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Çocuk Acil Servisine Başvuran Adli Olguların Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2016, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 237 - 240, 01.12.2016


Amaç: Pediatrik acil servislerde adli olgular önemli bir halk sağlığı problemidir. Adli olguların pediatrik fiziksel sakatlık ve ölümün önde gelen nedenlerinden olduğu düşünülmektedir. Pediatrik acil servisimize adli olgu olarak başvuran hastaların demografik özelliklerini incelemeyi amaçladık.Gereç ve Yöntemler: 2 yıllık bir çalışma periyodunda acil servisimize başvuran ve adli olgu olarak tedavi edilen toplam 1856 kişi çalışmaya alındı. Hasta bilgileri hastane kayıtlarından elde edilmiştir ve acil servis doktorları tarafından analiz edilmiştir.Bulgular: Çalışmaya 671 erkek (%42.3) ve 915 kız (%57.7) dâhil edildi. Hastaların çoğunluğu 11- 14 yaş grubundaydı (n=397; %25.0). İlaç alımı en sık başvuru nedeniydi (n= 827; %52.1). Adli olgu başvurularında kış mevsimi en sık başvuru mevsimi (n= 486; %30.6), Ocak ayı en sık başvuru ayıydı (n=182; %11.5). Hastaların çoğunluğu 18-24 saatleri arasında başvurmuştu (n=551; %34.75). 947 olgunun (%59.7) başvuru anında hayati riski vardı.Sonuç: Çocuk ve adölesan yaralanmalarını önlemede efektif önleyici stratejilerin geliştirilmesi gereklidir.


  • World Health Organisation. World Report on Child Injury Prevention. Accessed: 12 September 2015. Available from: http://www.who. int/ violence_injury_ prevention / child/injury/world_report/report/ en/
  • Judy K. Unintentional  injuries  in  pediatrics. Pediatr Rev 2011;32:431-38.
  • Sever M, Saz EU, Koşargelir M. An evaluation of the pediatric medico-legal admissions to a tertiary hospital emergency department. Turk J Trauma & Emergency Surgery 2010;16: 260-67.
  • Rivara FP, Calonge N, Thomson RS. Population-based study of unintentional injury incidence and impact during childhood. Am Public Health 1989;79: 990-4.

Evaluation of Medico-Legal Cases in the Pediatric Emergency Department

Year 2016, Volume: 10 Issue: 4, 237 - 240, 01.12.2016


Objective: Pediatric medico-legal events are important public health problems in the pediatric emergency service. They are considered among the leading causes of pediatric disabilities and deaths. We performed a study to evaluate the demographic features of the medico-legal cases who presented to our pediatric emergency service.Material and Methods: During the 2-years study period, a total of 1586 patients presented to our service and were treated as medico-legal cases. Information about the patients was obtained from hospital records and analysed by the medical staff of the pediatric emergency service. Results: 671 male (42.3%) and 915 female (57.7%) patients were included in our study. The majority of the patients were between 11- 14 years of age (n=397; 25.0%). Drug intake was the major complaint (n= 827; 52.1%) of our patients. Winter was the most common season (n= 486; 30.6%) and January (n=182; 11.5%) was the most common month for medico-legal admissions. The majority of the patients (n=551; 34.75%) presented to our emergency between 18-24 hours. 947 cases (59.7%) had health risks at the time of presentation.Conclusion: Developing effective preventive strategies is essential to prevent child and adolescent injuries


  • World Health Organisation. World Report on Child Injury Prevention. Accessed: 12 September 2015. Available from: http://www.who. int/ violence_injury_ prevention / child/injury/world_report/report/ en/
  • Judy K. Unintentional  injuries  in  pediatrics. Pediatr Rev 2011;32:431-38.
  • Sever M, Saz EU, Koşargelir M. An evaluation of the pediatric medico-legal admissions to a tertiary hospital emergency department. Turk J Trauma & Emergency Surgery 2010;16: 260-67.
  • Rivara FP, Calonge N, Thomson RS. Population-based study of unintentional injury incidence and impact during childhood. Am Public Health 1989;79: 990-4.
There are 4 citations in total.


Other ID JA36YM59MC
Journal Section Research Article

Ramiz Coşkun Gündüz This is me

Halit Halil This is me

Cemile Demirel Açıkalın This is me

Cüneyt Gürsoy This is me

Funda Kurt This is me

Şanlıay Şahin This is me

Atilla Çifci This is me

Seher Özgün This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2016
Submission Date December 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 10 Issue: 4


APA Gündüz, R. C., Halil, H., Açıkalın, C. D., Gürsoy, C., et al. (2016). Evaluation of Medico-Legal Cases in the Pediatric Emergency Department. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 10(4), 237-240.
AMA Gündüz RC, Halil H, Açıkalın CD, Gürsoy C, Kurt F, Şahin Ş, Çifci A, Özgün S. Evaluation of Medico-Legal Cases in the Pediatric Emergency Department. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. December 2016;10(4):237-240.
Chicago Gündüz, Ramiz Coşkun, Halit Halil, Cemile Demirel Açıkalın, Cüneyt Gürsoy, Funda Kurt, Şanlıay Şahin, Atilla Çifci, and Seher Özgün. “Evaluation of Medico-Legal Cases in the Pediatric Emergency Department”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 10, no. 4 (December 2016): 237-40.
EndNote Gündüz RC, Halil H, Açıkalın CD, Gürsoy C, Kurt F, Şahin Ş, Çifci A, Özgün S (December 1, 2016) Evaluation of Medico-Legal Cases in the Pediatric Emergency Department. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 10 4 237–240.
IEEE R. C. Gündüz, H. Halil, C. D. Açıkalın, C. Gürsoy, F. Kurt, Ş. Şahin, A. Çifci, and S. Özgün, “Evaluation of Medico-Legal Cases in the Pediatric Emergency Department”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 237–240, 2016.
ISNAD Gündüz, Ramiz Coşkun et al. “Evaluation of Medico-Legal Cases in the Pediatric Emergency Department”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 10/4 (December 2016), 237-240.
JAMA Gündüz RC, Halil H, Açıkalın CD, Gürsoy C, Kurt F, Şahin Ş, Çifci A, Özgün S. Evaluation of Medico-Legal Cases in the Pediatric Emergency Department. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2016;10:237–240.
MLA Gündüz, Ramiz Coşkun et al. “Evaluation of Medico-Legal Cases in the Pediatric Emergency Department”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 4, 2016, pp. 237-40.
Vancouver Gündüz RC, Halil H, Açıkalın CD, Gürsoy C, Kurt F, Şahin Ş, Çifci A, Özgün S. Evaluation of Medico-Legal Cases in the Pediatric Emergency Department. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2016;10(4):237-40.

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