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Akut Gastroenteritli 0-5 Yaş Arası Çocuklarda Viral Etkenlerin Sıklığının Araştırılması

Year 2016, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 101 - 106, 01.06.2016


Amaç: Viral gastroenteritler, çocukluk çağında görülen gastroenteritlerin en sık nedenidir. Başlıca enterik virüsler; rotavirüsler, enterik adenovirüsler, astrovirüsler, nörovirüsler ve sapovirüsleri içeren kalisivirüslerdir. Çeşitli ülkelerde yapılan son çalışmalarda nörovirüsler, çocukluk çağı gastroenteritlerinde önemli bir enterik patojen olarak belirlendi. Ancak nörovirüs enfeksiyonlarının epidemiyolojik özellikleri ve hastalık yükü bilinmemektedir. Çalışmanın amacı viral gastroenteritlerde nörovirüs sıklığını belirlemektir.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Kasım 2011-Aralık 2012 tarihleri arasında ishal atağı ile pediatri polikliniğine ayaktan başvuran 96 hastanın gaita örnekleri analiz edildi. Gaita örneklerinde, rotavirüs, enterik adenovirüs ve nörovirüs immünokromatografik yöntemle araştırıldı. Akut gastroenteritli 1-60 ay arası çocuklar çalışmaya dahil edildi. İshal atağının şiddeti ‘Vesikari’ skoru kullanılarak belirlendi.Bulgular: Hastalardan alınan 96 gaita örneğinin 53’ünde viral antijen tespit edildi. Rotavirüs %39.6, adenovirüs %10,4, nörovirüs %5.2, oranında tespit edildi. Hastaların ortalama yaşı 20,4±14,5(3-59) aydı. Çalışmada, gastroenteritle ilişkili semptomlardan kusma %77.1, ateş %50, karın ağrısı %24, bulantı %18.8 oranında bulundu. Kusma, rotavirüs pozitif hastalarda %92.1 oranında tespit edildi, istatiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu (p=0.005).Sonuç: 0-5 yaş arası akut gastroenteritli çocuklarda 6 ay süren çalışmada, nörovirüsler; rotavirüs ve enterik adenovirüslerden sonra üçüncü viral patojen olarak saptanmıştır.


