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Çocuklarda Salbutamol Zehirlenmesine Yaklaşım: Olgu Sunumu

Year 2017, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 138 - 140, 01.06.2017


Kısa etkili inhale beta 2 mimetik bir ilaç olan salbutamol, bronkospazm ve solunum sıkıntısı durumlarında çok sık kullanılmaktadır ama ülkemizde intihar amaçlı alımı nadir görülen bir durumdur. Salbutamole bağlı komplikasyonlar iyi bilinmektedir ve terapotik dozlarda da ortaya çıkabilir. İlaca bağlı toksikasyon geliştiğinde hiperaktivite, tremor, konvülzyon, hiperglisemi, hipokalemi, hipomagnezemi, laktik asidoz, hipotansiyon, hipertansiyon, konjestif kalp yetmezliği, miyokard iskemisi, atriyal ve ventriküler ektopik atımlar, atriyal aritmiler, QT uzaması ve ventriküler taşikardi gibi aritmiler ile ani kardiyak ölüm ortaya çıkabilir. Bu makalede, intihar amaçlı olarak salbutamolün tablet formundan 200 mgr kullanan 15 yaşındaki bir hasta sunuldu ve literatür bilgileri eşliğinde çocuklarda salbutamol zehirlenmesine yaklaşım tartışıldı.


  • Kayaalp SO. Bronkodilatatör ilaçlar ve diğer antiastmatik ilaçlar. Kayaalp SO (ed). Akılcıl Tedavi Yönünden Tıbbi Farmakoloji. Pelikan Yayıncılık, 2012:619-40.
  • Öztürk S, Özkısa T. Beta adrenerjik agonistler. Türkiye Klinikleri J Allergy-Special Topics 2012;5:25-33.
  • Lulich KM, Goldie RG, Ryan G, Paterson JW. Adverse reactions to beta 2-agonist bronchodilators. Med Toxicol 1986;1:286-99.
  • Danenberg HD. Salbutamol intoxication. Harefuah 1997;132:549- 51.
  • Uysal E, Solak S, Carus M,Uzun N, Cevik E. Salbutamol abuse is associated with ventricular fibrillation. Turk J Emerg Med 2015;15:87-9.
  • Karadeniz C, Özdemir R, Yozgat Y, Meşe T. Adenosine for Salbutamol induced supraventricular tachycardias: Letter to the editor. Pediatr Heart J 2014;1:323-4.
  • Bremner P, Woodman K, Burgess C, Crane J, Purdie G, Pearce N, et al. A comparison of the cardiovascular and metabolic effects of formoterol, salbutamol and fenoterol. Eur Respir J 1993;6:204-10.
  • Salpeter SR, Ormiston TM, Salpeter EE. Cardiovascular effects of beta-agonists in patients with asthma and COPD: A meta-analysis. Chest 2004;125:2309-21.
  • Boucher A, Payen C, Garayt C, Ibanez H, Dieny A, Doche C, et al. Salbutamol misuse or abuse with fatal outcome: A case-report. Hum Exp Toxicol 2011;30:1869-71.
  • Glatstein MM, Rimon A, Koren L, Marom R, Danino D, Scolnik D. Unintentional oral beta agonist overdose: Case report and review of the literature. Am J Ther 2013;20:311-4.
  • Yilmaz HL, Kucukosmanoglu O, Hennes H, Celik T. Salbutamol intoxication: Is salbutamol a drug-inducing fever? A case report and treatment strategy. Eur J Emerg Med 2002;9:179-82.

An Approach to Salbutamol Intoxication in Children: A Case Report

Year 2017, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 138 - 140, 01.06.2017


Salbutamol, a drug with short-acting inhaled beta 2 mimetic effect, is very frequently used in cases of bronchospasm and respiratory distress; however, its intake for suicide purposes is rare in Turkey. Salbutamol-induced complications are well established and may be seen at therapeutic doses. When drug-related intoxication develops, hyperactivity, tremor, convulsion, hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, lactic acidosis, hypotension, hypertension, congestive heart failure, myocardial ischemia, atrial and ventricular ectopic heart beats, atrial arrhythmias, QT prolongation and arrhythmias such as ventricular tachycardia and sudden cardiac death may occur. This paper presents a 15-year-old patient who used 200 mg salbutamol in tablet form for suicide purposes and discusses the approach to salbutamol intoxication with a review of the literature information


