Research Article
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Evaluation of Self-Efficacy and Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Year 2022, , 421 - 424, 20.09.2022


Objective: To assess the self-efficacy level and health-related quality of life in pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis (POMS) patients.

Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted between January-April 2022 at Hacettepe University Department of Pediatric Neurology using The Pediatric Rating of Chronic Illness Self-Efficacy (PRCISE) Scale and Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL).

Results: Twenty-nine POMS patients with a median age of 16.4 years (F/M: 20/9) were included in the study. The mean PRCISE Scale score was 101.8±22.4 and the mean PedsQL score was 66.5±16.2. Both scores were lower than previously reported in the literature.

Conclusion: Lower self-efficacy and HRQoL levels might be attributed to fatigue which is common in POMS. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and quality of life should be addressed in patients with POMS.


  • Alroughani R, Boyko A. Pediatric multiple sclerosis: a review. BMC Neurol 2018;18:27.
  • Boiko A, Vorobeychik G, Paty D, Devonshire V, Sadovnick D. Early onset multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal study. Neurology 2002;59:1006-10.
  • Bandura A. Human agency in social cognitive theory. Am Psychol. 1989;44:1175-84.
  • Sikes EM, Motl RW, Ness JM. Pediatric multiple sclerosis: current perspectives on health behaviors. Pediatric Health Med Ther 2018;9:17-25.
  • Lemmon ME, Huffstetler HE, Reeve BB. Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric Neurology. J Child Neurol 2020;35:681-9.
  • Emerson ND, Morrell HER, Mahtani N, Sanderson L, Neece C, Boyd KC, et al. Preliminary validation of a self-efficacy scale for pediatric chronic illness. Child Care Health Dev 2018;44:485-93.
  • Gürcan M, Turan S. Testing the psychometric properties of the Turkish culture version of the self-efficacy scale for pediatric chronic illness. Current Psychology 2020.
  • Cakin Memik N, Ağaoğlu B, Coşkun A, Uneri OS, I. K. The validity and reliability of the Turkish Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory for children 13-18 years old. Turk Psikiyatri Derg 2007;18:353-63.
  • Peters M, Potter CM, Kelly L, Fitzpatrick R. Self-efficacy and health-related quality of life: a cross-sectional study of primary care patients with multi-morbidity. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2019;17:37.
  • Ferrari S, Vanti C, Pellizzer M, Dozza L, Monticone M, Pillastrini P. Is there a relationship between self-efficacy, disability, pain and sociodemographic characteristics in chronic low back pain? A multicenter retrospective analysis. Arch Physiother 2019;9:9.
  • Carroll S, Chalder T, Hemingway C, Heyman I, Moss-Morris R. Understanding fatigue in paediatric multiple sclerosis: a systematic review of clinical and psychosocial factors. Dev Med Child Neurol 2016;58:229-39.
  • Ozdogar AT, Kahraman T, Ozakbas S, Achiron A, Kalron A. Fatigue is associated with physical inactivity in people with multiple sclerosis despite different environmental backgrounds: Merging and comparing cohorts from Turkey and Israel. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2022;57:103456.
  • Drenkard C, Easley K, Bao G, Dunlop-Thomas C, Lim SS, Brady T. Cross-sectional study of the effects of self-efficacy on fatigue and pain interference in black women with systemic lupus erythematosus: the role of depression, age and education. Lupus Sci Med 2022;9.
  • Young CA, Mills R, Rog D, Sharrack B, Majeed T, Constantinescu CS, et al. Quality of life in multiple sclerosis is dominated by fatigue, disability and self-efficacy. J Neurol Sci 2021;426:117437.
  • Ow N, Mozafarinia M, Mayo NE. Quality of life measures in pediatric multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Dev Med Child Neurol 2021;63:1051-8.
  • Sojli E, Tham WW, Bryant R, McAleer M. COVID-19 restrictions and age-specific mental health-U.S. probability-based panel evidence. Transl Psychiatry 2021;11:418.
  • Simonetti V, Durante A, Ambrosca R, Arcadi P, Graziano G, Pucciarelli G, et al. Anxiety, sleep disorders and self-efficacy among nurses during COVID-19 pandemic: A large cross-sectional study. J Clin Nurs 2021;30:1360-71.
  • Hansel TC, Saltzman LY, Melton PA, Clark TL, Bordnick PS. COVID-19 behavioral health and quality of life. Sci Rep 2022;12:961.
  • Available from: Last accessed May 29, 2022.

Çocukluk Çağı Başlangıçlı Multipl Skleroz Hastalarında Öz Yeterlilik ve Sağlıkla İlişkili Yaşam Kalitesinin Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2022, , 421 - 424, 20.09.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışma ile çocukluk çağı başlangıçlı multipl skleroz (çMS) hastalarının öz yeterlilik ve sağlıkla ilişkili yaşam kalitesi düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve

Yöntemler: Ocak 2022 – Nisan 2022 tarihleri arasında kesitsel olarak gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada çMS tanılı hastalalar Pediatrik Kronik Hastalık İçin Öz Yeterlilik Ölçeği (PKHÖYÖ) ve Çocuk Çağı Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçekleri (ÇÇYKÖ) ile değerlendirilmiştir.

Bulgular: Ortalama yaşları 16.4 yıl olan 29 çMS hastası (K/E:20/9) çalışmaya katılmıştır. PKHÖYÖ ortalaması 101.8±22.4 puan elde edilmiş olup, ÇÇYKÖ skorlamasında ortalama 66.5±16.2 puan elde edilmiştir. Her iki değerin literatürde daha önceki yapılmış olan çalışmalardan düşük olduğu görülmüştür.