  • Motamedifar M, Amini E, Talezadeh Shirazi P. Frequency of rotavi- rus and adenovirus gastroenteritis among children in Shiraz, iran. Iran Red Crescent Med J 2013;15:729-33.
  • Uyar Y, Çarhan A, Özkaya E, Ertek M. Türkiye’de 2008 yılında ortaya çıkan ilk norovirus salgınının laboratuvar sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi. Mikrobiyol Bul 2008;42:607-15.
  • Meng CY, Smith B, Bodhidatta L, Richard SA, Vansith K, Thy B, et al. Etiology of diarrhea in young children and patterns of antibiotic resistance in Cambodia. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2011;30:331-5.
  • Ospino DU, Young G, Navarro OA. Viral gastroenteritis and diversity of Rotavirus strains in Colombian children: A systematic review. J Infect Dev Ctries 2008;2:99-105.
  • Tekin A. Mardin’deki akut gastroenteritli çocuklarda rotavirüs ve enterik adenovirüs sıklığı. Klin Der Ar Derg 2010;1:41-5.
  • Iritani N, Seto Y, Kubo H, Murakami T, Haruki K, Ayata M, et al. Prevalence of Norwalk-like virüs infections in cases of viral gastroenteritis among children in Osaka City, Japan. J Clin Microbiol 2003;41:1756-9.
  • Lopman BA, Reacher M, Gallimore C, Adak GK, Gray JJ, Brown DW. A summertime peak of ‘’winter vomiting disease’’: Surveillance of noroviruses in England and Wales, 1995 to 2002. BMC Public Health 2003;3:1-4.
  • Devrim İ, Kurugöl Z. Gastrointestinal Infections. J Pediatr Inf 2014;8:71-81.
  • Özdemir S, Delialioğlu N, Emekdaş G. Akut gastroenteritli çocuklarda rotavirus, adenovirus ve astrovirus sıklığının araştırılması ve epidemiyolojik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi. Mikrobiyol Bul 2010;44:571-8.
  • Gül M, Garipardıç M, Çıragil P, Aral M, Karabiber H, Güler İ. 0-5 yaş arası gastroenteritli çocuklarda rotavirüs ve adenovirüs tip 40/41 araştırılması. ANKEM Derg 2005;19:64-7.
  • Levidiotou S, Gartzonika C, Papaventsis D, Christaki C, Priavali E, Zotos N et al. Viral agents of acute gastroenteritis in hospitalized children in Greece. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2009;15:596- 8.
  • Colomba C, Grazia S De, Giammanco GM, Saporito L, Scarlata F, Arista TS. Viral gastroenteritis in children hospitalised in Sicily, Italy. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2006;25:570-5.
  • Lin CY, Chiu NC, Lee HC, Chuang CK, Lin SP, Yeung CY. The emerging importance of Norovirus as the etiology of pediatric gastroenteritis in Taipei. J Microbiol Immunol Infect 2010;43:105- 10.
  • Chen SM, Ni YH, Chen LH, Chang MH. Microbial etiology of acute gastroenteritis in hospitalized children in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc 2006;105:964-70.
  • Akdoğan D, Çınar S, Şahin İ, Per H, Kılıç H. 0-5 yaş çocuk ishallerinde rotavirüs araştırılması. İnfeksiyon Dergisi 2001;15:291- 4.
  • Singh PB, Sreenivasan MA, Pavri KM. Viruses in acute gastroenteritis in children in Puna, India. Epidem Inf 1989;102:345- 53.
  • Koopmans M, Asperen V. Epidemiology of rotavirus infections in the Netherlands. Acta Pediatr Suppl 1999;426:31-7.
  • Karadağ A, Açıkgöz ZC, Avcı Z, Çatal F, Göçer S, Gamberzade S, et al. Childhood diarrhoea in Ankara, Turkey: Epidemiological and clinical features of rotavirus-positive versus-negative cases. Scand J Infect Dis 2005;37:269-75.
  • Colomba C, Grazia S De, Giammanco GM, Saporito L, Scarlata F, Arista TS. Viral gastroenteritis in children hospitalised in Sicily, Italy. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2006;25:570-5.
  • Räsänen S,  Lappalainen S,  Salminen M,  Huhti L,  Vesikari  T. Noroviruses in children seen in a hospital for acute gastroenteritis in Finland. Eur J Pediatr 2011;170:1413-8.
  • Wu TC, Liu HH, Chen YJ, Tang RB, Hwang BT, Yuan HC. Comparison of clinical features of childhood Norovirus and Rotavirus gastroenteritis in Taiwan. J Chin Med Assoc 2008;71:566-70.

Investigation of the Frequency of Viral Agents in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in the 0-5 Years Age Group

Year 2016, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 101 - 106, 01.06.2016


Objective: Viral gastroenteritis is the most frequent cause of gastroenteritis in childhood. The major enteric viruses are rotaviruses, enteric adenoviruses, astroviruses and human caliciviruses including noroviruses and sapoviruses. Recent surveys conducted in various countries have identified noroviruses as an important enteric pathogens in sporadic cases of gastroenteritis in childhood. However, the epidemiological features and disease load are unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of norovirus gastroenteritis among viral gastroenteritis cases. Material and Methods: Stool specimens of 96 cases who had presented to our pediatrics outpatient clinic between November 2011 and April 2012 due to diarrhea were analyzed. Rotavirus, enteric adenovirus and norovirus were searched for in stool specimens using the immunochromatographic method. Patients with acute gastroenteritis between the ages of 1-60 months were included in the study. The severity of gastroenteritis was assessed by using the Vesicari scale. Results: Viral antigens were determined in 53 of the 96 stool specimens. Rotaviruses were identified in 39.6%, adenoviruses in 10.4%, and noroviruses in 5.2%. The mean age on admission was 20.4±14.5 months. The clinical symptoms associated with viral gastroenteritis in this study were vomiting (77.1%), fever (50%), abdominal cramps (24%), and nausea (18.8%). Vomiting was identified in 92.1% of rotavirus positive patients and this was statistically significant (p=0.005). Conclusion: During the study period of six months, norovirus has determined as third viral pathogen after rotavirus and adenovirus with gastroenteritis in children 0-5 age group


