore, I., ve G. Burch. 1986b. Modeling erosion and deposition: topographic effects. Transactions of ASAE 29-6, 1624—1640.
Moore, I.D., ve Wilson, J.P., 1992, Length-slope factors for the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation: Simplified method of estimation. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 47, 423-428.
Moore, RR, 1979, “Rainfall Erosivity in East Africa: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda", Geografiska Annaler. 61, 147-156.
Morgan, R.P.C., 1995, Soil Erosion and Conservation, Longman, Essex.
PAP/RAC, 1997, Guidelines for Mapping and Measurement of Rainfall-Induced Erosion Processes in the Mediterranean Coastal Areas. PAP-8fPP/GL.1. Split, Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre (MAP/UNEP), with the cooperation of FAO. 1997. pp xii+70.
Renard, K.G., ve Ferreira, V.A., 1993, RUSLE model description and database sensitivity. J. Environ. Qual. 22-3,458-466.
Renard, K.G., G.R. Foster, D.C. Yoder, ve McCool, DK. 1994, RUSLE revisited: Status, questions, answers, and the future,]. Soil Water Conserv. 49-3, 213—220.
Renard, K..G., G.R., Foster, G.A., Weesies, D.K., McCool, ve D.C. Yoder, 1997, Predicting Soil Erosion by Water: A Guide to Conservation Planning with the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook 703, USA.
Rijks, D., Terres, J.M., Vossen, P., 1998, Agrometeorological Applications for Regional Crop Monitoring and Production Assessment, EUR, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxsembourg.
R00se, E.]., 1977., Application of the Universal Soil Loss Equation of Wischmeier and Smith in West Africa. In: Greenland, J., Lal, R. (Eds). Conservation and Soil Management in the Humid Tropics. Wiley, Chichester, England, 177—187.
Roose, E.J., Sarrailh, JM., 1989, Erodibility of some tropical soils—twenty years of records in some erosion plots under natural rainfall, Soils Fert. 25, 7—30.
Sivertun A., Prange, L., 2003, Non-point source critical area analysis in the Gisselo watershed using GIS, Environmental Modelling & Software, 18, 887-898.
William, W. D., David, S. Jones, ve Steven, D., Warren, 1999, The Soil Erosion Model Guide for Military Land Mangers: Analysis of Erosion Models for Natural and Cultural Resources Applications, Tri-Service CADD/GIS Technology Center, Natural and Cultural Resources Field Working Group, Technical Report ITL 99-XX.
Wischmeier, W.H., Smith, DD, 1978, Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses: A guide to conservation planning, Agricultural Handbook, 537, US Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC, USA.
Wischmeier, WH., Johnson, C.B., ve Cross, B.V., 1971. A soil erodibility nomograph for farmland and construction sites,J. Soil and Water Conserv., 26, 189-193.
Wischmeier, W.H., Smith, D.D. ve R.E., Uhland, 1958, Evaluation of factors in the soil loss equation, Agric. Eng. 39,458- 474.
Wischmeier, W..H, Smith, D.D., 1958, Rainfall energy and its relation ship to soil 1055. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 39-2, 285—291.
Wischmeier, W.A., Smith, D.A., 1965. Predicting rainfall-erosion losses from cropland east of the Rocky Mountains: guide for selection practices for soil and water conservation. Agricultural Handbook 282, US Dept. of Agric. Sci and Edu. Admin., Agric. Res., USA.
Williams, R.G., Sheridan, J.M., 1991, Effect of rainfall measurement time and depth resolution on EI calculation, Transaction of the American Society of Agriculture Engineering ASAE 34- 2, 402—406.
Kızılkeçili Deresi havzasında CBS tabanlı RUSLE (3d) yöntemiyle erozyon analizi
Arnoldous, H.M.j., 1977, Methodology used to determine the maximum potential average annual soil loss due to sheet and rill erosion in Morocco, FAO Soils Bulletin, 34, 39—51.
Arnoldous, H.M.J., 1980, An approximation of the rainfall factor in the USLE. In: De Boodt M., Gabriels, D. (Eds), Assessment of Erosion. Wiley, Chichester, England, pp. 127—132.
Balıkesir lli Arazi Varlığı, (1999), Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlügü Yayınları, Il Rapor No: 10, Ankara.
Bayramin, l., Erpul, G., Erdoğan, HB, 2006, Use of CORINE methodology to assess soil erosion risk in the seminarid area of Beypazarı, Ankara, Türk] Agric For, 30, 81-100.
Bingöl, E., 1969, Kazdag masifinin merkezi ve güneydoğu kesiminin jeolojisi, M.T.A. Dergisi, 72, 110» 124.
Bingöl, E., 1971, Fiziksel (=Radyometrik= Radyojenik) yaş tayini metotlarını sınıflama denemesi ve Rb—Sr ve KnA metotlarının Kazdag’da bir uygulaması, Türkiye jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni, 14—1.
Cooley, K.R., 1980, Erosivity "R" for individual design storms. IN: CREAMS: A field-scale model for chemicals, runoff, and erosion from agricultural management systems, W.G. Knisel, ed., p. 386-397. USDA»SEA Conservation Research Report No. 26. USDA,Washington, DC.
Desmet, P._].j., Govers, G. (1996) A GIS procedure [or automatically calculating the USLE LS factor on topographically complex landscape units. journal ofsoii and water conservation, 51, 427-433.
Diyotato,N., 2004, Estimating RUSLE’s rainfall factor in the part of Italy with a Mediterranean rainfall regime, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 8-1, 103—107.
Dogan, 0. ve Küçükçakar, N., 1994, Erozyon Haritalamasında Bazı Metodolojiler, Köy Hizmetleri Ankara Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları, Ankara.