  • Kayaalp SO. Bronkodilatatör ilaçlar ve diğer antiastmatik ilaçlar. Kayaalp SO (ed). Akılcıl Tedavi Yönünden Tıbbi Farmakoloji. Pelikan Yayıncılık, 2012:619-40.
  • Öztürk S, Özkısa T. Beta adrenerjik agonistler. Türkiye Klinikleri J Allergy-Special Topics 2012;5:25-33.
  • Lulich KM, Goldie RG, Ryan G, Paterson JW. Adverse reactions to beta 2-agonist bronchodilators. Med Toxicol 1986;1:286-99.
  • Danenberg HD. Salbutamol intoxication. Harefuah 1997;132:549- 51.
  • Uysal E, Solak S, Carus M,Uzun N, Cevik E. Salbutamol abuse is associated with ventricular fibrillation. Turk J Emerg Med 2015;15:87-9.
  • Karadeniz C, Özdemir R, Yozgat Y, Meşe T. Adenosine for Salbutamol induced supraventricular tachycardias: Letter to the editor. Pediatr Heart J 2014;1:323-4.
  • Bremner P, Woodman K, Burgess C, Crane J, Purdie G, Pearce N, et al. A comparison of the cardiovascular and metabolic effects of formoterol, salbutamol and fenoterol. Eur Respir J 1993;6:204-10.
  • Salpeter SR, Ormiston TM, Salpeter EE. Cardiovascular effects of beta-agonists in patients with asthma and COPD: A meta-analysis. Chest 2004;125:2309-21.
  • Boucher A, Payen C, Garayt C, Ibanez H, Dieny A, Doche C, et al. Salbutamol misuse or abuse with fatal outcome: A case-report. Hum Exp Toxicol 2011;30:1869-71.
  • Glatstein MM, Rimon A, Koren L, Marom R, Danino D, Scolnik D. Unintentional oral beta agonist overdose: Case report and review of the literature. Am J Ther 2013;20:311-4.
  • Yilmaz HL, Kucukosmanoglu O, Hennes H, Celik T. Salbutamol intoxication: Is salbutamol a drug-inducing fever? A case report and treatment strategy. Eur J Emerg Med 2002;9:179-82.
There are 11 citations in total.


Other ID JA64GB79DU
Journal Section Case Report

Osman Güvenç This is me

Derya Çimen This is me

Eyüp Aslan This is me

Derya Arslan This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2017
Submission Date June 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


APA Güvenç, O., Çimen, D., Aslan, E., Arslan, D. (2017). An Approach to Salbutamol Intoxication in Children: A Case Report. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 11(2), 138-140.
AMA Güvenç O, Çimen D, Aslan E, Arslan D. An Approach to Salbutamol Intoxication in Children: A Case Report. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. June 2017;11(2):138-140.
Chicago Güvenç, Osman, Derya Çimen, Eyüp Aslan, and Derya Arslan. “An Approach to Salbutamol Intoxication in Children: A Case Report”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 11, no. 2 (June 2017): 138-40.
EndNote Güvenç O, Çimen D, Aslan E, Arslan D (June 1, 2017) An Approach to Salbutamol Intoxication in Children: A Case Report. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 11 2 138–140.
IEEE O. Güvenç, D. Çimen, E. Aslan, and D. Arslan, “An Approach to Salbutamol Intoxication in Children: A Case Report”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 138–140, 2017.
ISNAD Güvenç, Osman et al. “An Approach to Salbutamol Intoxication in Children: A Case Report”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 11/2 (June 2017), 138-140.
JAMA Güvenç O, Çimen D, Aslan E, Arslan D. An Approach to Salbutamol Intoxication in Children: A Case Report. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2017;11:138–140.
MLA Güvenç, Osman et al. “An Approach to Salbutamol Intoxication in Children: A Case Report”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, vol. 11, no. 2, 2017, pp. 138-40.
Vancouver Güvenç O, Çimen D, Aslan E, Arslan D. An Approach to Salbutamol Intoxication in Children: A Case Report. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2017;11(2):138-40.

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