  • Motamedifar M, Amini E, Talezadeh Shirazi P. Frequency of rotavi- rus and adenovirus gastroenteritis among children in Shiraz, iran. Iran Red Crescent Med J 2013;15:729-33.
  • Uyar Y, Çarhan A, Özkaya E, Ertek M. Türkiye’de 2008 yılında ortaya çıkan ilk norovirus salgınının laboratuvar sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi. Mikrobiyol Bul 2008;42:607-15.
  • Meng CY, Smith B, Bodhidatta L, Richard SA, Vansith K, Thy B, et al. Etiology of diarrhea in young children and patterns of antibiotic resistance in Cambodia. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2011;30:331-5.
  • Ospino DU, Young G, Navarro OA. Viral gastroenteritis and diversity of Rotavirus strains in Colombian children: A systematic review. J Infect Dev Ctries 2008;2:99-105.
  • Tekin A. Mardin’deki akut gastroenteritli çocuklarda rotavirüs ve enterik adenovirüs sıklığı. Klin Der Ar Derg 2010;1:41-5.
  • Iritani N, Seto Y, Kubo H, Murakami T, Haruki K, Ayata M, et al. Prevalence of Norwalk-like virüs infections in cases of viral gastroenteritis among children in Osaka City, Japan. J Clin Microbiol 2003;41:1756-9.
  • Lopman BA, Reacher M, Gallimore C, Adak GK, Gray JJ, Brown DW. A summertime peak of ‘’winter vomiting disease’’: Surveillance of noroviruses in England and Wales, 1995 to 2002. BMC Public Health 2003;3:1-4.
  • Devrim İ, Kurugöl Z. Gastrointestinal Infections. J Pediatr Inf 2014;8:71-81.
  • Özdemir S, Delialioğlu N, Emekdaş G. Akut gastroenteritli çocuklarda rotavirus, adenovirus ve astrovirus sıklığının araştırılması ve epidemiyolojik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi. Mikrobiyol Bul 2010;44:571-8.
  • Gül M, Garipardıç M, Çıragil P, Aral M, Karabiber H, Güler İ. 0-5 yaş arası gastroenteritli çocuklarda rotavirüs ve adenovirüs tip 40/41 araştırılması. ANKEM Derg 2005;19:64-7.
  • Levidiotou S, Gartzonika C, Papaventsis D, Christaki C, Priavali E, Zotos N et al. Viral agents of acute gastroenteritis in hospitalized children in Greece. Clinical Microbiology and Infection 2009;15:596- 8.
  • Colomba C, Grazia S De, Giammanco GM, Saporito L, Scarlata F, Arista TS. Viral gastroenteritis in children hospitalised in Sicily, Italy. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2006;25:570-5.
  • Lin CY, Chiu NC, Lee HC, Chuang CK, Lin SP, Yeung CY. The emerging importance of Norovirus as the etiology of pediatric gastroenteritis in Taipei. J Microbiol Immunol Infect 2010;43:105- 10.
  • Chen SM, Ni YH, Chen LH, Chang MH. Microbial etiology of acute gastroenteritis in hospitalized children in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc 2006;105:964-70.
  • Akdoğan D, Çınar S, Şahin İ, Per H, Kılıç H. 0-5 yaş çocuk ishallerinde rotavirüs araştırılması. İnfeksiyon Dergisi 2001;15:291- 4.
  • Singh PB, Sreenivasan MA, Pavri KM. Viruses in acute gastroenteritis in children in Puna, India. Epidem Inf 1989;102:345- 53.
  • Koopmans M, Asperen V. Epidemiology of rotavirus infections in the Netherlands. Acta Pediatr Suppl 1999;426:31-7.
  • Karadağ A, Açıkgöz ZC, Avcı Z, Çatal F, Göçer S, Gamberzade S, et al. Childhood diarrhoea in Ankara, Turkey: Epidemiological and clinical features of rotavirus-positive versus-negative cases. Scand J Infect Dis 2005;37:269-75.
  • Colomba C, Grazia S De, Giammanco GM, Saporito L, Scarlata F, Arista TS. Viral gastroenteritis in children hospitalised in Sicily, Italy. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2006;25:570-5.
  • Räsänen S,  Lappalainen S,  Salminen M,  Huhti L,  Vesikari  T. Noroviruses in children seen in a hospital for acute gastroenteritis in Finland. Eur J Pediatr 2011;170:1413-8.
  • Wu TC, Liu HH, Chen YJ, Tang RB, Hwang BT, Yuan HC. Comparison of clinical features of childhood Norovirus and Rotavirus gastroenteritis in Taiwan. J Chin Med Assoc 2008;71:566-70.
There are 21 citations in total.


