Amaç: Bu çalışmada üçüncü basamak bir çocuk acil servisine başvuran, enkaz altında kalmayan pediatrik ‘deprem mağduru’ hastaların değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: 7 Şubat 2023 ile 22 Şubat 2023 tarihleri arasında hastanemize depremden sonraki ilk 15 gün içinde başvuran ve enkaz altında kalmayan pediatrik ‘deprem mağdurlarının’ verileri geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi. Hastaların başvuru süreleri erken, orta ve geç başvurular olmak üzere üç gruba ayrıldı. Hastaların yaşı, cinsiyeti, uyruğu, şikâyeti ve klinik özellikleri, depreme maruz kaldıkları il, deprem anından başvuruya kadar geçen süre, hastaneye ulaşım şekli, tanı ve tedavileri kaydedildi.
Bulgular: Araştırmaya 719 depremzede çocuk katıldı. Hastaların ortalama yaşı 49 aydı (IQR 16 – 105), 387’si erkekti (%53.8). Yaş sınıflamasına göre infant (n=131; %18.2), oyun çocukluğu (n=192; %26.7) ve okul çocukluğu (n=207; %28.8) en sık başvuru yapılan yaş grubuydu. Depremden sonra hastanemize ilk başvuru 19 saat sonra gerçekleşti. Otuz beş (%4.8) hasta deprem sırasındaki kazalar nedeniyle başvurdu. Başvuran hastaların önde gelen tanıları üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonu (ÜSYE) (%33.9), akut gastroenterit (%14.4) ve orta kulak iltihabı (%11.2)’di. Hastaların 660’ı (%91.8) acil servisten taburcu edildi, 59’u (%8.2) hastaneye yatırıldı.
Sonuç: Depremin ilk günlerinde ikincil kazalar ön plana çıkarken, ilerleyen günlerde enfeksiyonlar takip etti. Afetlerde en savunmasız grup çocuklardır. Bu nedenle afet sonrası ‘iyileşme’ döneminde oluşabilecek ikincil kazalar, bulaşıcı hastalıklar ve özel tıbbi durumlarla başa çıkmak için iyi planlama yapılmalıdır.
Objective: After the earthquake, which was called the ‘Disaster of the Century’, which affected 11 provinces in our country on February 06, 2023 we presented the reflection of the grievances of children who were not trapped under the rubble in a pediatric emergency clinic 700 km away from the region. This study was aimed to evaluate the pediatric ‘earthquake victims’ patients, who were not trapped under the rubble, applied to the pediatric emergency department (PED) of a tertiary care children’s hospital.
Material and Methods: Between 7 February 2023 and 22 February 2023, the data of pediatric ‘earthquake victims’ who applied in the first 15 days after the earthquake to the PED of our hospital and were not trapped under the rubble, evaluated retrospectively. The admission times of the patients were divided into three groups as early, mid-term and late admissions. The age, gender, nationality, complaint and clinical characteristics of the patients, the province where they were exposed to the earthquake, the time from the moment of the earthquake to the application, the mode of transportation to the hospital diagnosis and treatments were recorded.
Results: The study included 719 earthquake victim children. Median age of patients was 49 months (IQR 16 – 105), 387 were male (53.8%). According to age classification, infancy (n=131; 18.2%), early childhood (n=192; 26.7%) and middle childhood (n=207; 28.8%) were the most frequent admissions. The first admission to our hospital after the earthquake was 19 hours later. Thirty five (4.8%) patients were applied due to accidents during the earthquake. The leading diagnoses of the patients applied were upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) (33.9%), acute gastroenteritis (14.4%) and otitis media (11.2%). Six hundred and sixty (91.8%) patients were discharged from the emergency department, 59 (8.2%) were hospitalized.
Conclusion: In the first days, while secondary accidents were at the forefront of the earthquake, in the following days, infections followed. Children are the most vulnerable group in disasters. For this reason, good planning should be done to deal with secondary accidents, infectious diseases and special medical conditions that may occur during the ‘healing’ period after disasters.
Primary Language | English |
Subjects | Clinical Sciences (Other) |
Journal Section | ORIGINAL ARTICLES |
Authors | |
Early Pub Date | May 10, 2024 |
Publication Date | July 22, 2024 |
Submission Date | February 16, 2024 |
Acceptance Date | March 25, 2024 |
Published in Issue | Year 2024 |
The publication language of Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease is English.
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