Objective: To evaluate the relationship between the feeding practices of parents of preschool children and the eating behaviors of children.
Material and Methods: The parents who had 2 to 6 years of age children without chronic disease and had completed the transition to supplementary foods were included (n=315). Family demographic, socioeconomic information and children’s anthropometric measurements were recorded. The parents completed the “Child Feeding Questionnaire (CFQ)”, and “Children’s Eating Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ)”.
Results: The mean age of the children participating were 46±14.63 months and 46.7% (147/315) of the children were girls. As parents’ perceived responsibility for feeding increased, the children’s food responsiveness tended to decrease. In parents who had concerns about their child’s weight, their children’s eating behavior was associated with higher food responsiveness and enjoyment of food and lower satiety responsiveness, slowness in eating, and emotional undereating.
Conclusion: Parents’ healthy eating attitudes can be part of a process that encourages children to model healthy eating behaviors. ‘Satiety responsiveness’, ‘slowness in eating’, and ‘emotional under-eating behaviors were observed more frequently with the attitude of restriction and pressure for eating.
Amaç: Okul öncesi dönemdeki çocukların ebeveynlerinin beslenme uygulamaları ile çocukların yeme davranışları arasındaki ilişkinin değerlendirilmesi.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya 2-6 yaş arası kronik hastalığı olmayan ve ek gıdaya geçişi tamamlamış çocukları olan ebeveynler dahil edildi (n=315). Ailenin demografik, sosyoekonomik bilgileri ve çocukların antropometrik ölçümleri kaydedildi. Ebeveynler tarafından “Çocuk Besleme Anketi (CFQ)” ve “Çocukların Yeme Davranışı Anketi (CEBQ)” dolduruldu.
Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılan çocukların yaş ortalaması 46±14.63 ay olup, çocukların %46.7’si (147/315) kız cinsiyettir. Ebeveynlerin beslenme konusundaki algılanan sorumluluğu arttıkça, çocukların gıdaya duyarlılığı azalma eğilimindeydi. Çocuklarının kilosu hakkında endişeleri olan ebeveynlerde, çocuklarının yeme davranışı, daha yüksek gıda duyarlılığı ve yemekten zevk alma ve daha düşük tokluk duyarlılığı, yemede yavaşlık ve duygusal yetersiz beslenme ile ilişkiliydi.
Sonuç: Ebeveynlerin sağlıklı beslenme tutumları; çocukların sağlıklı beslenme davranışlarını modellemesini teşvik eden bir sürecin parçası olabilir. Yeme konusunda kısıtlama ve baskı tutumuyla birlikte ‘doymaya duyarlılık’, ‘yemede yavaşlama’ ve ‘duygusal yetersiz yeme’ davranışları daha sık gözlendi.
Primary Language | English |
Subjects | Internal Diseases |
Journal Section | ORIGINAL ARTICLES |
Authors | |
Early Pub Date | January 4, 2024 |
Publication Date | March 18, 2024 |
Submission Date | September 7, 2023 |
Published in Issue | Year 2024 |
The publication language of Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease is English.
Manuscripts submitted to the Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease will go through a double-blind peer-review process. Each submission will be reviewed by at least two external, independent peer reviewers who are experts in the field, in order to ensure an unbiased evaluation process. The editorial board will invite an external and independent editor to manage the evaluation processes of manuscripts submitted by editors or by the editorial board members of the journal. The Editor in Chief is the final authority in the decision-making process for all submissions. Articles accepted for publication in the Turkish Journal of Pediatrics are put in the order of publication taking into account the acceptance dates. If the articles sent to the reviewers for evaluation are assessed as a senior for publication by the reviewers, the section editor and the editor considering all aspects (originality, high scientific quality and citation potential), it receives publication priority in addition to the articles assigned for the next issue.
The aim of the Turkish Journal of Pediatrics is to publish high-quality original research articles that will contribute to the international literature in the field of general pediatric health and diseases and its sub-branches. It also publishes editorial opinions, letters to the editor, reviews, case reports, book reviews, comments on previously published articles, meeting and conference proceedings, announcements, and biography. In addition to the field of child health and diseases, the journal also includes articles prepared in fields such as surgery, dentistry, public health, nutrition and dietetics, social services, human genetics, basic sciences, psychology, psychiatry, educational sciences, sociology and nursing, provided that they are related to this field. can be published.