Sonuç: Pediatrik Kronik Hastalık İçin Öz Yeterlilik Ölçeği ve ÇÇYKÖ ortalama skorlarının düşük olması çMS hastalarında yaygın görülen kronik yorgunlukla ilişkili olabilir. Ayrıca COVID-19 pandemisinin çMS hastalarında mental sağlık ve yaşam kalitesi üzerindeki etkisi de bu sonuçlar yorunmlanırken göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır.


  • Alroughani R, Boyko A. Pediatric multiple sclerosis: a review. BMC Neurol 2018;18:27.
  • Boiko A, Vorobeychik G, Paty D, Devonshire V, Sadovnick D. Early onset multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal study. Neurology 2002;59:1006-10.
  • Bandura A. Human agency in social cognitive theory. Am Psychol. 1989;44:1175-84.
  • Sikes EM, Motl RW, Ness JM. Pediatric multiple sclerosis: current perspectives on health behaviors. Pediatric Health Med Ther 2018;9:17-25.
  • Lemmon ME, Huffstetler HE, Reeve BB. Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric Neurology. J Child Neurol 2020;35:681-9.
  • Emerson ND, Morrell HER, Mahtani N, Sanderson L, Neece C, Boyd KC, et al. Preliminary validation of a self-efficacy scale for pediatric chronic illness. Child Care Health Dev 2018;44:485-93.
  • Gürcan M, Turan S. Testing the psychometric properties of the Turkish culture version of the self-efficacy scale for pediatric chronic illness. Current Psychology 2020.
  • Cakin Memik N, Ağaoğlu B, Coşkun A, Uneri OS, I. K. The validity and reliability of the Turkish Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory for children 13-18 years old. Turk Psikiyatri Derg 2007;18:353-63.
  • Peters M, Potter CM, Kelly L, Fitzpatrick R. Self-efficacy and health-related quality of life: a cross-sectional study of primary care patients with multi-morbidity. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2019;17:37.
  • Ferrari S, Vanti C, Pellizzer M, Dozza L, Monticone M, Pillastrini P. Is there a relationship between self-efficacy, disability, pain and sociodemographic characteristics in chronic low back pain? A multicenter retrospective analysis. Arch Physiother 2019;9:9.
  • Carroll S, Chalder T, Hemingway C, Heyman I, Moss-Morris R. Understanding fatigue in paediatric multiple sclerosis: a systematic review of clinical and psychosocial factors. Dev Med Child Neurol 2016;58:229-39.
  • Ozdogar AT, Kahraman T, Ozakbas S, Achiron A, Kalron A. Fatigue is associated with physical inactivity in people with multiple sclerosis despite different environmental backgrounds: Merging and comparing cohorts from Turkey and Israel. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2022;57:103456.
  • Drenkard C, Easley K, Bao G, Dunlop-Thomas C, Lim SS, Brady T. Cross-sectional study of the effects of self-efficacy on fatigue and pain interference in black women with systemic lupus erythematosus: the role of depression, age and education. Lupus Sci Med 2022;9.
  • Young CA, Mills R, Rog D, Sharrack B, Majeed T, Constantinescu CS, et al. Quality of life in multiple sclerosis is dominated by fatigue, disability and self-efficacy. J Neurol Sci 2021;426:117437.
  • Ow N, Mozafarinia M, Mayo NE. Quality of life measures in pediatric multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Dev Med Child Neurol 2021;63:1051-8.
  • Sojli E, Tham WW, Bryant R, McAleer M. COVID-19 restrictions and age-specific mental health-U.S. probability-based panel evidence. Transl Psychiatry 2021;11:418.
  • Simonetti V, Durante A, Ambrosca R, Arcadi P, Graziano G, Pucciarelli G, et al. Anxiety, sleep disorders and self-efficacy among nurses during COVID-19 pandemic: A large cross-sectional study. J Clin Nurs 2021;30:1360-71.
  • Hansel TC, Saltzman LY, Melton PA, Clark TL, Bordnick PS. COVID-19 behavioral health and quality of life. Sci Rep 2022;12:961.
  • Available from: Last accessed May 29, 2022.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects ​Internal Diseases

İbrahim Halil Öncel 0000-0002-0710-7818

Ismail Solmaz 0000-0001-7943-9611

Publication Date September 20, 2022
Submission Date June 1, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Öncel, İ. H., & Solmaz, I. (2022). Evaluation of Self-Efficacy and Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 16(5), 421-424.
AMA Öncel İH, Solmaz I. Evaluation of Self-Efficacy and Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. September 2022;16(5):421-424. doi:10.12956/tchd.1124370
Chicago Öncel, İbrahim Halil, and Ismail Solmaz. “Evaluation of Self-Efficacy and Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis Patients”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 16, no. 5 (September 2022): 421-24.
EndNote Öncel İH, Solmaz I (September 1, 2022) Evaluation of Self-Efficacy and Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 16 5 421–424.
IEEE İ. H. Öncel and I. Solmaz, “Evaluation of Self-Efficacy and Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis Patients”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 16, no. 5, pp. 421–424, 2022, doi: 10.12956/tchd.1124370.
ISNAD Öncel, İbrahim Halil - Solmaz, Ismail. “Evaluation of Self-Efficacy and Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis Patients”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 16/5 (September 2022), 421-424.
JAMA Öncel İH, Solmaz I. Evaluation of Self-Efficacy and Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2022;16:421–424.
MLA Öncel, İbrahim Halil and Ismail Solmaz. “Evaluation of Self-Efficacy and Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis Patients”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, vol. 16, no. 5, 2022, pp. 421-4, doi:10.12956/tchd.1124370.
Vancouver Öncel İH, Solmaz I. Evaluation of Self-Efficacy and Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis Patients. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2022;16(5):421-4.

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