Ekinci,D., ve Ekinci, B., 2006, The Effect of Valley Networks on Erosion and a Sample for Usmg GIS Based Soil Erosion Risk Model, 18 th International Soil Meeting (ISM) on Soils Sustaining Life on Earth (Managing Soil and Technology); May 22—26, Proceedings, 465—472.
Foster, GR., D.K. Mc Cool, Renard, K.G., ve Moldenhauer, W. C., 1981., Conversion of the Universal Soil Loss Equation to SI Metric Units, _]. Soil and Water Cons. 36-6, 355-359.
Knijft, V. ].M., Jones, R._].A., ve Montanarella, L., 1999, Soil erosion assessment in Italy, European Soil Bureau.
Lorito, S., PavaneIIi, D., Bigi, A., Stanchi, S., Vianello, G., 2005, Introduction of GIS-based RUSLE model for land planning and environmental management in three different Italian ecosystems,
Lufafaa, A., Tenywaa, M.M., Isabiryeb, M., Majaliwaa, M.].G., ve Woomerc PL, 2003, Prediction of soil erosion in a Lake Victoria basin catchment using a GIS-based Universal Soil Loss model, Agricultural Systems, 76, 883—894.
Millward, A.A., Mersey, _].E., 1999 Adapting the RUSLE to model soil erosion potential in a mountainous tropical watershed. Carens, 38, 109—129.
Mitasova, H., J., Hofierka, M., Zlocha, 1verson,L.R., 1996, Modeling topographic potential for erosion and deposition using GlS. Int. journal of Geographical Information Science, 106, 629—641.
Mitasova, H., Mitas, L., Brown, W. M., johnstön, D., 1998, Multidimensional Soil Erosion/deposition Modeling and visualization using GIS. Final report for USA CERL. University of Illinois, Urba- na»Champaign, IL.
Moore, I., ve G. Burch. 1986a, Physical basis of the length-slope factor in the universal soil loss equation. Soil Science Society of Americajournal 50, 1294-1298.
Moore, I., ve G. Burch. 1986b. Modeling erosion and deposition: topographic effects. Transactions of ASAE 29-6, 1624—1640.
Moore, I.D., ve Wilson, J.P., 1992, Length-slope factors for the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation: Simplified method of estimation. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 47, 423-428.
Moore, RR, 1979, “Rainfall Erosivity in East Africa: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda", Geografiska Annaler. 61, 147-156.
Morgan, R.P.C., 1995, Soil Erosion and Conservation, Longman, Essex.
PAP/RAC, 1997, Guidelines for Mapping and Measurement of Rainfall-Induced Erosion Processes in the Mediterranean Coastal Areas. PAP-8fPP/GL.1. Split, Priority Actions Programme Regional Activity Centre (MAP/UNEP), with the cooperation of FAO. 1997. pp xii+70.
Renard, K.G., ve Ferreira, V.A., 1993, RUSLE model description and database sensitivity. J. Environ. Qual. 22-3,458-466.
Renard, K.G., G.R. Foster, D.C. Yoder, ve McCool, DK. 1994, RUSLE revisited: Status, questions, answers, and the future,]. Soil Water Conserv. 49-3, 213—220.
Renard, K..G., G.R., Foster, G.A., Weesies, D.K., McCool, ve D.C. Yoder, 1997, Predicting Soil Erosion by Water: A Guide to Conservation Planning with the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook 703, USA.
Rijks, D., Terres, J.M., Vossen, P., 1998, Agrometeorological Applications for Regional Crop Monitoring and Production Assessment, EUR, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxsembourg.
R00se, E.]., 1977., Application of the Universal Soil Loss Equation of Wischmeier and Smith in West Africa. In: Greenland, J., Lal, R. (Eds). Conservation and Soil Management in the Humid Tropics. Wiley, Chichester, England, 177—187.
Roose, E.J., Sarrailh, JM., 1989, Erodibility of some tropical soils—twenty years of records in some erosion plots under natural rainfall, Soils Fert. 25, 7—30.
Sivertun A., Prange, L., 2003, Non-point source critical area analysis in the Gisselo watershed using GIS, Environmental Modelling & Software, 18, 887-898.
William, W. D., David, S. Jones, ve Steven, D., Warren, 1999, The Soil Erosion Model Guide for Military Land Mangers: Analysis of Erosion Models for Natural and Cultural Resources Applications, Tri-Service CADD/GIS Technology Center, Natural and Cultural Resources Field Working Group, Technical Report ITL 99-XX.
Wischmeier, W.H., Smith, DD, 1978, Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses: A guide to conservation planning, Agricultural Handbook, 537, US Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC, USA.
Wischmeier, WH., Johnson, C.B., ve Cross, B.V., 1971. A soil erodibility nomograph for farmland and construction sites,J. Soil and Water Conserv., 26, 189-193.
Wischmeier, W.H., Smith, D.D. ve R.E., Uhland, 1958, Evaluation of factors in the soil loss equation, Agric. Eng. 39,458- 474.
Wischmeier, W..H, Smith, D.D., 1958, Rainfall energy and its relation ship to soil 1055. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 39-2, 285—291.
Wischmeier, W.A., Smith, D.A., 1965. Predicting rainfall-erosion losses from cropland east of the Rocky Mountains: guide for selection practices for soil and water conservation. Agricultural Handbook 282, US Dept. of Agric. Sci and Edu. Admin., Agric. Res., USA.
Williams, R.G., Sheridan, J.M., 1991, Effect of rainfall measurement time and depth resolution on EI calculation, Transaction of the American Society of Agriculture Engineering ASAE 34- 2, 402—406.