Other ID JA29PN52PY
Journal Section Research Article

Ayşe Yasemin Çelik This is me

Melike Emiroğlu This is me

Muhammet Güzel Kurtoğlu This is me

Aşkın İnci This is me

Dursun Odabaş This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2016
Submission Date June 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Çelik, A. Y., Emiroğlu, M., Kurtoğlu, M. G., İnci, A., et al. (2016). Investigation of the Frequency of Viral Agents in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in the 0-5 Years Age Group. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, 10(2), 101-106.
AMA Çelik AY, Emiroğlu M, Kurtoğlu MG, İnci A, Odabaş D. Investigation of the Frequency of Viral Agents in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in the 0-5 Years Age Group. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. June 2016;10(2):101-106.
Chicago Çelik, Ayşe Yasemin, Melike Emiroğlu, Muhammet Güzel Kurtoğlu, Aşkın İnci, and Dursun Odabaş. “Investigation of the Frequency of Viral Agents in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in the 0-5 Years Age Group”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 10, no. 2 (June 2016): 101-6.
EndNote Çelik AY, Emiroğlu M, Kurtoğlu MG, İnci A, Odabaş D (June 1, 2016) Investigation of the Frequency of Viral Agents in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in the 0-5 Years Age Group. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 10 2 101–106.
IEEE A. Y. Çelik, M. Emiroğlu, M. G. Kurtoğlu, A. İnci, and D. Odabaş, “Investigation of the Frequency of Viral Agents in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in the 0-5 Years Age Group”, Turkish J Pediatr Dis, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 101–106, 2016.
ISNAD Çelik, Ayşe Yasemin et al. “Investigation of the Frequency of Viral Agents in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in the 0-5 Years Age Group”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi 10/2 (June 2016), 101-106.
JAMA Çelik AY, Emiroğlu M, Kurtoğlu MG, İnci A, Odabaş D. Investigation of the Frequency of Viral Agents in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in the 0-5 Years Age Group. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2016;10:101–106.
MLA Çelik, Ayşe Yasemin et al. “Investigation of the Frequency of Viral Agents in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in the 0-5 Years Age Group”. Türkiye Çocuk Hastalıkları Dergisi, vol. 10, no. 2, 2016, pp. 101-6.
Vancouver Çelik AY, Emiroğlu M, Kurtoğlu MG, İnci A, Odabaş D. Investigation of the Frequency of Viral Agents in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis in the 0-5 Years Age Group. Turkish J Pediatr Dis. 2016;10(2):101-6.

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